Liabilities (Balance Sheet 2)

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Liabilities (Balance Sheet 2) Page 7

by Dermott, Shannon

  My hand fisted in his hair, needing more than the gentle touch he was giving me. That’s when he added first one then two fingers expertly thrusting up. My body moved roughly up and down against the bark in time with his driving pleasure. His mouth covered my most sensitive nub, and I pressed his face into my heat without a care to anyone seeing. Realizing what I’d done, I let go and took my skirts in my own hand.

  The pleasure built entirely too fast. “Turner, I want you inside me.”

  Pulling his tongue from my center, he said, “I need to taste you.” And he set back to work with flicks of his tongue in and out of me, trading his tongue with his finger intermittently until I came hard and fast. I had to bite my tongue from crying out my orgasm.

  All thoughts of anyone had vanished. “I need you,” I pleaded, as he got to his feet and licked his lips.

  His kissed me, tongue fucking me in a way that spelled out all he promised. I didn’t mind tasting myself on his tongue. It heated my core further. My hand reached out and grabbed at the amazing budge in his pants. “Let me,” I said wanting to reciprocate. I hadn’t remembered his cock being this large.

  The school bell tolled a reminder, to not only the students but the entire community, that break was over.

  He adjusted himself. With a quick raise of the eyebrows, he said, “They’ll be looking for me.”

  My mouth felt swollen, and I longed for more of his kisses. He’d been passionate when we were young, but this Turner tasted and acted like a man very much in control of how to pleasure a woman. Then the thought of how many women had helped him learn his tricks of the trade made me queasy.

  “I’ll head back,” he said.

  Now I did frown. “You don’t want me to walk with you?”

  He shook his head. “I want you to walk with me, ride me, marry me and bear my children. But if you come with me now, I’m afraid everyone will know just how much I want my seed in you.”

  His smile and sexy look made my heart flutter. I watched him walk away until I couldn’t see him anymore. Then I sat and rested my head against the tree. What the hell had I just done? How had things spun out of control so fast? This was going to complicate things. I loved him. I did. I just—

  Chapter Ten

  After the walk back to the school house, reconciling the community’s book turned out to be easy. Everything appeared in order. I never suspected I would find anything out of the ordinary. With nothing else to do, I persevered on until my stomach let me know it was dinner.

  I could have gone home and dealt with my father. I could have gone to Mary’s and paid a visit to her home and family. But I ended up at Violet’s house. So far it proved to be the only real place I felt welcome as anomalous as that was. At some point I’d have to suck it up and visit Mary’s house. I couldn’t avoid her forever.

  Violet was busy making dinner when I arrived. Turner and Mike were sitting at the table. Turner stood when I walked in. He stepped over the bench and came to me. “I can’t wait to get you alone,” he whispered in my ear causing me to blush.

  The redness that filled my cheeks came from remembering our time earlier. Even my body betrayed me, tightening at the thought.

  “Vi, where’s dinner?” Mike chimed out. He sounded impatient so I intervened.

  Moving to the table and parking myself across from him, I asked, “So what’s your job in the community?”

  “It’s almost done,” Violet called out, not having heard my question. I had spoken softly not wanting her to interfere by covering for him or making excuses.

  “Supervising,” Mike said with no hesitation. He stared me down daring me to challenge his words.

  Turner sat next to me. He placed his hand on the middle of my back before rubbing it soothingly in circles.

  “Wow, that must have taken a lot of work to get to that position,” I quipped. He was full of shit. No one supervised. Everyone helped. Everyone.

  Mike fingered his beard. It was long in the style that most married men wore as a show of pride. Turner, still single, was clean shaven.

  “Not everyone’s cut out to lead,” Mike said. He hadn’t flinched in any of the lies he told. It made it clear how comfortable he was with doing so. I imagined he believed his own tales.

  Certain he was never going to back down, I turned my attention to the man next to me. “And how was your day?”

  Turner looked relieved. “Just making repairs and waiting to spend time with you.”

