Doc: a Club Alias novel

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Doc: a Club Alias novel Page 27

by KD Robichaux

Before he can answer her, I cut in. “Um, maybe some awesome pictures of our Scout boy. Ooo!” I turn my excited eyes to Neil. “Christmas photos. Matching ugly sweaters with the dog. That is so happening.”

  Everyone laughs, allowing the awkward subject to be diverted.

  “So, um… since we’re all gathered and no one’s around. Is there any news on the A Secret situation?” Vi asks. I know she’s been worried about the investigation, since her husband is the one who actually shot Randy.

  Brian perks up. “Well, mysteriously, the security who were supposed to be guarding the second floor all woke up in the attic with no recollection of what happened or how they got there. It is believed that one of the members of the club drugged them in order to go in search for Kristin, an escort he was obsessed with, and when he found what Randy was doing to her, he shot him in self-defense when Randy pulled his gun on him, but by that time, she was already deceased.

  “They’re not too worried about this mystery shooter, because they’re too tied up with all the evidence proving Randy not only killed Kristin, but Alison and two more girls before her as well. That, and all the craziness surrounding the club itself. When the police and SWAT team arrived, the place went on lockdown, no one in or out. The girls in the dance and strip club areas were cleared first, because nothing illegal going on there. The customers on the first floor were the next to be cleared. But everyone up in the second-floor rooms were taken in for prostitution and solicitation. Which would be interesting enough as it is, but who they took in was the exciting part.”

  “Oh yeah? And who’s that?” Neil prompts.

  “Well, one—the cunty fucking asshole bitch who set Astrid up in the first place. That Crystal ho. But it was who she was banging that brings this all full circle and proves Karma’s got our backs,” Seth inserts, his body thrumming with excited energy.

  Brian meets Seth’s eyes who nods with a smirk, and then they both look at Neil. “Happy to tell you, brother. One was the judge who let Randy off twenty-four years ago,” Brian tells him, his voice low and thick with meaning.

  I gasp, my hand coming down from the table to squeeze Neil’s on my thigh that gripped tightly. I look over at my man, seeing his jaw clench as emotion fills his eyes. The moment is heavy, but in a good way, as we watch him blink rapidly.

  “So that’s it then,” he murmurs. “Shelly was finally avenged.”

  My arms lift to circle around his neck, pulling him to me, and he allows it. We stay that way for a minute, each person leaning toward their partner, smiles on their faces and gratefulness in their eyes.

  “Here we go!” Dixie calls cheerily, breaking into the moment, and we all sit up straighter, several of us laughing to shake off the tension. She sets our drinks in front of each of us and then says she’ll be back a little later to check on us.

  “So, did you guys just close the club for the whole night, or what?” I ask, taking a sip of my Dr. Pepper and Captain Morgan.

  “Not the whole night, no. I think the members would revolt,” Neil says through a chuckle. “Just opening a few hours later than normal, which shouldn’t make too much of a difference. Most people don’t show up until elevenish, and it’s just past eight now.”

  “Eleven, ugh.” Vi sneers. “That’s like, two hours past my bedtime.” She snorts, making us laugh once again.

  The conversation continues, everyone just catching up together for the first time in what feels like forever. Or maybe it just feels like another lifetime ago because the last time was when I was still in that very dark place before Neil was able to pull me out. I feel like a totally different person than the one who sat with them at the table in Corbin’s backyard when we first got to meet Clarice a few months ago. I feel like I put on a good show, hiding my depression behind humor. It was easy when I only saw them every so often, but it was exhausting, and I’d go home and sleep the entire next day away. But I don’t feel that way anymore, and I can’t wait to grow closer with these people we’ve chosen as our family.

  Time passes, and two more Captain Peppers later, I’m squirming in my seat. Soon, everyone else is too, and we all exit the booth and head for the restrooms. The girls are so sweet to me as I freshen up in the mirror, knowing tonight will be the first time I truly get to scene with my Dom after the conversation we just had at the table, which was surprisingly not awkward at all, seeing how they all live variations of the D/s lifestyle, and thanks to my brother-in-law’s quips and humor.

