Sold To The Athim Prince

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Sold To The Athim Prince Page 8

by Hollie Hutchins

  I felt a wave of passion and confidence roll over me. A beautiful man, my husband, was willing to give me the world. I stood up slightly and leaned across the table, purposely letting my cleavage show. I watched as his eyes wandered down to my breasts. He squirmed in his chair, and I could tell I was turning him on.

  “Whatever I want?” I asked.

  “Whatever you want,” he replied. I toyed with the zipper on my bodysuit, pulling it down a little further. I felt my confidence rapidly building. A whispering thought crossed my mind, and the words came out of my mouth before I could stop them.

  “I want you to treat me,” I said. “Not like a princess. Like a sex toy.”

  “What?” He looked up at me. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to be dominated by him. I didn’t say anything more, and he didn’t wait for me to change his mind. He quickly jumped up from his seat and cleared the table with one swift movement of his arm. The dishes and glasses clattered to the ground below, some of them breaking and staining the floor with wine. None of that mattered. The only thing that mattered at the moment was us. He seized me hard, his fingers gripping the latex. As if wanting to tear through it and reach me. Our lips mashed together, and I experienced momentary panic since I wasn’t exactly a good kisser, given how little practise I’d had. He didn’t seem to notice.

  His hands groped along my sides, and my attention was split between the hot wetness of his lips and breath, and the tingling friction as the latex was rubbed. He backed away from me long enough to work at the zipper on my latex, the one that happened to be tugged right down to my breasts. One sharp jerk, and he pushed the material away from my skin to expose my breasts at last. His hand trembled as he stroked along them, brushing the nipples.

  I let out a quiet groan, breath shuddering. Which seemed to snap something inside him. He grabbed me by the sides, and quickly braced me against the table, until my body sprawled along, and my legs dangled. I braced my feet against the overhang.

  “I’ve wanted this for so fucking long, Freya,” he hissed, lowering himself on to me. I felt his rock hard cock through his pants as it brushed my thigh. While I had seen it before, it felt much bigger than it looked.

  Our lips met again as he pushed against me, his tongue seeking mine. He tasted sweet, and I let out a soft moan. This was better than I imagined. He moved the zipper on my bodysuit completely down and pulled the suit off, leaving me completely naked. Completely at his mercy.

  His lips began to wander down my neck, closer and closer to my left breast. He finally reached the nipple, taking it in his mouth. I cried in pleasure as he began to suck harder. I threw my head back and closed my eyes. He began to nibble on the tender skin with his teeth, causing small waves of pleasure to radiate throughout my body.

  “Oh god, Modric! That feels so good,” I purred, my eyes squeezed shut. I opened my eyes back up, eager to see what he looked like sucking on my breasts. What I saw caused me to grow even more wet. The pleasant sensation on my breast connected to the even more pleasing sight of Modric’s lips upon me, tasting such an intimate area.

  I wanted to be taken. I wanted to be taken now. He couldn’t get those damn pants off fast enough for me.

  He began to reach for his lower clothing. A noise grabbed my attention, however. I noticed a figure standing near the door. It was her. Idira. I froze like a deer in headlights, the hot pleasure suddenly gone, dunking me in a wave of cold. I could not move, I couldn’t make a noise. She started to walk towards the table, watching us as if we were in a movie. Intruding! I finally broke out of the trance that kept me still.

  “Jesus Christ!” I cried out, pushing Modric off me. I covered my exposed breasts with one arm, my crotch with the other as Modric jumped off me. Modric stood on both feet, alarmed at both my reaction and Idira standing in front of us. I waited for him to yell at her, but he said nothing.

  “Not feeling well, huh?” she asked Modric. She was visibly pissed off. He failed to answer her, so she turned her attention to me.

  “Well,” she said. “He replaced me with you, did he?”

  She touched my bare shoulder and I pulled away.

  “Don’t touch me,” I spat. My teeth were clenched. I was both angry, upset, and embarrassed.

