Everything After

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Everything After Page 15

by Melissa Toppen

  “But why?” I ask, not able to understand. “Because I'm a challenge? Do I need to remind you, you've already had me Killian? The chase is over.”

  “You don't need to remind me about something I haven't been able to stop thinking about for the past two weeks. Fuck Nora, you're all I think about. You're not a challenge or a chase to me. You are fucking consuming me.” I barely have time to process his words before his lips settle on mine.

  His kiss is gentle, non-demanding, and like being brought back to life, my entire body sings underneath his touch. I feel foolish for being so scared of something that makes me feel so... well, complete.

  Killian demands from me a woman I have kept in the dark for far too long. He doesn't let me hide behind my computer or my books. He makes me face the world, face him. And most importantly, he refuses to let my fear push him away.

  Trailing his tongue lightly along my bottom lip, he pulls back only when he's certain that there is no way I can deny his request. “Stay with me.”

  “Killian.” His name is a breathless whisper.

  “Stay with me Nora.” He rolls me towards him, positioning his arm under my head and his other around my waist so that our faces are just inches apart. “I'm not taking no for an answer.”

  “Then why are we still talking about it?” I tease, knowing that he's already won.

  I may feel differently in the morning, but right now, in the darkness of the night, there is nothing more that I want than to be exactly where I am; in Killian's arms. Dropping my head into the crook of his neck, I snuggle deeper into his embrace. We both lay silent for several long moments before Killian speaks again.

  “Nora.” He whispers into my hair.

  “Hmm.” I hum against his neck

  “Nothing.” He kisses the top of my head and tightens his grip on me.

  I want to object, ask him what he was going to say, but the darkness has pulled me too far in, to challenge his resistance. Within moments I slip away, Killian's heartbeat the last sound I hear before sleep takes me under.


  I wake with a start, realizing immediately that Killian is no longer in my bunk. A chill runs through me at the loss of his body against mine and I stretch out, trying to shake the feeling his absence leaves me with.

  Glancing out the window, I see that the bus in now parked in what appears to be a private lot. The nine hour drive to North Carolina seemed like the most brutal drive yet. Well, until Killian crawled into my bed that is.

  Remembering the band has a radio interview this morning, I quickly kick the blanket away from my body and slide out of my bunk, hoping that I haven't missed it. I find that a lot of the questions they ask the band is relevant information that I can use for the article and while most ask a lot of the obvious questions that I already know the answers to, a few have been very original with what they want to know.

  Either way, I feel it's beneficial for me to be there. Not to mention, I am always looking for ways to be close to Killian, even when I'm trying to avoid him.

  Grabbing my small toiletries bag and some clothes out of my suitcase, I quickly duck into the bathroom. Knowing I will have the luxury of a hotel shower tonight, I simply freshen up in the sink before throwing on my gray sleeveless wrap dress and applying a light layer of make-up. Pinning my hair up in a claw, I quickly brush my teeth before exiting the bathroom just fifteen minutes later.

  When I cross into the lounge area of the bus, everyone is gone with the exception of Kate who seems to be getting ready to leave.

  “Hey. Where is everyone?” I ask, the moment she hears me enter and turns to face me.

  “They headed into the station for the interview. I'm getting ready to head that way too if you want to join me.” She offers.

  “Yeah I think I will.” I agree, grabbing my purse and phone from the back before following her off of the bus and into the warm morning heat.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “So Killian. Your fans want to know, well your female fans anyway.” John, the morning talk show host for 98 Rock, laughs before continuing. “Is there a special lady in your life?”

  “Well John, there are a lot of special ladies in my life.” I joke.

  “I bet. I bet.” He nods, speaking directly into the microphone in front of him. “So no one has stolen that heart of yours then?”

  “Now I didn't say that.” I laugh.

  “Oh now come on. You've got to give the listeners more than that.” He laughs in response.

  “Sorry John. That's the best I can do. I can't give too much away. I am not entirely sure she even knows it yet.” I can feel the attention of my three band mates on me but I keep my focus on John.

  They have heard these types of questions countless times from various interviews and my answer has always been the same. No one special. I'm dedicated to the music. Maybe one day. Well, until today that is.

  “So you won't give us anymore?” John tries prying one more time. When I shake my head and laugh out a no, he turns his attention to Gabe who is sitting directly to my right.

  “What about you Gabe? Anyone special in your life?”

  “Not me.” Gabe slides into his usual answer. “I like to keep my options open.” He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

  “Well I'm sure your options are pretty wide spread considering the amount of success you guys have been able to achieve in such a short period of time. In fact, I just received the news that Fallen has reached number four on the Top 100 Rock Chart, so congratulations on that.” John informs the listeners to information we just found out ourselves less than thirty minutes ago.

  “Do you think there is a reason people have embraced you the way they have?” John continues, asking his question to no one in particular.

  “Our music is real.” Chet speaks up. “We don't try to create music for anyone but ourselves. If other people like it and can relate to it, then that's awesome. But at the end of the day, it's about the four of us.”

