Desired By The Ballers

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Desired By The Ballers Page 5

by Cherry Kay

  Or it might have been that she was feeling more relaxed than she had felt in a long time. She couldn’t remember when she had let herself cut loose and just enjoy being with someone. That was what happened when you became a workaholic, she told herself. It was rare that she left the office before her boss did. Today had been the biggest exception ever and she knew her boss and coworkers were going to be asking her if she was okay tomorrow, but she would have to tell them that she had a date with an amazing man. Then they could all be jealous as hell of her and it would be so fun. Or she would ignore them and just tell them she decided to take a day for herself. She had not yet made up her mind. It was fun having the options.

  “So, what do you want to ride next? Tilt-a-Whirl? The Scrambler?”

  Denise shot him a look. Those were kiddie rides and he knew it. He was busting her chops right then. She pretended to be moderately offended, but she could not hide the smile.

  “I thought we might do the bumper cars or the carousel,” Denise quipped back.

  “Oh, yeah. Hey, the bumper cars are harsh. I’ve seen people get hurt on those things.”

  “Well, they must have tried to bump without being in the car.”

  “I think that’s exactly what happened,” Rick said.

  The car suddenly lurched forward and began swinging back and forth.

  “Whoa!” Denise said as she grabbed onto the rail.

  “What the hell is going on?” Rick asked.

  The whole ride suddenly began to swing back and forth in jerky movements. Denise felt nausea rise in her stomach and fear coarse through her body. There was something not right here. Something was not right at all.

  Denise looked downward and saw the operator moving the crank as if trying to get it to lock into position. He was struggling with all of his might and Denise was just waiting for the primary controller to break off.

  “There’s something wrong with the ride. Look!” Denise said.

  Rick glanced over the rail. He saw what she saw and his eyes grew wide as saucers.

  “Damn, this isn’t good.”

  “Well it’s going to suck if we are stuck up here for a while, until they can get this fixed.”

  “Well, I could think of worse places to be, sexy,” Rick said.

  Denise couldn’t hide the blush.

  The ride began to suddenly lurch violently and Denise felt her heart leaping into her throat. She was having trouble swallowing as panic began to set in. She knew that this was going to end badly. She didn’t know if it was happening to all of the cars or just theirs, but she did not feel at all secure here.

  “Shit, this sucks,” Rick said. He was looking around at the other cars. Denise figured that he was thinking the same thing that she was thinking.

  The Ferris wheel rocked more violently this time, swinging back and forth. Denise was falling. The door and the rail in front of her that was supposed to ensure her safety was gone and she found herself flying down into empty air. She could see Rick and the car rising farther away from her.

  “Denise!” Rick screamed as he lunged to reach for her, but she was far away from his grasp.

  The fall happened in slow motion for Denise. Falling out of the car had happened in the blink of an eye, but now that she was free falling the whole world had shut down to a snail’s pace. She found herself moving, and moving, but not going anywhere.

  So this is how I’m going to die? She had always wondered how it would happen, as she was sure most people did, but she had never thought it would be something as stupid as this. This had to be the most undignified way to go that she could imagine.

  There was a rail in front of her. Without hesitation, Denise’s flailing arms lashed out and grabbed the bar. It was part of the cog that attached to each of the cars on the ride. She had fallen past a few cars and had been unable to grab them, but there was a big bar right in front of her and it looked super inviting. She grabbed it tightly with both arms, wincing as the hard steel dug into her flesh. The bruises started immediately.

  Denise was no longer falling. She held onto the bar tightly, thankful to be alive. It took her a few seconds to secure her bearings and she quickly realized that she couldn’t stay here hanging on by her arms to this bar. She was in decent shape and she figured that she would be able to move her legs up into position to wrap her legs around the bar as well as her arms, but her legs wouldn’t go that high. She was barely able to get a foot on there and she realized that she might not be as superhuman as she thought she was.

  “Denise!” Rick was still screaming from above.

