The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch

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The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch Page 13

by Samuel David

  Chapter 42

  11:59 AM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear News Studios

  We were all, seated again in the studio and we were, given some briefings, microphone checks, and all the other stuff they do. Then we were, given a countdown of about two minutes. I looked over at the remaining panelists and I was trying to read their faces. The cleric, from a mosque here in New York, had no emotion on his face since the questioning began. The Buddhist I expected no trouble from. The Hindu, interesting enough, did not seem much of a threat. They were usually peaceful. I supposed the atheist and maybe the cleric were the ones I needed to be careful with. I really did not want riots in the streets here or anywhere else today.

  John walked over, sat in his chair, they adjusted his mic and he looked over at all of us and said, “We will start the next set with the representative from the Hindu Culture Maharaj's, Hardik Narsi.”

  The countdown finished and John did his introduction of continuing the panel, and said, “The next panelist is Maharaj, Hardik Narsi. Maharaj, do you have a question for Mr. South?”

  The cameras moved to Hardik Narsi and me. Hardik looked at me, then smiled and said, “Mr. South, first off, I would like to thank you and Bear News for inviting us here as a part of this panel. I can honestly say that I was quite surprised to get a call so quickly, requiring a representative to be here, but I felt it was important and I wanted to be a part of this.” He smiled again and said, “Do you know much about the Hindus sir?”

  “Well Maharaj Hardik, I hope I pronounced your name correctly?”

  “Yes sir you did, thank you.”

  “I have a very limited knowledge of Hinduism, but it is my understanding that you believe in reincarnation and your primary God is Agni.”

  “Yes that is correct, Jack.”

  He had called me by my first name, which I thought was interesting.

  “Is there anything else that you know about Hinduism Jack?”

  “You have four basic parts of your religion, Dharma, fulfilling ones promise, Artha, prosperity, Kama, sexuality desire and enjoyment, and Moksha, for enlightenment, which means that a person needs to have complete understanding. So with my limited knowledge it seems the goal is to reach enlightenment.”

  “You are basically correct, but it is a lot more than that. I am not here to teach today, but I want to ask you a question. Do you think you are reincarnated from one of the Bible’s prophets?”

  This really surprised me for I would have expected many other questions other than this one, but maybe he had a reason to ask. I did not know how to answer, so as I always did, I closed my eyes slowly and cleared my head and waited to see if I got an answer.”

  I opened my eyes and I looked at Hardik and said, “With all due respect, I don’t know enough about or really believe in reincarnation, other than I know that when I die, God will resurrect my body and make me whole again. So I would suppose that may also be considered a form of reincarnation.”

  “I understand that you would not believe as I, but then that brings me to another question. I know your religion of Christianity requires that you believe in your God and you believe in his son for redemption and entrance to everlasting life. So are you telling all the other religions of the world, unless they don’t convert to Christianity and worship Jesus, his son, as described in the New Testament, as others, they are doomed forever?”

  I would have thought the cleric would have asked me that question, not the Maharaj. Now I had to answer it and minimize the damage my answer would bring. I noticed the cleric had perked up. I hoped that he would not jump into this conversation.”

  “Maharaj Hardik, I am a witness for the one God, no other god. There is but one God, and the events so far today are just the beginning of the things He will make very apparent to the entire world. He is the one and only God and that his son Jesus Christ was, ransomed for the earth from Lucifer. My mission here on earth is to make sure every person in the world has, an opportunity to understand this and accept it in their own way. I do not intend on attacking other religions. I do not know all that God has wrought in the world over the ages. I do not know how others see God or worship Him, but I do know that Jesus Christ allowed the gospel to offer to what was, described as the Gentiles, to give them salvation. As the Lord my God makes his presence known in the world by His actions, through His witnesses, it will be up to each of us to make a decision of whom we think God is.”

  “Very well put Jack, but I do not understand why your God will destroy or kill as many people as He has today. That seems to me to be stern, and the new predictions you have passed on will make the events in California pale with what is to come. It seems He is very, very angry.”

  “All I can say to you is that as in the days of Noah, things were similar to what they are today. In that case, God destroyed all his creation, with the exception of Noah and his family, and gave no chance to all the other inhabitants of the earth. This time, He is giving people of the earth a chance and a choice.”

  “So, it’s your God and His son or nothing, I presume? That is what you are telling all other religions of the world.”

  He was pushing me to tell him that he would go to hell if he did not believe in Jesus Christ. I knew this, but I decided to answer by letting the chips fall where they may. Therefore, I said, “No, it is God, not a named deity, but the ruler of the universe. I have not met God; I only have faith that He has a plan. Maybe God has manifested himself to other cultures differently, I do not know. However, I do know for the Gentiles, that yes, it is believe in Jesus Christ or when judgment comes, you will be to his left not his right. There is no other answer.”

  “Thanks,” John said, as he stopped the questioning. “We need to go to an update and commercial and we will be right back.”

  As the network broke for a commercial, John turned to all of us and said, “We are almost out of time and regretfully there will only be enough time for one more panelist.”

