Once Upon A Regency

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Once Upon A Regency Page 59

by Samantha Grace

  “Those two will be the death of me.”

  “The blonde is rather lovely.” Dominic grinned wickedly. “Please tell me she’s not your intended.”

  James glared at his best friend. “If you don’t want a bloody nose you will quit staring at her with lascivious intentions.”

  Dominic laughed. “Relax, I have no designs on your bride-to-be.”

  James wasn’t sure if he believed him or not, but it was no matter. He had more important things to deal with. Rosanna knew better than to get so close to the cliffs and the tunnels. He’d have a discussion with her in private too. They didn’t seem to have the sense God gave them not to tread where ladies shouldn’t go.

  “Let’s stable the horses,” James said, hopping down from his saddle. “I have much to do and two ladies in need of scolding.”

  They headed into the stable. The stable master greeted them, took the reins from James, and then prepared the stallion for his stall.

  “Be careful, James,” Dominic warned. “Ladies don’t much care for lectures on proper behavior. Though they sure don’t have issue with delivering them on occasion. Your sister has a barbed tongue.”

  James whipped his head around and stared Dominic in the eye. “How would you know how barbed Rosanna’s tongue is? When have you had the opportunity to spend time in her company?”

  James wasn’t sure he liked how familiar Dominic sounded. Rosanna was his baby sister, and the idea of Dom having an interest in her bothered him. He knew his friend, and he didn’t see him settling for one woman. He liked the chase too much. As much as he respected Dom, he wasn’t good enough for his sister. Hell, he didn’t like any man getting close to her if he were honest. Not one was trustworthy enough to be alone with her. They all ultimately had lecherous intentions.

  “I spent a lot of time in London with your brother when he happened to come to town. Rosanna would interrupt us whenever the opportunity presented itself. I think she was rather bored with all that the ton had to offer for suitors. It’s probably why she rushed home to Weston manor as soon as she could. With Edward’s death, she was given a reprieve from the tediousness.” Dom shrugged. “I can’t really blame her. I find society rather dull myself. All those matrons trying to pawn off their daughters on the marriage mart, no thanks.”

  James, at one time, would have completely agreed. Well, if he were to be honest, he still did. He was looking forward to marrying Alys. Something about her drew him, and he wasn’t going to fight it. She may have traveled through time to him, but he wasn’t about to find a way to send her back. She fell into his life for a reason, one he happily accepted.

  “Rosanna never did have much patience for idiots. I’m sure the fops drove her mad.”

  Dominic nodded. “I witnessed her cut a young dandy with her tongue. It was so precise I kept looking for the signs of blood. You might want to tell her that it isn’t done. She won’t find a husband if she can’t learn to curb her words. No man wants a harridan for a wife.”

  He sighed. Dominic did have a point, but James didn’t want to deal with it… At least, not any time soon. Since they were in mourning, Rosanna could deal with her life as she chose. She wouldn’t be going back to London for the season again until after the year of mourning was up.

  “I’m sure she has her reasons, I don’t want her to change who she is. The man she marries should be well aware of what he is getting into. Rosanna needs a man strong enough to see past her faults and love her anyway.”

  “Love?” Dominic gasped. “Who said anything about that trivial emotion? Since when did you start spouting off that nonsense? That nonsense has no place in marriage. It’s a business arrangement, simple and binding. That’s why I’m putting it off for as long as possible.” He shuddered. “I can’t see myself shackled to one woman for the rest of my days.”

  They exited the stables and stood outside the entrance. James stopped to consider Dom’s words. When had he started to believe in love? James pondered his own beliefs. He had never spouted nonsense about love, not until he’d found Alys. She said love was something you willingly jumped into. James wasn’t about to admit he loved her. How could he? They’d just met. He was, at the very least, honest enough to acknowledge he was willing to try, to see if they could have it all. If they couldn’t, then at least James knew he provided her safety and protection as her husband. That had to count for something. It was, in a sense, the business arrangement Dom considered marriage. They would both get something out of it. He’d get a wife and mother to his future children, and Alys would have the protection of his name.