  “I’ve heard so much about you two. Vi wasn’t lying. You two are—.”

  “Diner’s served,” Violet cut in, setting the glossy bird on the table. It was browner on some parts as expected when spit roasted. I hadn’t heard her go outside to the fire pit. She placed ears of corn on the table before bringing plates, knives and forks.

  Mike got up and sat at the head of the table like the king he wanted to be.

  Turner kept his hand on my back until we were ready to eat dinner. The meal passed in relative silence. The only time I spoke was to complement my sister on the meal.

  “So what do you guys do for fun?” Mike’s voice was a rumble out of the dark. He hadn’t spoken a word while shoveling food in his mouth. He actually sounded a bit friendly.

  “Nothing much to do,” Turner replied.

  “What does it take to get a drink around here?” Mike asked.

  Violet answered her husband before I could think of a response. “You’d need a car.” Her words trailed off into a half laugh.

  Mike looked up, his chin steepled on the top of his finger tips with his elbows perched on top of the table. Then he sat up straight and the gleam in his eye said trouble as he turned to me. “How did you get here?”

  My mouth opened, but I knew what my answer meant.

  He pointed at me. “You have a car.”

  There was no point in lying. “It’s parked all the way at the front of the compound.” It was an attempt to make it sound like an avenue not worth pursuing.

  “Let’s go. We’ll get some drinks and play some cards. Maybe we can finally have some fun around here.”

  Automatically, I looked at Violet. This wasn’t a good idea. No doubt Father would hear, and it would jeopardize my being in the community. But there was a pleading in Violet’s eyes that said if I refused, she would suffer because of it.

  I looked at Turner. His mouth turned up to that tell-tale sign that said Why not?

  And so, that’s how we ended up slinking in the shadows and headed for the front gate. The fact that we had to hide our exploits should have been good enough reason for us not doing this. We might be stopped and queried about where we were going. Leaving the compound for business not approved by the council was frowned upon. Outsiders were curious about us. Whatever we did would be scrutinized.

  Just when the security building came into sight, there was a squeal behind me. I turned to see Mike had swept my sister off her feet and gazed at her like she was the light of his life. For that brief second, I saw the man that she had fallen for. Was there hope for him, for them?

  Turner used that opportunity to take me around the waist and pull me close. He kissed me like he’d never kissed me before. There was so much emotion and heat, I was overwhelmed. “I’ve been waiting to do that for hours,” he murmured.

  Speechless, I stared at him. I could see us together and knew he was probably the right answer.

  “I feel like a teenager again,” Violet said from behind us. “It feels like we are sneaking away from the house to go make out.”

  “I should probably go in alone,” I said. “Father is going to find out that I left. And he’ll discover sooner if whoever is manning the station tonight knows I’m taking you guys with me.”

  Everyone nodded in agreement. Violet giggled and, even though I hadn’t been around, I thought she looked happier than she must have in months. My getting into trouble might just be worth all the hassle.

  I brushed my fingers along the brick façade before I turned the corner to the fr
ont of the building. My car was still the lone one in the tiny lot of four slots.

  After I retrieved my keys, I made an executive decision and got clothes from my trunk. In the security building bathroom, I changed. Doug was on duty today and didn’t say much. When I stepped out wearing form fitting jeans and a deep V top, Doug gave me an ardent smile. I skipped out the door not wanting him to make a comment.

  When I met up with the others, Mike gave me a lingering look over. It started to make sense why women in the community had been given the shapeless floor length dresses we wore.

  “I think only one of us goes in to buy anything.” I looked over at Turner for his approval. He nodded, but had a funny expression that I couldn’t read on his face. Alone, I pulled the car back and into the shadows, away from the front of the building and its windows.

  Once I stopped, my cohorts got in. Doug had already opened the gate, and I made for it without hesitation. If he was watching the camera, he would see the four heads in the car because of the security lamps that flashed outwards from the building. However, I hoped he wasn’t paying that much attention.