  Denise looked up and saw him peering at her from the car. The door was still swinging wide open and he was holding on to the rail of the seat behind him. He looked terror-stricken.

  Denise wanted to call up to him, but she couldn’t really say that she was okay. She knew that she was going to lose her grip and continue to fall to the ground before anyone was able to help her. She was not quite as far up, but she was sure the fall would still kill her. If it didn’t kill her, she could envision spending the rest of her life in a wheel chair if she was lucky. There were no good outcomes of what lay ahead of her. Denise tried to calm the craziness that was rolling through her mind, but it was to no use. Her panic button had been pushed and her body was responding to the panic accordingly.

  She heard clanging up above her. She didn’t want to look up because she was terrified of what she might see and also she was afraid of the vertigo that was threatening to make her so dizzy that her grip became non-existent and she plummeted to her demise. She wanted to avoid that at all costs.

  But the clanging was getting louder and she couldn’t resist looking up to see what was going on. She was glad that she did. There was Rick climbing down the ride coming to her rescue. She was overjoyed that he was risking his life for hers, but she was scared for him. If he died trying to save her, she would never forgive herself.

  The ride lurched again. She felt her grip stinging, trying to hold on, but becoming looser. She doubled her efforts and held on with everything she had left.

  Looking up, she could see that Rick was still okay and he was moving faster now, coming to her rescue. He would never let her down. She knew that one hundred percent right now.

  Rick was above her within seconds. She was amazed still at his agility and athleticism as he moved from metal beam to metal beam, rolling down the ride with ease until he was right in front of her.

  “Are you okay?” Rick asked.

  “Yeah,” Denise grunted.

  Rick reached out his hand. “Take my hand. Hurry, I don’t know how much longer this thing is going to last.”

  Denise struggled to move her hand off the rail. She knew that there was a slight chance she might miss and end up falling down to the ground, but she did not have a choice. If she didn’t do this, she was going to go down to the ground anyway.

  “It’s okay. Trust me,” Rick said.

  Denise grunted with every bit of strength she had and grabbed his hand. His grip was strong, squeezing her hand. She winced from the pain but knew it was unavoidable right now; he had to hold on to her tightly.

  Suddenly, he began to lift her up with one arm until she was close enough to warp her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She couldn’t believe the strength he had as he groaned with every ounce of effort, the veins in his forearm bulging as the muscles flexed and pumped. She could see the pain and agony in his eyes, but the determination was going to override all of that.

  Denise breathed a sigh of relief as she rested on his back. She wanted to just go to sleep for a few hours, but she had to pay attention. They weren’t out of the woods yet.

  “Hold on,” Rick said.

  He began to climb down as fast as he could, moving past car after car, the ground coming at them closer and closer. Denise heard the loud clang above them and pleaded with herself not to look, but her eyes were already looking upward. The car they had been riding in came loose and began to fall toward t
hem rapidly.

  “Rick!” Denise yelled.

  Rick saw the large metal object rapidly approaching and amped up his time as he moved faster and faster downward. Denise didn’t know if they were going to make it.

  “Hold on!” Rick yelled as he jumped the last twenty feet to the ground, absorbing the impact with his legs, but bending his knees expertly and then running to the side just before the car hit the ground.

  Denise climbed slowly off of Rick’s back as he regained his composure. He was in a bit of pain from the events that had just transpired, but he smiled at her anyway.

  “Guess you’re right. The Ferris wheel is exciting,” Rick said.

  Chapter Five

  Denise grabbed the beer that Rick handed her and took a few sweet sips of it. She was finally starting to calm down a bit. She was still shaking a little bit though. The terror of what had just happened wouldn’t leave her mind. It felt like she was still there. Her heart kept racing and she found that when she tried to calm herself down it became worse. It was that way the whole ride back to Rick’s place. She was finally starting to feel just a little bit calmer. Being in Rick’s place with him was having a calming effect on her.

