The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch

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The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch Page 16

by Samuel David

  Veronica pointed to the truck as we both walked over to it where we got in the back and sat on some rough benches. The truck took off. Veronica then told me we had about a two-hour drive to our destination. I wished I could rest. The next two days would be difficult and long.

  I leaned back on the bench against the tarp that covered the truck and let my mind wander to wherever it wanted to go. I started thinking of when I was growing up as a child and how difficult it was for me. I remember a big garden, a big kitchen, and sleeping on the couch. The woman who raised me was a God fearing woman and she took her church and her God very seriously. If we ate anything in those days, we grew it or caught it. I am not sure what all I ate over the years, but I ate many different animals that, was for sure. When it would rain then the roof would leak and I would listen to the drops hit the cooking pans strategically placed all over the house. I sometimes wish I could hear that same sound again. It was so peaceful.

  I must have dozed off, for when the truck, stopped I awoke. It had become very warm. I was sweating and there was no wind. So I assumed we were still in the desert. Veronica was already off the truck and, in turn, I followed. I looked around and all I could see was desert and low mountains.

  She said, “Hurry, we need to go this way.” I followed her to the foothills, which were a few hundred feet away. We had to climb up a shot outcrop then wind our way up a path of about a hundred feet or so. To me, it looked like it was just sheer rock. Then the path turned and we saw an opening. As we approached the cave, an armed guard was sitting on a large rock, but he ignored both of us. I assumed he either knew us or at least knew Veronica.

  To enter the cave, we had to crawl into a hole, which was not much bigger than my size 34 waist. It was tight. Once inside though, it opened up into a room I could stand in with plenty of room to spare. I estimated the height at about eight feet or so. I was somewhat amazed that I could immediately feel the coolness compared to the heat outside. The cave seemed very cool and comfortable and smelled of wood smoke. Considering how hot it was outside, this felt good to me.

  The floor started sloping to our right and Veronica said to follow her. She had a high-density flashlight, which she used to show the way, for it was very dark. As we descended into the cave, I could hear the murmur of voices and see the flickering of light against the dimly lit walls of the cave and smelled smoke. I assumed someone had a fire going. We walked a few more paces and then turned a corner. I could make out three persons sitting around a fire. They were clothed in robes with hoods, much as desert dwellers wear to protect them from the elements.

  As we drew near, they stood and faced us. I was immediately shocked to look into the face of Gabriel and he smiled and said to me, “Welcome to Israel Jack. Sorry about the accommodations, but Shraya here suggested we get you in tune with reality of what is to come, so you will be able to handle it when society itself breaks down. Places like this are much more acceptable than the outside elements or society itself, in some cases.”

  I looked at Gabriel, turned, and saw Ariel, and then I looked over into the face of who I assumed was the Rabbi. What I saw was almost a living terror of a very angry man who, even if he smiled, would mark terror in most men’s hearts. He stood about six feet and weighed somewhere around 225 pounds. He was absolute pure muscle like a weight lifter His hair was tangled and long, worn much like a wild man would wear his hair if he had no way to comb it. His beard was thick and not groomed very well, his eyebrows extremely bushy, and his eyes a dark gleaming black, that in spite of their color, bored right to your soul. His chin was strong and his cheekbones reminded me of the actor that played Ben Hur.

  Shraya spoke and said, “Welcome Jack.”

  He looked directly at me. As I looked into his eyes, I said, “Hello.” I was very transfixed. His voice was quite loud and powerful. Even though he whispered, his voice carried all across the cave. I would not like to have him angry with me, ever. I felt that his eyes were boring into my soul and fear crept up my back, as if I was a little boy afraid of the dark. Trying to keep my composure and not act either afraid or in awe, I just stared at the man.

  He then said, “Let’s sit down, we have much to discuss.” I obeyed and the five of us sat around the fire, then he began to talk.

  Chapter 58

  11:00 AM CEST Day two of 1260 Israeli Jordanian Border, In a Cave

  “How much does this man know?” Shraya asked Gabriel.

  “He knows he like you, has been chosen to fulfill the prophecy.”

  “Does he know anything else, like whom he is, and what is to become of him?”

  “No, I am not sure that he knows all that. We did not tell him everything. He does know that he has three and a half years to accomplish his ministry.”

  “Does he know who I am, other than the name I go by?”

  “No, he does not,” and Gabriel looked away.

  Shraya looked directly at me and then asked, “Who do you think I am? I know who you are and soon you will understand that and come to know it within yourself. But Jack, who am I?”

  I just looked at him and said, “You are Shraya, the Rabbi and one of the end time witnesses,” I replied.

  “Did you ever study prophecy, and if so, what do you think you know?”

  “Yes I did, and that is why I am so surprised that I am now in the middle of this. I do not really fit the description of most scholars or any of the suggested names. I was always under the impression the end time witnesses would be from the older prophets such as Elijah, maybe Moses, and even Enoch. For it seems they never really died or there is no record of them doing so. It was, always assumed that they would be returned to earth in the flesh to act as God’s witnesses during the time of Tribulation. That time would last three and a half years, then the beast would kill them, and they would lie in the streets for three days. Then God would call them up to heaven and all would see on earth this resurrection. That is what I know and that is from reading about it for several years when I really had an active interest in end time study. How I ended up as one of the two, I have absolutely no idea. And other than following directions, I still do not know why.”

