Death Love Lust: A Naughty Bedtime Story Anthology

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Death Love Lust: A Naughty Bedtime Story Anthology Page 4

by Aurelia Fray

His hand gently moved from her grip and lightly traced a path to the thin strap of her summer dress. “This is where we first met in life. This is where we began to fall in love. And this is where I made you mine and you made me yours.” He moved the strap off her shoulder and proceeded to do the same to the other strap with his other hand.

  Heat coiled in her belly, her heart beat faster. So long. It had been so long since he’d last touched her.

  “And this, my dearest love,” he said, his voice husky, as both hands caressed her arms, “is where we start our forever.”

  Her mouth parted, a sigh escaping her lips as his gaze heated. “I’m dreaming,” she said, voice barely audible. “This is a dream.”

  “Does this feel like a dream, love?”

  His lips took hers once more—possessive, tongue slipping into her mouth. She moaned in response, pressing closer as his hands pushed the dress down, until it freely slid to the ground. A warm breeze blew against her skin as her arms wrapped around him, pulling his closer.

  He pulled away—she groaned in protest, meeting his gaze once more. He wore a playfully wicked smile, making her heart skip a beat.

  “Did that feel like a dream?”

  “A bit,” she admitted.

  Shaking his head, he moved around her until he was standing behind her. He moved her hair to the side, laying it over her shoulder, then his lips kissed the base of her neck—delightful shivers rocked her entire body and she bit her lip as the fire within her grew.


  His slightly rough fingers trailed down her spine to her bra, deftly unbuttoning it. Then, both of his hands splayed over her shoulder blades, moving slowly up to her shoulders. Those hands slid over her skin with deliberate slowness, making her ache for more, until her bra found its way to the ground with her dress.

  She leaned back against his bare torso as his hands moved back up her arms to her shoulders. She inhaled deeply as his hands turned downward, pressing into her skin, until they cupped her breasts. Closing her eyes against the pleasure of it, she exhaled. As she let out that shaky breath, he began to massage her breasts, rolling her ever-hardening nipples between fingers.

  His teeth nipped her shoulder as his right hand made its way down her torso, causing her sex to clench tightly in anticipation.

  “God,” she moaned, her hips flexing forward to hurry his hand closer. “This must be a dream,” she whispered as his hand teased the skin just above her panties. She lifted her arm and sank her fingers into his hair as his tongue circled her skin.

  “No dream, love.” His deep, husky voice sank into her core, coiling the fire in her belly tighter, as if every part of her being were being dragged into that fire.

  His hand slipped beneath her panties and her knees threatened to buckle as his fingers found her clit. He wrapped his arm around her, gripping her breast firmly as he pressed her against his body so she wouldn’t fall to the ground.

  “Coop,” she said as she exhaled, her hips moving in rhythm with his fingers. “I… God, I’ve missed your touch.”

  His hand gripped her breast harder in response, and his finger quickened in pace as they rubbed over her clit. The fire grew and deepened until she couldn’t breathe and her hand gripped his hair so tightly she knew she was hurting him.

  He grunted, his mouth near her ear now. “Take it, baby,” he whispered, hot breath sending her closer to that blissful edge. “Take it. Let go.”

  The orgasm hit hard and sudden, pulsing through her in a white-hot flash. She barely felt him lower her to the blanket, onto her knees, nor was she completely aware as he leaned her forward and hovered over her. It wasn’t until her palms touched the blanket and he laid a hand over the nape of her neck that the ecstasy eased back. She came fully back to herself as he kissed her shoulder blade. Turning her head, she met his gaze and saw the raw fire burning through him, more intense than ever before.

  “Take me,” she moaned. “Kiss me hard, then take me hard. Make me yours again, until I don’t know where my body ends and yours begins.”

  He growled before taking her mouth in a demanding, bruising kiss. With that kiss she knew without a doubt that she wasn’t dreaming. A dream could never replicate the passion and possession roaring through her.