  Clarice tells me to just enjoy it, that there is no wrong or right and just do what feels good, because that’s the whole point of it. Vi tells me to just remember the things she wrote in her books about the sub being the one in control, since at any moment, with one whisper of my safe word, everything will stop without any sort of punishment. Until then, I just get to hand over the reins and let my Dom take over. My sister, just wraps me in her arms and sobs, her pregnancy hormones getting the best of her. She cries happy tears that soak through the sleeve of my simple little black dress, wailing that she’s just “so happy she has her sister back” and that I’ve finally found a man worthy of me who she knows will take care of me without question.

  And with that, we leave the bathroom, meeting the guys near the entrance of the club.

  “Welp, we’re outta here, bro. Gotta get my woman to bed so I can give her a massage,” Seth says, rubbing Twyla’s back in big circles, and her head falls back on her shoulders as she groans.

  “I wish you would’ve told me you were a ten-pound newborn. I might’ve made you wrap it up after all,” she gripes, and Vi cackles while I shake my head.

  “We’re heading home too,” Corbin tells us. “We only had the sitter long enough for Astrid’s welcome party.” He smiles at me, and I blush. There’s something about him that tells me he probably didn’t do it very often for a long time, so his smiles are special when he turns one your way.

  “Thanks for coming, you guys,” I reply.

  “Umm… we ain’t going home. I was promised by the big guy that we’d get to try out the new suspension system in Playroom 3, so we call dibs. Y’all can use whichever other one you want. ‘Kay, love ya, bye!” Clarice chirps, taking hold of Brian’s hand, and he allows the tiny woman to haul his big ass in that direction as he grins at Neil and sends me a wink.

  Before I have a chance to speak another word, Neil picks me up in his arms bridal style, and I squeak. With long strides, he takes us to the closest playroom, Playroom 1, and he sets me on my feet just inside the doorway. He closes the heavy-looking black curtain, and I swallow thickly when he turns his eyes back to me.

  I’m suddenly nervous, which is silly. I’ve made love to Neil in all variations from sweet and vanilla to downright dirty fucking. But it’s been in our home. I’ve never even had sex outside of a house before. So this is a freaking adventure for me right now. That, and because of what I want to ask him.

  “What is it, goddess? I can see it in your eyes you want to ask me for something. Tell your Viking what you wish for,” he commands gently, walking up to me slowly, every step measured, like a predator approaching its prey.

  “I…” My hands come together in front of my belly button, and I wring them nervously. He takes hold of them, pulling them apart, and places my palms flat on his chest.

  “Close your eyes. There you go, good girl,” he murmurs, and I instantly melt at his voice and the words and the feel of his strong chest beneath my hands. “Now tell me what you want.”

  With my eyes closed, the liquid courage I drank takes over. “I…. You’ve done everything to wash away and replace the things he did to me. Almost everything. There’s only one more memory, one more place on my body and inside me that I haven’t allowed you to mark as your own. And… and I’m ready. I… I was actually ready a few days ago, the day you said I completed my sessions and you would allow me to become a member of your club. But I wanted to save it, to make it special. And what could be more special than our first night together as Dom and sub… here?”
I ask, opening my eyes to meet his, now that I got all the words out.

  His gaze is intense, startlingly so, and I hold my breath to wait for his response. He’s looking for my sincerity, deep into my soul, to make sure this is what I truly want, that I’m not just doing it to please him. And he must see that I’m not. That I’m desperate for him to finally claim every piece of my body that was once sullied with another man’s unwanted touch. I trust him with my very life, let alone my body, and I know he’ll do everything in his power to make it pleasurable for me.

  He takes a step back, a sexy smile pulling up one corner of his lips. “Dress and lingerie off, goddess, and your shoes. Place them into the trunk there—” He gestures toward a big wooden trunk that’s next to the curtain wall. “—and then step up to the padded table,” he commands.

