Daddy's Here

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Daddy's Here Page 22

by Lucy Wild

  The doctor took one girl after another through the curtain and as they emerged, Mrs Flanders sent them out to find their own way back to the house. Finally only Laura remained and the doctor pointed at her without smiling. “Your turn.”

  Chapter 12

  Edward stood up when the doctor called for Laura. “Return with the littles, Mrs Flanders,” he said. “I shall chaperone her through the appointment.”

  “Very good Mr Westall,” she replied, a hint of a surprise crossing her features. He wasn’t surprised. Every new little who was examined by the doctor was accompanied by Mrs Flanders. It saved any whisper of impropriety from making the rounds. He had no doubt she was wondering why he had chosen to join Laura during her appointment though her professionalism was such that she chose not to argue with him in public. He was glad, it saved him having to explain himself. He wasn’t quite sure what he would have said.

  “Into the chair,” the doctor said as they passed through into the examination room. Edward looked at the chair he’d heard talked about though he had not himself seen it before. Similar to a standard wooden chair, it differed in one important respect. Within the seat a perfect circle had been cut out. “Clothes off first,” the doctor added as she moved across to the chair.

  “What clothes?” she muttered as she reached down and pulled at the corners of her nappy. Edward was pleased to see she did not attempt to reason with the doctor, acquiescing at once with his command. She was changing already.

  As the nappy fell to the floor, he could not help staring at her body, looking down at her core as she hopped up onto the chair, he bottom sinking into the hole in the chair. “What is this for?” she asked, pulling the dummy from her mouth.

  “To gain the measurements needed,” the doctor replied. “Legs apart.”

  Edward watched as her knees were tied to the sides of the chair, her core half on view from her slightly sunken position. He realised as he looked at her that there was no turning back. He had to have her. If she passed the medical he would ask her to marry him, to become his little for the rest of their lives.

  “Name?” the doctor asked, tying her wrists to the arms of the chair before picking up a notepad.

  “Why am I being tied in place?”

  “To stop you from falling if the measuring causes hysteria. Name?”

  “Laura Rothsfield.”



  “Are you sexually active?”

  “Must I answer?”

  “Yes you must. Have you ever had sex?”

  “No, never.”

  “Be honest. A beautiful woman like you with a body like that. Surely you must have done.”

  “I have not and I am offended by the suggestion sir.”

  “I merely have to be sure.” He took a tape measure and wrapped it around her left breast, making a note of the marker. He did the same with her right before taking note of the size of a multitude of her body pats. Her nipples, her lips, her fingers, all neatly recorded in his notepad. Finally, he stepped back and took hold of a handle on the wall. “You may feel a little discomfort Speak out if it becomes too much to cope with.”

  He began to slowly wind the handle in a circle. “What are you doing?” Laura asked as the sound of cranking and clicking filled the air. She realised a moment later and Edward observed her reaction closely when the brass cylinder rose from beneath the chair and edged upwards between her buttocks.

  “Let me go!” Laura yelled, fighting against the bonds holding her tightly in place.

  “I will not,” the doctor replied bluntly. “I must first ascertain the measurements I need.” He continued slowly turning the handle.

  “What measurements can you possibly find from such an intrusion?”

  “How much you can fit inside you of course.”

  As the cylinder continued its inexorable journey upwards, Laura gasped, the device easing its way up and into her bottom. She could not move away from it, remaining trapped in the chair as it moved upwards. She let out a shriek as the tip of it pushed into her posterior at last. “Oh my word,” she moaned. “That hurts.”

  “You barely have an inch inside you,” the doctor replied. “Are you telling me that is all you can take? Your papa will not be happy.”

  “No,” she said, looking as if her pride had been hurt. “I can take far more. It just hurts.”

  “I know but this is to stretch you ready for your life as a little. The record is seven inches. Shall we see if you can top that?”

  He cranked the handle again and the cylinder moved deeper into her. Edward watched, feeling his member stiffen at the thought of it being him easing into her instead. She looked as if se was torn between pain and pleasure, her body shuffling but her frantic attempts to escape her bonds fading away as she let out a low groan. The cranking continued and she fell silent, rocking slightly in place as the cylinder seemed to vanish inside her.

  “My goodness,” the doctor said as he stopped the handle at last, looking at her panting and reddened face. He turned to Edward. “Would you believe she has nine inches inside her? That’s a new record.”

  “What do you think of that Laura?” Mr Westall asked, looking across at her.

  “Deeper,” she growled, surprising him by the hunger in her voice. The doctor blinked before laughing and turning back to her.

  “Patience my dear, you may feel differently when we begin the second measurement.”

  “Second one?” she gasped, still rocking in place.

  “Indeed.” The doctor wheeled over a trolley with a metal pipe sticking forwards from the edge facing towards her. On the end of the pipe was a long rubber cylinder with a bulbous head. Rings marked off each inch along its length. The tip was placed directly between her legs, just touching her core. “Here we go,” the doctor continued, turning a handle connected to the side of the pipe.

