“The skating rink has a history of attracting large crowds of teens and young adults. “
Black mob violence. More than 100 people. Lots and lots of cops fighting and using pepper spray. And oh yeah, it has been happening a long time. Not just Baltimore. That should do it.[145]
Texas Dead.
It happens there too, really.
When Denton Ward and Lauren Bailey and two other friends rolled into McDonald’s in College Station, Texas, they had no idea what happens to white people who wander into black crowds.
They had never heard of the Chicago court decision featuring a Harvard professor talking about Routine Activity Theory: White people in black neighborhoods can routinely expect to be the victim of black violence.
Only as Denton and Lauren found out, it is way past being a theory. Denton and Lauren had no idea that the 200 to 400 black people – many from black college fraternities -- milling around McDonald’s had a history of regular and frequent and intense violence.
“Between 2009 and 2012, there were 210 police calls made in reference to the McDonald's, he said.[146]
The “he” is a lawyer for the two college kids we just mentioned. Technically, he represents their families, since they died as a result of injuries received in a beat down that night.
David Paulin at American Thinker did a great job in teasing out what local papers, local police, local school officials were happy to ignore: This was black mob violence on an epic scale and it had happened before.
Paulin sets the scene:[147] When Denton and Lauren et al rolled into the parking lot, they were greeted with lots of hostility along the lines of “You are in the wrong place cowboy.”
Both inside and out, University McDonald's was bustling. But it definitely wasn't the usual daytime crowd–-- clean-cut and mostly white“Aggies” as A&M's students are known. Instead, up to 400 black males were loitering about the parking lot, a police officer later estimated. Inside, it was mostly a black crowd too: a large number of black males were loitering about, many without food. Some were shirtless.
White patrons appeared to be especially susceptible and at risk -- and when they were attacked, the blows were particularly vicious.
The parents won a judgment for $27 million dollars against McDonald’s – the jury agreed that McDonald’s should have known their franchise store was very, very dangerous. As for the other 400 people involved, one ultimately pled guilty to a misdemeanor.
Stitches for snitches. Some say you could set up an entire YouTube channel just using videos of black mob violence at Micky D’s. How about a play list instead:[148]
I get lots of email from Texas. Most of it bragging about how this kind of thing does not happen down there. But it does. Maybe not as much. Maybe.
Over in Austin, LiveLeak.com lit up the Internet in February 2014 with another Texas attack: A video of a black mob assaulting two white guys in Austin. The video opens with a group of 10 black people confronting three white people.[149]
As the confrontation escalates, a black person calls for help, and the assault begins. It ends two minutes later with one of the white people on the ground, surrounded by black people kicking and punching him in the face with the encouragement of other black people whooping and hollering off camera.
As police sirens get closer, several black people approach the fallen person and kick him in the face, before running away.
Austin has long been a center for black mob violence in Texas. The latest example came the week before Halloween in 2013, when 200 black people rampaged through a mall parking lot that was hosting a Halloween haunted house.[150]
Much of the action was captured on video. Still many reporters in Austin denied that race had anything to do with the black mob violence. As they denied similar violence at the same mall over the last several years.
Let’s complete the Texas run back at College stormed a convenience store, and created 20 minutes of mayhem, theft and property destruction. Much like the hundreds of other examples [151] of flash robs at convenience stores around the country.
Like the others, this was caught on video -- but with a twist: Members of the black mob were “twerking” outside while their friends rushed in and out of the store.[152]
A mother of one of the black people involved said it would not be fair to call her daughter a hoodlum just because she and her friends were acting “mischievous.”
Many people in Texas took pride in the fact that their state has largely escaped the pandemic of racial violence. But no more: “Lots of people in Texas like to say we are immune from the Knockout Game and other forms of racial violence," said Tom O'Halloran, a Texas talk show host. "I was stunned when we started seeing it happen here. I personally know several Texans that upped their concealed carry in both caliber, and enough capacity to defend against a mob. The times, they are a changing'."
We’re not done with Texas yet. No sir.
The Knockout Game on Bikes
Let’s Call It the Portland-Style
The summer of 2013 will be remembered as the time Portland figured out it was in the middle of a nasty bout of black mob violence. A lot of it directed at white people who ride bicycles.[153]
Playing the Knockout Game with people on bikes is a special kind of fun and it happens on bike trails all over the country.
But Tim Oberlander did not want us to know that. Oberlander said he wanted to be able to live in a city that “does good things for good people.”[154]
So what’s wrong with that?
Oberlander is a news editor at KGW TV in Portland. His city is under attack from black mob violence centered on Martin Luther King Boulevard. This mob has been attacking bike riders, housewives, students, seniors, you name it. [155]
These attacks are part of a long —but quiet —history of racial violence in a liberal enclave that prides itself on racial tolerance and harmony. But in reality is just a more determined form of denial and deceit.
But you would never know it from Oberlander.