  I immediately step out of my black pumps, shrinking three inches in a heartbeat, and I reach for the hem of my black T-Shirt dress. I pull it up and off over my head in one swift move, leaving me in just my underwear as I fold the dress twice and toss it into the trunk. My eyes lift to watch him as I unhook my bra, instantly mesmerized by how fucking sexy he is. All he’s doing is unbuttoning his cuffs and rolling up the long sleeves of his black button-up, but my God, it’s like I’m watching the most erotic porno ever created as he exposes those girthy forearms.

  “You keep looking at me like that and this won’t go the way I’d like it to, my love,” he growls, and I lift my eyes from his sinewy arms to see his have gone dark with desire.

  I toss my bra into the trunk, and all that’s left is my black seamless thong. “It would be your own fault, Viking. You and your goddamn Thor arms,” I say breathily, hooking my thumbs into my panties and dragging them down my legs, feeling the wetness that had pooled there skim my thighs. I step out of them then bend down to pick them and my shoes up before placing them into the truck and close the lid.

  I follow his previous order and step up to the padded table, waiting for his next command. My core is already aching and needy just from the intensity of the moment, where we are, what it signifies, furthering the D/s part of our relationship, and the way he’s looking at me, like he wants to eat me alive.

  When he approaches me, he’s still fully dressed. Just his sleeves have been secured right below his elbows. He’s a wall of black from neck to toe, and the eroticism of me being completely naked while he still has all his clothes on just adds to the fantasy-like feeling in the room. His big, warm hand comes up to cup my cheek, and my head leans into his touch on its own. He lifts my chin, making me meet his beautiful blue eyes as he speaks. “I love you, goddess. With everything I am. You know that, right?”

  “Yes,” I whisper without hesitation, because he’s proven over and over again how true that is. There’s no longer an ounce of worry that he’ll wake up one day and not want me. He truly feels about me what I feel for him, and that will never be able to be replaced.

  “Then I want you to remember that when I finally claim this little ass,” he says low, and a shiver wracks through my body, tightening my nipples, as he spins me to face the padded table, grips the back of my neck in his unyielding hand, and bends me forward until my breasts and cheek press to the cool, smooth black surface.

  I gasp at the sudden chill on my sensitive flesh, and moan when I feel his rough palms slide from my shoulders, down my back, and over my ass cheeks before they squeeze, massaging the muscles beneath my skin there. His hands slide around my hips then down between my legs, parting my thighs until I have no choice but to slide my feet wide apart, which brings my stomach flush with the table as well.

  I close my eyes, shutting out all the toys and erotic equipment lining the wall I’m facing. All I want is to feel what my Viking is doing to me. Until he asks…

  “What was it that made these scars, my beauty?” His fingers stroke gently over the stripes I know are there across my cheeks.

  I bite my lip, my heart starting to pound.

  “Was it a whip? No… a belt?” he prompts.

  “Extension cord,” I finally manage, and his fingers pause their gentle caresses for a moment before he continues.

  “Well. I won’t be erasing that memory with an… extension cord.” He growls the last part, and I hate that he’s having to picture what that scene looked like when it was happening to me. “But I will replace it with something that brings much more pleasure.”

  His touch is suddenly gone, and my eyes pop open to watch the back of him as he walks over to a cabinet. He gathers a couple of items, but I don’t see what they are as he places them between his bicep and ribs, and then he approaches the wall of toys hung on hooks by loops of leather on the ends. He chooses one, and then he turns around and comes back to me, patting a flat object against his palm.

  “Relax, goddess,” he soothes, and it’s not until he says that I realize every muscle in my body has gone tense. I channel what I learned in yoga, consciously releasing the tension in each of my muscle groups until my body feels heavy atop the table, and when he murmurs a “Good girl,” that’s when my mind finally unwinds too.

  “Leather paddle. It can be used to create the gentlest of pats, to the sharpest sting, depending on the hand that wields it. But it’s in the hand of the man who loves you, Astrid, and I want you to hold on to that thought as we begin,” he explains, and the use of my real name in this setting makes me really pay attention. No matter what comes next, I know he’s doing it to bring me pleasure, not hurt me, and it’s with that thought in mind I gasp at the first swat of the leather against my right ass cheek.

