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Zachania Page 9

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  “If you get permission then it will be my pleasure to have you train with us.”

  Talon and Savarta chatted for a while before Talon left giving his thanks and farewells. As Talon walked back to his school he spent the walk rehearsing in his mind what he would say to his General. He now had the basis of a plan to escape the Empire and convincing his General to allow him to train with Savarta was a vital ingredient.

  Later that evening General Koolga called for his guard to open his door, when the guard opened it Koolga was surprised when he saw Talon standing outside,

  “What is it Talon!” Replied Koolga as he waved with his hand for Talon to enter.

  “I wanted to thank you and captain Hesk personally for allowing me permission to attend the gladiator school this afternoon sir.” answered Talon after standing to attention in front of Koolga.

  “Go on.” Koolga replied as noticed a look on Talon’s face as if he was not finished talking.

  “I would like to request that I conduct my own personal training there on a regular basis sir.”

  Koolga stiffened in his chair and replied with an inconvenienced tone.

  “Well I don’t know Talon, you are a cadet captain in the Palace guard, fighting is all very romantic and part of your education, but it would grieve me greatly if we would allow this side of your schooling to affect your studies. In years to come you will have a great amount of power at your disposal, educating cadet captains of the Palace guard has been perfected over centuries.. We have a proven method that has been structured to enhance all of your abilities, I am not sure it would be wise to alter all that has been learnt in the passages of time.”

  “Sir may I be so bold as say that I would train around my duties and studies, being at the school today brought back memories of my youth and how physically strong I once was, I was always brought up to believe that a fit body makes a fit mind.”

  “Don’t lecture at me cadet; I am perfectly aware of the benefits of a healthy body!” replied Koolga sternly before he lowered his tone of voice to add “Just how would you TRAIN around your studies.”

  “Forgive me sir but I have already taken the liberty of drawing a timetable.”

  Talon then reached into his belt and pulled out a timetable and gave it to the General who in turn unfolded the letter and began to read its contents. After a moment of reading the General placed the letter onto his desk and stared back at Talon. “That is very well thought out schedule young Talon, I see that you have gave this a great deal of thought ......I am going to grant you this wish on the grounds that you have impressed me today with your thoroughness, but I will only grant you two days a week and not three days as you have requested here.” replied Koolga purposely reducing the request from three days to two so that even when he was awarding Talon he still wanted to make sure that his superiority was known.

  “Thank you SIR!” replied Talon as he felt his whole body sigh silently in relief.

  “Will that be all cadet?” added Koolga.

  “Yes Sir!”

  “DON’T LET ME DOWN!” The General added as motioned nonchalantly with his hand for Talon to leave.

  Talon left the General’s room feeling excited and pleased, the first stage in his escape had succeeded.

  Talon had to wait two days for his training to begin. When he had finished his studies he rushed back to his room and gathered his training clothes then he ran all the way to the gladiator school.

  As soon as he arrived he found Savarta and informed him of his good news that he had been granted permission from his General to train, Savarta was pleased for Talon and noticing that Talon had training clothes with him he suggested that he get changed and join with the class immediately.

  When Talon began training he felt slightly stiff and unfit but as soon as he broke sweat he found all of his teachings flow back to him. Savarta kept an observant eye on him and began to feel impressed at the vast variety of Talon’s moves and kicks.

  “That was very impressive Talon.” replied Savarta as he walked over to him.

  “Did I not tell you I was good?” Talon boasted in a playful and arrogant tone.

  “What technique were those moves Talon? I have never seen those moves before.”

  “It is an ancient technique taught to me at an early age by my Grandfather.”

  “It looks fascinating, One day when we both have more time I would like to know more of this.” Savarta added just before he was called away by one of his gladiators.

  When Talon finished his training, he sat down to cool off in a corner of the grounds where other gladiators were being treated for minor grazes and injuries and getting there daily massages. Not before long he was joined by Savarta who sat down next to him and sighed loudly as if frustrated.

  “Problems?” Talon asked warmly as he noticed his mood.

  “GLADIATORS” Savarta sighed with frustration.

  Talon smiled back at him showing that he understood Savarta’s remark.

  “One week before the contest and a gladiator begins to fret, his nostrils start to smell blood, and his mind begins to play games with him that he may meet his death, he is like a wild animal just waiting to pounce, even the slightest annoyance sends them into rage, ... Ah what I wouldn’t give sometimes to be in another trade.”

  Savarta sighed.

  “Fighting gets in your blood Savarta, once there it can never be replaced, I don’t think you would last one day in another trade my friend.” replied Talon warmly and wisely.

  “Three gladiators have grieved me today Talon, one moans of his leg, while one moans that his sword was dirty and the other was angered that the sand ring was not properly raked.”

  “Wait till the day before the contest, that’s when the real complaints start” Talon answered as he remembered the gladiators at his father’s school in Tallasian.

  “You must have seen this countless times at you fathers school.”

  “I was reared on the complaints of gladiators, I remember my father insisting to me and my brothers that the days leading up to a contest were days when we must leave the gladiators alone, he did not want us getting under their feet, I remember him saying that this was there time, a time which they must have alone.”