  “Listen, honey,” she said. “I’m glad you were able to enjoy yourself tonight, but playtime is over. I will pick up from here. I want some time with this one.”

  She began to walk towards Modric, eager to embrace him.

  “That’s my wife you’re speaking to!” Modric’s voice boomed throughout the room. Idira spun to look back at me. I wasn’t sure who was more surprised, Idira or myself.

  “Your what?” A look of disgust formed across her face.

  “This is Freya, and she’s my wife. She’s the princess of this ship,” Modric said, his voice growing stronger.

  Idira’s face grew the color of my hair. She wasn’t taking this well.

  “Your wife.” She lowered her voice. “Hmm. Your wife. Is that so?”

  “Yes,” Modric said. “We’re done, Idira. We’ve been done for a while. You’ve already had my sister. Don’t get greedy.”

  She turned her attention back to me. “Well, this is an interesting turn of events, is it not?”

  “You can either leave on your own or you can be escorted out,” Modric said.

  Idira cleared her throat.

  “Modric, I have to admit, I didn’t see this coming. You didn’t get jealous of my stunt with Nadira earlier?” she asked. Modric got closer to her, and I fumbled for my suit, managing to zip it back up again.

  “I told you, Idira. It’s long since been over. And I suppose you forgot what you did with my sister back then, too? I thought you said you preferred women.”

  “Perhaps, Modric.” She gave a tight smile. Something seemed off about her expression, somehow. “Or perhaps I just wanted to see you jealous. How… upsetting that you’re not.” Disgust returned to her face when she regarded me. “Don’t think I didn’t see the way you looked at this one. And if we’re being honest, I know you never looked at me that way. Such a shame, really. So, I planned ahead.”

  She slowly reached into her purse and revealed a small, silver gun. I gasped.

  “Oh, Modric,” she said, toying with the gun in her hand. “You have really fucked up this time.”

  I looked at the gun, then at Modric, and then back at the gun again. I didn’t see this coming. I wasn’t sure if Modric did, either.

  This woman is crazy!

  “You don’t need to resort to violence,” Modric told her, eyeing the gun. “If you try to shoot either of us, our guards will storm this room within moments. I can assure you that they’ve already seen the gun from the command room.”

  Idira looked around for cameras. If they were there, they weren’t visible. She then gave a casual shrug. “Well, it looks like they’re taking their sweet time coming to save you,” she said. “Now, should I kill sweet, little Freya first or just leave her out of this?”

  Before he could answer, Natira flew into the room in dragon form. Blue, scaly, smaller than Modric, she was able to easily fit. Her tail knocked the gun out of Idira’s hand, and onto the floor.

  “What the hell?” Idira screamed, scrambling to reach the gun. Natira circled back, her tail knocking the gun further out of Idira’s reach. She might have been smaller, but the fangs upon her snout were just as sharp as Modric’s.

  “What the hell is this?” Idira screamed, shielding her head from Natira’s tail.

  “That’s my sister!” Modric announced. “Just because you fucked her, doesn’t mean she’ll let you go ahead and shoot me!”

  Natira continued to circle the room, occasionally slapping the floor with her tail to send a clear message to Idira.

  “You need to leave now, or she’s going to kill you,” Modric said. “And I won’t stop her.”

  Idira looked at him, and back at Natira in dragon form.

  “So that’s what an Athim woman looks li
ke when riled.” For some reason, a kind of perverse smile entered her lips, before she said, “This isn’t over, Modric!” She stormed out of the room. Although I was glad to see her go, I knew she was right. This wasn’t over. I had a feeling that she would be back before we could leave the planet.

  After the three of us had composed ourselves, we sat at the table. Natira shifted back to alien form. She picked up the tablecloth to cover her body.

  “I wanted to make her my toy,” she said. “But that doesn’t look like it’ll happen, now. She was going to kill you guys, you know?”

  Modric nodded.