  I made a left on at the dead-end, private road to head out to the main one. I turned on the music to avoid any awkward conversation, but it didn’t stop Mike.

  “Hey Turner,” Mike called out from the backseat speaking loud enough to be heard over the music.

  Dumbly, I turned it down some, not all the way because I couldn’t be sure what would come out of his mouth.

  Turner swiveled in the front passenger seat to look back at Mike.

  “You’re a lucky guy,” Mike announced.

  I knew Turner well enough that with his pause, thus confusion, his forehead crinkled. “Why is that?” Turner asked, voice leery of Mike’s response.

  “Bailey has a rack on her.”

  Death by car accident, I thought. I wanted to pull the car over and wrap my fingers around Mike’s neck. Why the hell would he say something like that in front of my sister?

  Quickly, I reached a hand out to silence the music. I had much to say on this subject. The vinyl seats rubbed under Turner’s hand. He apparently was gripping the seat hard enough to make the thing groan in protest.

  “Yeah, she was the only one of us so far to be so lucky,” Violet said, not sounding pissed in the least.

  Tuner faced forward. His profile suggested he was just as surprised by my sister’s causal statement as I was. Still looking out the window, he said, “It’s not really about what you have.”

  “Oh, I know that,” Violet began. “Mary is the one who hates Bailey the most for that. She’s barely got in a B cup. I’m a B and so is Mother. I figure Bailey got it from Father’s side of the family like her red hair.”

  “Baby, you may not have the tits, but your ass is better than hers.”

  Unable to hold my tongue any longer I said, “Enough with the T&A talk, please.”

  Mike however wasn’t listening even though the car had been silent except for my words.

  “I love the way your hips feel when you’re riding me.”

  “Oh my god,” I said. “I really didn’t need to know that.”

  Violet giggled. Turner was grinning. I turned the music back up. By the time we made it to the gas station that had a mini mart attached, I practically jumped out of the car. Turner opened the door, but I shooed him to stay in. His clothing was too conspicuous.

  Mike had given me his drink request when we were pulling out. It wasn’t hard to forget Bud Light. He also requested Jack Daniels, but I didn’t think this place sold liquor.

  The bell chimed on my entrance, and I zoned in on the back wall with the inlay clear refrigerator doors that held drinks of all kind including soda and water. I scanned them as I walked by until I found the one filled with cases of beer. I pulled out a six pack of Bud, the twelve pack was cheaper by the bottle, but I didn’t want Mike to have so much access to booze.

  Two doors down, I found something for Violet and me to drink. The selection wasn’t full of choices so I picked two bottles of decent looking wine and walked up to the counter, where the TV was showing a program.

  The narrator droned on: “As you can tell from that last picture, it’s not surprising Glenn is the talk of the celebrity gossip. With headlines of possible embezzlement, we all wonder what Kinsey St. Clair, socialite and billion dollar heiress to her father’s dynasty, was doing on Glenn’s arm. Is it merger talks, a takeover or maybe just two beautiful people on a night on the town? Stay with us folks, our team is going to keep you posted with the latest.”

  The logo of a popular gossip TV and magazine company popped up just before commercial. They hadn’t shown any other pictures. But from the glimpse I’d caught, I knew that man... Had he already moved on?

  “Miss,” the clerk inquired.

  I followed his finger to the total on the register. I reached into my wallet that I’d held in my hand and pulled out a credit card before stopping myself. For some reason, I thought about how I could be tracked by purchases. I didn’t think I was in any danger, the police hadn’t suggested that. Still, I handed the clerk cash and waited for my change.

  My memory fogged on the ride home. My head was still messed up when I walked back in the security station to change. The tightness in my chest making it hard to breathe wasn’t familiar. I was still standing, half dressed, in the bathroom when Turner came in. So much for Doug not knowing that I’d taken others with me.

  “What’s wrong? You’ve barely spoken a word since you walked in to the gas station. Did you see something? Did something happen about the case? I saw the TV in there.”