  Shraya looked directly at me and said simply, “Which ones HAVE NOT DIED FOR SURE of the three you mentioned?” he asked.

  “Well, we only know that God took Moses. We know that God took Elijah in a chariot of fire to heaven and he did not die. If Moses had died, then he would have to be, resurrected. Therefore, the evidence then leaves the second witness in question, Enoch. He, like Elijah, has not yet to die as a human either, but the book of Enoch, as I understand, was not, put in the Bible during the meetings of Nicene, in 325 AD. So, most know very little about him, other than the references in the Genesis genealogy as being the father of Methuselah. That is all I really know, except, I guess I am supposed to be dressed in sackcloth and I am not sure what that is other than a burlap bag or something.”

  Shraya then laughed, and continued laughing saying burlap bag. “My friend, sackcloth only means clothing of the people, not a suit or silk, but jeans or khakis, clothing of the people. You would look really funny in a burlap bag,” as he continued to chuckle.

  Then as quickly as he started his laughter, it stopped and he turned to me and looked into my eyes as if he was looking into my soul and said simply, “Which of these do you think I am?”

  I thought about this question posed before me. For a moment I thought Moses, no I am sure he died. Maybe, Elijah? I started to answer him. “Moses disobeyed God and God does not seem to give second chances very often to individuals, if I know my scripture, God took him from the Israelites prior to them going into the Promised Land and made Joshua their leader. Therefore, it was, assumed God buried Moses himself. So maybe he was Elijah. In my mind’s eye of reading the scriptures, I would envision a man whom speaks, looks, and acts similar to what I have seen of you so far. So if I were to guess, I would assume Elijah, the prophet whom challenged the Jews, especially Baal. What is even more important,
I believe the Jews are expecting you to return. Enoch is more of a Gentile and Moses is out of the picture. So Shraya, you would then be Elijah.”

  Nothing was, said, no one moved. All their eyes were looking directly at me. The firelight bouncing off their faces and on the walls of the cave, the deep concentration in their eyes, and the stillness of the moment made the silence surreal. Then Gabriel said, “You have done well Jack. You have studied the past and do understand. You have found the truth. Now we must tell you about you.”

  Everyone was still and quiet staring at the fire. I was deep in thought that Elijah was here in front of me. I looked over at Shraya and he started to speak, “Since you know about the book of Enoch Jack, first I wanted to let you know we hid it and we only made it available with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. We had to wait to have them discovered until the world was no longer in control of the church. The Essenes were not the early Church’s favorite people. Otherwise, the scrolls would have, been immediately destroyed.”

  As he spoke, I noticed a difference in his tone and approach to speaking to me for the first time. I was no longer in fear. He sounded almost compassionate. His features also softened, so I knew that he was speaking about something that was very near to his heart. As he continued to speak, I hung on to every word he said and felt the power of this man as he spoke.

  “In one of the scrolls,” as he continued speaking, looking not at me, but the fire “In the Book of Enoch, two things that are very important happened. Do you know what was in that book that was so important?”

  I looked up from the fire and thought back to what I had read and what stood out to me. The Book of Enoch was not in the King James Version of the Bible. As I lifted my head to speak, I looked at Shraya, and all of a sudden, I realized that I was an equal to him, and the fear I had was gone. With renewed confidence, I started speaking, “The two things that always stood out in my mind, were when Enoch, on behalf of the fallen angels, appealed to God. God had no mercy and instructed Enoch to bury them under piles of rocks in the desert to rid them of their presence on the earth. The second was when Methuselah held his grandson from his son Lamech, the child was white skinned, with blonde hair, and I assumed blue eyes. This child was, described by Methuselah, as a child from the gods. After Methuselah had sent for his father Enoch and as they were looking at the child, Enoch instructed him and his son Lamech to name the child Noah. Therefore, many believe the birth of the light-skinned child was the beginning of the Caucasian race. Moreover, with this advent, according to Enoch, this child was special and of God’s work. Therefore, in summary, the child was, brought forth to the world and for the first time a child was born on earth that was not dark skinned. Then as Enoch prophesized, Noah’s family would be the only remnants on earth of humanity after the flood. And this child named “Noah” would be one of the primary genetic codes for humanity in the new world after the flood.”

  “And the fallen angels and the rocks Jack?”

  “I do not know the answer to that one. All I can think of are the pyramids on earth that are, piled high enough to be a prison to contain them structurally. But we have opened them and they are empty.”

  Shraya looked at me then turned away and said, “Let’s deal with the first question of Enoch’s great grandson, Noah. You know your scripture. You are correct that Noah was the first light-skinned baby with blonde hair and blue eyes ever on the earth. From that, the generations came and went after the flood and the gene of the white persons was entrenched in the human genome. From that gene was born what we refer to as the Gentiles. And you Jack are from the Gentiles, whereas, we the Jews are from Abraham, then Isaac or Jewish people dating back to Terah, Abraham’s father, and eventually to Jesus.”

