The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch

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The Gentile Witness, Enoch Book 1: Enoch Page 29

by Samuel David

“Later, Luke.”

  I turned to Thomas and asked, “I know you have a lot on your plate and I’d asked earlier, but I wanted to know if you could come to my room in a bit and discuss something with me? I really need your help. We can order up lunch in the room.”

  “Sure I can Jack, just say when.”

  I looked at my watch and said, “Give me an hour. I am in Suite 2401.”

  “I will be there.”

  I said goodbye to everyone and got on the elevator to my room.

  Chapter 123

  11:20 AM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - The Waldger Group Suites

  “Mr. Waldger?” as the door cracked and the security guard outside my door called my name.

  “Yes, what can I help you with?”

  “There are two priests here to see you. They say they have an appointment.”

  I got up from the makeshift desk in my suite and walked over to the doorway as my aide ushered in the guests. I was pleased the two had made it on time. “Cardinal Richital, what a pleasure,” I said as I looked behind him, knowing very well who was with him. I said, “Bishop…very pleased to finally meet you in person, after all these years. Please come in.”

  They entered the suite and I offered them a place to sit. “Bishop, we were worried that you might not make it in time for the Rally and our meeting tomorrow, which as you know is very important.”

  “Thank you, Aafre. Do you mind if I call you by your first name?”

  “No, no not at all, we are all friends here. Was the trip coming here okay? I knew of the flooding in the area you were in, I was concerned you might not make it.”

  “No we left North Africa early Tuesday morning, making a stop In Rome to see the Pontiff then picking up the item we discussed. In addition, the Pontiff knew we were coming here. He wanted to see us first. He is not doing well and could not make the trip himself, but had asked us to keep him up to date. He will be watching on TV, I am sure. We left there right after the meeting at the Vatican. We boarded a commercial jet to New York, then a private one provided by you to here, which we are grateful for.”

  “You are more than welcome. We have much to do in the next few days and so much to plan together. Moreover, you Cardinal, you look well. I hope like the Bishop, you have found things acceptable, yes?”

  “Definitely Aafre, everything is going well and all things are in place, as we have discussed.”

  “Well good. I knew that we could count on you. Now Bishop, you know that tonight we will get to see the Hebrew God’s Witness give a sermon. I am so curious to see what he says and hear your opinion.”

  “I think he is a very dangerous man and needs to be carefully watched,” the Bishop replied. “If possible, he needs to be controlled before there is no world left for us. His agenda seems strange. Why kill all these people? It does not make sense to me. That is not the God I know and the God our church teaches.”

  “I agree Bishop. I so much agree.”

  “Would you mind Aafre,” the Bishop said, “if I use your facilities? It has been such a long trip and we have yet to go to our suites.”

  “Oh yes, please do.”

  As he left, Aafre looked at Cardinal Richital and said, “He is very imposing, isn’t he?’

  “Yes Aafre. He will do as we want and he understands the power he is to receive to battle these witnesses. And like me, he is so much looking forward to tonight.”

  “Yes Cardinal, we all are looking forward to tonight. And I assume the item he referred to is the item we had discussed?”

  “Yes Aafre, he has the item and has the power to use it. We picked it up from the Vatican’s secure archives.”

  “Good Cardinal, very, good. So now, we will see and hear the lies from Jack and maybe even some fireworks. One never knows, do they?” as he laughed aloud.

  Chapter 124

  11:35 AM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, Jack South’s Suite

  I heard the knock at the door and I thought to myself, it is too early for Mark, but maybe he got confused. I opened the door and the security guard was there. He said, “Mr. South, this is FBI agent, Rankill, he has something for you. I checked his credentials and he is okay.”

  Agent Rankill stepped up to the door. He had a package that looked like a tube about seven feet long. “What is this I asked?”

  “It was delivered to the hotel awhile ago, addressed to you sir. We took delivery and ran it through one of our luggage screeners. We then had the dogs check it for explosives. It seems to be okay. I brought it up personally, because we are not using hotel staff on these floors for security reasons.”

  “Thanks agent, uh?”

  “Rankill sir, Agent Phillip Rankill at your service.”

  “Well thanks Agent Rankill. Again, I do appreciate it,” as I took the package from him and closed the door.

  I took the tube and it seemed a bit heavy and laid it on the bed. I opened one end and a note was, stuffed into it. I took the note as I sat on the edge of the bed and read it.

  ‘Dear Jack,

  What I have sent you is something you will need in the coming, months, years, and tonight. It is quite old and very valuable. There are some rules though. Never leave it lying around when you are in public. Keep it with you always and in your right hand, unless you intend on raising it above your head. Always use both hands if you choose to do so. Do not let any other man have it, borrow it, or touch it. Only men of God can touch or use it, so make sure if you decide to let another do so, you are sure of their allegiance. I am sure you will figure out where it came from and what is was, used for in the past. However, this much I can tell you, it came from God.

  In Christ, Gabriel.’

  I stared at the box and then I knew what was in it. I was afraid to touch it. I just stared at the box. I sat there afraid to take it out. This was the staff of Moses, for only God would have had it. He had taken it from Moses when he was, allowed to see the Promised Land, but not enter it. How did it get here?