  “Chet's right.” Gabe chimes in. “I think our fans can see that we aren't out here trying to fake it. We are normal everyday people just trying to make it doing what we love to do.”

  “Killian, what do you think?” John turns the focus back to me.

  “Yeah man, it's like the guys said.” I agree. “We love making music. We love performing. We aren't here for fame or riches, we're here because this is what we were put on this earth to do.”

  “Well it definitely shows. You guys are all class acts and I can't tell you how much I appreciate you hanging out with me this morning.” John checks our allotted remaining time and then cues us to take our places for our acoustic performance.

  As we get settled in front of our mics and instruments, John addresses the audience. “Alright ladies and gents, that's all the time we have for today. But before we wrap up, the guys have agreed to play us a song. So without further ado, give it up for Everything After with their new hit single, Fallen.”


  “What the hell was that about dude?” Aiden steps up next me as we make our way back to the bus.

  “What?” I question, even though I know exactly what he's referring to.

  “Someone who's stolen your heart?” He phrases the question like it pisses him off. Stopping, I turn towards him just as he stops next to me.

  “And?” I question, catching sight of Gabe and Chet as they approach us.

  “And, who the hell is it?” He seems genuinely confused and maybe a little offended, which instantly makes me laugh.

  “You can't be serious?” Chet clasps his hand down on Aiden's shoulder before turning his attention to me. “That's a serious thing to just throw out on the radio like that dude. Does Nora even know how you feel?”

  “Nora?” Aiden looks from Chet back to me.

  “Dude, where the fuck have you been?” Gabe shoves Aiden jokingly.

  “Apparently not where you all have.” He shakes his head, looking
between the three of us. “I thought you were the one making the play for her?” He takes a jab at Gabe, who immediately plays the only card he has.

  “Fucking accent.” He growls, causing the rest of us to laugh.

  “Yeah, I'm sure that's all it is.” Chet rolls his eyes and pats Gabe roughly on the back.

  “So wait. Are you guys like together?” Aiden asks.

  “He wishes.” Gabe gloats.

  “I'm so confused.” Aiden shakes his head.

  “I was just spouting off at the mouth. It's nothing, really.” I say, shrugging.

  “Yeah, because she shot your ass down. Sounds to me like maybe she just doesn't want what you have to offer.” Gabe bumps my shoulder.

  “Or maybe you're just trying to convince yourself of this because she has shot you down on several occasions..” I retaliate.

  “Children.” Chet steps in between us. “You're both irresistible.” He jokes playfully.

  “Man shut up.” Gabe pushes him away playfully.

  “What the hell are you guys doing?” Kate's voice pulls our attention to the bus that is sitting about twenty feet from where we are standing.

  “Killian and Gabe are having another pissing contest.” Chet yells across the parking lot. Kate nods in understanding, knowing this is an everyday occurrence.

  “Well can you hurry it up already? Sean wants us at the venue in thirty.” She responds.

  “We're coming woman. Don't get your panties in a twist.” Chet hollers back playfully before setting off in that direction, the rest of us following directly behind him.

  The moment we step onto the bus, I immediately spot Nora lounging on the couch, her laptop folded open on top of her legs and her fingers working quickly along the keypad.

  I make my way over and collapse down on the couch next to her, nudging her knee with mine causing her to look up. Before I can say anything, Kate pulls my attention to her.

  “Nice interview Killian.” She teases.

  Looking at her for a long moment, I look back to Nora who turns wide eyes on Kate before glancing back in my direction.

  “You were there?” I ask Nora.

  She nods and then turns her eyes back down to her computer, not able to hold my gaze.

  “Well shit. Guess she knows now.” Gabe mocks what I said in the interview, causing everyone but Nora to burst into laughter.


  “You are all incredible. We love you. Thank you so much.” I address the audience as we wrap up our last song of the night.

  Glancing to the side, I see Nora standing just feet from the stage, watching out over the crowd as they begin chanting Everything After. She smiles at the sound, which in turn makes me smile. She is so damn beautiful.

  I throw one last wave to the audience and then quickly jog off the stage towards her. The tension from earlier has subsided for the most part. After hearing me tell Sean I was just trying to switch it up and keep the people guessing, she seemed to relax quite a bit and has since returned to her normal self.

  Whether I meant what I said or not seems to be irrelevant. If it makes her more comfortable to believe that I was just shooting off at the mouth, then I am perfectly content with letting her think just that. Truthfully, I didn't set out to say anything when we started the interview. It just kind of came out and I had no choice but to roll with it.

  “Hey.” I smile as soon as I reach her, taking the bottle of water she offers me.

  “You guys were amazing tonight. I mean, not that you aren't always amazing. But tonight was probably the best I have heard you guys play.” She smiles, nodding as the rest of the band gathers around us.

  “Dude, they are begging for more.” Gabe slides in next to me. “I wish we could get our asses back out there. I feel so fucking good right now, I think I could play all night!”

  “I don't know if I would go that far.” Chet wipes sweat from his forehead and lets out a slow exhale. Out of all of us, he works the hardest during shows. Drums are extremely physically demanding.

