The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch

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The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch Page 9

by Samuel David

  “When was the last time you saw these messengers?”

  “In the limousine, that brought me here.” I could see by looking at Brad and others in the studio that they thought that my answers were difficult to believe.”

  “What do they look like?”

  “Just like you and me as a matter of fact. They had on suits, ties, and wingtip shoes today. My insurance man and my banker would look the same.”

  “So they don’t come at night, in dreams or fly in with wings, but they look just like us. Is that what you’re saying?”

  “That is correct. That is what I am saying.”

  “You realize, Jack, this is very difficult to believe?

  “I understand, but my answers are correct.”

  “When did you first meet these messengers?”

  “On a job interview.” I could see John Roddenburg squirming. Now I knew he was still finding all this very hard to believe. If he had given the first interview, he probably would have bolted too.”

  “How did you meet them on a job interview?”

  “I applied to a job posting on the internet. They called me and asked me to come and meet them to discuss the job.”

  “What was the job description?”

  “As best I can remember, it said they were looking for a salesperson who didn’t mind taking risks. Other requirements were that the applicant had to be well spoken and well groomed. The job description went on to say there were international implications, extensive travel, and long hours as a requirement of the job.”

  “So you sent them a resume?”

  “Yes I did. I sent them a resume, as I have sent hundreds before. When you are almost 59, it is kind of hard to find challenging work, if any work at all.”

  “So what happened in the interview?”

  “They discussed my general qualifications, basic background stuff that occurs in an interview. However, they surprised me and asked me how I felt about God and religion. I was thinking to myself at the time that these people could be, sued for asking these types of questions. But hey, I needed a job so I told them I was Catholic, attended mass, and had an interest in the Bible and other writings that were not a part of the Bible. They then questioned me about some things in the Bible and then asked me about my ancestry. I told them that after my father died, I searched for my past using my computer, mail and whatever means I could find. I eventually traced myself back to Joseph of Arimathea, at least metaphorically, using a link in the Mormon Church’s ancestry files.”

  “Were they impressed about your ancestry?”

  “No, they actually said I had not gone back far enough, but they would discuss that later with me.”

  “What are their names?”

  “Gabriel Massinger, and Ariel Roberts.”

  “Then what happened? Did they tell you to go and do what you are doing now?”

  “No. They told me they had some other candidates, and would I return the next day for another interview. I agreed and we set a time and place. Then I went home.”

  “Did you find the interview strange after you left?”

  “Well, yeah sort of. To spend most of the time talking about my ancestry seemed quite strange, but I have been on some strange interviews before and so I dismissed it as just what it was, just strange.”

  “What happened on the second interview?”

  “We met at a coffee shop for lunch and then Gabriel told me that I had been selected by their boss to do a very important job. Then I asked him, who is your boss? He looked me straight in the eye and said, God. I almost choked on my sandwich. Gabriel then told me, “You always did have the job since long before you were born. You just did not know it. At that point, I was ready to leave, but then Ariel started talking and brought many things up to me I knew in my heart. He then told me I was, selected and I had to fulfill my mission. I then asked them to prove to me he was from God, so Ariel literally disappeared in front of my eyes. I asked Gabriel where Ariel went and he said that he is still here, but now you can’t see him.”

  “That is an incredible story Jack, and to be honest, very difficult to believe. But then what happened?”

  “We left the coffee shop and went to a park and talked. That is when I was, told what was going to be done and what my part was to be in all of it. They laid out the buying of the lottery tickets and God’s entire plan up to today.”


  “I bought the tickets, won the lotteries, relocated my family, and then agreed to the interview with the Network Morning Headlines and now I am here.”

  “Where is your family, Jack?”

  “That’s off limits. I will not disclose that information.”

  “Sorry. So, what is the job title they gave you?”

  “Witness, one of two.”

  John just stared for a second. He was at a total loss of words, then said, “Do you mean like the final two witnesses sent by God in the Book of Revelations?”

  “Yes, the one, and only two. And to date, I think I have pretty well proven my credentials.”

  “You mentioned two. Who is the other one?”

  “I don’t know for sure. All I know is, he is a Rabbi, and his powers supersede mine. I can only predict disasters for now. He can and will cause them, along with powers such as were used by Moses in Egypt.”

  “Do you know the rest of your mission?”

  “No, not totally, but I do know that if you want a description of us, open your Bible to Revelations and it will tell you the rest. However, know that my current job is to make sure that the world understands the word of God and his power. And that we are running out of time.”

  “What do you mean, God’s time?”

  “At this time, I really cannot discuss this with you. I do not even know what that means yet. I do know that the world is changing and God is going to make sure that the earth sees his power and know without a doubt that he is still in charge. Man needs to believe and worship him and his son, Jesus. I am the witness to warn you, not destroy you. As I said, the other witness will be here and have the power over all the earth and will have the power of God at his hand to cause whatever havoc he may deem as necessary to get God’s message across.”

