The Accidental Courtesan

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The Accidental Courtesan Page 20

by Cheryl Ann Smith

  “Noelle,” he warned through gritted teeth.

  She plucked at her nightdress while completely ignoring his warning. She should hold back her awkward attempts to seduce him until after she was clean and well. She had to be a frightful sight.

  “First, though, you must bathe me,” she insisted. “I fear lying abed has made me offensive to the senses.”

  His jaw pulsed. “I shall call for Martha.”

  “Martha is here?” Disappointment welled. If her maid was in residence, Eva had to know her whereabouts. Martha was the one person Eva trusted to keep Noelle’s secrets. And with Martha hovering, seduction would be nearly impossible.

  Gavin left her. A few minutes later, he was back. He appeared oddly disconcerted as he slumped into a chair.

  “Apparently, the maid has gone on an errand,” he grumbled. “Mrs. Hill informed me she won’t be back for several hours.”

  Noelle hid a smile. Much could be accomplished in a few hours. “Then I guess you must bathe me without her help.” She looked at him wide-eyed. “Please, Gavin? I’m starting to itch.” She scratched her arm to emphasize her point.

  “It is improper for me to bathe you, Noelle.”

  From beneath her lashes she cast him a laughing glance. “Who said anything about proper, Gavin? And when did you become such a starchy prude?” She paused and crinkled her nose. “I know little about courtesans and their lovers, true, but I suspect some do share a tub together from time to time. I know my sister enjoys a bath with the duke. I understand it can be very sensuous.”

  Noelle wasn’t sure where this audaciousness came from, only that she was tired of keeping her purity under lock and key. She wanted Gavin. She wanted him naked. She wanted to kiss his perfect chest and stomach. And, of course, everywhere else she wanted to kiss.

  After suffering through a near-fatal ordeal, she’d decided life was not to be watched from within a protective cocoon. Life was meant to be lived to the fullest. Stolen moments of passion with a man whom she cared for deeply should not be fought, but celebrated. And she planned to celebrate, bare-bottomed naked, with Gavin.

  She could think about her kidnapping, the necklace, and footpads later. For now, they were alone. She’d not ponder grim thoughts while she had this opportunity to forget.

  The flickering lamplight gave his face a dangerous appeal. His tight jaw sharpened his features. He was obviously struggling between his concern for her and the lingering effects of the blow to her head, and wanting to take her up on her offer to bed her with all the passion he could muster.

  “The physician assured me a head injury can alter the personality of the victim.” He stood and paced. When he neared the door, he paused. “I shall fetch Mrs. Hill and arrange for your bath. Once you’re made comfortable, you will see things clearer.”

  Now Noelle was getting angry. She didn’t want whoever this Mrs. Hill was to attend her. She understood that she was in no condition to fully seduce Gavin or completely enjoy the delights she hoped she would find in his arms. However, seduction didn’t start with the act of copulation itself. Temptation, even in the form of bare skin, would certainly intrigue her reluctant lover enough to drive him to want to sample the delights she offered, soon, when she was well.

  Unless he no longer desired her. She touched her hand to her face and wondered about the depth of the damage. She hadn’t considered that her injury might have forever ruined her face. Nowhere in the room was there a mirror to check.

  Certainly one blow hadn’t destroyed her features. So she put that worry aside and scowled.

  “If that woman sets one foot in this room, I shall throw myself from the window.” She struggled onto her elbows, and the room swayed. She blinked and waited for the space to settle. “I understand my condition is fragile and my appearance questionable. Have I suddenly become unappealing?”

  Gavin’s head snapped around. “Is that what you think?”

  “How can I think anything else?” She felt the press of tears. “My first real effort to tempt a man is failing miserably. I offer to share intimacies with the only man who has ever engaged both my mind and my body, and all he can think of is to put a housekeeper or maid between us.” She bit her lip to stop the tremors. “I promise I will recover from this and return to robust good health. Certainly you can wait a few days before deciding you no longer want me.”