  Savarta nodded in agreement with Talon as they both fell silent for a few moments as they gazed at the men.

  “Tell me Savarta” Talon suddenly asked breaking the silence “tell me of this coming contest is it a big event.”

  “Besides the RION contest this is the largest ...... Last year we took eighteen men to Kallick Town, only eleven would return.”

  “Some would say that is a victory.” Talon interrupted as he noticed the pain in Savarta’s face.

  “Yes we won the contest all right but to lose seven men, seven good men was hard blow to bear.”

  “Do you expect better this year Savarta your men look very sharp.”

  “Every year I expect to win and every year I expect to return with the same amount of men that we left with, this is the best squad of men that I have ever had, I am expecting a great win for us.”

  “Eighteen men, eighteen wins would be nice.” Talon added.

  “It has never been done before, we would be immortalised if such a feat were achieved.”

  “The Kallick Town fighters are very well schooled.” added Talon.

  “Yes they are always in good condition but I have heard rumours that there squad this year are weak and inexperienced, I fear that our sternest competition will be from Zanlia.”

  “Zanlia.” replied Talon in surprise.

  “Yes those damn Zanlian’s! Very strong are they, this year they have four entries from the gladiator school there, four men each with big reputations. There instructor has stated that he expects all of them to go on to achieve the status of Golheck, it would be a great victory for us if we could thwart his plans.”

  “GOLHECKS, champion gladiators of the coveted Rion sword tournament, now that is a prize worth winning” added Talon with

  “See that man there.” Savarta replied smugly as he pointed.

  “The one with the scars.” added Talon.

  “He is the Reigning Rion sword Champion for the last two years.”

  “A Golheck!” Gasped Talon.

  “A Golheck of the highest stature, over eight hundred victories in the arena, he is the Empires finest” boasted Savarta to Talon who was now on his feet gazing at the champion gladiator with admiration. The man he looked at was what Talon always wanted to be, in Talon’s reckoning a Golheck was a King. As Talon studied the man he wondered to himself how he could be so blind as not notice him before, the way this man moved, the way he walked, everything about him oozed certitude and strength.

  “Take a long look at him Talon for he is one of a kind.” Savarta said now with his voice swamped in pride.

  Talon just gazed at the Golheck for what seemed like ages until the sound of Savarta’s voice broke his concentration.

  “I remember a gladiator from the south who won the Rion contest, I can remember it causing great controversy ... I believe he was trained in Tallasian.”

  “You mean Kleg.” Talon snapped.

  “Yes that was his name, did you know him?”

  “Know him!” Talon smiled “he was practically an uncle, my father trained him.”

  “He was your father’s gladiator?” Savarta said as he looked impressed at Talon who in turn smiled warmly and nodded.

  In response Savarta leaned closer to Talon and lowered his voice.

  “I am an Imperial soldier before all else, but I must confess I found it hard to bear the injustice that was given to Kleg.”

  Talon suddenly turned towards Savarta and nodded as if he knew what he was speaking about. In the back of Talon’s mind, he thought Savarta was remarking on the insult that the Empire did to Kleg, by not permitting him to join the Palace land guard, a right that Kleg had earned with his blood in the arena yet he noted mentally that Savarta’s voice had more sinister tones.

  “Your father must have been outraged.” Savarta added before he lowered his voice to a whisper and gazed quickly over each shoulder to see if anyone could hear him.

  “As rumour has it, those damn wizards took him from his quarters in the dark of night, some say he was murdered, some say that they altered his mind and that he is somewhere in Degrain acting as a slave for them. Whatever is the truth, it is an outrage that a Golheck be treated in such a way?”

  Talon could not believe what he was hearing; he tried hard to hide the shock from showing on his face as he felt his stomach churn.

  “They killed him.” he thought bitterly.

  Talon bit his bottom lip as thoughts raced through his mind “I have to leave this damn place, I have to get away from the Empire.”

  “Could I go to Kallick Town with you Savarta?” Talon asked “I would dearly like to see the contest.” He added.

  “It would be difficult, I have only ever taken fighters beyond the great wall, and you would have to ask permission from the General. He is a fair man and may permit your request, if it helps, I would have no objections to you accompanying us.”

  Talon cracked a half smile at Savarta as he rose to his feet, A sickness once again fell over him, he knew he would have to go to Kallick Town to escape but now he would have to ask General Koolga for permission.

  A request he knew that Koolga would never allow.

  Talon had to be on his own, he had to think things through, he excused himself in a swift and abrupt manner telling Savarta that he must not be late getting back to his school.

  Talon went to bed that night feeling angry and disappointed, he felt outraged at Kleg’s fate, but his mind focused mainly on finding ways to escape. He knew now that he had to go, there was no other option for him, he looked up at his uniform hanging on the wall and knew it would sicken him when he had to wear it again in the morning. Every nerve and sinew in his body seemed to pain him of his predicament.

  His mind raced and raced as he wished he could just walk out and go now, then suddenly he became drawn to the conversation that he had earlier with Savarta “I have only ever taken fighters beyond the great wall.” Savarta had said to him.