Oberlander and his station raised money to fix the teeth of a recent victim of black mob violence. “Now we’ve raised money for Andy’s (Sweeney’s) teeth, I can say that we live in a city that does good things for good people.”[156]
Oberlander might think he is a good person. But some of his viewers say he is a dangerous person for leaving out the descriptions of the predators in his news accounts. Oops, that’s what reporters do when they want to tell you what is really happening but don’t have the nuts to say so.
They play the “according to other people” game. So let’s rephrase that: I say any news director who withholds details of violence that could help an audience avoid it is dangerous and stupid. Or is it stupid and dangerous? Discuss amongst yourselves.
Andy Sweeney’s toothless adventure began when he was riding home from the grocery store in August when a “group of teens” threw a traffic cone at him. Knocking him off his bike, leaving him with a concussion and two shattered front teeth in what used to be a winning smile.
“It’s crazy,” Sweeney told KGW. “I don’t really understand their motivation or what they were going for.”(Check out the video of violence and denial here:)
Lots of readers figured it out, even if the KGW was determined to ignore it: “Great job ‘whitewashing’ the story,” said David Klassix at KGW’s reader comment section. “And failing to mention the attackers were black.”
Said another, Chloe Ru “Hey KGW. I will help you do something called REPORTING THE FACTS instead of hiding the truth,” said Ru. Another victim said “her attackers were a group of [AFRICAN AMERICAN aka BLACK] teenage boys and she suspects they didn’t stop with her.”
“Anyone with any information about a roaming pack of AFRICAN AMERICAN aka BLACK teenage thugs beating anyone else, please call…..Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. They care just as much as KGW does about the community’s safety.”
Sweeney described his attackers on Twitter: “Black kids in h
oodies.” Guess Oberlander doesn’t do the Twitter thing. After the sanitized version of the bike attacks became public, other victims of black mob violence in that area stepped forward as well, one at Reddit.com in response to Sweeney’s Tweet:
“Same thing happened to me once except it was rocks being thrown, and thankfully my teeth are intact. The best you can do is just avoid being around any collection of young black males. It isn’t being racist it’s just being practical.”
Many of the attacks are centered on Martin Luther King Boulevard. Maybe local media thinks everyone already knows this is a black part of town. For the benefit of the out of towners, it is.
Some of my readers provided a link to the Chris Rock comedy bit,[157] back when he was still doing this kind of thing
“I don’t care where you are in America, if you’re on Martin Luther King Boulevard, there’s some violence going down.
It ain’t the safest place to be. You can’t call nobody and tell them you are lost on MLK.” (If you do, they will say) RUN! RUN! RUN!
One of the recent victims, a middle aged woman, wound up in the emergency room. Neighbors passed around a warning flyer. Said KGW:
I heard some noise across the street and apparently one of the guys that was trying to vandalize the car came across the street,” said Amy Wilson.“(He) hit me very, very hard. (He) knocked me out cold. I fell back and hit my head on the sidewalk.
She suffered a concussion and needed 12 stitches to close the wound on the back of her head.
Wilson said her attackers were a group of teenage boys and she suspects they didn’t stop with her.“I’m almost convinced that it’s the same group that we’ve talked about that are going against cyclists,” she said.
Then another victim came forward to OregonLive.com:[158]
It was at least the second time in less than a week that a group of teenagers had assaulted a bicyclist along MLK.
Last Tuesday night, Bill Lynch, 64, had just crossed MLK as he pedaled home from a garden party when someone in a group of“three to five young people” knocked him off his bicycle on the Northeast Going Street Neighborhood Greenway.
“They were walking down the middle of the street like they owned it,” Lynch said.“I don’t know what hit me. A strong fist? Something in someone’s hand? It hurt.”
Lynch said he was riding past the group and the blow“came out of nowhere.”
“When I filed a police report the officer said similar nighttime incidents had occurred in the neighborhood recently,” Lynch writes in a flyer that he posted in his neighborhood to encourage people to be more vigilant.“I learned there was another attack on Aug. 19. In a couple of cases, the bicyclists were beaten and had their bikes stolen.”
And another, Chris Freeman who wrote:
I was also attacked by a group of about five kids on bikes at NE 7th and Stanton at about 11pm on Aug 17. One of them jumped off his bike and tried to push me over. Luckily I didn’t lose my balance after being pushed and was able to get away.
Still another:
Bummer man. I was riding near SEI in North Portland a few years ago with my 3-year-old daughter in a Burley behind me when 5 dudes (yes, they had dark skin) jumped out and threw rocks at us. Amazingly, considering how close they were and how many there were they completely missed and I hightailed it out of there, just feeling really sad about humanity.
You might want to stop and watch the South Park episode about the Smug Alert.[159]
Some Portland residents were willing to point out the obvious: “There’s a lot of black-on-white animosity in NE and N Portland. Especially towards white bicyclists.”
But others in Portland, like Oberlander, are eager to say they live in a city without racial tension — or violence. Several commenters at the Reddit.com news site say white people do it all the time too.
