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Zachania Page 17

by Joseph Henry Gaines

  “FINISH HIM!” the soldier shouted.

  Talon stood upright and proud and replied with a firm ‘NO’.

  The crowd were now in a state of shock at Talon’s refusal and the soldier now angered ordered two more gladiators to enter the arena.

  The gladiators jumped down from the box and armed themselves, one took an axe and the other grabbed a long spear, they both then advanced towards Talon, when they reached him one of them stood in front while the other walked behind, Talon noticed this move and knew that he would have to be the aggressor before both men could get set.

  Talon swished his sword in the air and then attacked the one in front who had the axe, he went down onto one knee and while grabbing the axe with his left hand he pushed his sword into the man’s stomach, that’s one out the way Talon thought as spun around to face the other one.

  Talon attacked him furiously; he broke the spear with a blow from his sword then pushed him off balance before thrusting his sword into his ribs just below the heart.

  Talon lowered his sword and walked confidently towards the box where Akraf was sitting leaving the three dead gladiators behind him, the crowd were now going crazy cheering Talon who had hardly broke sweat.

  The soldier who had questioned Talon suddenly rose and jumped down into the arena; he threw off his garments and grabbed himself a sword from a soldier.

  Talon shook his head at the scarred man.

  “You will lose!” Talon warned him as he raised his sword and swished it through the air again splashing blood from the blade onto the sand.

  The soldier did not answer instead he attacked Talon with zeal and anger, Talon with ease just defended his blows making the soldier even more angry. Then Talon stupidly relaxed for a moment which allowed his opponent to strike Talon in the face with the butt of his sword. Talon spun away and wiped at the blood that was now coming from his brow, angered Talon then launched a devastating attack which soon had the soldier on his knees defenceless. Talon knocked the sword out of his hands and then raised his own sword above his head ready to strike, they both looked into each other’s eyes and held the stare, then the soldier lowered his head in defeat and Talon threw his own sword away before once again walking towards Akraf in the box.

  Akraf rose to his feet and looked at the crowd who were going crazy in salute at this young stranger before them, Akraf looked angered as he looked down at the blood splattered victor, Akraf then raised his hand and the crowd became silent


  Akraf then raised both his arms and encouraged the crowd to begin cheering once again.

  After the battle Talon was not returned to his cell instead he given a warm bath, his wound was stitched and he was given the finest silk garments to wear, he was then taken to a far part of the castle where he was led into a large banquet hall where the occupants cheered and saluted him.

  “Come my friend sit here next to me.” shouted Lord Akraf to which Talon accepted graciously.

  “Here eat.” Akraf added asking Talon to help himself to the abundance of food and ale heaped upon the table.

  “So they tell me you’re a Pangkor?”

  “Yes my Lord.” replied Talon before taking a bite into a large chicken leg.

  “Ha! A monk yet you fight like a gladiator, you defeated one of my finest champions.”

  “He fought well.” added Talon smiling as he wiped the cut on his brow.

  Lord Akraf laughed out loud again before slapping Talon affectionately on his back

  “Forget this monk business, join me, and join my army.”

  Talon smiled.

  “I am a monk, Lord, I have duties to fulfil.”

  “Duties! I will give you riches, riches you could not believe.”

  “I am sorry my Lord but I must fulfil my work.”

  “What work!, tell me I will have men do it for you.”

  Talon just smiled and did not answer.

  Akraf reached for his large tankard of ale.

  “So be it!” he sighed disappointed.

  “Well give me one thing monk, when you have finished running around the island doing this monk work you will at least think about joining me one day.”

  Talon nodded with a smile.

  “I will see you again my Lord that much I can promise you.”

  “GOOD! Then you will be a rich man.”

  “Talking of riches Lord, your men took one thousand Krasos from me.”

  Lord Akraf clapped his hands loudly causing a soldier to come over.

  “Get this man’s belongings and bring him two thousand Krasos.”

