Shane and Trey[ Enemies to Lovers 01 ]

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Shane and Trey[ Enemies to Lovers 01 ] Page 10

by Anyta Sunday

  He flicked at a corner of a pillow, putting more and more energy behind it. “My aunt is depressed. She’s been in a wheelchair for years, but hates her life. And it’s just getting worse. Ma—it’s her sister—does a lot for her, but the constant work and stress is wearing her down.” He pummeled his fist into the bed. “I just feel useless, and responsible. I’ll have to see a way of helping out more.”

  His use of the word ‘responsible’ in that sentence jarred me. I looked at him, at the hurt present in the planes of his face. “I’m very sorry for you and your family.”

  “Thanks, man,” he said, jumping up from his bed. “Just gonna nip to the bathroom.”

  What the…? The sudden end to the—what was it, opening up?—confused me. But then, maybe it was too hard to talk about? And, although what he’d mentioned was a big part in what was troubling him, I knew there was more to it. I’d heard that through the window.I’m feeling fucking awful, but thanks for asking.Yup, there were more issues than just his aunt. His mother and her reaction being one—what was that on about? Did everyone have family issues? And, let’s hazard a guess, two—his breakup with June and other…um, feelings around that.

  Before I was aware of it, I’d taken off my shoes and grabbed my ‘blue baby’, feeling a new tune coming on. Words jumped at me and I dove for a pen and paper to write them down, stuffing them into my beside table drawer before Trey got back.

  When he did, I was oh-so-innocently twiddling my thumbs and staring at the ceiling from my bed. Those pieces of lyrics just might have been R-rated. (Okay they definitely were).

  “Were you playing?” he asked, and picked up the guitar I’d nestled between my legs. Then he handed it to me. “Play something to cheer me up?” His brow lifted slightly and with it a thrill zapped me all the way to my dick.

  I sat up and took the guitar. The last song I’d played tonight only served to bum out big time. I didn’t feel like trying again. “What else would cheer you up?” Usually when I was down, I liked to curl up in bed and read, or put on a CD and turn it up loud and let the music feel for me.

  Trey shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m jittery. I need to do something just to”—he sighed—“not think about things. Like go out dancing, or, I don’t know…”

  An idea Nrchettery. I sparked in my head, half of me liked it because I knew Trey would like it, the other half insisted I not say anything. The first half won. “Well, how about the dorm-party thing? I could go offer our room?”

  His face lit up like I’d bought him a puppy for his birthday or something. “Dude, you rock.” I got up and placed the guitar on its stand. Man I hated that ‘dude’. I wanted the babe back. Where’d it go?Come back for me!

  “But,” Trey said, coming from right behind me, “let’s not offer our room.”

  “Why n—” “Because I know how much you’d hate that,” he answered, and spun me around to his grinning face. “Instead, we are going to visit all the other rooms. And you are not to leave my side, got it?”

  Well, the only reason I was going to any party was to cheer him up, so why would I run off? Okay, unless it was —ahhh—“I got it. I won’t come back to the room unless you’ve Okayed it.”

  “Great. Now that we have that settled, let’s go.” “Hold on a tick, I need to shower first. Give me twenty, yeah?” Forty minutes later, ah, yeah—the water was just so warm! —Trey led us to the room with a number ‘one’ on it. Seemed he knew exactly how these parties worked. The guy that’d talked to me before waved us over to him in the corner of the very cramped and sweaty room. There must have been close to fifty people, talking or shouting to one another. Trey cuffed my wrist and, as crowds melted to the side to accommodate his size and gorgeousness, pulled me through to the corner with ease. People kepthey man- ing him, and he replied to everyone by name.

  “Hey Dave,” Trey said. “What’s the program?” “Okay. There are four rooms. Take one or two or however many people you’re comfortable with to each room. You have five minutes a room. A bell goes off signaling for the change. We’re staggering, which is why it’s cramped in here. But the wait’s worth it. And at the other end there’s a room for dancing. You’ll know it by the strobe lighting.”

  Trey nodded like he knew what the guy was on about. As Trey found out what was going on, a petite girl with fiery red hair and funky glasses came up to me. “Oh, you’re a hottie. Would you like to go a round with me?”