  His shoulders slumping, Gavin stared at the floor for several seconds before lifting his eyes to her and sighing resolutely.

  “From the moment I pulled you down on my bed and kissed you, I have ached to make you mine.” He rubbed the back of his neck and down over his jaw with both hands. Whiskers shadowed his cheeks and chin. Clearly, his grooming had been neglected while he played nursemaid. “However, as your sister so aptly reminded me, I have no right to do so, in spite of our wager.”

  Eva. Noelle should have known her sister would meddle. Noelle had once meddled in Eva’s affair with the duke. Certainly she should’ve expected her sister would repay her in kind.

  “What I do is none of my sister’s affair,” she snapped.

  “You are meant to make a well-connected marriage. If I bed you, there will be little chance you will ever make a match.” He looked into her eyes. “I will not wed you, Noelle.”

  She let out a low frustrated sound. Was he worried she would hunt him down and force him to marry her? Did he think sharing a bed would change her mind about her convictions? The man’s arrogance clearly had no bounds.

  “Why can’t I make anyone understand?” she said, exasperated. “I do not want to wed you, or anyone else.”

  Each word hit Gavin like a blow. He felt like a cad for arguing with her when she looked so fragile. Her skin had a deathly pallor, and the dark smudges under her eyes seemed to deepen with her distress. At any moment, he expected her to crumple back on the bed and expire. Fortunately, his feisty Noelle was made of sterner stuff.

  She was recovering and would continue to do so, if only to spend her days tormenting him with her lush and beautiful body.

  “All women wish to wed.”

  “Is that so?” she countered. “The same could be said for men. They enjoy the comfort of a wife to whelp their heirs and mend their stockings while they spread their favors to any willing partner who’ll lift her skirts for a toss behind the potted plants. Why wouldn’t they want a wife?”

  The bitterness in her voice took him aback. He knew Noelle had an aversion to marriage. However, most women got over their reluctance when the right man made an offer. His faithless Anne had sent many men on a merry chase, until his heavy purse had brought her around. He would have cherished her forever if she hadn’t betrayed him. “Not all men are lecherous cads, Noelle. Some men truly love their wives.”

  “Name one.” She crossed her arms, her eyes flashing with challenge. He paused a bit too long before answering, and she nodded with grim satisfaction. “See, you know of none. Eventually all men will be unfaithful. It is in their nature.”

  Ire stiffened Gavin. She was so certain she was right, he felt utterly insulted. Damn! He’d not be thrown on the same shit pile with all other men.

  “You may find this impossible to believe, but I was once engaged to the most beautiful woman in Boston. I was building a house for her that would have been the finest anyone had ever seen. I cherished her and worked long hours to be able to afford to give her anything she desired.” He frowned as the unpleasant memories unfolded. “One afternoon, her father and I caught her frolicking in the straw beneath a groom. The engagement was over.”

  “Oh, Gavin.” Noelle reached over and placed her hand on his arm. Sympathy and sadness filled her face. “I didn’t know.”

  He snorted, and his gaze met her red-rimmed eyes. “I would have been faithful to the deceitful witch.”

  Their glances locked. “We make quite a pair,” Noelle said, her smile cynical. “Neither of us sees marriage as the wondrous institution sung about in ballads.”

  Gavin didn’t know
her full history but suspected she’d also seen the dark side of relationships. Perhaps one day she would share her tale with him. “Then you can see why I have no intention of marrying.”

  “I can,” she said. “But have I ever asked you to marry me?”

  “Do you understand the ramifications of making love with me? There could be a child.”

  Her narrow shoulders lifted. “I understand there are ways to prevent conception. I shall leave that to you.” She ran her hand through the tangles in her hair. “We can discuss the particulars later, as well as the wager and how you intend to win it. First, I desperately need that bath.”

  Gavin had much to ponder. He wanted to believe her injury had left her addled. Looking back at their previous encounters, and her responses to his kisses, he knew she wasn’t addled when she asked him to love her. Her body was frail at the moment, but her mind was sharp. The offer to become his lover wasn’t made without careful consideration. He knew enough about Noelle to understand that much.