  “This is all your fucking fault,” Natira went on, throwing heat at Modric. “If you never let her have so much power over this planet, or hinted you might come back some day, the crazy bitch may have been less upset.”

  He hinted he’d come back? This was new.

  “I know, I know,” Modric said. “Though you could have just not slept with her back then, too.”

  “Oh, come off it now, brother. You know full well if it wasn’t me, she’d have picked one of the crew members. Now, are we going to kill her or not?”

  He glared. “Believe me, I don’t want her alive any more than you do, but we’re on her planet. We can’t assassinate her on her own soil. We still need the resources on Arilia.”

  Natira pouted, but we all knew Modric was right.

  “Well, the ship is close to being repaired, and we have enough resources to make it to Hallon,” Natira informed us. “The engineers have a little more to do, but we should be back up and fully running by the morning.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. The sooner we were off Arilia, the better. After a few minutes, Natira left the room, leaving Modric and I alone.

  He looked at me sheepishly, no doubt thinking about what we had done before Idira interrupted us.

  “Well, I guess this night is ruined,” he said. I agreed.

  “It was good while it lasted,” I said, helping him clean up the mess that we had created during our passion. I wondered if Natira had picked up on that.

  He said they have cameras… could they all have been watching us? I did not want to think about that for too long. Once we were done picking the dishes from the floor, Modric spoke.

  “I apologize for cutting this short, but I want to go talk to the team about getting out of here sooner rather than later.”

  He left the room, and once again, left me wanting more. And worrying about what the rest of his crew must have seen. I still couldn’t make out any cameras.

  I went back to the bedroom and changed into my pajamas. It had been a long day and I needed a good night’s sleep. I crawled into bed with thoughts of Modric dancing in my mind. I hoped we could soon pick up where we left off.

  Chapter 13

  I awoke to several sharp jolts and a loud succession of beeps. It almost felt like we were being attacked again. I turned over in bed and found the light on the night table. I pushed the button, but it didn’t turn on. We had no electricity.

  I felt next to me in bed for Modric, but he wasn’t there. I wasn’t sure what time it was or what was going on. As I stood to get out of bed, I heard a voice coming from the corner.

  “Freya,” the voice said. It took me a minute to recognize who it was, and when I did, a thrill of dread went through me. Not Modric. Not Natira. Idira.

  We were in the room alone.

  “What are you doing, Idira?” I asked. “You’re throwing away everything you have for something you can’t have.” I couldn’t see her. I could only hear her. I tried for the light again, even though I knew it wouldn’t work. A flashlight turned on. I could see her now, illuminated by her own flashlight.

  “I’m taking back what is mine,” she said. “This was supposed to be my life. I love this entire family, and you took that away from me. Modric. Natira. I see how she looks at you, too. I see it!”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond, so I let her talk. Trying to stall her. Modric had to come in and check on me, right? Or maybe Natira again, bursting in with dragon form?

  They probably don’t have cameras in the bedroom, I thought uneasily.

  “I worked hard for where I came from,” Idira explained. “Similar to you, I was plucked from Earth and traded to aliens. But as soon as Modric came along, I knew I had an opportunity to make more of my life. He was a prince, and I could be a princess.”

  “You were never going to be a princess,” I interrupted her. “Modric told me the whole story. If he loved you, he would not have left you on this shitty planet. And if you loved him… you wouldn’t have slept with Natira.”

  Her flashlight bobbed up and down as she walked across the room to my bed. Without a single word, she reached down and slapped me across my face. It stung.

  “Didn’t you hear? I love them both!”

  I grabbed her thin wrist and twisted it. I’d never had physical contact like this with someone before, but I anger pumped throughout my blood.

  “Oww!” she screamed out, pulling away from me. As she did, the flashlight fell to the floor. She raised her hand to hit me when the door opened.

  Modric stood there, the flashlight the only thing illuminating him. He stood tall, and held a silver gun in his hand.

  “Idira!” He screamed. “Get away from her now!”

  She turned to look at him.