  “I’m not sure if love is attainable… I still have my doubts, but females seem to want it these days. I think that is what Rosanna is after, and her barbed tongue is her way of testing her would-be suitor’s mettle. When she finds the man she wants, it will most likely soften a little.” James laughed. “Rosanna’s choices are of little concern to me right now. I’m more interested in Alys.”

  Dominic nodded. “I can see why.”

  “Come on, let’s go meet the ladies. They have to be heading back to the manor by now. I’d like to tell her of my news.”

  They strolled out of the stable and made a beeline for the two ladies. Rosanna looked up and saw them heading their way. She halted, grabbed Alys’s wrist, and pointed. Alys’s gaze met his across the distance. She looked upset. What could have her looking at him with displeasure? James hastened his stride so he could get to their side faster. Dominic matched his pace and soon they were standing in front of them.

  “Alys. Rosanna,” he greeted them. “Why were you at the cliffs?” The words spilled out before he could stop himself.

  Alys shrugged. “We felt like going for a walk. The cliffs were only part of our excursion.”

  Her tone was filled with ice. If James thought she was unhappy at a distance, up close he could tell she was livid. “It’s dangerous. I don’t want you near the edge.” He pinned her with a stare, layering it with the words he didn’t want to express in front of an audience. James hoped she got the message.

  “I see.” Alys was quiet for a few moments. “So you don’t think I have enough intelligence to see to my own safety?”

  James stood straighter. “Do I need to point out your previous experience?”

  She had to see he didn’t forbid it to be difficult. It truly was the best course of action. He couldn’t find her broken at the bottom of the cliff—or, he gulped—disappear before his eyes and return to her own time.

  “James.” Alys seethed. “I’m a grown woman. If I choose to throw myself off a cliff, it’s my choice to make. I do know what is best for me and don’t need a man condescending to me.”

  “Good grief, James. What’s the big deal?” Rosanna stomped her foot. “We were perfectly safe. Leave Alys alone.”

  “Sweet, perhaps you should let them work it out on their own,” Dominic urged. “They can find a compromise that works for both of them.”

  Dominic gazed at Rosanna with a bemused smile. Usually his soothing tone and feigned sweetness drew women in. James didn’t like the idea of his friend using his methods on his sister. His friend was overstepping by interfering.

  Rosanna turned to glare at him. “Oh? Forgive me. The great and powerful Marquess of Seabrook knows all. How dare I have an opinion?”

  Rosanna stormed away from them. Good for her. She wasn’t easily swayed by Dom’s charms.

  “Rose...” Dominic called. “Wait, let me escort you inside.”

  Rosanna stopped suddenly, and spun around. Dominic ran right into her, knocking her to the ground. “You oaf, what is wrong with you?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t expect you to stop. You never do what I ask.”

  Rosanna brushed her skirts down and tried to stand, only to fall back down again.

  “Just help me up, you birdwit.”

  Dom’s usual allure must have disappeared. He fumbled to help Rosanna to her feet. His sister seemed to throw the marquess off his game. Was there mor
e between them than his friend had let on? No there couldn’t be. She didn’t appear to like him much, and Dom said more than once he didn’t believe in love.

  Alys rolled her eyes. “Nice. Remind me to steer clear of your friend.”

  “Dominic didn’t mean her harm,” James said, quietly. “He’d give his life to protect her.”

  “Clearly.” Her voice was filled with sarcasm. “Please tell me he wouldn’t bungle that too.”

  James shook his head. This wasn’t going as he’d expected it too. He would have to steer the conversation in a different direction. “Did you miss me?”

  Alys lifted her head upward, her gaze landing with his. “Miss you?” She stomped forward. “Did you actually ask me if I missed you? I can’t have heard you correctly.”

  No, most definitely not going well. “So I take it that’s a no?”

  “Why would I miss James Kendall, His Grace, the biggest jerk, also known as the Duke of Weston?” Alys jabbed her finger into his stomach. “The one who leaped up upon hearing my story and ran to London for business.”