  The rubber cylinder moved forwards, bending slightly as it nudged into the entrance to her. She let out a deep low groan, wincing as it pushed past her entrance, clearly stretching her painfully before she was able to widen enough to comfortably accommodate it. “That’s an inch,” Mr Westall said. “How does that feel?”

  “More,” she moaned, blinking as if lost in a daydream. “I need more.”

  In response the doctor continued turning the handle, the cylinder slowly working its way deeper into her. Her expression changed when it passed the five inch marker, animal lust seeming to take over her body. She writhed on the chair, clearly in the midst of the hysteria the doctor had warned her about. “More,” she snarled again.

  The doctor turned to Edward with a bewildered expression on his face. “She has nine in the rear and eight in the front. I have never known anyone to do that before. Whoever becomes her papa will be very happy indeed. Absolutely incredible.”

  “Take them out,” he replied curtly. “I better get her back.” He did not add that his reasoning was that if he watched her moaning and grinding on the cylinders any longer he would have to take her there and then and to hell with decorum.

  “No,” Laura begged. “Not yet.”

  The doctor smiled. “I do not take orders from littles,” he said. “I take them from adults.”

  She screamed with frustration as the cylinders were cranked back out of her. As the doctor untied her she looked as if she were awakening from a daydream, blinking slowly several times and looking down at her body before standing up and blushing deeply. She remained frozen in place as the doctor tied the nappy back in place between her hips and then she mutely followed Edward from the examination room.

  Edward walked out of the surgery and gulped several times at the fresh air, attempting to dispel the urgent need he felt to ravish her that very moment. The entire walk back to his home, he insisted she walk behind him, unable to look at her for fear that lust would overrule the reasoning part of his mind and compel him to take her without caring who saw. He stopped when they reached the house and turned to face her. “I must as
k you something,” he said.

  “Yes papa,” she replied, staring placidly back at him.

  “Will you give me your hand in marriage?” he asked, watching closely to see how she reacted. “I would very much like to become both your papa and your husband.

  Chapter 13

  Laura was in a daze as she walked back into Westall’s house. She knew he had proposed, that she had said yes, and yet it was still like a dream to her. She had left the doctor’s with her body sore and her mind full of pent up emotion. Lust filled thoughts had taken over her whilst she was being examined, she knew that now. It was not her that had growled out, “More,” it was the sinful desires deep within her that had taken over.

  She shuddered as she thought of the two cylinders deep inside her, a sensation she felt she would never forget for as long as she lived. She had felt in pain, stretched wide by their intrusion, yet also more alive than ever before. The feeling of fullness they had provided had brought something bubbling to the surface within her, something she had long kept buried, afraid of it, terrified by what it might mean. It might mean she was not a respectable woman. For what respectable woman would enjoy having both her holes filled at the same time?

  It could only be the confused state of her mind that had led her to say no to Westall’s proposal. What other reason could there possibly be for such madness? He had asked, she had immediately said no, feeling her heart sink as she did so. But now, just a short time later, she was already regretting it. She was beginning to realise she needed a papa. Not only that but she had just been given the chance to spend her life with the perfect one for her. And she had turned him down.

  As she walked into the hallway of Westall’s house, she stopped dead. Standing before her was the last person she wanted to see. It was her stepmother.”

  “Lady Rothsfield,” Mr Westall said, walking towards the furious looking woman. “How good it is to see you again.”

  She waved away his hand. “Do not attempt pleasantries with me you depraved pervert. I have come to retrieve my stepdaughter from this cesspit of sin.”

  “I am afraid I do not understand.”

  “She is stood there in a nappy, as naked as the day she was born, for all the world like some penny dreadful version of an infant and you do not understand me? You will burn in hell for this Mr Westall, mark my words.”

  “I assure you madam, my techniques have the firmest possible basis in science. I could guide you to several periodicals which discuss in great detail…”

  “Enough. I had my doubts when you were first touted as a solution to her problems. But to find out what goes on here, I am shocked sir. Laura, get dressed this instant. We are leaving.”

  Laura took a step away from her. “But I do not want to leave.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I do not want to leave. I want to stay here with Mr Westall. He is a great man.” She was rewarded by a look of disgust on her stepmother’s face.

  “A great man? What kind of man dresses grown women up in nappies? I saw one just now with a dummy in her mouth. It is disgusting.”

  “Please, I beg you to reconsider.”

  “I will not hear another word on this matter. We return home this instant, whether you are willing or not.”

  Maria stormed past Mr Westall, grabbed Laura by the arm and began dragging her outside, ignoring her protests.

  “Please, papa,” Laura called out. “Save me papa.”

  “Papa?” Maria gasped. “Saints preserve us. She has gone insane.”

  Laura could only look behind her as she was shoved into the waiting carriage. “Drive on!” Maria shouted before the door was even closed.

  “No!” Laura cried out, reaching for the handle.

  Maria grabbed hold of her, pulling her over her lap. “By the heavens, you will maintain some sense of decorum my girl.” She grabbed the nappy and roughly pulled it loose, tossing it aside whilst Laura squirmed to escape her lap. “Your father may dote on you but I see only a spoilt brat who needs more than fads and snake oil to set her on the straight and narrow. You need a bloody good thrashing.”