  “Yes, My Lady.” He bowed formally, and she smiled. “I also need to advise your sister that you’ve awakened. She’s been terribly worried.”

  Noelle shook her head. “Please give me a few minutes to bathe first,” she pleaded. “I’d like to be clean and clearheaded when Eva arrives to fuss.”

  “I’ll tell the coachman to drive slowly.”

  Noelle smiled softly. “Thank you.”

  He fell into her beautiful eyes. How she could ever believe he didn’t want her was a puzzle. Even in her current state, she drove him to madness. He knew that during the next hour or two, he’d have to make a decision about the course of their relationship. Hell, in a few minutes she’d be naked, and he would be unable to think clearly.

  Damnation! When had his life taken such a mystifying turn?

  Gavin went to order some hot water from Mrs. Hill, and Noelle rose slowly from the bed. She felt as helpless as a babe as she walked across the room to a narrow table pushed against the wall and sat down on a three-legged stool. The red and cream carpet beneath her feet was threadbare and stained, and the room was the size of a moderate pantry. If not for the bright quilt on the bed and the faded rug, the space would be devoid of color.

  Someone had left a silver brush and comb on the table for her use. Though she wanted to believe Gavin had made the gesture, he wouldn’t understand how a simple brush could be so important to her pride. She suspected Eva had been the gift giver. It had a woman’s touch.

  Each stroke of the brush pulled painfully at her scalp, but she wasn’t satisfied until her hair was free of the tangles and knots. At the moment, she was grateful there wasn’t a mirror. It would be impossible to be courageous in her attempt to entice Gavin if she looked a fright. Better to think of herself the way she was before her injury.

  She cleaned her teeth and sipped some tepid tea and felt some confidence return.

  Gavin arrived sometime later with a hip bath. He settled it by the fire before leaving to retrieve buckets of water. Noelle enjoyed watching him work, his muscles flexing beneath his shirt and the strength of years of hard physical labor showing in every movement.

  Noelle sucked her bottom lip between her teeth as he leaned over and poured a bucket of steaming water into the small bath. His bottom tightened with the movement, and she took advantage of his inattention to caress his buttocks with her gaze. He was a virile man from his glossy hair to what she suspected were nicely formed toes.

  Though she’d offered to share with him, the tub was too small to accommodate them both without them sitting face-to-face with their knees jammed up under their chins. She’d just have to wait until the accommodations were better suited for the first steps of seduction.

  “Your bath is ready, My Lady.”

  “I thank you, sir, for your efforts on my behalf.” She stood and walked gingerly toward him. While lying abed, she’d thought she could manage a romp. After gaining her feet, the full impact of the footpad’s cuff became clear. Tonight there would be no seduction. She did not have the strength.

  Gavin must have seen her struggle. He hurried to her side and swept her into his arms. He grinned into her eyes. “Though I appreciate your desire to divest yourself of your virginity on my manly staff, you’ll just have to wait a day or two until you’ve recovered. Then we will speak of it again.”

  Noelle nuzzled her face to his neck, inhaling his warm male scent and reveling in the feel of being in his arms. She let out a little groan of protest that the distance was not longer when, a few strides later, he slowly settled her onto her feet and reached to steady her with his hands on her shoulders.

  “Can you remove your nightdress, or will you require assistance?” he asked, drawing back her attention.

  There was hesitation in his voice. She suspected it was more for her fragile state than for his lack of desire to see her standing before him naked. She bent for the chemise’s hem, and the room whirled. She stumbled a half step sideways. Gavin caught her arm and shook his head.

  “Allow me.” With infinite care, he bunched the fabric in his hands and carefully slid it up her body and over her head. Noelle heard his breath catch as he freed her of her rumpled nightdress and bared her body to his gaze. She watched his face and saw his struggle not to look down at her breasts and, lower, at the thatch of curls between her legs.

  He might well be an untamed American, but he was also a nobleman-gentleman to his core. Noelle noted his discomfort with satisfaction. Eventually, he’d break and make passionate love to her. She looked forward to the day.