  “My Lord.” Talon interrupted “my money totalled a thousand.”

  “Then I will double it for you, triple it if you like.”

  “No two will be most generous.” laughed Talon.

  “And tomorrow morning I will give you one of my finest horses with all the food and supplies you can carry but tonight, tonight we feast and drink!”

  The two men did as the Lord said and feasted and drank until their bellies felt like they would burst and as the night went on Talon grew towards the Lord as he realised that Akraf was not such the dictator that he had heard he was, Akraf was indeed a fair and wise men which made Talon realise that it was the men who carried out his orders who did so with sometimes more aggression than needed.

  It was a lesson of leadership for Talon “A man cannot always be judged by the ways in which those beneath him act.” Talon thought to himself

  Chapter 11



  General Krustov’s secret army were now firmly mixed into the lifestyles of their fellow Zanlian’s, they had taken jobs as farmers, fishermen, shepherds, builders and carpenters and every other kind of trade that they could.

  Meanwhile for months on end the rest of the army under strict orders from Generals Sanda and Torenus conducted a vindictive hand of tyranny upon the people of Zanlia.

  The Empire excelled at these tactics, send soldiers to infiltrate and then send in an army to terrorise, people would be split, rumours and plans would then be more audible to the men who were hidden, every night more people were taken from their homes and tortured, the town was in a grip of terror and everyone feared for their lives.

  However General Krustov was still frustrated, he had his orders but it still troubled him as to why the emperor had ordered such a persecution on the people of Zanlia. For months now he had overseen the torture of hundreds of Zanlian’s yet still he had no evidence of a resistance movement. The Empire had arrested countless thieves and vagabonds and cleaned up the city of its local crime but still there was nothing, a few rumours here and there of some people’s contempt or anger of the Empire, but nothing convinced him that this town was on the brink of rebellion.

  Yet Krustov’s orders remained the same ‘find and destroy any signs of resistance.’ maybe his orders were to break the spirit of these people or to show them just how powerful the Empire was, just in case there was any thought of rebellion.

  It had taken Talon five days on horseback to reach the Zanlian Mountains. Totally unaware of the iniquities that were taking place in Zanlia, Talon felt excited that just one more day would see him enter the ancient holy city. He had once again put on his monks robes over his clothes as it would be much safer travelling as a monk.

  By morning Talon entered the outskirts of the city and could not believe what he saw, it looked like the city was under siege as besides the road were thousands of camped Imperial soldiers, for a moment Talon thought that he had come back to Kallick Town the military presence was so great.

  Warily he approached a roadblock; he had shown his monk papers to couple of soldiers in the mountain pass where he was waved on with no problems so it gave him a feeling of confidence as he neared the city’s entrance.

  After a short inspection the soldiers waved Talon through, he rode into the town and was struck with h
ow subdued the people seemed, on every corner there were soldiers and the people went about their business clearly showing signs of being under scrutiny.

  Talon asked one of the townsfolk directions to the temple only to be totally ignored; the man seemed terrified to talk to stranger.

  A nearby soldier noticed and walked over to Talon who was now dismounting his horse.

  “You there, what are doing?” asked the soldier sternly.

  “I am asking directions to the Pangkor temple sir.”

  “Who are you?”

  “I am a monk sir travelling from the Pangkor temple in Vilsillius.”

  Another soldier soon joined them and began admiring Talon’s horse.

  “Are monks now using Zanlian thoroughbred’s” he asked with a suspicious tone to his voice.

  Talon smiled trying not to look concerned.

  “We breed them” he answered as he produced his monk travelling passes.

  The soldier looked at the papers and then showed them to the other soldier who was now stroking the horse’s neck.

  “There fine.” he replied just glimpsing at them.

  “This is a beautiful horse, be sure to treat him well.” he added before giving the horse a gentle slap and walking away towards a merchant who was entering the city.

