The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch

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The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch Page 27

by Samuel David

  I also wanted to call home to my wife and kids, but I avoided it, for I was worried about their safety. There was always that possibility that they would be, used as a wedge against me. This would put them in danger. I did not want that, so I guessed the best thing was not to lead people to them and let them be for now. I really wanted a hug from them, but that was not going to happen anytime soon.

  Thinking about all of it was giving me a headache. I still had not studied for my sermon by reading my copies of the papers Gabriel had given me and the Israelites kept. I really needed to get it done. I grabbed the binder, opened it, and started reading God’s words and symbols. I began absorbing the contents of what I was to say and do.

  Chapter 114

  7:30 AM EST Thursday June 4th Day four of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - President Richard Stevenson’s Office

  I had awakened early at 6:00 a.m. here at my temporary seat of government, in Camp David. I had a tough time sleeping. Everything that was occurring was going on inside my mind, and it would not shut down. I had gotten up and figured I would get a head start on the day. Being President of the U.S., at least for now, was like being President of the world. Everything that was occurring in the world was, routinely put on my desk daily, and the past few days it was overbearing. I was in my office going over the day’s news that was, prepared for me. It was snippets of what was going on in the country and the world in a synopsis form.

  It was one-liner’s like, ‘the President of Egypt declares martial law in Cairo,’ and ‘evacuations starting,’ then the next country and its similar scenarios, and so on. There was also the information about moving key parts of our banking systems from New York to Chicago, and of course, the latest on the Jack South phenomenon I was attending tonight in Kansas City.

  My thoughts were, interrupted by a knock on the door. The Secret Service Agent stuck his head in and said, “Secretary of Defense, Clinton Albiger is here with Vice President, Alvarado Johnson.” The door opened and they came into the office and I motioned for them to have a seat on the easy chairs. I came from behind my desk to sit by them.

  “Coffee, juice, or anything gentlemen?” as I pointed to the table against the wall.

  “No thank you,” Clinton said.

  I noticed Alvarez got up to get something. As he was walking across the room, he said, “What time are you leaving for Kansas City, Mr. President?”

  “Around, 2:30 or so. They are flying us from here to Air Force 1. Then we are flying direct to Kansas City.”

  “Are you staying at the City Center?”

  “Yes, till Sunday morning, then back here to Washington.”

  “I hear rumors,” as he poured out some coffee into a cup, “that you are addressing the nation on Monday to relate the plans we drew up the past couple of days.”

  “Yes that is what is supposed to occur. I wanted to wait and see what the summit with The Waldger Group had for us before I did that. “

  “Good move,” Alvarez said. “I think that will work well. It also gives us more time to see what Jack is all about and what his next agenda may well be.”

  Alvarez finished getting his coffee then came over and sat down by Clinton. Then I said, “The reason I wanted both of you here today is that since I am going to be gone, and as you both know that when I am away, the protocol is that the Vice President stays here in case something goes wrong. I wanted to make sure we were on the same page if that did occur. The other thing Clinton is our military issues with all of these predictions are bothering me. I need to know if we have any of the plans in place that we discussed. I wanted Alvarez to also be aware of those plans in case there is a problem.”

  “I wouldn’t worry too much Richard. You will be quite safe in Kansas City,” Clinton said. “But I do understand the importance of letting the Vice President in on what we discussed.” Turning his body to face Alvarez, he began, “We are very concerned that some will feel we are weakened by these events that may occur in the next few weeks. What I am saying is that someone may well try to do something. Not necessarily here, in the U.S., but at some of our bases, located around the world. Therefore, we have come up with a contingency plan that in the event one of our bases is, attacked. We will respond rapidly from our aircraft carriers or submarines, and with a show of force. This means we will bomb the hell out of whoever is responsible. No diplomacy, at all. This way the world will know that regardless of our domestic issues, we are still the big kid on the block.”

  The President said, “What he is saying Alvarez, is we do not want to show any signs of weakness. In this particular situation especially if something happens to me, then we want you to be able to carry through and give that order.”

  Alvarez thought about this for a moment and thought to himself, these men are scared. He played along and said, “I see no reason that I would be put in that situation, but rest assured, if I am, I will respond with the proper response.”

  Said just like a politician, I thought to myself. He learned well. It must be that Irish and Hispanic blood in him. He just does not commit to anything. “Thanks Alvarez, we knew we could count on you and we have all the scenarios worked out for you if for some reason this becomes necessary. Clinton has the details.”

  “Well gentlemen, I need to prepare for my journey. I will see both of you on Monday.”

  Chapter 115

  8:30 AM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, Jack South’s Suite

  I had about half an hour before the meeting. This time it was everyone including the military, FBI, Secret Service, my people, the mayor, and so on. It was at 9:00 a.m. Veronica had called me late last night and said that ‘the powers that be’ wanted to discuss the Rally with me, as they put it, ‘the Great Jack South’. Therefore, I am now the Great Jack South. How stupid, I thought.

