The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch

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The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch Page 2

by Samuel David

  Well I thought to myself that was a different way to name a dog. Therefore, I joked with Molly and asked, “Did the mother have 26 puppies at one time?”

  She smiled and sort of laughed and said, “No she just had six. I guess you have a sense of humor which is nice and also, thanks for helping me today.”

  Michelle, I noticed, seemingly inpatient with me playing with the dogs and wanting to move me along, said, “Mr. South, we can go to the orientation room now if you like.”

  “That would be fine Michelle. Has my attorney, Mark Anderson, made it here yet?” even though the door attendant had already told me he had not.

  Michelle looked on her list then stated, “He has not checked in with me yet.” She then turned her attention to Molly who was fiddling with the other cages getting the dogs out. “Molly, I will send one of our assistants out to help in a few minutes. I need to get Mr. South to the orientation room for he is scheduled before you.”

  She glanced at her watch then told Molly she had a little over two hours to go. “You are on at about 8:20,” then turned to me and asked me to follow her.

  As we were leaving the area and I looked back at Molly and the dogs, I realized that after what I was going to do today, Molly and her Labradoodles would probably not make the show. Too many other things of greater interest would, be occurring at that time and she, nor the Network had any idea what was about to occur.

  The other thing I thought was Molly would probably never forget who I was the rest of her life and she would always say that I helped her or, then again, maybe not.

  Chapter 2

  6:20 AM EST Day one of 1260 New York - The Network Morning Headlines Studios

  Michelle led me down the hall of the studios to a holding room called the Teal Room. Why it is, called this, I do not know. The room was relatively small with a few couches, chairs, a TV monitor, telephone, and miscellaneous tables with an array of beverages and snacks on them. The most striking images were the pictures on the wall of famous guest and of course hosts of the show’s past and present. At, the moment there was no one else in the room. I assumed Mark, my attorney, would be here soon, I was somewhat hungry so I grabbed a donut and a cup of coffee. I poured in some coffee creamer and sat down on the couch facing the door to wait for what is next.

  As I was looking around the room, I thought of all the people I had seen on this show in my lifetime realizing of course that they, like me, probably sat in this same room waiting for their interview. Some interviews I had seen on this show were depressive, others upbeat, and then some were disastrous. These anchor people become good at getting people to slip up and say things they should not say. That was a definite concern of mine today.

  Brad Williams was the one interviewing me today. I knew he was an egocentric and the world revolved around him. According to some, he had not earned his place at The Network, but due to family connections, he was, groomed for the job and almost overnight, had the top anchor spot by the time he was thirty-one.

  Brad was not a big person. He stood about five feet eleven weighed around a hundred and sixty to seventy pounds, and was in good shape. His English heritage showed with his dishwater brown hair, brown eyes, and rather sharp features. He was, I thought, about forty-eight years old, but I was not sure. He had been, voted best-looking man on TV a few years ago by a popular TV magazine and had won several awards. Moreover, for all intense purposes, he is the most watched news anchor in America. He also was the most ruthless.

  For the past two weeks the public relations company we hired, and my attorney, rehashed each word of the questions I would be, asked by Brad, and my responses to them. We had insisted on a copy of the questions prior to agreeing to the interview and we were, given a list of them. We went over each one and then decided at what point I would drop the ‘bombshell’ in their lap. We were sure that they were not going to like it. That was part of the plan. Push Brad to the edge and get him to lose his temper.

  I pulled out the list of questions and started reading all the notes prepared for the interview and in my mind, rehearsed the answers and my lead-in when I change the whole outlook of the interview. I still had my doubts about what I was about to say and what it meant to me, my family, let alone the rest of the world. This entire situation started with the interview for a job. The situation that I now found myself in was, based on being a Christian. I guess over the years, my faith in God had prepared me for today, but I still did not understand why I was, chosen. I guess as the messengers said, I was, selected a long time ago, longer than I could imagine and that very soon I would understand. I had to get past today first then they would explain more to me. So here, I am on absolute blind faith, in front of a national audience and soon worldwide audience to announce something to the world nobody is going to be ready or willing to accept.

  I reached in my other breast pocket and pulled another sheet of paper I unfolded it then read it thoroughly. I would be handing this to Brad, the Anchor, after my statement, or as I called it, my bombshell. I reread the information printed on the paper. It was very detailed and the contents should be, easily understood. Once I stated what was on these pages, winning the two lotteries back to back would seem pale to the gift I had been given.

  The door opened and Michelle entered and said, “Your attorney is here.” She stepped aside and Mark Anderson walked in. I folded the paper back up and put it back in my breast pocket then got up and went over and shook Mark’s hand and said, “Good morning Mark, did you have a safe trip?”

  Mark simply answered, “Yes. Let me get a cup of coffee and let’s talk.”