  He broke the kiss, moving back, the palms of his hand pressing hard into her flesh as they made their way to her hips. “My pleasure, my sweet, naughty Annabelle.”

  Fire pulsed through her yet again with those words. She moved her hands in front of her, gripping the fringed edge of the blanket, and lowered herself until her breasts grazed soft, fuzzy cotton and her ass was up in the air, waiting for him to claim her.

  His cock slid over her pussy, making her clench, then the head of it dipped ever-so-slightly into her entrance. Then back out. Then a little deeper in. She closed her eyes as the pleasure rolled over her at the feel of him, of his hands holding her hips tight and still so she couldn’t move.

  The feel of him, she thought. I never thought I’d feel him again.

  “Cooper. Please.”

  His answer was to thrust all the way inside of her. She cried out against the feel of his thick, hard staff buried to the balls in her pussy.

  “So wet, so hot. The feel of you,” he groaned as he slid almost completely out of her, “is so perfect. My everything wrapped in the deliciously sexy package that it is you.” The heel of his hand pressed into her lower back before making its way up her spine as he pressed back into her. “Perfect.”

  Her head lifted and bowed slightly back, and she bucked back against him now that his grip had eased, sliding him deeper as he fisted a handful of her hair.

  “And mine,” he growled.

  He slammed into her, fully and wholly. Then, withdrew and slammed into her again. So hard and rough that the sensation bordered between exquisite pain and pleasure.

  “Coop.” Words failed her and her heart hammered in her chest. She gripped the blanket with fists as he pounded into her. His grunts and heavy breath lit her insides on fire.

  The orgasm rolled through her in a wave, bursting out with one more hard thrust. She shouted out in unleashed desire. Moments later, he joined her, releasing into her as he let go just as wildly as she had.

  He slumped over her a few seconds later, her inner walls pulsing around him in aftershocks, milking his cock of every last drop.

  After their breaths were almost back to normal, he lifted up slightly, touching her hip as he gently pulled out of her, her pussy gripping him in one last protest.

  She rolled onto her back and he lowered himself over her, between her thighs. The weight of his body against hers after five years of separation nearly brought her to tears. But she fought those tears and won, laying a hand against his cheek and the other on his bicep as he caressed over her hair.

  He chuckled, and the sound was so rich and wondrous it caused her to shiver. “You naughty minx, taking all of me like you own me.”

  She smiled. “I do own you.”

  He kissed her, short and sweet. When he met her gaze again, sorrow had filled his eyes.

  Her smile faded. “What’s wrong?”

  “I never wanted you to die so young, Annabelle.” He shook his head. “I wanted you to get married, have children, and grandchildren. To live a full life.”

  Tears stung her eyes, and she didn’t fight them this time, letting them flow freely. “I know you wanted that, and I tried to move on and live my life the way you’d have wanted me to. And I would have eventually allowed someone else into my heart,” the tears choked her but she pressed on, clearing her throat, “and loved him fully. But that’s not what fate had in store for me.” She took a deep, steadying breath, taking in their mingled scents. “Fate wanted me to stay with you.”

  He wiped the tears from her face and laid his forehead against hers.

  Annabelle encircled her legs around his waist, her hands sinking into his hair. “Show me again that this is not a dream.” She closed the minute amount of space between
their mouths and kissed him. “Show me again that we’re in Forever.”

  He lifted his head until their gazes met. As tears formed in his eyes, he softly smiled at her. “Your wish is my command, my lady.” He moved upward until his hands gripped her thighs. She yelped as he rolled them, bringing her on top of him. “Why don’t you prove to yourself that this isn’t a dream?”

  She grinned wickedly as she shimmied herself until she was comfortably straddling him. His cock thickened and lengthened as she did. “It would be my pleasure.”

  She leaned over to kiss him, rocking her hips just enough to make him groan. And despite the life she’d been ripped from, the loved ones she left behind, happiness filled her down to her core.

  She’d see those she left behind again someday. The thought eased the pain immensely.