  “Why?” she asked. “So you can have a fair shot to kill me?”

  She moved closer to me, trying to use me as a human shield.

  “You did this to yourself, Modric!” she yelled back at him. “I can give you a better life than she can! Please, Modric. Take me off this planet. I’ll even be a second wife to you. To your sister! Please.”

  Her strong demeanor quickly faded. She was weak when it came to love and the Athims, apparently. Not to mention absolutely insane.

  “A second wife?” Modric said. He rubbed his chin, contemplating the thought.

  “Yes,” she said, still not moving from the bed. “I’m willing to share you if it means I can have you and your sister. Maybe even just your sister. I just want to see you.”

  I couldn’t believe that at a time like this, she’d resorted to begging. To be with Modric in some form or another.

  “It’s not a bad idea,” he said, sounding like he was genuinely considering it. “Two women at once…? It doesn’t sound like the most awful thing.”

  I was completely floored. Was he serious? Idira let me go, and got up from the bed.

  “We can make this work, Modric,” she said, as she began to walk towards him.

  And then, everything seemed to move in slow motion, like it did in the movies. I watched as he raised the gun up and aimed it directly at her chest. She had no time to react or move out of the way. The bullet punched into her. She fell to the ground. Unmoving.

  “Oh my god!” I cried out. Tears began to run down my cheeks, and my body shook. Modric stepped over her body and grabbed me from the bed. I continued to cry into his chest as he carried me out of the room and into the hallway.

  He didn’t let me down. We continued down the hallway and into the command room where he finally set me down. Natira and the rest of the crew were in the room. They turned to look at us.

  “What happened?” Natira asked.

  “Idira’s dead,” he announced. “Seems like we did have to kill her after all. The locals won’t be happy. Nor will her husband.” Natira covered her mouth in surprise.

  “Idira was on the ship?” she asked. “Unbelievable. She should have left while she had the chance.”

  “She was behind all of this,” he explained. “She purposely fucked with the electricity, so she could get in the room and to Freya. Without electricity, the doors allow anyone in and out. She knew that from the short time she stayed on the ship. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was there to murder her. Hard to commit a murder without a weapon, though.”

  I thought so, too. Given that Modric had it. What on earth was Idira thinking?

sp; Although the initial adrenaline rush felt good, standing up against Idira, fighting wasn’t something I wanted to do again.

  “The electricity is almost fixed, Prince Modric,” one of the engineers said from the other side of the room.

  “Can you go take care of Idira?” Modric asked a soldier. The Athim male nodded and left the room with another guard.

  “What are they going to do with it?” I asked. Not wanting to think of the body as something that was once alive.

  “I don’t want anyone on Arilia to know that she’s dead until we’re gone. As awful as this sounds, we’re going to keep her on the ship until the last minute we leave.”

  I shuddered. Although she was an enemy, throwing a dead body off the ship once we left was a little unsettling. To say the least.

  “Are you okay?” Natira asked, approaching me. I nodded.

  “I’m not sure,” I said. “I’m not sad that she’s dead.” Did that make me a monster? “I’m just... emotional from everything. Tired.”

  “For the record, I never wanted her as a second wife,” Modric said. “I was just trying to diffuse the situation and get her away from you.”

  “I know that,” I replied. “I just can’t believe she did all of this.”

  The lights suddenly turned back on, but a new beep started.

  “What’s that noise for?” Modric turned to look at the control board.

  “The airlock,” an engineer said. “She tried to fuck with that, too. We need to fix this before we launch.”

  Modric pounded his fist on the desk.

  “Do we have the tools we need to fix this?” he asked. The engineer shook his head.

  “Dammit,” Modric said. “Now that she’s dead, we really need to get out here before her people coming looking for her. Let’s go and get what we need.”

  The remaining crew stood up, ready to follow Modric.

  “Where are you going?” I asked, although I already knew the answer.

  “Freya,” Modric spoke. “I know you have been through a lot tonight, but I need to go out there and get the tools.”


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