Sugary Sweets (A Taste of Love Series Book 2)

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Sugary Sweets (A Taste of Love Series Book 2) Page 9

by A. M. Willard

  “Well, I say let’s jump on it and get to hiring more staff. We will need to supply this place and the other bakery. It’s a lot to work out and get situated, but with us I know anything is possible,” I say and watch as Morgan approaches me for a hug. She leans in and whispers, “Thank you for being my partner and believing in me.” I squeeze her back; there really is no need to thank me. I love my job and her like the sister I’ve never had. Who else can say they live their life the way they want, doing what they love to do each and every day? Not many, but the four of us can pretty much say that- with our girl power we are a dynamic group that gets what they want.

  I wave to Jayden and head back out to my car so I can go to the bakery we currently have. I’ll have to admit that I might have had a little pep in my step as I skipped through the parking lot. Life is perfect… Actually, life is moving way faster than I ever thought it would, but I wouldn’t slow it down for anything. What we are building here is a future. Not just for us, but for our families and employees. I can picture bringing my son or daughter here – teaching all the ins and outs of what makes a great bakery. When I picture doing this, it makes me want a dozen kids. But between mine, and what I assume Morgan will have one day – we will have plenty. Cassidy, Diesel’s daughter already loves to come hang out so I can only imagine what it will be like. Daydreaming about the future makes me want to embrace it all. The want. The need. The forever that life gives you.

  Just as I’m pulling out of the parking lot, the sounds of metal crashing and glass breaking echo through my ears. My car is suddenly spinning like a merry go round. The impact of something else hitting flings my body forward until the steering wheel collides with my head. I keep spinning until the impact suddenly stops.

  I can’t move.

  All I smell is blood.

  With all my willpower I try to move to see what’s happened, but the tightness of my seat belt halts me from doing so.

  I need to call Hatcher.

  Am I hurt?

  Is the baby okay?

  I feel like I’m in a dream, screams suddenly coming from somewhere... I can’t tell who it is, but it sounds like Morgan crying, asking someone to call 911. I want to tell her that I’m okay, but I can’t. I want to tell her to call Hatcher, once he can get to me - we’ll be okay. Hatcher and our child are my forever and they can help me. I don’t need to go to the hospital; I just need to nap for a moment. My eyes finally open a little, but I can hardly see anything. Somehow, it looks like I’m sitting in the middle of the car, but I can’t really tell. As soon as I force myself to lean upright, the excruciating pain in my body causes me to emit a blood curdling scream before I black out. The thought of seeing Hatcher is the last thing on my mind before darkness takes me.

  Chapter 12

  The consistent beep, beep, beep keeps echoing in my ears as I try to sleep. I shift in the bed, but pain ricochets through my body causing me to call out in pain. A hand squeezes mine and I hear his voice, but I don’t understand what he’s talking about. It’s muted, full of pain and sorrow. I will myself to open my eyes while turning my head to look at what’s wrong with Hatcher. I open my mouth to speak but it’s dry. Instantly, I lick my lips to wet them just enough to ask, “Hatcher, what’s wrong?” I move again only to stop from the pain, the feeling like nothing before in my entire life. “Baby, wake up,” he instructs me as I’ve closed my eyes again to pray this pain leaves my body forever. I open them just enough to get a hazy view of his face. My eyes adjust to the light enough to notice his eyes are red, swollen, and full of sadness. I slide my hand down to my stomach, scared something is wrong with the baby. It’s then that I remember the accident. I’m not sure if it’s the first time that I’ve cried since, but all I can think is that I hurt or killed our baby. “Zara, look at me baby. I called the nurse to bring you something for the pain. I need to you look at me, I need to see your eyes.”

  I turn my head, allowing him to see my face. “Is the baby okay? I’m so sorry, Hatcher. I didn’t see it coming. Oh My God, will you ever forgive me?” I cry out, allowing the emotions to overtake me, not able to hold back any longer.