  “Most Muslims make the same claim of descending from Abraham which they do. Isaac’s mother was Sarah. However, Ishmael’s mother was Sarah’s slave, Hagar and that is whom the Muslims trace their history too. Interestingly, the Muslims also call me one of their prophets.”

  He paused to let me think about this then he asked, “We know you did your ancestry after your father died. How far were you able to go back?”

  I knew the answer to this one so I said, “After I had linked into the ancestry data base, I managed to take myself all the way back to Joseph of Arimathea, then it stopped and I looked no further. I answered, “Joseph of Arimathea.”

  “Good Jack, now I want you to listen to me very carefully. You were, not chosen at random for this job or adventure. You were, chosen because you are sort of a part of Noah, the first like you, blonde, white, and blue eyed. You Jack may not know this but you have Enoch’s spirit within you. Elijah paused then asked, “What is your middle name?”

  “Enoch,” I said.

  He smiled and said, “See? In addition, the news people and religious experts never picked up, on this. Therefore, it is time for you to fulfill your destiny and accept the responsibility that has been, bestowed upon you by your God, your heritage, and your human descendants. You are the messenger to the Gentiles, as I am the messenger to the Jews, and descendants of Abraham, which includes the Muslims. That means you have less than three and a half years to convince them of your God, humanity’s savior Jesus Christ, and also help me battle the soon rising Antichrist and False Prophet.”

  I thought about what he just said then replied “But I am a sinner. At various times I have not been all that I should have been, and I am very selfish. How can I justify being whom you say I am?”

  Shraya paused, and then started speaking again, “We are here right now in this situation because of original sin. Whose sin is greatest? I do not know, but all men are sinners in one way or the other. You have accepted Jesus Christ as your savior. So, go forth, and do not sin again, for if you do, then the wrath of God will be upon you.”

  He then added “Also, you will be tempted Jack, even though you are chosen. You still have one hundred percent, freedom of will and whatever decisions you make are of your own, no one else’s. The battle has just begun and you have no idea of how difficult it is going to be. They will not only come after you, but also me with all they have. The only power they do not have over us for now, is death. They cannot kill us. This is a battle for souls. When our time is over, the Holy Spirit itself will disappear from the earth until Jesus comes from the heavens and destroys the Beast and False Prophet. God is angry and He will prevail. Do not listen to the enticement of technology and the riches of the earth for it is for naught. I have much more to discuss with you, but you have a mission. In Kansas City, you will need to be strong and understand that it is a war against them and us. You and I alone will take on every government and country on earth. They will make us the most hated men in history, but we will prevail.”

  I bowed my head and was thinking about the Lord’s Prayer and as my father lay dying that is the last thing, we did together. That was as close as I had ever come to counseling someone on God and Christianity. What was being, said to me was beyond anything I could understand and or describe. I finally looked up again and said to Shraya, “I have so many questions to still ask.”

  He stopped me and said, “In due time I will reveal all to you, but for now, go unto the Gentiles and do as well as you can. You have the spirit of Enoch and the power of God behind you. You and I will also have the power of wonders, as the headlines of the world will have our name in it every day. Before the end of the week as the sun shines, I too will be, as well known as you, but to a different group of people. Them I must deal with severely. In due time we will tell the world who we really are, until that time, we will go with our God’s plan. I also know you have the document that was, given you. Read it. It will inspire you and teach you what to say, for its God’s writing.”

  Veronica stood up, almost on cue, and said, “Jack, we have to go. Time is short and your first appearance is just a few days away. You have a lot of planning and work to do.”

  I stood, bowed to Shraya, then Gabriel, and then Ariel. They stood and bowed
back. Shraya said, “God be with you.”

  I responded, “And also with you.”

  Chapter 59

  11:00 AM CEST Day two of 1260 Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, David Matthews’ Office

  I was looking over the tapes of the previous day’s interviews trying to ascertain if Jack had mentioned where he was going. All he still had is that he was going to hold a rally in Kansas City Thursday. His current whereabouts were totally unknown and it is as if he had just disappeared.

  I had also been trying to track down Jack’s two friends, Gabriel and Ariel. It was concerning about how they could track down anyone, anywhere, anytime, and yet all of these people had just disappeared. I turned my seat to stare out the window of the office and get away from all the data running before me on the computer. I mouthed the words, Jack where are you? Who are you? Moreover, where do you get your power?

  In the meeting yesterday, Waldger talked about the witnesses of the Bible. I read up on them last night on the internet, using an online Bible. As I read, I began to realize these witnesses have supernatural power and no one on earth would be able to harm them, at least for the three and a half year period. I then had the thought that these two were going to come after The Waldger Group and try to destroy it. That was their goal, which meant Waldger would have something to do with the Antichrist.

  I realized that as I had read all the information on the two witnesses, I had little or no knowledge of Bible prophecy. As a matter of fact, I had no idea of world power, the beast or God vs. Satan in the period of time called the end times, or Tribulation. That was never something I ever considered as reality, just weird people pushing religion on everyone, which he did not like. However, I was curious and now understood and knew that somehow I had managed to be right in the middle of it.


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