Desired By The Ballers

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Desired By The Ballers Page 8

by Cherry Kay

  Suddenly her body was jerked off the side of the road and out of the path of the car. She landed against the curb, pain echoing through her back and into the back of her head. Rick’s arms were wrapped tightly around her, breaking her fall as much as they could. She shuddered to think how hard she would have hit if he wasn’t holding onto her.

  The car flew by them and quickly began to veer out of control, moving left and right and finally colliding with a tree by the side of the road. It took her a few seconds to understand what had just happened. She and Rick had almost been run down by that car. Why? Why would anyone do such a thing?

  If Rick hadn’t seen the car before she did, then they would have both been dead. He reacted before she had time to blink or realize she was even in danger. He had saved her life again. She could never repay him.

  “Are you okay?” Rick asked.

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  She didn’t recognize the car right off, but the more she looked at it, the more closely it resembled Dan’s car.

  No way… couldn’t be.

  “That son of a bitch!” Rick yelled.

  Before she could stand up, Rick was off and running down the street. He was still limping from the knee injury and she wondered if he was doing more damage to it right now, but he was full of rage. He had reached his limit and his breaking point on this.

  She stood up and began to chase after him.

  Rick reached the car as Dan was crawling out of it. Dan appeared to be shaken up a bit. He barely recognized that Rick was there before he was being belted in the face by punches. Dan staggered back trying to defend himself, but Rick continued to attack him.

  “Rick! Stop it!’ Denise yelled. She could tell that someone was going to get hurt here.

  Dan began to fire back. He tackled Rick to the ground and began to pound on his mid-section as Rick tried to block the punches. Rick was being successful in blocking most of the blows, but a few hard shots were getting through. Denise winced every time one of Dan’s beefy fists collided with Rick’s ribcage. She wanted to get help, but the crowd of people that were starting to gather around did nothing but stare. There was no help to be found.

  Rick blocked one of Dan’s punches aimed at his face and fired back with a hard right that connected cleanly with Dan’s nose. Dan was obviously stunned and when Rick hit him again he fell backwards on the ground, clutching his now-broken nose.

  Rick got on top and was about to hit him when he realized that Dan was out. He was passing out and was in a dazed state. There was no need to continue the fight.

  “Rick!” Denise yelled.

  Rick snapped out of his rage and a feeling of calm seemed to drape over him. She could see the anger in his eyes suddenly vanish. The Rick she knew was back. He walked over toward her slowly and wrapped his arms around her. It felt good to be in his arms. She just wanted to stay there and let them start their wonderful life together.

  The police arrived shortly thereafter and arrested Dan. Denise thought that Rick might have been arrested for beating Dan to a pulp, but the cops were cool about everything and decided that it was still considered self-defense. A few of the people in the crowd recognized Rick and said that Dan came out of the car and came at him. Rick was the victim. It was still pretty nice to be Rick Thomas.


  Denise climbed on top of Rick in the bed. She had just walked out of the shower and he had been lying in the bed, naked, with his thick member standing up in the air. He was slowly stroking himself, waiting on her.

  She had not expected this to happen, but it was always a welcomed surprise. She dropped the towel that had been wrapped around her and sauntered over to the bed. She paused a moment to admire his rock-hard physique and his beautiful love tool. Denise reached out and stroked it softly, giving Rick a hand while he continued his manual manipulation.

  He responded by growing harder still. He was obviously enjoying her touch even more than his own. Denise felt herself getting aroused and she knew that she was ready to climb aboard. She slowly positioned herself into a cowgirl position, lowering her body slowly onto his cock, feeling her body spread and widen to accommodate his large size. He was just large enough, but not too large that it hurt. It only hurt when he did it really hard and then it hurt just enough for her to want more of it.

  Rick groaned softly as she finished her ascent and he was now fully inside of her. She steadied herself and began to move up and down slowly, really savoring every inch of him sliding in and out of her body. She felt herself swelling up a little bit, creating a vise grip on his manhood. Rick’s eyes widened with pleasure.

  He placed his hands on her hips, guiding her and to provide some balance as her lust increased and so did her speed. She loved the way he felt moving in and out of her from this angle and she leaned back a little bit to facilitate the perfect point of entry for him.

  Her large breasts flopped about and she made no attempt to keep them still. Rick loved to watch them and it excited him greatly. He would occasionally move a hand off her hip and grab one of her huge breasts and squeeze them which in turn sent shivers of pleasure racing through her.

  Rick sat up just then and wrapped his arms around her while she continued to ride him. She loved this move and she was so excited to have him so close to her. She kissed him sweetly, enjoying those smooth and sexy lips on hers and she instantly pushed her tongue forward to meet his enhancing the sexiness of the move.

  Rick’s hands moved over her back, massaging and scratching softly. This sent her over the edge every time and she knew that she was going to finish soon. She continued to buck her hips hard on Rick’s engorged member, letting him thump deep inside of her.

  She felt herself about to finish and Rick smiled widely knowing it was going to happen. He knew her body so well.

