Paranormal Romance: The Witches' Prophecy (Calder Witch Series Book 2)

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Paranormal Romance: The Witches' Prophecy (Calder Witch Series Book 2) Page 9

by Martha Woods

  “It’s Veronica,” she whispered to the witch.

  Calla cracked an eye open, grimacing. She probably only remembered Veronica killing her elder after her elder tried to put a hole through her. Veronica didn’t blame her if she was afraid, if she thought Veronica had come to finish the job.

  “I’m here to cut a deal,” Veronica whispered. “I think we both know what happened was a mistake. You never wanted to see that happen. You know that Tessa is your true High Priestess.”

  Calla’s shoulders relaxed ever so slightly. Veronica had her attention.

  “Make a blood oath to your High Priestess and I will get you off this table for good. Refuse and I don’t know what my brother will do to you. See, you tried to kill his lover. Our kind don’t take that very well. It’s, well, it’s infuriating.”

  “If I take that blood oath I’ll never go home again,” Calla said through gritted teeth.

  “You’re not going home as it is,” Veronica reminded her. “You’re going to die here on this table. I don’t know what will kill you. Will you bleed out? Or will it be shock from the pain?”

  “Veronica,” Jared’s voice warmed. She cast a glare in his direction. He looked away.

  She turned back to the witch on the table. Her life was in her own hands at this point, but until Veronica walked into the room she’d had no future. Calla could have one. She could choose to live her life in service to Tessa, right here where they could keep an eye on her. She hoped that the witch didn’t have a husband or children waiting for her back home. She hoped that she wasn’t ruining lives other than her own.

  The witch stared at the ceiling for what felt like forever when she finally let loose a long sigh. She closed her eyes and nodded.

  “What’s that?” Veronica needed her to say, to make the girl keep her word.

  “I will take the blood oath,” she whispered.

  “Good girl,” Veronica patted her hand. She wasn’t trying to be condescending. She was proud of the witch for wanting to live, for wanting to make amends. “But first, you need to share what you know.”

  “Giving my life to you guys isn’t good enough for you?” the witch’s voice was bitter.

  “You’re getting to live, Calla. But I need to know the truth. Did you know that Deidre was a Calder witch when you escorted her into our home?”

  Calla shook her head. “She’s been a part of our Clan for as long as I can remember. It never once occurred to me that she might be one of them. She was a strong woman, commanding. That’s all we thought of her. I swear.”

  Veronica wanted to believe her, but there was no real way to know if the witch was telling the truth. She was laying on what could be her literal deathbed. What did Calla have left to lose?

  “I have a better question for you,” Veronica said. “I’ll allow you to take the blood oath if you can tell me why the Calder are hunting Tessa.”

  Calla closed her eyes. “Deidre talked about an old story. She said that when the clans reunited that the blood would be strong. It is her blood that the Calder want. With it, with her death, they can set the world on fire.”

  “That sounds a little vague,” Veronica said.

  Calla sighed, clearly frustrated. “Why am I supposed to know what the Calder plan to do with Tessa? All I know is that we were not to let her fall into their hands. My parents tried to keep her safe as a normal child in a normal family, to keep her away from the world of witches.”

  Veronica pondered her words. There had to be a truth in them somewhere. She wondered why Deidre had tried to kill Tessa. Had the Calder witch spent so much time in the Firehaven’s presence that she wished to see Tessa kept out of Calder hands at all costs?

  “I’ll be right back. Until then, Jared will be right outside that door so don’t get any ideas while I’m gone.”

  “There’s iron in the table,” Calla growled. “Can’t do much of anything.”

  Veronica ducked out of the room and went in search of her brother’s lover. She hoped that they two love birds wouldn’t be together. It would be so much easier to make Tessa understand her. Tessa would know what it was like to be held against her will, to have no home.

  Kristian, on the other hand, was probably still out for blood. Veronica had taken the kill from him, dropping Deidre before he could move. She felt like a dangerous woman. Like someone finally in charge of her own life.