  For now, she was going to enjoy the start of her Forever, and surround herself with the musky male scent of the man she’d thought she never see again.


  Jen L. Joyal

  Tossing and turning, nothing soothes my aching heart tonight.

  Once I could reach over to touch the love of my life.

  Now all that remains is his scent to comfort me during these restless times.

  Stolen from me in a blink of an eye, I didn’t even get a chance to tell him goodbye.

  I summoned the one, the thief in the night.

  The one who cause me such pain and grief in my life.

  I cursed, I begged, even groveled at his feet.

  He just snickered and said, “His soul belongs to me.”

  The Angel of Death only comes to collect his souls. His bounty, his precious weight in gold.

  Defeated and empty no fight left inside. I whispered come get me too as I closed my eyes.

  Falling deep within myself to escape life cruel hand.

  Didn’t care if my soul would be damned.

  Warm waves of pleasure tingled my skin. While a familiar touch awaken a passion within.

  No words were spoken so it must be a dream. One that I would never want to leave.

  Ravaging every inch of me. Touching my body so tenderly. Kisses from my neck to my core.

  Explosion of pleasure like never before. Over and over all though the night.

  Ecstasy taken new heights.

  Lying still, breathing heavily. Wondering if this was all a dream.

  I had to know so I took a peek. Hoping my love was lying next to me.

  There he was with a smile on his face. Pulling me into a warm embrace.

  Stroking my hair he softly began to speak.

  “I can’t stay long the Angel of Death will be back for me.

  He gave to me this one night so I could be with you one last time.”

  That was the last time I saw the love of my life. As he faded away at dawns early light.


  Aurelia Fray

  Beneath the shadows,

  Between the cracks,

  Behind the silence,

  Is where you love me.

  You exist. And though I try

  To move on,

  You endure. And when I endeavor

  To say goodbye,

  You appear. And I am lost

  In your soft caresses and patient sighs.

  Your breath and touch upon my thighs,

  Your wicked tongue and heated eyes.

  Your longing heart twined with mine.

  But despite the unrelenting lust

  You keep on giving,

  Your love is keeping me from living.


  Lily Luchesi

  Claire Milligan was on her way home from work on Friday the thirteenth. She wanted to hurry home, change her clothes, and go out. She'd just gone through one hell of a breakup and felt that it was time to get back on the horse.

  Claire was attractive: thin and petite, with wavy white-blonde hair that reached he shoulders and big green eyes. She'd been breaking the hearts of men since she was sixteen and came out as a lesbian.

  As she crossed Alvarado and Beverly in the Westlake neighborhood of Los Angeles, she noticed her gas tank was nearly empty and she still had ten miles to go before she got home.

  "What the fuck?" she said aloud. "I just filled up yesterday! I swear, if I need to fix this car again, I'll kill my mechanic!" To top it off, it was raining so hard she could barely see. "So much for sunny California!"

  Thankfully, there was a gas station across the street from a strip mall, so she could fill up and get a cup of coffee, too. She pulled her car into a space and began to fill up, watching the other patrons. It was a busy intersection so there were many. Teenagers were filling their bike tires, people were getting gas, and buying cigarettes while the poor lady behind the counter was scrambling to keep up with everyone. She looked awfully panicked.

  As Claire was about to pay for her gas using the credit card machine on the pump, she noticed the worker was trying to get people to leave the premises.

  She could hear the clerk's voice over the rain and thunder, "Please, this is the Dozen! Do you all want to die?" Everyone was looking at her like she was insane, and some were scared.

  "What are you doing, you silly bitch?" a girl asked the clerk. "Trying to scare away your customers?"

  The woman made the Sign of the Cross and ducked back into the store, mumbling in Spanish. Claire watched the girl stalk away, warily looking at the other people there.

  "What was that all about?" Claire asked her as she passed by. The girl turned and Claire's stomach dropped. She was gorgeous! Long, wavy raven hair, dark eyes and a body to die for. She was Goth, not Claire's usual type, but she didn’t come across beauty like that every day.