  “When will we know of this other witness, as you call him?”

  “Very soon, John, very, very soon.” I let that sink in, and then I said, “John, once again, I cannot go further with this discussion. Can we move on to the next subject and the real reason I am here today?”

  He waited a moment. The cameras were on both of us. He had a bead of sweat on his brow and I knew he really had doubts about all of this. He said, “Please tell us Jack, what God has in store for us now.”

  “I need to use the monitor over there. Would that be okay?”

  “Yes. That will be fine Jack.” I stood up, then I walked over to the monitor, and touching the screen, it came alive. It lit up with a picture of North America, the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, and the coast of Africa. Using my finger, I touched on the screen and the picture changed to include seven red hurricane icons. They were like, those used by the National Hurricane Center. They were all in the same place off the coast of Africa. I started speaking, “Over the next four weeks, seven hurricanes will form in the Atlantic Ocean. Each one will be at least a category four and hit cities in the U.S.”

  “The first one,” I touched the first icon with my finger and stepped back behind the tape on the floor. The software had drawn a red line directly to the coast of Galveston/Houston, Texas. “That will hit exactly eight days from now.” I touched the next hurricane icon. “This one will strike the Mississippi valley at Biloxi.” Using the same technique, I drew lines to Miami, Florida, Jacksonville, Florida, Savannah, Georgia, Washington, D.C., and then lastly, New York City, New York.

  “The last one will hit New York City and will be a category five hurricane with over one-hundred and seventy-five miles per hour winds. It will hit exactly in four weeks and one day with the eye passing o
ver New York City at 5:00 a.m. EST. The exact times, strength of all the hurricanes, exact coordinates in latitude and longitude, exact timetables, and all other detailed information have been, given to Bears News meteorologist, Chester Nichols, and you John. When this happens, you will know God’s power.” I then walked over to the couch, sat down and looked directly at the camera and said nothing, just stared.

  John then broke the silence, “Jack that will almost totally destroy the entire eastern and southern coasts of the United States, not counting the flooding in Texas, the Ohio, and Mississippi Valley as they dump rain. Seven hurricanes in twenty-nine days, that is unprecedented.

  “Yes, you are right, but maybe you can save some of the people and prepare for the eventuality, if you believe what I have just told you.”

  “Why only America not the rest of the world? I mean Jack,” he hesitated. “I don’t understand why it is only us.”

  I interrupted, “Can I put up the other graphic? Maybe this will help answer your concern.”

  John said, “Of course.”

  I stood and walked over to the monitor again and using my finger, I cleared the screen and brought up another graphic. This one showed a partial picture of the earth displaying Northern Africa showing the Atlantic and the Middle East or South East Asia as some call it.

  I walked again to the graphic and using my hand as a pointer, said, “This is the Sahara Desert in Northern Africa and adjacent to it is what we know as the Middle East or South East Asia. 12,000 years ago, according to scientific evidence, this area was an inland sea capable of supporting marine life as large as whales. Then the rains stopped and the entire area shown here in brown is all primarily a desert now, often referred to as the Sahara.”

  “Starting Tuesday morning or tomorrow at 4:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, or 11:00 a.m. Central European Standard Time.” As I touched the graphic, the browns started turning green. It will rain here for thirty days in the arid areas. I am not the expert, but the exact details I have is that the rain will fall in the area of 35 degrees North to minus 15 degrees North, then 65 degrees East to minus 15 degrees West as depicted by this graphic.”

  “That includes the Sahara, all of Northern Africa where the monsoons have not penetrated in thousands of years, and many of the countries in the Middle East. Effected major rivers would be of course the Nile, Senegal, Congo, Euphrates, and the Indus, which is in Pakistan.” As I touched each river, they expanded on the graphic depicting flooding in dry areas and cities in the paths of the rivers.

  “In addition, the earth’s average temperature,” as I touched another graphic, “will rise eight or more degrees above normal at both the north and south poles for that same time period of days, starting today at” as I looked at my watch, “3:00 PM.”

  I stopped and then asked of the meteorologist from across the room, “Chester, I am not an expert, but could you tell the audience the result of this thirty day activity in both the North American Continent and the African and South East Asia and other parts of the world? What are they to expect, the final ramifications of this activity, and also explain the hurricanes that I have described?”

  Chester stood and walked over to the monitor as I moved back over to the couch. He started by saying, “I had hoped I would have been given more time to come up with a quick synopsis of what this really means.” I then sat down while he started speaking.

  “Well folks we already know the ramifications to the U.S. mainland along the gulf and eastern seaboard. The infrastructure of those areas will definitely be in danger, especially New York City. We have actually created scenario projects before of the danger of New York City being, hit by a major hurricane. New York would become a deathtrap with the high rises creating canyons, which would shatter glass and cause walls of flying debris and glass. Flooding would be very extensive. JFK and LaGuardia would also most likely flood, even in a category two, let alone a five.”