  As Mark was getting his coffee, I moved over to the two easy chairs that faced each other in the far corner and waited for him to come over and sit. Mark Anderson is sort of a dumpy person, not at all, what you would expect for a high priced defense lawyer. Standing about five eight, balding, and well over 300 pounds, no matter what he wore he would look dumpy. However, his firm in Chicago is the largest defense firm in the country, specializing in federal prosecutions primarily and high profile criminal defense.

  When we had first approached Mark and his partners, we informed them of our fears since winning the lottery that the Government may try to investigate my winnings, being that it was close to impossible to have won. After listening to us, he asked directly if we had fixed the lottery and we said no. He then said he needed a twenty-five million dollar retainer and we said fine and at that point he was all in. I then figured we had hired an attorney, but then I was, asked by Gabriel and Ariel to let them speak with Mark alone. Therefore, I went back to their reception area and waited.

  After we had left Mark’s firm, I had asked Gabriel about what had transpired while I was waiting. Gabriel told me that he had outlined with Mark the basic plan and then questioned his faith in God.

  It turns out that Mark is Jewish, even though his last name would not indicate that, and he was very religious and was definitely a Christian Jew. Mark also was a leader in Cicero, Illinois and quite respected in the Jewish Community in Chicago. Gabriel went on to say Mark, like me, understood he was, chosen by God to be a participant. Gabriel went on to say Mark would be with me or watching over me almost 24/7 over the next few months as our plans unfolded and that I should listen to him and take his advice.

  Mark also connected us with a public relations advertising company. We were going to need one to get our plans to work. Based on Mark’s recommendation, we hired Anthony and Williams Information Services. They initially were having difficulty understanding what we wanted, but quit asking questions once we offered a ten million dollar retainer. So we laid out their part and they started putting the pieces together that we wanted. However, they had very little knowledge of our real overall plan, only the steps we outlined to them that we wanted them to handle.

  In working with Anthony and Williams, Mark was able to convince them to do as we told them, no questions asked. I guess he is used to using a PR firm to handle the media to feed information about hi
s criminal clients in their favor. So for the most part, all the media exposure we needed, and other things that were to happen in the next few days, were being orchestrated and handled by Mark Anderson and Luke Willard, President of Anthony and Williams.

  Mark sat down, sipped his coffee, then looked up at me and asked, “Are you daydreaming?”

  “Yes, just thinking about the past few days is all.”

  “Do you think this room is wired?”

  “I doubt it.”

  He shook his head and said, “Well, let’s keep our voices low anyway. I assume you are ready and prepared?”

  “Yes, and I just hope you are too. As we have discussed, they will probably edit the interview and will not broadcast it and kick us out of here. It is very important that you transmit the video to Luke at Anthony and Williams, immediately. Without this being done, none of this will work.”

  Mark then looked at me seemingly not sure, he should say anything, and asked, “What are you exactly going to say in this interview that is so important that you need me and all this setup?”

  I looked at him straight on and said, “After what happens in this interview, everything will begin to make sense to you Mark, and why it is so important that you are here.”

  Chapter 3

  1:35 PM CEST Day one of 1260 Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, David Matthews’ Office

  David Matthews, III, sat in his office surfing the web and various news media services. For a Monday, not much was happening of any consequence, anywhere.

  David’s job, working for The Waldger Group, was to find interesting things that were occurring that may or may not affect world stability. The company he worked for was not a recognized government, but a group of people who, for the most part, acted as a government. They were not, elected, but acted with the as if they, were.

  The Waldger Group had far reaches in every country in the world and held most of the media outlets, movie studios, press, and many of the world’s largest corporations, banks, and natural resources all within their clutches. Many governments and their leaders were also answering to The Waldger Group in many circumstances. The Waldger Group itself was well known, but held no accountability, but to itself.

  David and his staff browsed the world’s information services to make sure that nothing slips through that may affect them. His staff consisted of over three thousand people working around the clock in twenty-hour hour shifts, three hundred and sixty five days a year. Most of his staff spoke and read at least three languages each and kept their pulse on every breaking news story and event worldwide. Information was key and the quicker they got the information the faster The Waldger Group might affect the situation.

  Since he could remember, he was always a geek. He acted like one and stereotypically looked like one. He was only five foot seven inches tall, skinny, with unruly brown hair, black eyes and wore dark rimmed glasses. He realized early on that knowledge was the real power, not being a jock.

  David graduated from MIT at the top of his class in the late 70’s and was, recruited by the Secret Service in the U.S. After twenty years of service to the government, he left the caverns of Washington, D.C. and then came in as an outsider to head the information gathering service of The Waldger Group. Over the years, with the advent of the Internet, he was able to find out and stop many a problem, person, or persons who might destabilize their investments and power.

  Located in Brussels, Belgium on the hundred and twenty acre campus, which was Waldger’s Worldwide Corporate Headquarters, David’s group kept a constant vigil on what was happening worldwide. When something interesting came up, they started monitoring it. Every resource was, used, from the news media, internet blogs, and even underworld connections.