  “No,” I whispered. Standing in my bra and jeans, I felt dazed. “I’ll be fine.”

  He took that as an invitation. His lips melted onto mine. I grabbed onto something real, and I kissed him back. I tugged at his neck and reached for his pants.

  “Whoa,” he said stilling my wrist. “Not in here. Doug will no doubt figure out what we are up to, and it will be all over town before morning.”

  He was right, so I stepped back and finished getting dressed while Turner watched. After putting my change of clothes in my trunk, I went back in to give my car keys back to Doug. I realized for a second that my car rental was a waste of money. I should return it and call for a cab when I was ready to leave.

  Turner’s gently tugged on my hand while I stood there in thought. I didn’t have to decide tonight. I would worry about that in the morning when I figured out what my short term plans were.

  “Where’s Vi and Mike?” I asked.

  Turner still guiding me down the road answered, “They went ahead.”

  He wasn’t carrying the bags, so I assumed they had them.

  “We don’t have to stay long,” Turner said. “We’ll have a few drinks and play some cards, and then I’ll take you back to my place.”

  I nodded knowing what would happen there. And why not? Kalen had moved on. Turner was here.

  We made it back to Violet’s house and soon my despair was gone along with one of the two bottles of wine. Mike turned out to be kind of funny. It was possible we had him all wrong. He wasn’t such a bad guy. Maybe he’d just had a couple of bad days.

  Violet was doing a happy dance. She had won the last hand. “Drink up guys,” she announced after she finished her twirl with hands waving in the air.

  We didn’t have liquor, so the guys were doing beer shots, and Vi and I were doing wine shots. The wine was really sweet, and I found I didn’t mind at all drinking it. The second bottle of wine was half empty. Violet was so cute drunk. She probably hadn’t been drunk a day in her life.

  “Let’s play truth or dare,” Violet said. Without any of us agreeing, she said to her husband, “I dare you to kiss my sister. And Turner I dare you to kiss me.”

  “Oh, I think I like drunk Vi,” Mike agreed.

  I licked my lips. Mike was quite handsome. I was curious about why she stayed with him if he really was the asshole he pretended to be. I headed over to hi
m thinking it was a good idea for me to find out just what made him special.

  Arms snaked around my waist. “Oh no you don’t. I think you’ve had enough.”

  “Don’t be such a kill joy, Turner,” Mike said. “My wife is pretty good in the sack. I think you’d like her.”

  Turner scooped me up, and I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist. “Sorry man,” he said. “I don’t share.”

  “That’s too bad,” Violet whined. “And here I hoped to find out if all what Beth said was true.”

  My vision, which had been muddled, cleared up a bit. I stared into those brown eyes of his. “You slept with Beth.” My stomach knotted at the thought.

  “I’m not going to talk about this right now. I need to get you home.”

  “Was she better than me?” My voice sounded like a small child in need of approval. It was like having an out-of-body experience. I could see the train wreck coming but I couldn’t stop it.

  Turner pulled me close because I’d untangled my legs and had gotten to my feet. “No one’s better than you,” he said softly.

  “Man, you’re killing me,” Mike said. “Now I really want to know what Red’s like in the sack. Beth’s pretty agile.”

  I headed to the tiny bedroom on the right. “I swear I can do better. I was just a kid then. Make love to me, Turner.” It didn’t seem to matter that I’d said it in hearing distance of my sister and her husband who continued to eye me hungrily.

  I planted my feet just inside the door waiting to see if he’d come. He looked conflicted, but he stepped forward until he was in the room and closed the door with his left hand. He leaned back on the wood. “I don’t think we should do anything. You’re drunk and the last thing I want in the world is for you to regret anything we do tonight.”

  Tiny steps, one by one, and I stood in front of him. I heard my sister laughing followed by a door closing. They’d obviously decided to get down to business. I pressed my lips to his and snaked out my tongue urging him to let me in. He sighed and his lips parted. I delved in like a deep sea diver searching for hidden treasure. His hand pressed against the small of my back pushing me into his excitement.


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