  “The saltwater from sea surge of eight to twenty feet in a category five would probably erode most of the underground electrical systems, especially the subways and other critical systems such as sewers and water supply lines. It is, estimated, if this were to happen, the costs to New York, not counting personal property, would be upwards of one to two billion plus dollars. If the city were not totally, evacuated, then you would also be looking at a very large death and injury toll. There would be nowhere to hide in the area, including all five Burroughs and of course, Long Island. New Jersey would sustain the same, but the docks and shipping, which is, handled there, would be, and totally wiped out making delivery by sea difficult, if not impossible for years to come. The other cities mentioned could pretty well count on the destruction of their shipping ports. These affected ports handle a very large percentage of the imports and exports to and from the U.S. So economically, this type of weather all at once, would be devastating, possibly causing shortages of raw materials, hard goods, oil, and other commodities, not only in the U.S., but worldwide.”

  “Moving to the Sahara, Northern Africa, the Middle East, and parts of South East Asia,” as he changed the graph, “the rain and melting of some parts of the ice caps will be felt the most. However, the overall effects will be, felt across the entire globe. Most likely, flooding of the Nile and Tigris will destroy a lot of the cities along the rivers and cause flash floods in most of these countries, including major cities in Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Libya, the Sudan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait to name a few. The eight degrees or more increase in temperature might also be enough to possibly cause coastal flooding all around the world and melt the ice caps enough to raise the oceans up to one to three feet. I am not sure what all the implications would be. We would have to get with other experts to properly, come up with more, concrete answers. For now, that’s all we have that we can tell you.”

  John said, “Thank you Chester. And we will I’m sure, be looking at the document Jack gave us in more detail, then pass the information on to our viewers.” Chester returned to his seat by me and sat down, and John continued, “Jack, this is astounding and the implications are biblical.”

  “Yes they are biblical John, and this is only the beginning. You have all been, warned. This is only the beginning for the next three and a half years. Our world will change from what we expect into what we never thought would happen. God will make his presence known to everyone on this earth and there is nothing I, nor you or anyone else, can do about it. No country will be spared.”

  “Do you know how many people will die in the next four weeks because of this?”

  “Close to three million within that time period,” I stated this as if I was describing a football game attendance.

  “That is a lot of people Jack.”

  “John this is just the tip of the iceberg. Read the books of ‘Revelations’ and ‘Daniel’ in the Bible. Depending on the bible scholar, you talk to as to interpretation of the scriptures. In the time between now, and when Jesus returns, anywhere from twenty-five to fifty percent or more of all people, will die, if not more. Also note there are approximately six and a half billion people on earth.”

  There was complete silence. Then finally, John asked of me, “Are you causing this Jack.”

  “No I am not. I am trying to warn the world in order to save lives. Being, forewarned is being forearmed. In addition, I have no power to make this happen, at least not now. All I can do is tell you is when these disasters will occur.

  “Thank you Jack, for, warning us. I really wish that I did not believe you, but considering the day’s events so far, I have no reason not to believe you. I only hope that if what you say is true, that the governments of the world are preparing for this. Like we discussed before, these events are not epic, they are biblical.”

  John paused, and he looked over at me and said, “Jack, as you know, we have sort of hurriedly set up a panel of religious leaders that are here in the studio. They have some questions, and I am sure after all we’ve discussed today, they will have even more.”<
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  I smiled at him. “Sure John, I would be glad to have the opportunity to talk with them.”

  John then turned to the camera and said, “We will be back right after this break and updates of the day’s news and to continue our interview with Jack South and our Panel.”

  The cameras cut away. John Roddenburg stood up, negatively shook his head, and said that he would be right back.

  The producer, Donald, walked up and said they were going to cut to commercials then do updates on the earthquake in California and some other political comments. We should be ready to go with the panel in about fifteen to twenty minutes. He also stated there were some refreshments over behind the cameras.

  I started walking towards the cameras to get to the refreshments and every eye followed me in the studio, watching every move I made. I was, absolutely sure, they were in shock, along with the rest of the world. I still was too.

  Chapter 29

  5:35 PM CEST Day one of 1260 Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, 42nd Floor

  In Brussels, as Bear News cut to commercial and new updates on California, Waldger addressed the group on the 42nd floor boardroom. “We have our answer now. We now know that he is one of the witnesses or at least he says he is. Our first order of business is to find the other witness. From Jack’s comments, he will surface very soon and if I know their scriptures, he will be located in Israel or somewhere close to there.”

  “This also means that we need to now start the implementation to prepare for the final countdown. We all know who the enemy is here and we all know the steps we need to start taking immediately to implement the final plan.”

  Waldger then pulled a thick folder from his stack of files and said, “Each of you has a copy of this in front of you or it was sent earlier to our remote attendees. It outlines specifically what each country and corporation must now start to do. There will be a lot of chaos in the world after today, and a lot of fear. We need to control this immediately. And we will be starting a campaign soon of disinformation, not only on Jack, but the next witness also.”


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