  John Roberts, the atheist said, “I really don’t have any questions John. I don’t believe any of this hocus pocus anyway.”

  John then looked at the cleric and said, “Do you have any questions?”

  “Definitely,” he said.

  “Well then, it’s between you and our other guest.”

  The Buddhist Monk said, “I’d prefer to bow out John. If you don’t mind, this is not the time or the place for me to discuss my beliefs.”

  Chapter 43

  12:15 PM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear News Interview Studio

  We were notified we had about fifteen minutes until the next and last segment, so I sought out Reverend Marks, now known as Thomas, and my attorney Mark Anderson.

  We gathered, together in a small corner out of earshot of the other guests. I then told Mark that Thomas was going to help us in Kansas City and to give him as much support as possible. He did not say anything like John had so I assumed he was not surprised. I then said, “I was amazed that the Hindu representative was so aggressive and I wondered what kind of damage it was causing in the world with other religious people and countries.”

  Thomas said, “To be honest Jack, you said it correctly and it is what it is. God said that he was the only true God and if these people have other Gods, they can either believe or not believe.”

  “That’s true Thomas, but now I have the cleric after the break. Islam will not take this lying down, so do any of you have any suggestions?”

  They both looked at me, and Mark said, “When I am trying a case, it usually comes down to emotions, and since there are no cross examinations here, I would suggest you avoid direct questions and answer with hypothetical answers, like you just did. In other words, avoid the obvious and use compliments. Let them think what they want.”

  “Do you think they are going to directly ask me if I think their Allah is the same God, as that of Christians and Jews?”

  “Well is he or not? Or do you know?” Mark asked.

  “I don’t know, but I assume t
hat he is not the same God.”

  “You are probably right, but remember what Gabriel told you, the Jews are the other witness’ problems and not yours. I would think that also means the Muslims, as you stated earlier, for they also all claim to come from Abraham. So do not commit. You have a long time to go and today you will not win it all.”

  “Okay Mark. I understand.” Then I turned to Thomas and said, “How about you?”

  “I agree with Mark. I have not met this other witness, but if I know my prophecy, he is not like you. He will tell it like it is regardless of whom gets hurt. I would stay with what you know, avoid controversy today. Also Jack, do you have any direction from God on this?”

  “No I do not.” I thought to myself, no I think he has left this one op to me.

  Chapter 44

  12:15 PM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear News Corporate Headquarters, 41st Floor

  John was intercepted by his producer, Donald, on his way to the newsroom and was told that it was not necessary to do the 12:15 p.m. update, “It’s already covered. It is mostly the California earthquake news, weather updates, and some of the highlights of Jack’s interview so far,” he said.

  “Okay, that will work. I need to catch up anyway. When will we be back on?”

  The producer answered, “At around 12:30, but John, Chris wants to see you immediately. He says it is urgent.”

  “What does he want?”

  “I do not know, but I would hurry. We will wait until you are done with your meeting with him of course. You need to go now.” Without another word, John started for the elevators to the boss’ office on the 41st floor.

  Chris Morgan rarely interrupted anything John did on these shows and that made him concerned. John pretty well thought that it might have something to do with the next panelist, who was the Islamic cleric; he was, known to be, very outspoken.

  John had known Chris for years, both professionally and personally. Chris was a man that loved his family, but saw them little, for he was also married to his work. He was about 60 years of age with deep blue eyes and a smile that could mesmerize you. He weighed about two hundred pounds, wore very nice clothes, but not flashy, and loved spending time on his boat. However, even when he was on it, he was conducting business. He enjoyed his life and his Network.

  The elevator stopped on the 41st floor and Sharon, his assistant, was sitting at her desk and said, “Go on in John he’s waiting.”

  I walked into Chris’s office and he was looking out the window and standing off to the side of his desk. He turned and looked over at me and said, “Have you seen the streets John?” I moved over to the window and looked down and it was a madhouse of people.

  “No I had not seen it. I had no idea it had grown to this proportion.”

  Well since you have been doing your work downstairs, “The Network is covering our front door with their reporters in the throng. They are reporting we are harboring a criminal and that the justice department ought to pick Jack up. It is just rhetoric, but it is effective. They probably have a few shills in there they placed for the news reporters. That’s their style.”

  “What do you want me to do?” John asked.

  Finish the interview, and then we will start reporting from the street. We will also get some legal people on our follow up broadcasts to refute that Mr. South has committed a crime. Predicting Mother Nature is not yet a crime anywhere that I know of. The other thing is, the last segment of the interview got a little rough. I would not have thought that the Hindu would go on the attack the way he did.”

  “Yes he did. In addition, to be honest, I think he did so, on purpose. However, I think Mr. South held his own and minimized the damage that could have, been done. I guess I need to try to control this next segment with the cleric. We are going to have to pass on the atheist and the Buddhist. I think Mr. South is about done with interviewing today and we have to get other things done too.”

  “Any idea on how we get him out of the building? That crowd out there will tear him to pieces.”