  “It was important,” James explained. “I had to act with all due haste.”

  Alys raised an eyebrow. “Oh? And what was so important? Was it a life of death situation? You couldn’t stop for five seconds and explain it to me?” She tilted her head. “No? Just throw Alys to the wolves. Why not? It’s not like she knew anyone in the mausoleum you left me in or what was likely to happen. Let’s not forget the butcher you sent to look at poor pitiful mad me.”

  When she put it in those terms, he was a bloody arse. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think...”

  “Well, I already knew that. You didn’t stop to think at all. You acted.” Her hands were on her hips as she lectured him.

  Oh hell, Dom was right, the ladies sure did like a good dressing down, as long as it wasn’t them on the receiving end.

  “So, out with it already. What was so important in London?”

  Maybe if he kissed her. If her lips were occupied then she’d not have any room left to scream at him. Now, that was a fine idea, and he wanted to feel her lips moving beneath his. It was a furious need building up inside him with each word that left her mouth. James pulled her into his arms and acted on that desire.

  Alys moaned as he explored her lips with his. She was so sweet and pliant in his arms. Not the shrew lashing out at him. This was the Alys he wanted. The woman, warm and willing, who would grace his bed each night and maybe some of the days too. Fire burned through him, his manhood growing hard with need. James deepened the kiss. Alys opened her mouth, giving him the opportunity to push his tongue inside. Hers dueled with his for control, spiking his desire even higher. Her hand ran through his hair, tugging him closer.

  If he didn’t stop, he’d take her on the grassy knoll behind the manor. This wasn’t the place to fulfill the need blazing through every inch of him. James had to stop. With every ounce of self-control he could muster, he took a step back. Gads, Alys was lovely. Her pink lips were plump and moist. Her hair a mussed mess of blonde curls, he must have loosened her pins.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

  “Try a little harder next time,” she demanded.

  “I didn’t hear you complaining.” A cocky half-smile formed on his face.

  Alys’s hand hit his cheek, a sting filling it where it landed.

  “Damn. Was that necessary?”

  Alys smiled. “Yes, you were getting too full of yourself. Now tell me why you went to London?”

  “To get a special license so we can marry.”

  Alys shook her head. “Fuck.” She threw her hands up in the air. “Damn it all to hell. Why would you do something so silly?”

  Where had she learned such profane language?

  “Because you need the protection of my name if you’re to remain in my time.”

  “That’s too bad. I’m not marrying you, James. You can throw that license on the fire tonight. It’s useless as is; might as well get something out of it.”

  With those words, she spun on her heels and left him staring after her. That hadn’t gone as he’d planned either. When would he learn that Alys never once acted as he’d expected since he found her on the beach. James frowned. One thing at a time, he would obtain her agreement to be his wife. She’d see that it was the best option. He only needed a different approach.



  Stupid. Just plain stupid, ridiculous, old-fashioned man. How dare he think she’d marry him because he thought it was a good idea? Alys was more than capable of taking care of herself. She didn’t need a man to provide for her. So what if she was in a throwback era where it was the man’s job to take care of the female.

  That did not mean she suddenly backpedaled herself into a state of dependency. She’d been taking care of herself perfectly fine for too many years. This idea that she’d be classified as helpless and in need of protection, it was plain wrong.

  Alys stomped inside the manor and slammed the door behind her. She was done with the manor and its lofty duke. She had better things to do, like maybe finding a way back to where she belonged. A time when women were not looked down on as useless humans. Okay, perhaps there were a few that still saw them as inferior, but it wasn’t the norm. Years of studying to be a doctor, and scrambling through the hierarchy at the hospital, had taught her a lot. She knew how to deal with male egos and how to knock them down a few pegs on the totem pole. Just because they were born with a penis did not make them superior.

  A penis could be removed, and then where would the male population be? Nowhere. They’d be less than female then. Useless, penisless asswipes. An evil grin formed on her face. Not that she’d ever do that. The oath and all—do no harm—so she wouldn’t, really.