  A round ofwhat? And,no. After I managed to show enough lack of interest, she disappeared, and I focused back on Dave. “And if you have any problems. I can take you through the rooms myself and demonstrate, if you’d like?” Dave flashed Trey a warm smile and touched his arm. Hey, wait a—Get your hands off!Like, fuck, why couldn’t others be straight when you need them to be? I jerked Trey in my direction as Dave leaned even closer to him. I knew he wasn’t mine, and he could flirt with anyone he chose, but—but I’d be damned if anyone else got him!

  Trey had a sneaky grin on his face, and pointedly moved in toward Dave and whispered in his ear. The blood drained from my face, and I felt sick. I didn’t want to witness this. I pushed my way (awkwardly) through the crowd and out of the room. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm that iron hot prod of jealousy and hurt in my stomach. Yet how could I claim hurt? We didn’t have anything together. He’d done nothing wrong. I still wanted to kick something though. I eyed the wall; it looked solid enough not to cause any damage, but then doing that in my flip-flops might hurt.

  I started to storm off down the hall, when Trey’s voice stopped me. “Where the hell are you going? Get your ass back here.”

  I flipped him off and continued toward my room. A few steps later, a hand landed heavily on my shoulder. “Stop with this crap.” Trey handed me something. “Drink this. I scored it from Dave.”

  Stupid Dave. I scowled and shook my head. “Fine, your loss.”

  I made to leave again, but he tightened his grip. “D Nrchegain,on’t. Just go one round with me, okay?” I gave in. For half an hour we sat leaning against the wall, watching as couples and groups moved from room to room when the bell sounded through the hall. Finally, it was our turn. I was glad because an end to this party was in sight. “So what is the deal with each room anyway?” I asked as Trey pushed me toward the first of the rooms which had a huge balloon attached to the door.

  “Each room has a rule. You have to obey the rule when you’re in there.”

  Inside, a large placard had been placed on a chair. ‘The Plank’ it’d been titled. I scanned the rule—actually it was more like directions, and shook my head. Trey was laughing.

  “Great. You’re going to get soaked!” he said. I perked up at that. Did he think he’d be able to hit me with more water balloons? “What? Hell no.” We both turned to the two opened windows (at opposite ends of a large room) with a thick plank of wood extending outside from them. Climbing up at the same time we each (unsteadily) made our way to the other end of plank—although, the thing reminded me more of a gymnasts beam, supported at the other end by the top of a truck. Who’d volunteered for that?

  In the middle of each truck roof was a hose and a box of balloons. I grabbed a hose and filled up a balloon. Although Trey had moved slower over the plank, he had the advantage of being able to tie the damn things up. I gave up trying, just kept it pinched shut. I needed to move back into the middle of the plank and ready myself to dodge while keeping my balance and throw.

  I eyed up the fifteen foot distance between us. This wouldn’t be so easy—Trey’s first balloon caught my ear, splashing water all down my side. Shit he had good aim. I tried whirling my balloon at him, praying it twisted enough so the water wouldn’t come out before it hit him. Massive failure. So, yeah, within the five minutes we had there, Trey managed to land four balloons (I avoided two—that was something, right?), and I hadn’t wet him a drop. All because I couldn’t freaking tie them up. Worse than getting halfsoaked, though, was Trey’s bounding laugh, echoing off all the cars just to mo
ck me more.Arghhhh! Just you wait, Trey Brennan. I’m soooo getting you for this.

  The bell sounded, and we made our way to the next room, Trey chuckling at me as I tried to squeeze the water from my t-shirt. I rammed into his side trying to knock him off balance, but he barely budged. It just made him laugh louder again. I pushed my way past him and entered the second room.

  Anything commanded in this room, must be acted out. Trey sat on one of the beds, and I moved to the other so we were practically a room apart. He watched me, shaking his head, and once I’d seated, came over to me. “What’s with the distance?”

  I shrugged. “No reason.” He crouched to my level (he was in front of me) and cocked his head. “Good. Now take off your shirt.”

  My mouth dropped open in surprise. “What? And nuh-uh, you have to go first. This whole thing is your idea.” “Actually,” he said with a grin so delicious I wanted to lick it off, “it was your idea to come to the party. To cheer me up, remember?”