  Tessa was sitting at the kitchen island, eyeing the donor bag that Kristian was pouring into a mug. There was a queasy look on the human’s face, but it was something that she was going to have to become used to. She would be surrounded by vampires for the rest of her human life. Hell, she might even become a vampire eventually.

  Veronica hung around the corner, out of her brother’s range of vision. Over and over, in her mind she screamed Tessa’s name. She begged her to come around the corner without her brother. She hoped that the fledgeling vampire got the hint.

  “What the hell?” Tessa stage whispered when she rounded the corner.

  Veronica didn’t waste any time, she gripped Tessa’s arm and forced her to move with preternatural speed. Tessa didn’t know what was going on until they were in the windowless room. Calla was laid out before her and she saw anger flicker across Tessa’s face. Only, it was aimed at Veronica.

  She held her hands up to ward off any oncoming argument. “Hear me out.”

  “No.” Tessa’s spine straightened. “You listen to me. I’d seen that woman before. She came to my apartment once and after that she haunted my dreams. She terrified me, but I trusted you. I trusted you to not bring a Calder witch into our home.”

  Jared peered into the room and slowly closed the door. Veronica felt a familiar shift in the air right before Charley appeared. She popped into existence on the end of Calla’s table, one leg thrown over the other. Her combat boot bounced in the air.

  “Did I fucking invite you?” Veronica growled. “This is not a free for all meeting.”

  Charley looked down at Calla. “I’ve been in your shoes, pretty lady. I’ve only been eaves dropping for a little bit here, but it looks like you’ve got an okay deal. I won’t say it’s the best in the world, but they aren’t complete assholes here. You won’t regret your decision.”

  Charley flashed Veronica a wide smile before popping out of the room again.

  “You offered her a deal?” Tessa snapped.

  “I did,” she stood to her full height. She easily had six inches over Tessa. “Calla was forced to do what she did. Hell, she didn’t even hurt anyone! She healed me.”

  Tessa closed her eyes, appearing as if she were trying to steady her emotions. But, when she opened them again her eyes were on Calla. She had been reading the witch’s thoughts. Veronica wondered how deep Tessa could delve if she really tried.

  “You’re right,” she breathed. She pursed her lips, thinking for a long moment. “What did you offer her?”

  “A blood oath. It’s an old tradition between a witch and her High Priestess. Calla could offer you her blood oath and she would serve you for the rest of her life. She could return to her family from time to time if she wished, but the oath would compel her to come back, to never harm you or us again.”

  Tessa’s eyes flashed with anger as she turned back to Veronica. “You’re asking me to make a slave out of her?”

  Veronica shrugged. “Do you want Kristian to carve her up right here on this table? Or do you want her to live out a decent life here with us? We aren’t exactly living in squalor. She can have my room for all I fucking care.”

  “Where would you go?”

  Good question. Veronica hadn’t thought before she spoke, but right then she realized that she was ready to leave her brother’s immediate circle. She knew where she wanted to be. It wasn’t a place, but a person. Tessa probably gleaned it from her thoughts because she saw the girl’s eyes flash before a wry smile turned her lips upward.

  “Fine,” Tessa said. “How does this work?”

  “Calla has to
cut herself open for you. It’s supposed to show the great lengths she’s willing to go for you. She then swears over her open wound that her life is now bound to yours and that she’ll forever be in your service.”

  “I know how this works,” Calla snapped. “I’m still right here.”

  “The better question is how do you know this?” Tessa asked Veronica.

  Leticia. They had been close, or at least Veronica had thought they were. It was starting to feel like Charley, the insufferable demon, was a closer friend than Leticia had ever been. It begged to question what kind of friends Veronica attracted, but that was a question to be answered later.

  Tessa watched Veronica carefully. She tried hard to put a damper on her thoughts of Leticia. This moment was not about bad memories. It was about saving Calla’s life whatever way they could. Veronica moved around the medical table, gripping the restraints.