  “No. I will ask Mr. South how he would like that to be handled.”

  “Well, see if they can make arrangements for a helicopter or use ours. Also that way we can film it live. When the crowd sees that he is gone, maybe they will disperse.”

  “Okay, I will mention it.”

  “I guess we are the network for the Kansas City thing he is doing?”


  “Any idea why it is be requested that we have slow motion cameras?”

  “No, I have an idea, but nothing definite.”

  “If this crowd is any indication of what is to come, then Kansas City will be a nightmare. But its news, and where there is news, we will be there.”

  “Right Chris, uh, I really need to get downstairs and finish this.”

  “Okay John, do your best. If the world is still here when it comes up, you will get a Pulitzer for this.”

  Chapter 45

  12:25 PM EST Day one of 1260 New York - Bear News Interview Studio

  We all were, seated again and I was hoping this would end soon. We were doing unprecedented TV with an unscheduled interview, a hurriedly appointed panel of religious leaders, and a major disaster in California that I am getting the blame for, because I predicted it. Moreover, there are major hurricanes coming to the U.S., major rain in North Africa, and soon, to start melting ice. In addition, it was only noon.

  John had returned and took his seat and the assistant producer using his fingers again, showing five, four, three, two, and one, instead of the digital counter. John had said almost nothing when he came back. He just let the conversation flow with the panelists, saying nothing to them either. I wondered with the cleric coming up next, if he would stay out of it or try to moderate, for there just may well be some fireworks. Maybe that was why he was, so quiet.

  He went through some introductions again, once we were live, same summary, and then John introduced the world to Muslim Cleric, Mohammed Asolu, asking if he had any questions for me.

  “Yes John, I do.” Then he turned to me and said, “Jack, or Mr. South, how do we know you are from your God?”

  I could see that everyone leaned forward on the couch, including John, then I replied, “Cleric Asolu,” I said, “this is really very simple,” I was hoping this would work and he would bite, “The Bible and the Qur’an have the test of the prophet correct in its scriptures. The test is quite simple. A prophet or man from God, or a messenger from God, says something, he has to be one hundred percent right, so far, have I not been one hundred percent correct?”

  “I suppose so Mr. South, but that does not prove you are from God.”

  “What would you say would make me known as a man of God, other than your opinion, Cleric Asolu?”

  “Maybe we can have another test of your ability to communicate with God.”

  I was surprised with this request. I would have thought he would jump on the Hindus bandwagon and get me to say Allah was not God. It was working. Thank you God, I said to myself.

  “Okay, I am up to the test. Let us say we ask the Bear News to break for a commercial. You and all the rest of the panel get together and predict something that may occur, say by 1:15 p.m. that would be epic. Give the exact time, exact place, and detailed information as to what is occurring and it has to be something not caused by man.” I waited for an answer.

  “I am not sure we can do that. We can all pray together and ask for a sign, but specific information we cannot do. But can you? Can you predict something right now that will happen by 1:15?”

  “Would it matter to you if I could?”

  “Yes it would. I would have to start to rethink my doubts about you.”

  “That’s fair.” I looked over to John and said, “May I have a piece of paper and pen?”

  He motioned to the camera area and a few seconds later a page brought over a clipboard with a pen and blank paper on it. He handed it to me not saying a word.

  I said to the others, “
I need a moment please.” I could see the camera had zoomed in on me. I closed my eyes and spoke to God silently. God, I need help here. I need to show them that you are here in my presence, directing my hand and my mind. I stayed motionless, then as I opened my eyes and I started writing. I took the sheet off the clipboard folded it in half and handed it to John and said, “You can read it out loud if you like.”

  John Roddenburg looked at me as he took the folded sheet and said, “It’s not another disaster, is it Jack?”

  “No, what it is occurring with the exact information given, longitude, latitude, time of day and it will happen at exactly 1:15 p.m. today. Feel free to discuss it with the panel if you wish. It is in a remote area.”

  He unfolded the note I wrote then read the contents to the panel, “At 1:15 p.m. EST, a new volcano will start erupting in the Pacific Ocean at +13.239 latitude by -147.128 longitude. This is about four hundred miles southeast of Hawaii. Within three days, it will be a small island.” John looked at me and asked, “Are there any populated areas near there Jack?”

  “No. It is pretty well open, ocean. You should receive information of an earthquake in that area by 1:15 p.m. EST. The ocean will then start to boil and there will be an ash cloud coming from the sea. As the cone builds, it will start to form land.”

  John looked at his watch and said, “That is in about 35 minutes.”

  “Yes it is. Now you will see the power of God, each, and every one of you. For this predication is impossible for a man to cause and impossible to predict.” I turned to the other panel members and said, “I hope this will answer all of your questions. I am sure you have many more, but for today, I have answered as many as I can, However, I wanted to let the viewers and you know that on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Kansas City, Missouri, I will be holding my first rally or sermon there.”

  John then turned to the panel and said, “We appreciate your coming today, each and every one of you.”


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