  Talon sat up as he realised the answer “If only fighters can go beyond the wall then a fighter I must be become.” he thought as a sudden feeling of optimism rushed through him.

  The next two days passed painfully slow for Talon, all he could think about was his plan to become one of Savarta’s gladiators. He came up with the plan to injure one of Savarta’s fighters then he would have to convince Savarta that he could take the gladiators place in the contest, it was a good plan Talon thought but it would take all of his skill to enact it.

  When Talon arrived for training at the gladiator school he stripped down and began a vigorous training session, he knew he would have to get Savarta’s attention so he used all his knowledge and skill to train at his best.

  Savarta did indeed notice the impressive looking Talon.

  “Go easy Talon, your hurt yourself.” Savarta said as he walked over.

  “I feel good.” he said with enthusiasm.

  “How about letting me spar with one of your men Savarta, it would be good to see how rusty I have become.”

  “Do you feel up to it?” Savarta replied.

  “I hope so.”

  Savarta smiled in awkwardness, as he felt uncertain at Talon’s request.

  “Let me spar Savarta” Talon added, “I pledge I will leave your man unharmed.” he added in jest.

  Savarta stood upright at Talons remark.

  “I admire your mettle young man; you come to the best gladiator school across the provinces and insist on fighting the best.”

  “Are you unnerved that they’re not up to fighting this man from the south.” Talon arrogantly teased.

  “So be it!” Savarta finally agreed.

  “But you will use wooden swords.” he added.

  Talon smiled “as you wish.” he replied smiling.

  Savarta gazed around and saw a gladiator named Gren who he then called over.

  “You can spar with Gren, he is an apprentice who’s been with us for a year now” Savarta told Talon.

  Talon nodded his head in understanding but this was not the confrontation he wanted Gren was a novice; Talon wanted a seasoned gladiator, one who would be travelling to Kallick Town.

  Talon was given a wooden sword which he swished through the air before squaring up to Gren, The two men slowly circled each other as they both waited for Savarta to commence them.

  “I have to embarrass this fighter, I have to make him look a fool.” Talon silently said to himself “I must anger Savarta, enrage him, enrage him so much that he gives me sterner opposition.”

  Talon was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts as he heard Savarta shout commence fighting.

  Talon traded a couple of blows to get a feel for his sword before he began his arrogance. Putting his weight upon his back foot he began to just defend against Gren’s advancing blows. Talon laughed at Gren’s attacks, he then quickly changed hands with his sword and began mocking Gren’s attacks scornfully.

  Gren in anger and began swinging wildly with his sword. Savarta studied Talon’s tactics but instead of feeling anger himself he began to feel impressed. He could see the ruse that Talon was doing, but he felt a little embarrassed at Gren, a man who had been tutored by him was falling into Talons snare.

  Talon carried on mocking Gren, changing his sword from hand to hand trying to antagonise him, then suddenly Gren’s patience snapped, he lunged forward in total rage where his anger made him lose all self-control. Talon took one step to his side and swiftly brought his knee up into Gren’s chest, Gren fell heavily onto his knees with the wind knocked out of him as Talon in a continuous movement pushed Gren onto his back, and then pointed his sword into Gren’s throat,

  “That my friend, would be your death!” Talon remarked.

  “One for the men of the south.�
� Talon added as he turned to face Savarta who was looking at young Talon feeling how impressed he was with him “absolute precision of movement” Savarta sighed to himself. He used his opponent’s anger to defeat him, he angered him till he lost all self-control then with exact precision he struck and defeated his opponent.

  “Very impressive.” Savarta shouted as he snapped out of his thoughts.

  “How about another?” Talon teased.

  Savarta called over another gladiator who had been observing Talon’s bout and was introduced as Troy.

  “This man will give you more of a challenge young Talon, he is a Golheck!” Savarta answered as he placed a hand on the Golheck’s shoulder.

  “Try that act with me boy and I’ll crack your arm!” Troy warned Talon.

  The word Golheck struck a sudden feeling of nervousness in Talon, “A Rion sword Champion” Talon thought, feeling slightly awe-struck. Talon felt nervous but he tried to calm himself, he knew that if he defeated this Golheck then Savarta would have to include him in the squad.

  Talon tried to shake the tenseness out of his arms; he looked Troy up and down and smiled confidently at him.

  “This should be interesting!” Talon remarked before backing off to get into a fighting stance.

  Talon looked at the Golheck before him, Troy was covered in scars and built like an ox, and the prospect of beating this man was daunting. Not only did Talon have to beat the Golheck, he was going to have to injure him as well, only then could it be certain for Talon to take this man’s place in the imminent contest.

  Talon thought of the trick he had just used on Gren “will he fall for it, he will not be expecting it.” Talon thought.

  “No a seasoned champion will not fall into that trap; I will have to rely on my speed. I must attack him like a hawk attacks his prey, I must be all over him from the moment Savarta calls commence, and hope to take him by surprise. Surprise is always the best strategy in battle.”

  The two men circled each other awaiting Savarta’s call, Talon relaxed his muscles trying to remember his Grandfathers teachings “to react with speed you must begin from relaxed” he heard his Grandfather say.


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