  “I’m going to unstrap you now. If you think you’re going to try anything, please remember that you’re in a room with two vampires and a hybrid witch. I killed your matron and I will not hesitate to kill you if you think to hurt either of us.”

  Calla only glared at her. Fine. She could be the angry and silent type. As long as she did what they asked of her tonight, then all would end fine. She hoped.

  Morgan and Kristian were going to have the biggest temper tantrums after they found out what Veronica had begun. They would have to learn to live with it.

  Calla stood before Tessa for a moment. The witch was a few inches taller than Tessa. It looked strange to see the taller woman drop to her knees before the shorter, dark haired Tessa. She held out a hand toward Veronica, palm open.

  “I know you have a blade strapped to your body somewhere. I can’t rip my own skin open,” she said.

  Veronica yanked a small knife from a sheath in her boot and placed it in Calla’s hand. She didn’t think twice about it. The witch was not going to attack them. She just knew it.

  Calla drew the sharp edge of the knife across her palm. The smell of blood filled the air. Calla’s blood smelled different. It was sweet and spicy all at once. Was that what Tessa had tasted like? This rare treat tempted Veronica’s hunger, but she held her hands at her side. Calla flexed her fingers and the blood welled into her palm. For a long moment, she simply stared at the pool of blood. Then her lips began to move. She said the words of the oath over the blood and Veronica could see the magic swirling inside it.

  “Take of me, for I am a part of you,” Calla said. “I am your shield, your tool. I am your faithful servant.”

  She helf her palm up to Tessa. There was a whiteness to Tessa’s face that said she wasn’t quite ready for this, but it was their only option. Veronica wanted to scream at her, ask her if she wanted to save this witch’s life at all. Eventually, Tessa took the blade from Calla and drew it across her own palm.

  The smell of blood filled the air, intoxicating. Veronica bit her lip to fight against the hunger that welled up inside of her. She watched as Tessa’s hand met with Calla’s, their blood mingling. The magic sang through their blood. It ignited the oath, filling the room with a soft wind that blew out of nowhere. Both of the witches’ eyes opened wider.

  Calla shrunk in on herself, the wound in her hand healing from the magic that they’d just shared. Tessa stared at her own palm, the wound now gone. Just then, the door burst open. Kristian and Morgan appeared in the door. Kristian’s eyes took in Calla heaped on the floor and Tessa’s wrists clutched tightly in Veronica’s grip. His lips formed a thin line.

  “Before you yell at us, listen,” Veronica said, her voice calm and steady.

  “You are in no place to be telling me what to do,” Kristian growled, stepping toward her.

  Before Morgan could move, Veronica closed the space between her and her brother. She looked into his face, nearly as tall as he was.

  “This is no longer a time when men are in control simply for being men,” Veronica told her brother. “I made a decision that spared this witch’s life, yet kept us safe. Do not think to come in here and berate me for being strong and compassionate.”

  “What did you do?” Morgan asked.

  She turned to face him. “Calla is now in Tessa’s possession. She has taken a blood oath to serve Tessa, her high priestess for the rest of her life.” She looked to her brother. “Calla never wanted to take part in Deidre’s plan. This way, she is not punished for the other’s woman’s aspirations and we know for sure that she never will raise a hand against us again.”

  “You aren’t going to have me cleaning toilets, are you?” Calla grumbled on the floor. “Or feeding your boyfriend at all hours?”

  Tessa shook her head. “I don’t want a slave. You’re free to do whatever you like here with us. Veronica even offered you her room.”

  “What?” Kristian snapped.

  “I think it’s about time that I moved out, big brother. I might be about two hundred years overdue. I promise that I won’t go far.” She reached for Morgan’s hand. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Tessa smile. She’d been up in their relationship since the beginning. Of course she was happy to be finally getting what she wanted out of them.

  “I don’t think I’ve seen you smoke once since you’ve gotten here,” Tessa pointed out.

  It dawned on Veronica that she had lost her pack of cigarillos somewhere along the line. They were possibly in a bathroom in California. Or, they could be in a ditch somewhere east of there with the hunk of metal that had been the Shelby. But, she hadn’t wanted one since then, either.