  I was so glad we hadn’t turned on the lights in the room, because my face felt pretty hot. “And why my t-shirt?” “Because,” he said, closing the gap between us to an inch, and placing his hands-large, warm ones—onto my sides. “I don’t want you to catch a cold.” With that he slid his hands to the edge of the t-shirt, and tugged. I lifted my arms for him, sucking in a breath as his knuckles grazed over my skin.

  As soon as it was off, he stepped back, breaking the static that at leastIhad felt in the last few seconds. I shivered. “Well, I don’t know how that’s going to keep me much warmer.”

  “So command me to give you mine. That way you’ll be snu N,. Ive you mig as a bug.” Snug as a bug? Too cute! “Hmmm, I think not.” (Although the idea of him without his shirt was appealing.) “I’ve still to get you back for drenching me. I’m going to make you do something—uh—belittling. I mean, you really do need to be taken down a notch.”

  Trey grinned. “Who me? Why? You’re just a sore loser, is all.” I narrowed my eyes at him, holding back my urge to cackle —yes cackle—I felt a real evil laugh coming on. I kicked of my flip flops and pointed to my feet. “Kiss my fat toes!” Muahahaha—I could hear it almost as if there were another presence in the room. Because, c’mon, how gross was that! And like—

  Trey grabbed my foot and pressed my big toe (they were all fat, but I meant the big fat toe) to his lips. The cackle completely died. I’d never been surrounded by such quiet before. All my thoughts must have stopped or something. I mean it wasn’t quiet-quiet, just weird. I could still hear things, just that they seemed magnified ten times—at least. Like Trey’s hand skidding over the carpet, or the ticking of my watch, or the clucking of his tongue—

  Trey’s lips opened and his tongue flicked out against the tip of my toe. I jerked my foot, but he captured it in two hands, holding me more firmly. He grazed his teeth over the skin— oh-my-fucking-goodness that feltamazing.Then pressing tight around the base he circled his tongue and started sucking my toe. Sucking my toe! Like,what the hell?And, don’t ever stop!

  I bit my lip, and stifled a moan, and that’s when Trey looked up at me. His large eyes soft and, and warm. Yeah, really warm.

  “Stop.” I managed to say, and when he didn’t I motioned toward the placard, all the while holding his gaze. He released my toe. “Why’d you do that?” I asked, my voice husky.

  He raised himself on his knees, and rested his hands either side of me. “You feel self-conscious of your toes. I don’t want you to be.”

  His mouth glistened where he’d licked his lips and I found myself leaning closer to him, but he turned away suddenly, and got to his feet. “Did the bell just go off?”

  I stared at him. This fucking elephant couldn’t get much bigger; the room wouldn’t be able to fit us soon.

  Then the bell actually went off. Trey moved so fast toward the door, I was afraid he’d go through it.

  “If you want to call it quits, we can,” I said, sure that’s what he wanted after that, uh—moment? Although I did not at all. Not afterthat. He frowned. “No.” Did he sound a little nervous? “Get into the next room.”

  I pushed my way in. One glance at the placard made me nervous as well.

  All questions asked in this room, must be answered truthfully. Interesting. I peeked at Trey out the corner of my eye. He’d sat himself in the middle of the room, hugging his legs. “Did you know this would be the next room?”

  He nodded. “Unlike you, I was listening when Dave told me about them.” Hmmm-“Then you’ve had plenty of time to think about what you’d like to know.” I sat in the middle of the mat in front of him, and more bravely than I felt met his gaze. “So ask me.”

  His Adam’s apple jutted out as he swallowed. “Why’d you run out back there?”

  When I took a sec to gather my thoughts, Trey pointed to the placard with the rule on it. “Um…” He repositioned himself, so he too sat cross legged. His knees touched mine, and even though two sets of jeans separated us, freaking-eh did the contact send shivers through me.

  “Yeah?” He raised a brow, his gaze flickering over my bare chest. Could he see my goosebumps?

  “He was flirting with you.” I looked around me for some distraction, something I could grab or fiddle with. “So?” So I think you’re gorgeous and that guy wanted in your fucking pants. Do th Ngoinng pae math!“I just didn’t need to be around for that.”