  “The temple is up the hill.” said the other soldier pointing.

  “Thank you.” Talon added.

  Upon reaching the temple Talon banged on its large wooden gate when it was opened Talon greeted the monk and made it known that he was a monk from the temple in Varanasa, Talon was greeted warmly and ushered inside where he was shown somewhere to freshen up while his request to see the Lord monk was conveyed.

  Talon washed himself and changed his clothes and was given something to eat as he waited for his audience.

  While waiting Talon kept thinking about his dream where Apollo had told him to show his pendent to the Lord Monk. Before long two monks came to fetch him, Talon dropped to one knee when he was introduced to the Lord Monk and bowed his head in respect.

  “Greetings my brother you asked to see me” said the Lord Monk.

  “Yes my Lord, I am on a quest and I seek your help.”

  The Lord monk straightened in his chair, he was curious before but now he was intrigued

  “What is this quest.” he answered.

  Talon rose to his feet and walked over to him then reached into his gowns and pulled out his pendent, the Lord Monk’s mouth gasped open in shock as he looked amazed.

  “Leave us!” he then ordered the other monks who were in the room.

  Then suddenly and to Talon’s amazement the Lord Monk fell to his knees.

  “I am at your service.” he whispered now kneeling before Talon with his head bowed.

  “I always wondered if I would be the one.” the Lord Monk added still not looking up.

  “What are you saying holy one.” added Talon reaching out for the monk to rise.

  “For centuries the Lord monks here in Zanlia have been told that one day a man will come. This man will be wearing the sign of Apollo, once this sign is shown then the Lord monk must take you a room here in the temple, a secret room, this task now falls to me, I did not dream that it would be me who would unveil the room of Apollo.”

  “The room of Apollo.” replied Talon puzzled.

  “Yes there is a room here that no one has ever entered; scriptures say that it was the room used by the Lord Apollo himself when he possessed mortal form.”

  “Are you saying that no one has ever seen inside this room?”

  “No one has ever entered it, not since Apollo himself, it has been forbidden for centuries.”

  “Take me to this room.” Talon replied with a stern tone in his voice.

  The Lord Monk led Talon to far part of the temple they walked through many doors till they reached a large curtain. The monk asked Talon to lend him a hand, and they pulled the curtain away to reveal an old strong wooden door. The monk reached inside his gown and pulled out a key where he unlocked it.

  Both men then pushed the old door open which took both of them to do, it creaked and dust fell as the heavy door opened, Talon gazed inside and saw a wooden staircase which was covered in cobwebs and dust.

  “I cannot go any further.” the Lord Monk suddenly said.

  Talon nodded his head and slowly ventured in, the stairs were dark and Talon tried to wipe away the cobwebs that now covered him, he moved slow as he descended down into the darkness until he reached a large stone door, Talon pushed but the door didn’t move.

  There fumbled around till he felt a torch and a tinderbox, he lit the torch and the flame burnt away the cobwebs.

  Talon studied the door and noticed an indentation, which was like his pendent, he removed the pendent and pushed it into the door, it was a perfect fit, suddenly the door rattled and with a puff of dust it creaked open.

  Talon pushed the door open and entered the room; he lit some candles then looked around.

  There was a large table with two chairs and next to it were four large wooden chests Talon walked over to the table bringing the candles with him, upon the desk was a large leather-bound book. Talon sat down and paused a moment before opening the large book and beginning to read what was written on the first page.

  By now I have already spoken to you, this quest is now at its beginning I have foreseen that my time is now limited and I Apollo have chosen you to fulfil my work, I have left you this book and weapons that will assist you. You are of Zachanian descent and therefore you will already have hatred in your heart.

  After the Great War between the Zachanian’s and the Degrain’s the gods decreed that they would never again involve themselves in between these two great tribes.

  I saw that it was the Degrain’s who wanted war so I defied my fellow gods and helped the Zachanian’s, I could not help them as a god so I took mortal form and fought by their side but I was betrayed and killed by the Degrain’s.