  “Alys will you please stop and listen to reason.”

  Alys spun on her heals and glared at James. “Excuse me?” She marched over to his side. “Did you imply that I’m not acting rationally? As in a fit of hysterics?”

  James took a step back. “I didn’t say that...”

  “But you did, maybe not in so many words, but it was implied.”

  Alys clenched her fists at her side, suppressing the urge to slap him.

  “I’m asking you to please listen to me,” James pleaded. “I don’t want anything to happen to you. This seemed like the most logical solution to ensure your protection. You don’t have any family here. Who would you turn to?”

  Alys narrowed her eyes and studied him. She didn’t want to admit it, but he did have a valid point. The only people she knew in this time were his friends and family. Where would she go and what would she do if she left? Sailing to America was certainly an option—it was the land of opportunity. With her knowledge of the future, she could make a life there.

  “I have options.” Alys shook her head. “You might not like them, but I do not have to stay here and marry you. Why would I? You don’t love me, and quite frankly, I don’t love you. That’s no basis for a marriage.”

  James sucked in a breath. “So what are these options?”

  He completely ignored the part about love. Alys had to recognize a part of her was disappointed. What did she expect? Him to fall at her feet and profess undying love? This was not a fairy tale and a happy ending was nowhere in sight. She had to accept reality as it was. She was staying at Weston Manor by his good graces. If she kept saying no, he could very well throw her out on her own.

  “I can sell my jewelry and sail to America. New York would be a good place to start over. I know that prices these days are less exorbitant. If I’m lucky enough, I can get a relatively nice home and make a living there.”

  “Doing what?”

  She would be laughed out onto the streets if she started practicing as a doctor—still she could try. “I’m a doctor. I have skills that most people these days know nothing about.”

  James snorted. “You think anyone would trust your skills? What kind of doctor are you?”
br />   “I’m a surgeon”

  “Really?” James raised an eyebrow. “So you know how to cut into someone. To what end? No one is going to trust your skills enough to let you anywhere near them with a knife.”

  “I’m very good, James. Top of my field. I was one of the few hand-selected for a fellowship at a prestigious hospital. It would be a waste not to use my talents.” Alys sighed. “It would be an uphill battle, but I think in time people would come to me willingly. If I might be able to save their wretched hide, they will give in to their own pride.”

  James picked up her hand and stroked her wrist with his forefinger. “You may be right. They would eventually seek you out, but what would you do until then. How would you survive? Who would protect you?”

  Tingles shot up her arm where his finger trailed. Alys tried to jerk her hand free from his, but he pulled tighter. “Let me go.”


  “Because I’m asking you to.”

  James shook his head. He slid his hands around her waist and pulled her closer. His breath warm against her cheek he whispered in her ear, “I don’t think I can. You see, I’ve got this intense craving for you I can’t resist any longer. I’ve tried and tried, and I gave into it earlier. I find I want to feel your lips against mine again.”

  “Please, James...”

  Alys didn’t know if she was begging him to let her go or kiss her. She held her breath in anticipation. What would he do? Would he give them what they both needed? As much as he infuriated her, Alys wanted him on a deeper level. She’d never desired a man as much as she did James. Her whole body lit up with eagerness.

  He skimmed his lips across her cheeks. Butterfly light as he pressed them over and over against her face, not leaving an inch uncovered. When he was done, he sought her lips in a searing kiss. Desire pooled deep inside of her. Alys wound her hands around his neck, pulling him closer, as close as they could be with a thousand layers of clothes between them. The kiss went on and on until their breaths mingled so much she didn’t know if they were his or hers.

  He lifted the palm of his hand and cupped her breast. Her bodice dipped lower as he untied the ribbons in front. He reached in and used his warm fingers to pinch her nipples. Alys moaned as the tingling between her thighs began to ravage her. She clenched her legs tightly together to alleviate the ache building. The more James played with her breasts, the more she wanted to feel him sliding deep inside of her.


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