  Rick was still in control. He was cool, calm, and collected as always. She had no idea how he could be so in control of himself, unless he just had a really good poker face.

  “Are you okay?” Rick asked. He could tell that she was incredibly nervous.

  “Yea, I’m still just scared. I know it’s silly, but I can’t keep from shaking.”

  “It’s not silly. That was a pretty scary thing we just went through.”

  “You seem okay,” Denise said.

  “I’m just glad we made it out okay. There is no point in dwelling on it; it’s already over.”

  “I wish I could just shrug things off that way,” Denise said.

  Rick reached out and touched her trembling hands. His touch felt smooth and warm over her skin. She felt her body begin to calm down and the trembling started to get less and less.

  “It’s okay. Everything is all right.”

  Denise smiled at him. She felt tears threatening her eyes, but she held them back. She was stronger than that. Rick reminded her of that every time he looked at her with those sexy eyes.

  Rick leaned forward and kissed Denise softly on the lips. His warm mouth was so sweet and inviting. She could not resist kissing him back harder as she felt the passion erupting from somewhere deep inside of her. She could not stand to hold back her lust for him any longer. After all that had happened, she just wanted Rick to make her feel good all over. She just needed him close to her.

  Rick kissed harder as well, moving his mouth in slow sensuous rhythms over hers; slow at first but moving harder and faster all the time. His tongue moved into her mouth slowly, but with bold intentions, seducing her own tongue into action. Goosebumps began to rise up over her body and she felt her body temperature rising on the surface of her skin. She needed him so badly at that moment.

  Rick ran his fingers through her hair, taking long, smooth strokes. His fingertips grazed the top of her head gingerly as he moved slowly through her hair. She loved to have her hair played with and she marveled at his touch and how easily he could excite her.

  He pulled his shirt off revealing his rock hard physique. His whole body was rippling with chiseled muscle that had been well-sculpted by hours in the gym and on the athletic field, leaving him lean and hard, but not bulky. Denise glided her fingers over his rippling six pack of abs and felt her own body become hotter still.

  Rick quickly pulled her T-shirt over her head. She felt exposed for the briefest of moments, but she was too turned on to care. Denise had always been proud of her body, but compared to Rick right now, she did feel a bit self-conscious. But she was too worked up to give it proper thought as Rick laid her back on the couch and began to kiss her slowly starting on her stomach and moving up the middle of her chest, ignoring the lacy bra that she was wearing.

  His kisses were smooth and soft. The minute traces of moisture left by his lips felt great on her hot body. She felt herself starting to sweat slightly despite the air conditioning being on high. As Rick reached her neck, he began to kiss her there too, moving from side-to-side. She closed her eyes and just let the mystery of it all seduce her. She wasn’t sure where his lips were going to go next, and it excited her intensely.

  She felt the moistness growing between her legs. Denise was so ready for him, but she was willing to let him take his time. She knew the payoff would be well worth the wait.

  Rick’s hands were behind her now, rubbing her lower back as he continued to run his lips and then his tongue over the nape of her neck. The sensation was incredible and she wasn’t sure how much longer she could stand it before she attacked him and ripped his pants off.

  His hands found her bra and he quickly unhooked it. Then he slowly pulled the bra off her body away from her breasts. Denise’s breasts were large and soft, with large nipples that stood up erect and sensitive. Rick smiled as he neared them and placed one of the nipples in his mouth. His hot mouth on her sensitive, hard nipple drove her crazy and a moan escaped her lips.

  Rick’s large, strong hands began to massage her breasts, softly at first, teasing her with anticipation.

  “Harder,” she moaned. Her breasts were large and she loved to have them squeezed firmly. Rick obliged. His strong hands massaged her chest with increasing intensity. She loved the way he worked her breasts, squeezing in sweet circular motions and pulling back slightly to catch the nipple between his fingers. That combination was perfect. She had never had her breasts touched quite that way before.