  The gods discovered this and sent a plague to kill all life on Kratos, I was exiled for my punishment; the plague reaped a terrible toll where countless died; only when the brave monks of Pangkor pleaded for mercy did the plague end.

  Then a new enemy known as the Empire came from a far off land Kalitash, a land ruled by evil gods and magic and when they found Kratos they found an island that was ravaged by war and plague, the Empire easily conquered the weakened Degrain’s who swore allegiance to escape annihilation.

  Together with the Degrain’s they turned their attention towards Zachania, thousands of men women and children were killed without mercy, I pleaded from my exile for the gods to help but my fellow gods stood firm never to interfere in Kratos again.

  I did not approve of this so I disobeyed them freeing myself from exile once again I took mortal form, we battled hard winning many battles but we was betrayed by our own Zachanian wizards.

  As I write this now all is lost, the Empires armies are approaching Zanlia from all directions, my Zachanian warriors are all but defeated, we are ravaged from a plague sent by the Empire and delivered by our own wizards.

  I have sent an order for my people back in Zachania to be ready for the years ahead, my life here is at an end and I must sacrifice myself.

  May the gods have mercy on me and I will plead with them for my punishment not to be severe.

  If this letter is being read then centuries have probably passed and my punishment would be what I expect.

  I have left you secret maps and routes into Zachania and when you reach there you must lead the Zachanian’s to their freedom, but pay heed the gods have forsaken Zachania, your destiny is in your own hands.

  I have left you many secrets in a cave in Zachania, you will find this place yourself as this place will soon be in the hands of the Empire and I cannot guarantee its safety here.

  Zachania must be free.

  Talon read for many hours reading about the wars and the battles that had just taken place. Apollo wrote many letters about th
e Empire and the emperor.

  Talon read that the emperor was over a thousand years old and was a son of an evil god on Kalitash.

  Talon also read about the history of Zachania and of its hero’s and warriors, its towns and families.

  When he finished he closed the book and opened the nearest chest ,Talon froze in awe as inside was the finest sword Talon had ever seen, he blew away the dust and picked it up, it looked heavy but it was very light. It was etched with the finest detail one could imagine and the blade was so sharp Talon cut his finger touching it.

  “How can something be so sharp?” Talon sighed wiping away the blood.

  “This must be a sword made by the gods.” he added.

  Talon then opened the other chests, inside them he found more books as well as scrolls and maps; he also found some gold and gems.

  One of the maps was Zachania and all the Zachanian towns it also mapped a secret route through a cave on the eastern coast.

  Talon read that the only way to reach this cave was by small boat, the sea of Zanlia was deadly where cliffs on Zachania sometimes rose as high as 1000ft and the sea was often rough with strong winds causing countless boats to be crushed against the rocks and cliffs.

  But by small boat the route could be navigated to a cave carved out centuries ago by smugglers.

  Talon then read another scroll about Zachra, the largest town on Zachania and also about Zachania’s two other large towns Zabac and Zafra.

  After a few hours Talon left the secret room and made his way to the Lord monk.

  “Did you find what you seek?” the Lord Monk greeted him.


  The Lord Monk then reached out a hand and touched Talon’s arm gently.

  “I have been thinking a great deal since your arrival of you and our god Apollo may I ask you a question.”

  “Of course, holy one.”

  The Lord monk paused slightly before asking his question.

  “Will war be upon us again?”

  Talon thought to himself before replying.

  “Holy one you say the word war, what does that mean? Then you ask me if it will upon us again………. My answer is this, to some war has never left them, I cannot answer this question in a yes or a no but what needs to done will be done, and if some call it war some may call it freedom while some will call it disobedience, such a question is beyond such a simple answer, whatever will come, different people will call it what they believe, but one thing is certain my Lord monk ………….A time of change is approaching.”


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