  Laura could hardly believe what was happening. One minute she was beside her new papa, the next she was on the lap of this harridan whose hand was lifting into the air. How was she so strong as to hold her in place with one hand in the air like that?

  Maria’s hand came slapping down onto Laura’s naked posterior, causing the poor girl to shriek in pain. “Stop it!” Laura cried. “You are hurting me.”

  “Good. Perhaps you will begin to learn.”

  Laura continued to shriek as Maria’s hand landed on her rear again and again. She did not stop until she was quite breathless and by then Laura could do little but slump to the opposite seat, wincing as her battered posterior pressed into the thin cushion beneath her, little protection from the hard wood underneath.

  She began to weep as her stepmother sneered at her. “You are pathetic,” Maria said. “Do you know that? Cannot even take the spanking you deserve without whining like the brat you are.”

  Laura glared back at her but said nothing. All she could think about was Mr Westall. Her papa would make it all okay, she knew that. But would he come for her after she turned down his proposal of marriage? Her body hurt but her mind was in agony. She felt that she was in the thrall of a thoroughly wicked woman, like the stepmother from the old fairy tales. Could she win out against such a villain? “I hate you,” she said as her tears finally stopped falling.

  “I care not.”

  “I will tell my father what you have done and he will want nothing more of you.”

  “I doubt you will be telling anyone anything.”

  Laura felt suddenly terrified. Something in the coldness of Maria’s tone of voice was far more threatening than the beating she had just doled out. “What do you mean?” she asked, afraid of what the answer might be.

  “You will see soon enough. Now you will be silent and sit still like a respectable woman. I have a headache.”

  Laura sat in silence, her fingers trembling with fear and cold, her flesh white as a draught blew through the edge of the carriage door seemingly headed straight for her. She had no idea how much time had passed since she last spoke but as the sun began to set, she grew increasingly afraid. They should have reached Rothsfield House by now. Where were they?”

  Maria looked up and smiled, a cold smile that lacked any warmth. “This will do,” she called out and the carriage stopped.

  “What is this place?” Laura asked, glancing out into nothing but darkness.

  “The place I shall forever remember,” Maria said, opening the carriage door. “The place where I got rid of you for good.”

  Laura gasped as a pair of rough hands reached in and grabbed her. She caught a glimpse of the carriage driver’s face as he dragged her out and tossed her to the ground.

  She fell into thick mud and as she rose to her knees, she saw the driver climbing back into place. “What are you doing?” she cried, already beginning to shiver.

  “You freeze to death,” Maria called back as the carriage rolled away. “I gain your inheritance. Isn’t marriage a wonderful institution?”

  The driver lashed at the horses and the carriage raced away leaving Laura alone in the darkness. “Come back!” she screamed but only the wind heard her, taking her words and whipping them away into the night.

  She wrapped her hands around her body which was shaking uncontrollably. Her teeth began to chatter as she looked around her for any kind of landmark. She could see nothing beyond the road the carriage had raced away along. She attempted to follow its tracks but as she set off it began to rain and within minutes the wheelmarks had faded into the thick mud of the poor quality trackway. She stopped, her feet numb, her hands burning with cold. “What do I do now?” she asked out loud.

  Chapter 14

  Edward rode as fast as he could. He had expected to catch up with the carriage containing Laura and Lady Rothsfield but he had not done s
o by the time he reached Rothsfield House. He cursed his stable boy for the time it had taken to prepare his horse. They must already be inside.

  By the time he had set off, he was worried. It was not just the fact that someone had provided Lady Rothsfield with detailed information as to his teaching methods. That was a concern and something to be dealt with at the first opportunity. But far more importantly was the fact that Laura was being taken from him, perhaps never to return. He could not allow that.

  All his life, he realised as he rode, he had wanted a perfect little to be his wife. Someone who would submit to him willingly but keep their spirit, a paradox he felt no one could ever reconcile. His last partner had tried but her defiance had led her to cheat on him. But with Laura, he felt, it was different. She would not cheat. He could see it in her eyes. She loved him. He knew she did.

  Once he reached the house, he tied up his horse and ran up the steps, pulling at the bell several times before it was answered by an ancient butler. “Yes sir?”

  “I must see Lord Rothsfield at once.”

  “I am afraid his Lordship is not seeing visitors at the moment. If you would like to leave your calling card, I shall…”

  “Oh, to hell with you!” He shoved the butler aside and marched into the house. Striding through the hallway he found his quarry in his study, writing at his desk.

  “Lord Rothsfield,” he said, stepping inside. “I must speak to you.”

  “If it is about my daughter, she is your problem now. I have paid for the treatment and it is your concern if she rebels, not mine.”

  “No,” Edward said, shaking his head. “It is nothing like that. I will be blunt sir. I love your daughter. I would respectfully like to request her hand in marriage.”

  Lord Rothsfield leaned back in his chair. “Good God sir. Do you know what you are letting yourself in for?”

  “I do.”

  “Then I accept. There will be those that grumble but none of them would want her so they can whistle as far as I am concerned. I thought no one would ever take her on. Now, I suppose you will want to get back and give her the news that I have accepted?”


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