  She went on to say that both Luke and Mark were here. Mark had come due to some legal issues that needed to be, addressed about insurance and liability. They had contacted him since the city could not find me, she had said. I thought Mark was, told by Gabriel to stay in Chicago, but then things change. I thought to myself, we are now all here, our ragtime band of worldwide disaster causers, or at least that is what I thought people would think.

  I was also thinking to myself of when I was starting to study prophecy. I remembered my concept of the witnesses, preaching God’s salvation, and making the world see the power of God. It would have never occurred to me the need for insurance, public liability, whatever else was, needed, that permit’s, bonds was so very complicated and involved. This was still corporate America, regardless of God or anyone else. Ridiculous, I thought.

  I had run out of clean clothes, but Veronica had managed to go to Wal-Mart and get me some things, khakis and a white polo shirt. I preferred black rather than white, but Veronica had other ideas.

  The way my mind was working today, I knew I was slaphappy and needed to get down to being serious. My normal personality was happy go lucky and being serious was difficult for me. I preferred to smile and make a joke, but now I guess I am to be serious today, like an old professor or prophet.

  I am who I am and that is all there is to it, as I laughed at myself. Then I looked up at the ceiling and said, “Ya get what ya get Lord.” I then went to take a shower. As I turned on the water, I thought to myself, at least being imprisoned in a luxury hotel beats being in a cave.

  Chapter 116

  9:01 AM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Conference Room, 2nd Floor

  I walked into the spacious meeting room on the second floor of the center and already seated were the members of the city’s staff, I assumed, and mine. They had been talking, but when I walked in, it went dead quiet. I really know how to make an entrance I thought to myself. It felt more like a funeral reception after I walked in. I saw an empty seat by Mark and I quickly moved to it and sat down.

  “Thanks for coming Mr. South,” a woman across the table said, “I am Madeline Sipes, Mayor of Kansas City, and on behal
f of everyone here, I personally wanted to welcome you back home.”

  Right I thought, I have turned this city upside down and you would prefer, as most would here, to have me somewhere else right now. I said, “Thank you Madam Mayor. It is nice to be in familiar territory.”

  “I am sure it is. Home, no matter where you go, is where the heart is. However, let us move on, there is a lot to accomplish. So to bring you up to date, we have been working with your staff here on the Rally tonight or Sermon, as some are calling it. However, before we bring you up to date, I thought I would introduce some of the people here. Starting from my right, this is the City Manager, David Phelps.”

  I nodded my head and said, “Pleasure Mr. Phelps.”

  “Then next to him is Colonel Roland Winters.”

  “Colonel,” again, I nodded my head.

  “Chief of Police, Michael Poploski.”

  “Michael,” I said, as my eyes continued to follow her introductions.

  “Governor of Missouri, Mike Carson.”

  “Governor,” as I nodded again.

  “The City Attorney, Hans Rickenbacker.”

  “Counselor,” I said.

  “Also Marcus Schmidt, Director of the FBI, and Able Richards, Director of Secret Services.”

  “Gentlemen,” as I nodded.

  “And this is Roger Rehnquist. He is the President of the insurance company that insures our city.”

  “Hello Roger, pleased to meet you,” I said.

  “Then of course you know John Roddenburg and his producer.”

  “At the end is Shirley, who is one of our court stenographers and she is taking notes of the meeting here. I hope that is okay?”

  I turned in my seat and looked at Mark then asked, “What do you say?”

  Mark looked at me and said, “It’s okay Jack, not a problem.”

  “Then it is fine with me, Madam Mayor.”

  “Call me Madeline.”

  “Okay then Madeline.”

  “And of course you know your own staff.” I looked around and of course, I was sitting by Mark. Veronica and Reverend Marks, or Thomas were, seated next to each other at the end of the table. Then I looked over and saw Gabriel standing next to the wall. He smiled at me and gave me his trademark wink. I wondered if anyone else could see him. I doubted it or there would have been a lot of attention paid to him. Well that is good. He still is around. I needed the support.

  Madeline then got my attention and said, “Let’s get the unpleasant business taken care of first if we can. We rather touched on the subject earlier before you got here, but we need to resolve this sooner than later. It appears that when you applied for your permits, no one at that time was concerned about it, for it seemed innocent enough and it was, approved for you. However, since then you have become, what can I say, a superstar of proportions never seen before. Your presence here has caused the city to swell to well over five million people and frankly our insurance company here is threatening to cancel our policy and is asking for an astronomical sum to insure us. So we are asking if you could help.”

  “How much help?” I asked.

  “75 million dollars.”

  “Really? Is that all?”

  “No, they want 100 million, but with sales taxes we’re getting here, it is sort of a windfall for us. Also, the government of Missouri and the Federal Government have pitched in their resources at no charge to the city The problem we have is we don’t have it all and we need to be insured or we will have to cancel the Rally.”

  “Okay then, let’s see,” as I leaned forward looking at the insurance person. “I forgot your name.”

  “Roger, Roger Rehnquist.”

  “And your title again?”

  “I am President of Universal Municipal Underwriters a division of Sterling Insurance.”

  “Okay Roger, so ya need a hundred million to insure this Rally, correct?”


  “And if not, you will cancel the policy. Is that is correct?”

  “Yes it is.”