  “You and our daughter are going to be just fine,” he says while squeezing my hand that’s still resting on top of my swollen belly. I don’t acknowledge the fact that he just said daughter for a few minutes as I cry with the knowledge that she’ll be okay. I look back up at him, “Did you say daughter?”

  “I did. I wanted to wait and allow you to see her picture first, but I needed to get you to focus on what I was saying. You gave us all a pretty big scare and one that I hope to never go through again.” Tears stream down my face as I hear the words from Hatcher’s mouth and flash back to the accident. It was my first one ever in my life and one I never hope to have again. I was so lost in my own world that I didn’t pay attention to make sure the way was clear. “How bad are my injuries?” I ask as I look down and notice my leg in a cast.

  “You have a few bruised ribs and stiches on your forehead and eyebrow from hitting the steering wheel. They had to cut you out as the truck smashed in the side of the car and the brick wall smashed in the other side. When your seat moved, your leg was pinned and got fractured. Looks like you’ll be in a cast for a few weeks.”

  “This sort of doesn’t work well for me, and now I have to buy a new car,” I say pouting, as I loved my car. “I’d rather buy you a million cars than to let something happen to you or our daughter.”

  “True, I’m sorry for scaring you,” I say softly as I look up and take him in. I knew his eyes were red, but now that my eyes have adjusted to the light I notice just how worried he was. It’s a look I’ve never seen from him, and one I never want to see again in this lifetime.

  “I’m going to walk out and get the girls. You gave Morgan quite the scare, just prepare yourself.” Just as Hatcher walks out, the nurse returns with some medicine. “You might feel a little burn once this goes in, but it should help ease the pain.”

  “Is this safe for the baby?”

  “Yes, this is Percocet and Valium to help ease the pain and muscle spasms. We’re only giving you a low dose. If it gets too bad, let me know and we can increase some. We just don’t want to overload you, but we also need for you to be comfortable. The less stress we induce on the baby, the better off you both will be.”

  As she finishes I can feel it kicking in, making me feel a little loopy. As she finishes up writing in her file, the door creaks open. Instantly, I hear the cries from Morgan as she rushes to my side and leans in to hug me. I wince from the pain but welcome her anyway. “Oh, I’m sorry Zara… I just… I had to touch you… Oh, you scared the life out of me today.” She speaks through her own tears and I notice Natasha is right behind her. “Come on, I can give you one, too,” I say, knowing Natasha is waiting.

  I allow them their time as I know it wasn’t easy for them today. “Oh, before I forget, I need to text Frankie and let her know you’re awake now. She’s been texting and calling non-stop since we called her. I’m telling you now, if this was a trick to get her to move home you could’ve done this differently,” Morgan states as she types out on her cell.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, giving her an odd look.

  “Oh, she said she couldn’t live with herself if something had happened to you. She also wants to be here to help take care of you while you recover.”

  “Not going to happen… Dial the phone and hand it to me,” I demand of Morgan while Natasha starts to laugh, taking a seat in the chair that Hatcher had pulled up next to the bed.

  Morgan dials and hands the phone over to me. As I place it up to my face, the pain from the stitches causes me to wince.

  “Morgan, is she okay? Oh my God, I need to get on a plane, tell her I’m coming. What are the doctors saying? What about the baby- is it still okay?” She’s speaking so fast that I have to pull the phone away to take it all in. Finally, I jump in, “Frankie, shut up and listen to me! I’m fine and don’t you dare get on a plane or think a
bout moving home because of me. You follow your dreams and Hatcher will take care of me and the baby.”

  “Zara, you scared the dickens out of me… Do you hear me? Don’t you ever, and I mean ever, do this to me again. And for the record, if I move back it’s not because of you,” she finishes and the line goes quiet. “Are you still there?” I ask.

  “Yes, sorry, I’m having a moment, okay? I almost lost my best friend and I wasn’t there, Zara. Do you know how upset I am?”