  Then my mind clouded and for some reason the room changed. It was as if I could see two men in front of the Pharaoh, the staffs turning into snakes, and one devouring the other. Then I saw a man strike a rock and water flowed from it. I shook my head, cleared my eyes by blinking, and I looked at the box again. I picked it up, opened the other end, than tilted the container so the object would fall out on the bed.

  It was, twisted like a serpent with carvings on it with ancient writing. The end was, tapered and the top had a ball on it of some sort. I picked it up with my right hand and I could feel the vibrations in the stick. I closed my eyes and my hand tightened its grip as I felt something like a mild electrical current that was flowing through my body. I stood there for a few moments feeling the sensation, opened my eyes, and gently laid the staff on the bed. Then I heard a knock at the door.

  Chapter 125

  12:35 PM EST Day four of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - President Richard Stevenson’s Office

  President Stevenson was finalizing some signing of paperwork when the door opened slightly, “Mr. President?”

  “Yes,” he said to the secret service agent. “We are going to have to leave early sir to Kansas City. According to our advance team, the city is bursting and they want to make sure we have enough time to get you and your family there and get you settled in the hotel.”

  “Why the change agent?”

  “They are seating you at around 6:15 instead of 7:15. It seems that they need everyone seated by that time in order to keep control of the situation. In addition, there is an hour pre-show and no one other than Jack is, allowed behind stage after everyone is settled. Therefore, we really need to go sir. The Executive Helicopter is already on the lawn and Air force I is already loaded with your wife, Jamal, and the Press Corp at Andrews Air Force Base.”

  “Alright, I will be right there. I signed the last two papers on my desk, grabbed my portfolio, and walked out the door.

  Well that is unusual, I thought to myse
lf. Usually everyone waits for me, now I have to wait for Jack.

  Chapter 126

  11:45 AM Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, Jack South’s Suite

  After I heard the knock, I cracked the door and the security guard said, “Mr. South, Mr. Marks, uh I mean, Reverend Marks is here to see you.”

  I opened the door and said, “Come in Thomas. Glad you made it.” I closed the door and Thomas stood there and I said, “Come over by the couch.” Then he saw it.

  “What’s that Jack?” he said as he moved towards the bed.

  “Stop Thomas,” I said rather sternly. He stopped. I guess my voice was, raised and he heard the panic. “Don’t touch it.”

  He turned to me with a bewildered look on his face and said, “Is there something the matter?”

  “No Thomas,” I said as I guided him to the couch. “Sit down, I will explain.”

  I got up and went over to the bed, picked up the note from Gabriel I had left there, came back, sat down, then said, “Here, read this. It will explain it all.” He read the note, looked over at the bed, and then read it again. Glancing back to the bed, then to me he asked, “Is this the staff of Moses?”

  “Yes,” I said. “It is the staff of Moses.” I then told him what had happened before when I held it.

  Thomas just sat there and stared at the staff. He finally said to me, “It’s powerful, isn’t it?”

  “Yes it is Thomas, very powerful. It is more powerful than you could ever imagine. Look Thomas,” I said, “let’s order, something to eat from room service and then we’ll talk.”

  “Was the staff why you wanted to talk to me Jack?”

  “No it is something else. What would you like, a hamburger or something, coke?”

  “Anything is fine.”

  I picked up the phone and dialed 211 for room service. As they answered, I ordered burgers, fries, cokes, and a side crab salad.

  Chapter 127

  12:00 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

  I went through the check point using the back door for the first time and followed the path between the barriers and was checked twice more before I reached the stage area. I walked up to the sound booth where they were testing the sound system. From the stage, it sounded like a giant echo. We would have to put an earpiece in Jack’s ear or he would get too much feedback, I thought.

  As I neared the anchor desk, I saw Don coming up to greet me.

  “Hi John,” as he was beaming with pride, “we made some improvements over last night and put a clear screen behind you. That way we can superimpose the Memorial on it. Like it?”

  “Looks great Don, and as always you pay attention to detail.”

  “Yes well that’s what you get when you get a MacKee. We have a family tradition of always doing our best.”

  I smiled at him and said, “I just wanted to come over and see the layout before I have to do the news, then Jack’s Sermon.”

  “No problem John. I will show you around. We already have the spots marked out for close ups of the President and others.” He walked across the stage and said, “Here the President and his wife will sit. There is a Bishop from Northern Africa here, with the uh, oh yeah Cardinal Richital, from the Vatican. They will also be in the front row, and the list goes on.” He pointed to the camera stands at all corners of the stage and the platform ones above them.

  I walked to the edge of the stage and I could see looking down towards Union Station, the incredible sight of a sea of people standing and milling around. There were thousands upon thousands, just waiting. They still had seven and a half hours to go to see and hear Jack. I hoped they would all be okay.

  I turned back around and saw Don looking at me, as he said, “Quite amazing, isn’t it John? Just like the film, you see on the pilgrimages to Mecca in the Middle East. It looks almost the same.”