  "Superstition. You ever hear of the Devil's Dozen?" the girl asked, her voice sexy and smoky.

  "The what?" Claire asked.

  "There's an old myth that, on Friday the thirteenth, if there's a storm and thirteen females are randomly gathered in one spot, at the same time, all of them will die horrible deaths before midnight hits." She grinned. "I don't know why it's called that. The Angel of Death doesn't send people to Hell, they could go to either place."

  Claire laughed. "That's ridiculous!"

  The girl shrugged. "To some I guess it's not." She looked Claire up and down before holding out her hand. "I'm Than."

  Claire shook. Both their hands were cold. "Claire. That's an interesting name."

  "Yeah. My parents were really into ancient cultures. So you aren't superstitious?" She smiled down at Claire.

  "Not really. My parents were never big on things science couldn't prove," she said. "I don't believe things unless I see them for myself." She followed Than's eyes as a woman got into her minivan, rushing to get home.

  "She shouldn't be rushing in this weather," Than said.

  "Yeah. I saw three accidents in the past half hour," Claire added.

  The woman peeled out, skidding slightly on the wet pavement. As she struggled to make an illegal U-turn, the two teenage girls who'd been filling up their bikes' tires were putting their slickers on and starting to leave. They were joking and laughing over the sound of the rushing wind. They weren't looking where they were going and went to cross the street, heading right into the minivan.

  "Oh, my God, stop!" Claire cried, unable to look away from the terrible carnage that was about to occur. The girls crashed head first into the van, the bikes flying into the air. The minivan exploded in a bright flash of fire, engulfing the girls and driver. Claire screamed, her eyes blinded by the flames. She could smell gasoline and antifreeze.

  Than grabbed her and forced her to turn her face away. "Ten left," she whispered, scaring Claire. Was this the myth coming true? Or was this a sick coincidence?

  Everyone was staring; some of them were calling 911, while others filmed the scene with their smart phones. They were all chattering about the myth the worker had been going on about. Each woman wondered if they would be next. The woman in the store was hiding unde
r the counter, praying.

  "I have to get home," Claire said, reaching for her car door. She fumbled her keys and dropped them. Than picked them up and handed them to her.

  "Are you sure you're okay to drive?" she asked. "You're shaking." She clasped her hand in hers.

  "I don't know," Claire said, her eyes filling with frightened tears. She could hear sirens in the distance. Her knees were weak, and not just from fear. Was it possible that she was aroused by Than, even in the midst of all this turmoil?

  Than caressed her hair, so close Claire could smell her, a mild perfume of cloves and spices she couldn't name. "You just had a shock. Stay here a minute and rest."

  Claire closed her eyes and let this strange, sexy woman hold her lightly. She was scared, and she did need to rest. Her body was heavy and exhausted. She noticed that no one else had left, either. Everyone was too frightened.

  "I've never seen anyone die before," she said. "Have you?" She knew Goths were different when it came to death; they embraced it instead of being frightened or repulsed by it.

  Than nodded. "Part of the job." She saw that Claire looked confused and added, "I'm an orderly at a hospital." She observed the women watching the firefighters trying to put out the blaze, instead of going about their business. I'll never understand why they insist on being enthralled by other people's tragedies, she thought, shaking her head.

  Claire's head shot up. "Do you hear that?" she asked. "It's a sound like metal on metal. What is that?"

  Than looked up, and saw that the lit overhang was shifting. It was slight, but noticeable. "Claire, get out of the way!" She grabbed Claire around the waist and they tumbled out to the sidewalk, landing in a puddle, just in time. The metal overhang came tumbling down in top of the heads of the remaining women, crushing them all to their deaths. Even the store was crushed, rubble sending dust up into the night. They both waited for the explosion from the pumps never being turned off, but it didn't come.

  "Oh. Fuck," Claire said, her heart pounding. " you think anyone's alive under there?"


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