  “I’m sorry, Frankie, and I promise I’m okay. Well, other than having this ugly cast that I have no idea how to have sex with it on. But, I’ll figure that out after I get home,” I say and stop to look up at the girls staring at me. “By the way, anyone know when I can skip out of this joint?” I hear Hatcher speak up from behind Morgan as he walks in, “Tomorrow possibly, they want to keep you overnight to observe you and the baby.” I slink down in the uncomfortable bed while getting back to my conversation with Frankie. I think I have her calmed down for now and pray that she is because the medicine has kicked in and I want to take a nap. I hand Morgan back her phone, the girls noticing how tired I’m getting. Once they give me a hug and tell me they’ll see me tomorrow, Hatcher comes back to my side. I glance over to him, “Why don’t you go home and get some rest, you look like shit.”

  “Thanks, but I’m staying right here with you and don’t even try to convince me otherwise. “

  “That chair doesn’t look so comfy,” I wiggle my eyebrows and flinch from the stitches - making a mental note to not do that again. Hatcher stands and places a gentle kiss on my head, my nose, each side of my face, my lips, and finally places one on my tummy. It’s the sweetest thing, and I thank God right now that we’re okay. I thank him for having my angel with me, protecting us today as it could’ve ended worse than it did. Hatcher slides his chair closer to the side of the bed, clasping our hands together. I can feel the tension escape his body as he touches me. It’s like we’re both realizing how different today’s ending could’ve been. I give in to the fight of keeping my eyes open, allowing sleep to take me away to a place where I hope to dream of pink blankets, elephants, and baby rattles.

  Chapter 13

  When I wake up, I notice Hatcher is nowhere to be found. I scoot up in the bed, taking in my surroundings while I think back to the events over the last twenty-four hours. I’m a little over twenty weeks and I could’ve lost all of it in a blink of an eye. I’ve been so lost in my own head, daydreaming about the future that I’m forgetting the present. That present is me focusing on our child and its health. As much as I was surprised about having a child, getting married, moving to a house in the suburbs, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Alone in this hospital room, feeling the pain that moves through my body, and the bright white plastered cast on my leg, I allow the emotions that I’ve buried to come out. I let them consume me like nothing else in the world can right now. I cry for what I could’ve lost, I cry for the pain that I must’ve caused Hatcher, Morgan, Jayden, Natasha, and Frankie. My chest is restricted with the pounding sorrow as I feel the bed dip and his arms wrap around me. He doesn’t speak, he just holds me like I need to be held. Hatcher tries to comfort me like he always does, but I worry now who will comfort him if I’m stupid again and put our lives in danger. I raise my face to him, reddened by the tears. “I’m so sorry Hatcher. I know you said our daughter is okay but I need to see her… I need to hear her heartbeat and know that she’s okay. I’m so sorry for scaring you and not being what you need in a wife.”

  “Hush, I want you to stop it. It was an accident; it’s not like you left the house yesterday saying you were going to throw it all away. Things happen; you’re both okay - and to me that’s all that matters.”

  “Where did you go? I woke up and you were gone and it all hit me.”

  “I didn’t want to wake you as I made a few calls and I also had the nurse call down for an ultrasound to be done. I knew that this morning you’d freak and as much as you protest it, I know what you need. Zara, I told you I would always make sure to keep you safe, love you, honor you, and take all the crazy parts of you. That means knowing what you need- so in a little while we both will get to see our daughter floating around while her mother takes great care of her.”

  “How do you know this? How do you know what to say, do, and just – be you?”

  “A wise man once told me that when you love, you love with your whole being. Which means you would lay down your life to make the other happy and pain free. If I could take away the pain you’re in now, I would gladly carry it around on my shoulders. Since I can’t, I’ll stand beside you and make sure you have everything you need.”

  “I don’t like driving,” I cry into his chest as I allow him to embrace me again. I find comfort in hearing his heart beat against my ear and the gentle motions of his hands rubbing circles on my back.

  Just as I start to relax into him, the door opens with a nurse pushing a bulky ultrasound machine.

  “I heard someone was ready to see her baby this morning,” she says as she offers me a reassuring smile.

  “I am, thank you,” I respond as I reposition myself carefully in the bed. Hatcher’s hand grips mine, seeing the discomfort written all over my face.