  “I guess you’re right,” she responded. “I traded cigarettes for killing witches.”

  Tessa laughed. Kristian had a look of worry weighing his brows, but Tessa pulled him into her arms. His arm instinctively wrapped around her, a wall against the world.

  Calla led Tessa to her suitcase. Veronica followed, hands in her pockets, pretending not to be interested. The witch dug around in her belongings before coming up with a cloth bound book. It looked old and worn with age. When she cracked it open, Veronica could see the years of handwritten words on the pages. The handwriting would change every so often.

  “This is my family’s grimoire. It is how we keep track of our blood lines, our tales, and the such,” Calla said as she flipped through the pages. She was clearly searching for something in particular. “There we are.”

  She turned the book around and handed it to Tessa. Veronica peered over her shoulder to read it. Written across the page in a slanted cursive writing was a prophecy.

  There will be a child, not born of love but of a night of magic. She shall be of two Clans, the Firehaven brought back into the flame. It is her blood that shall bring the Calder to a power never seen before. With this power they will rule over the world with fire and brimstone.

  “I don’t like the sound of this,” Veronica said. She rubbed her hand over her face, thinking back to how she’d once asked Tessa to leave for her brother’s sake. Why couldn’t she have done that?

  Because, Veronica told herself, then she’d already be in the hands of the Calder. Then they’d all be screwed.

  “With my blood?” Tessa’s voice cracked. The book shook in her hands. She looked like she was about two seconds from throwing it across the room.

  Calla nodded. “I think they mean to sacrifice you. By killing you they claim a power greater than has ever been seen before.”

  “Were the Calder to get their hands on a power like that then they would be unstoppable,” Veronica said. “As it is, they’re already natural born killers. We must keep you away from them, not only for my brother’s sake, but for the world’s sake.”

  “Fire and brimstone definitely does not sound good,” Tessa attempted to make light of what she’d just learned. Veronica laid a comforting hand on her shoulder.

  “Fire and brimstone?” Veronica mused aloud. “Where is that pesky demon when you need her? Are the Calder born from demons? Will Tessa’s blood give them the full power of a demon in hell?” />
  Calla’s face turned as white as a sheet. It was one thing to have a lesser demon bouncing around in a teenager’s body, but to have a full demon walking the streets of any city felt terrifying.

  “I do not know if they were ever demons. What we’ve been able to surmise, the Calder were the product of women creating pacts with demons and devils for power. I think that Tessa’s sacrifice will tear a hole in the veil so that they can claim the full power of that pact all at once.”

  “So you’re saying that comes from a dark place?” Tessa asked, staring down at the book in her hands. “You’re telling me that my ability to read minds came from a demon pact?”

  “My power came from the same place as yours,” Calla reminded her. “At this point, it no longer matters where the power once came from. Now, it is about what you do with your power. I have chosen to use mine for the better of my people. At least, I had. Now, I use it to protect you.”

  Tessa nodded. “Would you mind if I borrowed your grimoire?”

  Calla hesitated before nodding.

  Tessa turned to leave, but hesitated in the doorway. She looked up to Veronica. Her eyes were so full of emotions that Veronica couldn’t pick out a single one. She hugged the grimoire close to her chest.

  “I think it’s high time that I become something that they fear.” Veronica could hear Tessa swallow hard after she spoke. “I’ve forced this… part of myself down for so long that I’m afraid I’ll never find it, but I will. I will for you, for Kristian. For him I’d destroy myself.”

  Veronica felt the weight of her words and it left a heaviness in her own heart. She hoped to the stars and back that it wouldn’t have to come to that, but the heaviness warned her that it just might.

  “You’re not that bad of a person,” Calla called out to Tessa. “I was worried that your Calder lineage would have festered inside of you; that you’d be rotten. Instead, I’m… I’m happy that I pledged my life to you.”

  Tessa smiled and despite her tight lips, Veronica could see the hope in Tessa’s eyes.


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