  “Jealous some?”Clever boy. There was a short silence. Why couldn’t I just say yes? Stupid nerves. He started to raise his hand toward the placard and I hit it away. “Ha-ha you wish. You into him?”

  “Hell no, and you know it.” I was silent a moment. Did that mean, what I thought it meant? Or did I just want it to mean that? Shit, the whole way we acted around each other sort of felt like a dance I didn’t know the moves to. Letting out a shuddering breath, I looked at him. “Actually, yes. I was jealous.” And because I’d let openthathonest door, I might as well step all the way through it. “Because, if you haven’t already figured it out yet, I like you.” There was a moment of silence, which I broke. “I think we have a connection, true?”

  In the time it took before he answered, I felt sick. My stomach flipped something so bad that I quietly burped. What was taking him so long to answer? I was sweating now, could he see that?

  He sort of nodded. At least I thought so.Please just say it. “Shane,” he said softly, “can we get out of here? I know this is the truth room, but I don’t want to do this in here. I thought I did, thought this room would help me to express myself. But how can I do that in a few minutes? It just feels wrong. I —”

  I was already up. “Come on then.” I was happy to move the location. But I wasn’t going to let this go. “Let’s go for a drive, but Trey, youaregoing to tell me.”

  Chapter Eleven

  I CHUCKED ON a fresh t-shirt, found my car keys, and stuffed my wallet into my pocket. Without a word we got into my car and started driving. I didn’t really have a destination in mind, so I surprised the both of us when I hit the highway toward home. But actually, it didn’t seem such a bad idea. Trey had said to his mother he’d head up there in the morning, and since we both had hockey practice tomorrow afternoon, I could drive the both of us back. Besides, I could grab more of my hockey gear. “I hope you have a house key this time.”

  Trey was quick to get the plan. “Uh-huh. After the last time, I taped one under the ledge of my window.” A moment passed and then with a convulsing stomach (damn nerves!), I said, “Um, so… did you, uh, want to tell me something?”

  In my peripheral vision I saw Trey look at me, but I kept my eyes on the road. I could have glanced up at him, but in all honesty, I was just too nervous. Already my palms sweated and I subtly wiped each on my jeans.

  “Actually, it’s more than one thing, Shane. But, I’d, ahh—” He scratched the back of his head like it would give him his next words. “Can you come—I mean, would you feel alright if we did this in my room?” Quickly he added, “It just feels so impersonal
in the car, and I want your full attention.”

  In his room? Freaking eh, just the thought alone excited me. I gave him a weak smile. “Okay. But there’s no more putting it off.”For both of our sakes.Surely he was as anxious as I was, and who wanted this to continue? Each passing minute just got more and more awkward. At one point I was so aware of our breathing, I couldn’t do it normally again until I switched on the radio. Oh thank God for classic rock.

  Finally we arrived at his house, and we got inside without a problem. Although it was past midnight, a light was on in the large kitchen-dining area.

  “Hello Ma?” Trey called softly into the room. A chair scraped over the wooden floorboards in the adjacent room, and out came a tall, thin woman with the same dark eyes and thick lashes as Trey. It was strange to me how they pulled them off each so differently. No matter what look Trey gave, his always looked beautiful. On his mo Ne snuthe roam, though, they looked heavy, tired and cold.

  “Why didn’t you call to say you were coming around?” she asked, giving me an annoyed glance. “At least you could have told me you’d be bringing someone over!” “Sorry, Ma. It was late. I didn’t want to disturb you all. Shane was ah—nice enough, to give me a lift. So tomorrow we can go visit Aunt--”

  She interrupted. “I had to pick Patricia up and bring her here this evening. The neighbors called, and said either we did, or the police would. I’ve put her in the guest room. She’s sleeping at the moment.”

  I watched as Trey’s posture curved and he kept his eyes to the floor. “I’m sorry, Ma. Is there something I can do?” She looked at me. “Just keep quiet. I want her sleeping as long as possible. I’m not ready to deal with her yet.” For a brief moment she shut her eyes. “Oh, and if you have any alcohol hidden in that room of yours, get rid of it. She’ll be scouring the house trying to find some, no bets about that. Just drain or drink it, I don’t care. So long as she won’t get to any.” With that she looked over us once more and left.


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