  Though she knew he’d tended her while she lay in her befuddled state, she suspected Martha had been pressed into service for the more personal matters. By his reaction, this was the first time he’d seen her in her glory.

  Her skin flushed. She’d spoken of intimacies they’d share, yet when it came down to actually removing the protective layer of clothing, she found acute embarrassment in the intimacy of this moment. When he met her gaze, she lowered her eyes. A long stretch of silence passed before he spoke. “I have never seen anyone so beautiful.”

  Noelle tipped up her face. Soft humor and desire lit his eyes. She crossed her arms tightly over her breasts. She knew she was a frightful mess. His well-chosen words were meant to ease her shame.

  “Then your choices have been limited, sir.” She resisted the urge to dart for the bed and sweep a sheet around her. “A mangy mutt has more appeal at the moment.”

  Gavin lifted a hand to cup her chin. “Though it is in bad taste to bring up previous lovers with a future lover, I have seen my share of female bodies.” He looked downward to encompass every inch of her. “Using my considerable experience to guide me, madam, yours is beyond compare.”

  Noelle looked down and dropped her arms. Her breasts, though not large, were nicely shaped and tipped with rosy nipples. Her legs were long and shapely. Her stomach was not hard and rippled, as his was, but she supposed it wasn’t unattractive. And she did have nice feet. Overall, she figured she was appealing enough, though not incomparable.

  “You have a way with words, sir, but it isn’t necessary to flatter me. I know my limitations.” Bracing her hand on his forearm, she lifted her leg to step into the bath.

  Gavin grumbled, “Even sick, she’s difficult.”

  Noelle smiled wickedly and sank into the tub.

  The water was decently warm, and she groaned at the delicious feel of it on her aching limbs. Without footmen to help carry the buckets, and pressed into service to tend her without years of servant training, Gavin, her temporary footman-physician, had done well with both.

  She wondered who was watching his shipyard. She hoped her infirmity hadn’t cost him his navy contract.

  Guilt tugged at her. If his business fell to ruin, it would be her fault for running off when she knew danger could be lurking in the shadows. Now he felt obligated to help her. As soon as Martha or Eva arrived, she’d insist he return immediately to his shipyard.

  For the next few
minutes, she’d enjoy her bath. Once she was settled and comfortable, she glanced around in vain for soap and a washing cloth.

  “Lean forward.”

  She looked behind her and found her face very nearly eye level with the front of his breeches. Gavin sat on the spindly stool, legs spread wide open to better reach her. Proof of the effect of her bare body still showed beneath the perfectly cut cloth of his breeches. His desire for her hadn’t waned. The outline of a lingering erection was visible beneath fine stitching.

  Forcing her eyes up, she saw he was holding soap and a cloth in his hands. One eyebrow hiked up as her cheeks burned. She realized he’d been fully aware of where her gaze had rested. Inwardly, she winced. For a woman who just minutes ago had offered her body to him without compunction, she certainly was racked with a sudden bout of shyness.

  This wouldn’t do. She had to remember she was a courtesan-adventuress, and keep her flushes and fumbles to herself. Otherwise, Gavin would never seduce her and satisfy both her curiosity and the terms of their wager.

  “I thought I would start with your hair, My Lady,” he said, his voice husky. A slow grin tipped up his mouth. “Unless you’d prefer I start with your breasts?”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Luckily for Noelle, Gavin was behind her and couldn’t see what she suspected was a burning red face. Try as she might, she couldn’t pull up the adventuress inside her and make some sort of tart reply. The idea of his hands on her wet breasts left her flustered. It was easy to speak boldly about desires. It was another thing to put those same desires into practical use.

  Especially when one was an innocent.

  “My back would be fine.” She jumped when the cloth touched the back of her neck. Never in her life had anyone unnerved her as Gavin did. Nothing in her entire existence up until this moment could compare to the contradictions she felt in his presence: a tangle of good and bad Noelle, with the bad Noelle struggling to win out.


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