  “Great show guys.” Sean seems to appear out of thin air. “One of your best.”

  “Thanks suit.” Chet bumps his fist.

  “Before you guys head out, Sharing Sunday would like a few group shots with you guys.” Sean says, referring to the local band that opened up for us tonight.

  “Sounds good.” I chime in, allowing the guys to go ahead while I hang back for a second.

  “Will I see you later?” I ask, turning towards Nora.

  “Killian.” She narrows her eyes at me. “I don't think that's such a good idea.”

  “That's precisely why you should come.” I challenge, not able to contain my smile.

  She sighs loudly and then rolls her eyes which only makes me smile wider. “Later.” I confirm, throwing her another small grin before quickly exiting to where Sean and the rest of the group have already disappeared backstage.

  Everything After


  I came to find you there

  I asked them to let me in

  But the gates would not open

  For my lies have filled me with sin

  I asked them to reconsider

  I begged for them to just forgive

  They said the darkness in my veins

  was my punishment...

  Now live

  And I have fallen

  I have fallen

  Away from you, away from hope

  with nothing left to give

  I have fallen

  I have fallen

  All I wanted was for you to live

  I have fallen

  I have failed

  I have fallen

  I have failed

  And now you're gone forever...

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I know I should turn around. I should go back to my room and crawl into my bed, leaving behind this silly fantasy I have that Killian and I will ever be anything more than this...

  A summer fling.

  Stolen moments.

  A glimpse into a life that I will never have.

  I raise my hand to the door of Killian's hotel room, but I can't bring myself to knock. I know this is a horrible idea. Why I even let myself make it this far is beyond me. I just can't seem to deny Killian, no matter the request.

  I have talked myself in and out of being here several times before the door in front of me suddenly opens. I jump slightly, startled by the unexpected appearance of a shirtless Killian standing in the doorway.

  “There you are.” He cocks his head to the side and smiles at me.

  I stand motionless for a long moment, not able to keep my eyes from trailing across Killian's incredible broad chest, the two halves of the dragon tattoo accenting his muscle definition perfectly.

  Snapping out of my haze the moment he lets out a small chuckle, my eyes immediately find his face again. I can feel the heat rush to my cheeks as I struggle to speak.

  “How did you know I was here?” I try to keep my voice steady.

  “I didn't, but I was convinced you were going to bail on me so I was coming to you.” He smiles wider.

  “Without any clothes on?” I gesture to the only article of clothing he has on; a pair of black athletic shorts.

  Once again I am momentarily distracted by his body. The ripple of his abs, the way his shorts hang loosely on his hips, making my eyes dip lower before finding his face again.

  “What do I need clothes for.” He smirks, grabbing my forearm and jerking me inside the door.

  His mouth closes down on mine seconds before the door latches closed behind us, and just like that, I am powerless. Every single bit of will power and reserve I have simply floats away and my body is now Killian's to command.

  The slow beat of “Of These Chains” by Red floats around us from a small radio on the bedside table. I immediately recognize it because it is one of my favorites. Something about the combination of the music and Killian's hands on my body seems to remove me
from reality and places me in a dreamlike state.

  It's like I'm in a movie and Killian and I are acting out a love scene. Everything seems to be happening in slow motion; the music playing around us, Killian's hands as they skirt down my sides, the way his lips find my neck just as the song starts to climax.

  I am so lost to the pleasure, to the feelings that Killian invokes, everything around me seems to vanish until the only thing left is him and I.

  He wastes no time ridding me of my black tank top, my gray cotton shorts coming off shortly after. I manage to kick them off without tripping as Killian backs me further into the room.

  He continues to move, guiding me with him as he unclasps my bra and pulls it down my arms, tossing it somewhere to the side. He doesn't stop moving until the back of my knees finally hit the edge of the bed and I fall backwards onto the firm mattress.

  Reaching for my panties, he slowly shimmies them down my legs before straightening his posture and looking down upon my naked body. I am completely visible to him in the dim lighting of the room.

  “You are so fucking beautiful.” His eyes roam across my flesh, seeming to burn a trail in their path. When his eyes dip lower, he takes a ragged inhale and then rips his gaze away.

  “Do you have any idea what you do to me?” He rasps, his accent thick, his breathing rapid.

  “Killian.” His name barely makes it off of my lips before he is climbing up my body, his mouth finding mine and silencing my broken attempt to speak.

  He kisses me hard, his tongue leaving no area of my mouth unexplored. He tastes of whiskey with a hint of mint. The flavor is intoxicating. I know immediately that he must have joined the band for a shot of Jack Daniels after their show, something that is a tradition of theirs.

  I feel him shift above me as he kicks away his shorts and boxers. Breaking away from my lips, he retrieves a condom from the top of the nightstand. Holding it to his mouth, he rips the wrapper open with his teeth before rolling it down onto himself.

  The music continues to play around us, though by this point I am so lost in the moment that I barely register it as background noise. Killian resettles between my legs, his face hovering just inches from mine as he stares down at me.


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