  “Have you been feeling any kicks?” she asks as she plops the cool gel on my tummy.

  “I’m not sure; I feel something but nothing strong. It feels like gas most of the time.”

  “That’s the baby and let me just say that all of a sudden you will feel a giant kick and be like ‘what the heck was that?’.”

  Just as she finishes speaking, a swooshing sound echoes through the room. With every move of the wand, the picture on the screen becomes clearer and before I know it our baby is in full view. It’s different from the last one, where I couldn’t make it all out. Now, I can see her face, her hands, her arms, and her heartbeat radiates through the room. It’s a solid thump thump thump… It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. Tears stream down my face and Hatcher’s hand tightens its grip on mine. When I look up at him I can’t speak, my heart constricting for him. He’s finally allowing his emotions out. I reach up and wipe the tears from his face as I try to take his pain away like he does with me. The nurse allows us to have a moment as we embrace each other and listen to the sweet music our daughter is playing for us. Just as I look back over at the screen, I watch as her foot ejects out and I startle because I felt it. I actually felt her kick me. I smile and grab Hatcher’s hand, placing it right where I can feel it. “Do you feel her, Hatcher?”

  “I do, does it hurt?”

  “No, it feels weird, almost like really bad gas if you ask me.” And the room breaks out in laughter at my explanation.

  “Yes, that’s about it. I’ll confirm that we still don’t see a penis and the coast looks clear to still be a girl. The heartbeat is strong around a hundred and sixty-seven,” she says while hitting a few buttons and I notice the pictures printing out. She rips them from the slot and hands us a couple to keep, and places a few on top of the machine.

  “We will send the report over to your doctor so they have it for your next appointment. Don’t be surprised if they want to run another ultrasound just to double check our findings and to check up on the baby. Congrats you two as you have a healthy looking baby girl. Take it easy and rest that leg of yours,” she says as she packs up her items and strolls out of the room.

  “When can we go home?”

  “Not until the doctor comes to check on you, once they clear you – I’ll bust you out of this joint.”

  “Words to my ears,” I say and smile at Hatcher.

  I’m not sure how much time passes by as I decided to take a nap after the ultrasound, but I wake when I hear Morgan’s voice. I smile as I look over at her chatting with Hatcher. “Hi,” I say in a sleepy voice. “Hi back at you, how you feeling today?”

  “I’ve been better, and once I can leave I’ll be even better.”

  “I’ll let them know you�
��re awake and see what I can do,” Hatcher states before leaving the room.

  “I brought you some fresh clothes,” Morgan says as she points to a bag on the other chair in the corner. “Thank you, you didn’t have to do that.”

  “No, but Hatcher asked if I could grab you some and take care of a few things before I came up for him.”

  “Oh really, like what?”

  “Nothing much, just to bring you a few things. Don’t worry about it; you’ll see when you get home.” She smiles that smile only Morgan can do when she’s covering up something. I want to question what they’re up to, but I let it go.

  Just as I go open my mouth in comes Hatcher with the doctor.

  “How are you feeling today, Mrs. James?” The very cute doctor asks as he rounds my bed.

  “Better I guess, still sore, but what can ya do?”

  “I imagine you will be sore for a few weeks, how’s the pain in your leg today?”

  “It hurts when I move it, but I need it to heal as I have stuff to do.”

  “It’ll take some time and you will need to follow up with an orthopedic doctor when you leave here. You can either make the follow up with the doctor that saw you here, or we can refer you to a new one. Just let the nurse know before you leave. He wrote in the chart that you will need to be in this cast for two weeks then they can see how it’s healing. I imagine if it looks good, they’ll put you in a boot. They don’t like to keep people in the plaster cast more than they have to be. So, make sure you get that appointment soon. Also, I want you to follow up with your OB/GYN this week. You experienced a traumatic accident and even though everything looks great today, I’ll feel better if they keep an eye on you for a few more weeks. If for any reason you experience lower back pain or any kind of vaginal bleeding, I want you to call and either see your doctor or head to the ER. I don’t suspect you to have any problems, but just be aware.”


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