“But there are dumbass white kids who dress the same that are capable of doing stupid shit like this, too. The kids in this instance didn’t necessarily have to be black, but it is what it is. Dumbassedness knows no racial bounds.”
Straw Man Alert.
Notice how when people say white people do it too they NEVER supply police reports, links, pictures or even anecdotes of roving bands of Caucasian youth creating violence against black people — or anyone else.
Others in Portland grudgingly admit that violence is real. But they plead guilty with an explanation: Said someone at Reddit.com identified as Kounterculture:
“I think that a lot of it has to do with the fact that in the african-american community bicycling isn’t seen as a viable alternative to the automobile. It isn’t mostly racial animosity, although I’m sure some of that goes on.”
That’s a new one: Black people attack white bikers because they do not see bikes as a viable alternative to the automobile?
Breathless. Plus, note the mind-reading skills. If Oberlander is taking up collections for dangerously stupid people, I think we have our first recipient.
Black mob violence against bicyclists and others has been a regular — and unreported in local media — feature of life in Portland since at least 2007. Bike Portland carried stories seven years ago of several cases of black mob violence against bikers.
The web site mentioned the race of the attackers, but largely to dismiss the idea that race had anything to do with it:[160]
I don’t think these attacks are solely about race, but I also don’t think the conversation is real and honest if we don’t mention it.
And I think any mention of race must also include the realities of gentrification in Northeast Portland. I think there remains resentment in the black community about gentrification…but whether that has to do with bikes and whites is hard to say.
Are bikes somehow symbolic of whites and gentrification to the eyes black community? I’m not sure, but it’s a question I’d like to delve deeper into. It’s certainly obvious that Portland’s cycling population could be more diverse.
For those of you unversed in the lingo of White Liberal Desperation, here is a translation: Black mobs attack bike riders in Portland because they are not diverse enough. And they don’t like white people moving in or riding through their neighborhoods.
Was seven years long enough to delve more deeply into it? Guess not.
Taleeb Starkes describes many examples of black on white crime in his book: The Uncivil War.
“Portland is one of the most liberal cities in the country,” said Starkes. “They are quite proud of that. But this same liberalism is causing them to ignore, condone and excuse black on white crime and black mob violence. People who commit these horrific acts of violence are one thing. But people who condone them by ignoring them or refusing to tell the truth about them only encourage more of them to occur. Those folks are sicker than the criminals.”
Tim Oberlander, meet Taleeb Starkes. Ty to his friends.
You can call him Taleeb.
Racial Disparity is a Bitch:
The President and the Black Caucus:
No matter how hard President Obama tries to persuade the country that black people are the real victims of racial violence, black people will just not cooperate.
One Saturday night in September 2014, the President was telling members of the Congressional Black Caucus about how police are constantly picking on black people. For No Reason What So Ever.[161]
And this racial disparity means police have to change —arresting fewer black people for starters. Or more white people.
At almost the exact moment the President was repeating this standard litany of racial grievance, two black people in Ferguson shot a cop. They did not appreciate it when the cop caught them in the middle of a burglary.
To some, the fact that black violent crime is wildly out of proportion might disrupt the President’s carefully crafted gospel of grievance. But to this crowd, it was easily explained. Congressman John Conyers did just that just a few weeks prior.
Conyers was reminding the audience of a congressional hearing about
the ins and outs of racism: How it is conscious and subconscious. How it is everywhere. All the time. And how that explains the enormous disparity in crime rates between black and white people.[162]
“With enough time and officers in a certain location, it is only a matter of time before they find reasonable suspicion to stop, detain and arrest someone— or many people,” said Conyers, presaging the President’s remarks.
This was not a gotcha moment: The racist criminal justice system was all Conyers and the other member of the Black Caucus talked about during this hearing.
No one is denying that protestors in Ferguson, unhappy with the shooting of Michael Ferguson, had been threatening police with violence. Regularly for weeks. They just say this shooting had nothing to do with that.
And neither did another shooting later that night: A carful of people shot a gun full of bullets at an off-duty Ferguson officer while he was driving on the freeway. Disparity is a bitch.[163]
While the President and his buddies at the Black Caucus try to figure out whether racist conditions cause black people to commit more crime, or whether racism causes police to arrest them more often —For No Reason What So Ever—victims of black mob violence are hoping they figure it out fast.
At the exact moment the President was hitting his stride about how black people are victims of relentless white racism and violence, members of a neighborhood group in North Minneapolis were struggling with the opposite problem on their Facebook Page:
A friend and I were leaving Fair State Brewing Coop around 9:30pm (on Central and Lowry) tonight and were both assaulted by a group of 5-6 young men. We got away without more than 1-2 punches each, and quickly had the Police there to make a report (since the station is not much more than a block away).
As we were waiting for the Police to arrive one of the workers of the brewery said it has been happening often there. It was completely unprovoked and without reason.
'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it. Page 8