  The climax was intense and hard, which was just the way she liked it. Her whole body seemed to be climaxing as she felt sensations in all of her muscles and tingles of pleasure moving up her abdomen.

  Rick finished his own climax mere seconds later, gushing a deep load inside of her. He always seemed to time it just right, as if he was ready at any time, but he had to make sure she finished first. That was a hard and fast rule with him apparently.

  And that was just fine with Denise.


  As she drifted off to sleep, Denise found her mind dwelling on everything that had happened to her over the past month or so. She had gone from one phase of her life to another almost in the blink of an eye. Was that what happened? Was she entering another phase or a better part of the phase of life that she was already in? She wasn’t totally sure about that and she tried not to think about it too hard.

  She was happy. That was all that mattered. She had found her perfect man and she couldn’t have been happier. But she often found herself wondering what would have happened if she had not answered Dan’s phone that day? Would she have gone on to have feelings or a relationship with Dan? It was possible. His secret might have stayed hidden and she might never have figured out what kind of a monster he really was.

  It was all enough to drive you crazy. She tried to just take things in perspective and let it go. Everything had happened the way it did for a reason. She was sure of that. Denise didn’t know what the future was going to hold for her, but she was certain that it was bright for her and for Rick.

  His knee was healing up well and he would be back out on the field in time for the new season in the fall and their relationship just kept getting hotter and hotter. Denise had given up on having expectations because they automatically set you up for failure.

  She decided that she would just take everything one sweet day at a time.


  Message From The Author:


  Cherry Kay here and I hope you enjoyed “Desired By The Ballers”.

  As promised and as part of this special package there is a bonus book included that has never previously been released anywhere before and you can
start reading this now on the next page!

  Cherry x




  About This Book:


  Chapter One

  An alarm clock rang jarringly in the room. Two seconds later, a hand whacked it off the night table, sending it onto the floor. It landed with a soft thud on the carpet. Something, or someone, stirred under the sheets.

  “Jesus,” a voice groaned, unable to believe it was already five-thirty in the morning. He wanted to bury himself in the warmth of his thick blanket. Then he sighed and decided to get up. Enough procrastinating for now. It was an early day.

  Shaun Bradford yawned, feeling his jaw unhinge from it. He cracked his neck sideways and flung off his covers, feeling the cold morning air seep through from the slightly open window. He willed his mind to work and his muscles to move. He was still a bit sore from yesterday’s practice, but swore he would do better that day. The thought of more practice made him smile. Heading for the kitchen, he opened his stainless steel fridge and took out two eggs, bread and coffee.

  A light breakfast was the ticket to get down and dirty by eight. It was something he had been used to since he’d played for a scholarship six years ago. Turning on his thirty-two inch LED television set for some morning noise, he proceeded to make omelets as he toasted bread. There was news about the NFL drafting season, a repeat of last night, and he couldn’t help but watch it again.

  He had worked hard for this his whole life. It was the only thing he was actually into He was off to a strong start today, as he left his apartment by seven-thirty in the morning. The field was within walking distance, a good twenty minute trek away, which was perfect for cardio. With his duffel bag in tow, he began to walk. He had chosen the apartment for this sole purpose alone and had gotten used to a singular lifestyle since college. His family was only an hour away by interstate but he had barely seen them in months.

  At twenty-four years old, he was trying to live the American dream through his passion. Well, it was more of an obsession, actually. The money would come later; he had wanted the fame first. Besides, his pay was all right even if he hadn’t been signed up to a major team yet. That was the point of all this practice.

  He walked past mothers bringing their children to the school bus and he saw a few eye him. At six feet and four inches, he was someone who couldn’t be missed. That and his blonde hair and hazelnut colored eyes. His aura was that of a young professional about to go to the gym prior to a meeting, which required suits and briefcases, a professional who shouldn’t be messed with. He had a hardened jaw line that made him appear unsociable. Despite the loose clothes, his muscles looked imposing. He cared about his looks like a supermodel cared about hers. Practice season meant a chance to show off.

  Arriving at the stadium, he saw that he was quite early. He headed for the locker room, where he saw his coach, Daniel Matthews was already there, drinking coffee and talking on the phone.

  “‘S’up, Dan,” he greeted.

  Daniel looked up and nodded, saying a few unintelligible words and putting down the phone. He was a burly man who had done well during his younger years. Only an injury prevented him from expanding his starting career as a linebacker. Everyone agreed that Dan “Dynamite” Matthews had still done well as coach, though.

  Daniel hadn’t shaved, he noticed. There were flecks of gray on his hair and on the hairs of his thick mustache. “You’re early today,” he told Shaun.

  “Yeah, I just wanted to ask how I was doing.”

  “Your temper still hasn’t improved. It’s clouding your practicality,” Dan said matter-of-factly.