  They had several Sequoia, a 20 petaFLOP/s (quadrillion floating operations per second) system based on Blue Gene technology supercomputers running programs, which would, based on key words and instances; bring data to one of the workstations for scrutiny by one of his staff. If someone were to enter into a blog or send an email that said, “I hate the President,” the software would read and pick up that information, no matter whose internet service you used, and then relay it to his servers. The system would then display not only the comment, but also the entire blog. It then would list every person on that blog, their IP address, and their personal information including their address, affiliations, education, and other information was available.

  David’s systems also had the ability to monitor cell phone calls, hard line telephone and radio communications. It was, based on certain key words or sometimes even voice stress.

  Once received data would be, processed onto a category or categories then sent to an analyst. The analyst would then check to see if there was any threat or if it was just frivolous. If it seemed relevant, then the information was, pushed up another level until either it was, thought to be a threat or not. If the information were, felt to be an issue of concern, then David would get it. David’s job was to take whatever steps necessary to protect The Waldger Group.

  David had many resources available to him to protect The Waldger Group. One call from him and a law enforcement agency from just about any country in the world would be knocking on the door of any suspected attempt to undermine The Waldger Group, its leaders and or its assets.

  This system has been, used by several governments and still was used on a contract basis, especially after the terrorist attacks on the United States and England after 911. It also was, used to track rogue governments. The Group was, made aware their plans long before they were, implemented by a group, a government, or a terrorist cell.

  If you were not born in a cave and still lived here on earth, you were in our system somewhere.

  David had considerable interest in only one story today, the lottery winner, who against all odds won two national lotteries in the United States. He knew that the odds in winning both lotteries, back to back, with the same numbers was absolute zero and knew that Jack South was to be on the Morning Headlines today. He was hoping that the questions that were being, presented to Jack by the anchor, Brad Williams would shed some light on how he pulled it off.

  David also knew that Jack had retained a criminal defense firm and a public relations firm to the tune of thirty-five million dollars. That made no sense unless Jack really needed to have a criminal defense team for future use. He thought that possibly, as far reaching as it may seem, Jack South had figured out a way to defraud the lottery and retained the attorney and the PR firm in order to keep the winnings.

  Through their sources, he knew that the lottery was, not tampered with, and that no one, even Jack, was any closer to the lottery mechanisms for the drawing, than buying a ticket from a convenience store. He knew it was not likely that Jack ripped off the lottery systems. Therefore, David was still trying to figure out why Jack needed a defense lawyer and public relations firm.

  His superiors had locked onto this event and he was, instructed to use whatever means to figure this person out. David then contacted The Network’s President, Joe Biggman, whom they controlled, and made it clear to him that it was important for his anchor, Brad Williams, to get to, the bottom of this Jack issue. Mr. Biggman said they had a contract with Jack listing specific questions. David did not care, but instructed Mr. Biggman to have Mr. Williams get the truth. David then assured him that if there were a legal problem, the Waldger Group would take care of it.

  David also had others monitoring every step Jack had made for the past few weeks. Whom he had meetings with and whom he was talking too. David also knew that Jack had moved his family out of the country for safekeeping and put a considerable amount of money for them in offshore accounts. However, David knew where Jack’s family was and was monitoring that situation.

  However, there was one thing that haunted David, and that was Jack’s two advisors, friends, or accomplices, Gabriel Massinger and Ariel Roberts. For some reason, according to his resources, these people did not exist anywhere o
n any database. They had lifted fingerprints from glasses left after a meeting they had with Jack. They also took unauthorized high-resolution pictures of them. They ran the prints and pictures through almost every major database in the world to no avail. They just did not exist. There was no address, no occupation, not one piece of information was uncovered over the past few weeks. They had wracked their brains, and exhausted their resources and had come up empty.

  As far as Jack South’s background, he was, checkered at best. Prior to winning the two lotteries, he was pretty well broke and did not have a current job. Jack also had a questionable criminal record going back to his teenage years, but not much as an adult other than a couple of traffic tickets. Jack it seemed, was a happy go lucky person overall with five kids spanning two generations. He had been married three times and each divorce had cost him more than he could ever recoup. His relationships seemed always to go nowhere.

  He raised his kids without their mother and they were, for the most part, pretty successful. One child’s background was similar to his. He was a computer guru. The other son was an officer in the U.S. military.

  He had checked his federal tax returns for the past several years and felt if they did have to leverage him they could, get the Internal Revenue Service after him. That is, if he became any type of threat and not cooperative. As far as The Waldger Group was concerned, a person worth half a billion dollars needs to be controlled and not allowed to upset the balance of power. Unlike other lottery winners, Jack South has quietly hidden away most of the proceeds he received and hired the best to take care of his money, freedom and image.

  Therefore, David was here with his best people in the viewing room waiting for Jack South’s interview on The Morning Headlines. I hoped that the anchor, Brad Williams, would do his job as he had been, instructed to do by Joe Biggman. They might get some answers. The questions the network had given to Jack and his council were not the real questions Brad Williams would ask. We hope that Jack would not be, prepared for Brad’s quizzing and would slip up.


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