  “Okay.” I turned to Mark and asked, “Can they cancel the policy?”

  “Yes and no.” Mark said.” There may well be a clause in the policy that limits their liability for things temporary or that are not ordinary. For example, five million people, or hosting, the Super Bowl. The cities who hosted the Super Bowls usually ended up having to get more insurance coverage, but the NFL pays for it.”

  “Thanks Mark.”

  I looked back at Roger, leaned back in my chair, put my hands in a teepee, and said, “Roger, what I hear is that you need more money. So I will authorize a check for a million to you and we can call it a day.”

  “That will not work Mr. South,” Roger said. “That is not even close.”

  “Okay Roger. Cancel the policy and the Mayor here will cancel the rally. I will go on TV immediately and tell them why it happened and get on a plane to somewhere else.” I paused, “And you know what will happen then Roger?”

  “No,” he said.

  “They will riot Roger. In addition, when they do, the lawsuits against you alone, win or lose, will cost you a whole lot more than the 100 million. Moreover, I am not sure what the city is insured for, and all the other insurance companies that have insurance on other businesses here in the city. I would guess you would lose a tremendous amount of money anyway.”

  “So you’re blackmailing me?”

  “No, I don’t like being shaken down. If you shake me down, then I will shake you down. So do we understand each other?”

  “May I have a moment,” Roger asked.

  “Sure. We will be here, take your time.”

  He pulled his cell phone from his briefcase and walked out the door. I noticed he left his stuff here, so he would be back.

  I then turned back to Madeline and said, “What else do we have on the agenda today?” ignoring the shocked look on her face.

  Chapter 117

  9:15 AM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Hallway of City Center, 2nd Floor

  Roger was pissed that this totally unknown man a few days ago would even dare talk to him like that. He was seething and the anger was getting to his senses. He knew he had to calm down. He walked down the hall away from the conference room and started dialing his office in hopes of catching his Chairman of the Board, Richard Sterling.

  “Hello Mr. Sterling’s office, this is Shannon, may I help you?”

  “Shannon, this is Roger. I am in Kansas City and it is very important I talk to Dick.”

  “He is in a meeting Roger.”

  “Slip him a note. It is very important I talk to him.”

  “Please hold.”

  Roger thought to himself, where do they get some of the people who answer telephones. It is always, ‘they are in a meeting’ or ‘they just left’, and so on. Gatekeepers, that is what they are, nothing but gatekeepers.

  Shannon came back on the line, “Please hold Roger. I will transfer you to him. He needs to go to his private office. It will be just a moment.”

  “Thanks Shannon.” He wanted to call her something else, but thought better of it.

  In a few moments he heard him come on the line, “Roger, how are things in Kansas City? I assume you took care of business.”

  “No, I have not Dick. This Jack South sort of threatened me and I am at a loss of what to do at this point.” I told him what had transpired in the negotiations, and the threats, by Jack.

  “Alright Roger, give me a few minutes. I will call you back. I need to make another call.”

  “Thanks Dick, I will be here.”

  Chapter 118

  10:25 AM CEST Day four of 1260 Boston, Massachusetts - Sterling Insurance Company Corporate Office

  Sterling picked up the phone and dialed the special cell phone number he knew was a secure line that would ring directly to Aafre in Kansas City. Aafre had gotten there last night and were in the same hotel as Jack and his group. He was not looking forward to this call, at least with the result
s he had from Roger. Aafre hated being, told no. There were usually consequences if he was, told bad news. The telephone rang and on the third ring, he could hear Aafre’s voice say, “Hello?”

  “Sterling here sir, I needed to call you to bring you up to date.”

  “I was expecting your call Sterling. Nice to hear from you, especially since I know you do not hesitate to call immediately when it is bad news.”

  How does he know it is bad news, thought Sterling? I have not even said anything yet. “Well sir, it appears we have a problem with the increased premium and Mr. South has threatened us.” He went on to tell him the events as Roger had told him.

  After he was through explaining the events to him, Aafre said, “I know all about the conversation Sterling. I heard the entire thing while it was happening, but I wanted to hear your take. We have the meeting room bugged and we heard the entire conversation. Jack is getting interesting it appears. He does have some balls. Too bad we didn’t get him before they did, huh Sterling?”

  “Yes sir, he seems to be pretty sharp sir.”

  “That is true, but in most circumstances, I would have called his bluff. It would not be a good idea in this instance however. We are having our meeting here tomorrow and Saturday. He is right, they would burn down the city, and we would be paying out the limits of the policy. Therefore, it would be a bad decision to call him on it. I doubt he would cancel, but on the other hand, he may well have done so. I think he knows we are here and he probably knows we had something to do with the insurance thing. So call your man and tell him to take the million and go home.” He paused, then said, “Anything else Sterling?”

  “No sir, nothing else.”

  “Well have a good day and we will talk again soon.”

  After I hung up, I could feel the perspiration on my forehead. I felt shaken up. Aafre’s people had the room bugged and knew even before I called what had happened. It was a good thing that I knew the whole story and had enough sense to tell it verbatim to Aafre. If Roger had varied the story any at all to me, the repercussions from Aafre would not be something I would care to experience.


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