  She felt herself getting wetter and wetter and she wanted desperately to finger herself right then, but her jeans were in the way. She reached down and unbuttoned her pants, trying to get a hand in there.

  Rick took the direction and unzipped her jeans. He buried his face in her lower abdomen and began to kiss and lick her as he slowly started to pull her pants down, moving his mouth with them. Soon her pants were off and her panties with them. Rick had removed them both together as he allowed his face to settle in the sweet spot between her legs.

  His tongue was licking her sweet, wet mound. The way he moved his tongue from side to side on her sweet spot, but not dwelling right on it was intoxicating. He seemed to know exactly how she liked to be touched. Not too much sensation, but keeping her clit in the game by a quick massage before moving to the side and then moving up and down on her, occasionally moving inside to taste her completely and draw moisture out. She was so wet she couldn’t believe it.

  Rick pulled back suddenly and stood up. He reached down and in one swoop picked Denise up off the couch and carried her into the bedroom where he laid her down gently. While she waited on the bed, he stood there looking at her with lust and admiration in his eyes for a few seconds before he slowly took off his pants and his boxers.

  Denise’s eyes were glued to his beautiful package. He was long and thick. His shaft was smooth and sexy-looking, his ball sack pulled tight around his large mounds that hung just below his thick member. He was hard as a rock.

  Denise licked her lips excitedly and waited as he came toward the bed slowly. He slid in between her legs and then kissed her deeply as he entered her. She felt like she was going to come instantly. He must have sensed it because he stopped and continued kissing her, allowing her body to get used to him being inside of her and then he began to move in and out in long hard thrusts. That was just the way she liked it. How did he instinctively know her body that well?

  Denise wrapped her legs around his tight body and enjoyed the ride as he moved in and out of her. She hugged his body as close to her as she possibly could and enjoyed the warmth and closeness of him. He felt so good deep inside of her, hitting all of her sweet spots at once, keeping the momentum and the pace steady—not adjusting pace or intensity. She loved it that way.

  It only took her a few minutes, but she felt herself
about to come. She couldn’t hold back any longer; she had to let it go or it was going to drive her mad. Her climax erupted hard around his thick member engorged inside of her. She could feel her body pulsating and quivering around his shaft as he continued to pump her nice and steady. Her toes curled up into tight balls as her orgasm finished and she could once again catch her breath.

  Rick smiled as he kissed her sweetly.

  He pulled out of her and carefully moved her body around so she was in a doggy style position. He entered her from behind, going even deeper than before. It was so intense that she knew she was going to come again.

  And she did, this time triggering his own climax immediately after. Rick moaned loudly as his body tensed up and he erupted hard inside of her.

  They fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Six

  Dan Richards slammed his locker shut and hoped it wasn’t overly obvious that he was irate about something. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself, but it wasn’t really getting any better. Today was going to be a long day, and he was already looking forward to a few beers and chilling in his hot tub. He wanted to just forget the whole day and he was even half-tempted to fake an illness just so he could leave. But the show must go on as they say.

  He grabbed his bag and headed out towards the practice field. He could hardly stomach to be around the other guys on the team today, especially Rick. It was all over the internet what a flippin’ hero he was since he had saved Denise on the Ferris wheel at that stupid carnival the other day. As if that guy wasn’t already a big enough star they had to throw this at him? How much more famous could one guy get?

  The whole thing was enough to make him sick. That hot shot had come out of nowhere and constantly did whatever he could to make the team look bad so he would be the break out star. He didn’t know the first thing about team work and he had a lot to learn about being respectful to the sport.

  Dan had been gracious enough to show the rookie the ropes and let him get his feet wet, but that guy had taken the ball and run with it on that one. He had been the thorn in the side of everybody on the team, even if all the other guys refused to admit it. They were all just a bunch of sycophants who wanted to ride on Rick’s coattails just to hide the fact that most of them had no business being on a professional sports team. Many of them were third string at best and Dan often wondered how many rear ends they’d had to kiss to make it this far.


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