  Shaun took a seat across Dan and shrugged. “Look, Dan, I’m doing my best here—"

  “Apparently you aren’t,” Dan said, “I’ve seen you since college. You play well, heck it’s your brawn that makes you play well. But you gotta play with brains, a cool, collected brain singularly works for you. Is something bothering you, son? Now that we’re having this awkward man to man talk so early in the morning—"

  “Jesus, Dan,” Shaun snapped, “nothing’s wrong.” Then he saw the look of reproach in Dan’s eyes. He shrugged again. “I just have a lot of rage to let out. What better way than in the game?”

  He heard the shuffling of feet and noises coming from down the hall. The others were arriving. Shaun knew the conversation had to stop there. He had wanted to know about his progress, yet Dan launched into a lecture about his attitude. He shook his head, scowling, as he stood up.

  He wasn’t a high schooler who needed to be told about his attitude. He played clean, he followed rules- -- well there was the occasional slugfest against naysayers… but that was it. He barely made the news anyway, unlike the rest of those in the major league. He just wanted to get noticed. Dan was biased about him since he had given a rival a bloody nose…

  He took a breath and headed for the meeting room with the rest of the players for an hour long lecture. It was something he relished yet disliked all at the same time.


  Some would ogle at her as she walked, but she didn’t really notice. Or it was more likely she didn’t care. Here was an attractive, ebony-skinned woman, about to earn a degree in Economics, yet knew she was single. Many tried to date her, men of all races -- blacks, Hispanics, whites, and she shied away from them all.

  They all had theories. From the laughable, “She’s an illegal immigrant who didn’t want attention,” to “she’s a lesbian,” to “she was a Christian and was saving herself for the one...” She heard these comments and they amused her. The best, and safest, excuse was that she was an ambitious woman, busy conquering the world – if not conquering academics. A straight A-student since elementary school, she was in the running for summa cum laude upon graduation. It was legit. Alexis Matthews was definitely legit.

  Her classes were done for the day, in what subjects she had left. Time was allotted for senior honors thesis, something she wanted to ace. There wasn’t much pressure for her. She managed well with pressure anyway. She had even managed to squeeze in part-time work to fund her last year at school, working as a barista at a nearby home-grown coffee shop.

  In fact, that was where she was heading at the moment. It was a short walk away from Lorch Hall, and Alexis knew she was lucky to have landed a job that accepted part-time help. She slipped into the coffee shop just in time and quickly donned an apron to get to work.

  “Hey Lex,” another barista greeted her.

  Alexis nodded and gave a small smile. Her co-barista, Janine, looked at her for a brief moment. Alexis Matthews was still an enigma of sorts, even if she had worked for over a year at the Rocket Cafe. She was generally pleasant, but was quiet and kept mostly to herself. She didn’t join in gossip, or join the other baristas enjoying handsome customers from the nearby college.

  Janine knew that Alexis was an honors student and didn’t bother to disrupt her vibe. Besides, she was easy to work with and definitely easy to look at. Too bad she didn’t bother getting to know the customers who were pretty infatuated with her. She sighed a little and set out to make an espresso as Alexis took a customer’s order.

  “Hello Alexis,” an elderly gentleman said.

  “Hi Prof,” she replied, “the usual hazelnut macchiato with a toffee drizzle?”

  The pale looking, yet heavy in the middle, gentleman nodded. “Hold the biscotti,” he added, “you know what it does to my figure.”

  Alexis laughed a little. “I’m sure it won’t do much damage.”

  “I just checked my blood sugar.”

  “And you’re having a macchiato? Can’t you just have milk instead, Prof?”

  “Do I look like a kid to you?”

  Alexis nodded. “A highly educated one.”

  Professor Tillman laughed. “Almost graduating, huh Lex?”

  She nodded.

  “I hope you’re still doing well.”

  “Beyond expecta
tions,” she responded coyly.

  “Atta, girl.”

  “I’ll serve you your latte in a few,” she told him.

  The professor ambled for his usual spot and took out a battered looking newspaper to read. She set about making his latte, finishing it with a few swirls, the best she could do, as she couldn’t even draw a proper stick figure. Yeah, leave it to someone who was good in calculus to make latte art, she thought wryly.

  The coffee shop was teeming with university students and a few of the faculty. It was a normal day at Rocket Café. Hours passed by until the clock struck six-thirty in the evening.

  She slipped out of her apron as she headed for the office to sign out.

  “Where you off to on a Thursday, Lex?” another barista named Melody asked.

  “Family affair,” Alexis replied simply as she clocked out, “see you tomorrow.”

  Melody watched as she left. She couldn’t say anything bad about her. Well, all she could think of was that she was a bit stuck up. Perhaps it came with the pressure of working and finishing college.

  Alexis sighed as she stepped out of the café. The lights on the streets were lit brightly by this hour. She walked to the bus stop, determined to arrive at her family’s home earlier than seven-thirty. It was about a twenty minute ride. She arrived at twenty past seven in the evening and saw the brightly lit porch in the place that she’d called home for more than eight years. She took a breath and walked up the stairs, feeling the wooden bannister under her hand. She rang the bell that hung beside the wooden door. She heard the movement of feet and chairs.

  “Must be Lexy,” a muffled voice said.


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