  “Yes it does Don, it most definitely does.”

  Chapter 128

  12:20 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, Jack South’s Suite

  I tried to continue to get Thomas to calm down. While we were waiting for room service, I picked up the staff and brought it over to him, close enough for him to see it. I turned it over slowly and showed him the ball at the end of the staff and the markings, tracing them with my fingers. He had asked me to turn it one way, then the next. He finally said I could put it down.

  I went and placed it back on the bed then sat down with the binder of papers I had received from God. He was looking at me strangely and said, “You are going to look strange with a polo shirt, khakis, and that staff Jack.”

  I thought about that for a minute, and said, “Well, I could wear the bath robe they give you here, would that work?” At least I was getting some humor back, I thought.

  Thomas laughed and said, “No, that will not do Jack. Maybe I could come up with something for you.”

  “Thomas, I am not going out there in robes like the movie pictures of old prophets. It is just not me.”

  “How about a choir robe? Alternatively, a vestment, like some churches, including mine. I will have one on.”

  “Maybe that would work.” Then I thought, hey why not, play-the part? He is right. I would look strange with the polo shirt, khakis, and staff. I said, “We can discuss that later Thomas. Right now, I need you to pay attention. Now, you went to theology school right?”

  “Yes I did and got good grades too.”

  “Okay. Now when you go to theology school you learn about things like what different meanings a scripture can have, right?”

  “Yes that is true. We learned a great deal about scripture that we discussed that were either vague or misunderstood.”

  “Okay, here is the question I want you to answer, tell me the story of Adam, Eve, the serpent, and Cain and Able. Not the one I read in the Bible, but the other ones. I need to hear what others think, other than just me and this paper here.”

  “Well God created man, then woman and they were in the garden and they could do as they wanted and wanted for not. However, they could not eat of the tree of life. Eve did anyhow, because of the serpent.”

  “Stop, Thomas. That is not the story I want from you. I want the real one.”

  He hesitated, seeming stressed, then said, “Jack we were told that the other story was conjecture. Granted we were always able to make it work and it made sense, but we were, told to tell the story I just related to you. People would not believe the other one and the children would not be getting a sterilized story.”

  “Tell it to me Thomas. What did they teach you?”

  After he was through, I looked up at him and said, “This is the same story I am holding in this folder. You just told me almost the exact same one.”

  “Are you going to tell that story tonight Jack?”

  No, God has another agenda for tonight, but eventually yes, I will. For in these pages I have, is God’s command to me, to set the record straight. I need you to write out the scriptures for me that make this story real, instead of the sterilized form it has taken on for thousands of years. I don’t need it for today, but I need it very soon.”

  “So what is your sermon tonight?”

  I hesitated and wondered. Then I said, “I am not sure Thomas, I am not yet sure. I am still trying to decipher God’s instructions. But believe me, it will be effective and I will get the message across.”

  “I will take your word for it Jack. In the meantime I’ll try and round up something you will feel comfortable wearing and that will work with the staff.” As he stood up he said, “Jack you are a man of God. I have no doubt. However if you’re going to use any of the things we talked about in your sermons, either now or in the future, you are really going to upset a lot of people.”

  “I think a lot of them already are, Thomas.”

  Chapter 129

  4:55 PM CST Day four of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - City Center, President Richard Stevenson’s Suite

; Air Force I had landed at 4:20 p.m. in Kansas City. The Presidential party had been, put into two army Blackhawks, which made the fifteen-minute trip into the city. They arrived at the heliport atop City Center Plaza at around 5:15 p.m. with one copter landing and discharging its passengers, then the other. They escorted the President and the First Lady to the Presidential Suite. The Secret Service and the President then had a quick meeting about the seating arrangements and entry to Liberty Memorial Park.

  The Service had said that the President would be one of the last seated, but that the early seating was due to the program starting early at 6:30. There was a preshow of choirs and other local talent, so they needed to, immediately get to the staging area. He would be sitting by the Prime Minister of England, on his right, and his wife on his left. All other heads of state were, also seated in the first four rows of seating. Other dignitaries except, Aafre Waldger and the two priests would be in the other rows along with some other clergy and corporate leaders.

  The President asked where Aafre was, seated and was, told right behind him. The agent then said that they needed to be at the access door at 6:15 at the latest, which was about 45 minutes from now. The agent took leave of the President, to let him and the First Lady, get ready.

  Stevenson moved towards one of the bathrooms, and then as he was walking across the living area, he asked his wife, “Thelma, do you think I should go casual, which is my normal style, or put on a coat and tie?”

  “I would go casual,” she said. “It is warm out and a tie would be somewhat overbearing in this weather. We will be outside for over two hours. I am wearing a light chiffon blouse, slacks, and some sandals. I would assume most would dress the same way. Besides, most people are very used to seeing you casual rather than stuffy,” as she laughed.

  I then heard the telephone in the suite ring and then the Secret Service Agent say, “Please wait,” that meant the call was for me.

  “Mr. President, sir, I have a gentleman on the phone, a Mr. Aafre who would like to speak with you.”


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