  His big hand rubs at the spot, soothing the little sting there, and I bite my lip at the sensation.


  The next stroke comes to my left cheek, and an “Eep” escapes me before I moan while he rubs that place too.


  Another one, in a different spot on my right cheek, followed by the circular soothing stroke of his four fingers flat against my sensitive flesh.


  Back to the left cheek. And this time, I groan in pleasure.

  As he continues to go back and forth from right to left, rubbing the pain away with his strong fingers right after he delivers it, I feel my arousal seeping out of me. I’m already uncomfortably wet, but I can’t seem to bring myself to care. I find myself lifting on my toes to meet the leather paddle each time it connects with my now burning-hot flesh, then sinking back to my heels as my Viking soothes away the sting. And it’s not until I cry out when he gives me a harder swat with the toy that he finally reaches between my legs and feels the wetness he had to have noticed long before now.

  My inner thighs are coated with it, and I moan as two of his fingers sink into my drenched heat. My toes curl against the floor as he strokes that special place inside me, and I’m so turned on that I don’t even flinch as his sopping fingers travel up through my slit and between my ass cheeks. I’m so aroused I don’t even clench as he circles the little hole that was never shown anything but abuse at the hands of another person.

  “Did you pick a safe word, goddess?” he asks, and I feel his kisses along my bare back as he continues to just swirl his finger around the tight bud of my anus, I suppose to help me get used to even being touched there.

  “Ragnarök,” I murmur, hearing him chuckle along my flesh, his breath and beard making me shiver.

  Another kiss to my spine. “Of course,” he whispers, and he begins to slowly work one fingertip inside me there.

  “We have a theme going, Viking. I like themes. You should see all my Pinterest boards. And if I get to let loose during the holidays, you’ll walk into our house during each one and think you’ve stumbled into those woods in A Nightmare Before Christmas, where each town is a different holiday. Oh my God. Halloween is coming next month. It’s going to—”

  He reaches around me with his other hand and massages my clit, my knees buckling for a moment and my nervous rambling cutting off. He holds my lower half up with the palm cupping m
y mound while my upper half presses farther into the padded table. His talented fingers on my clit feel so good I hardly notice when his one finger is all the way in until he begins to move it in and out of me, sending chills up my spine.

  At my whimper, he circles my clit faster, drawing my focus there. My hands reach up to grip the other edge of the table, needing something to hold onto while the room starts to spin. So many sensations, all of them surprisingly wonderful at the hands of someone experienced and who knows exactly how to please a woman.

  I feel fearless in this moment, handing over my complete trust to my Dom, submitting my body to do as he pleases, because I know with every fiber of my being that it’s my submission and trust that pleases him. He’d never do anything to me to break either of those, so I just give in to whatever he has planned for me. He’s a professional—at both the mind and the body—and I am his student, his patient, and his lover. I will allow him to teach me all the ways he can bring me pleasure like I’ve never felt before. And all I have to do is submit.

  He continues to work my clit like a master—and that’s what he is, isn’t he? Because he knows just the right way to caress, to demand and will my body to react the way he wants. He’s the master of my very being as he brings me just to the precipice of an orgasm before backing off, softening his touch, slowing his pace. He’s keeping me at the highest state of arousal without giving me relief, distracting me and making me needy as he works another finger inside my ass.

  “That’s it, little goddess. Such a good girl. Feels exquisite, doesn’t it? When you just relax and give in,” he purrs, making my heart rate rise.

  After gliding two of his long, thick fingers in and out of me for what seems like forever, but is probably just enough time for me to be stretched to his liking, he slides them out but never stops the ministrations on my pussy. Someone has turned the music up in the main area of the club, and my excitement heightens knowing we’re doing this dirty, naughty thing with only a curtain to hide us. The deep bass now throbbing through the room adds to the sensuality of the scene, and I barely make out the sound of… what was that? Something being squeezed out of a bottle next to me on the table? And then I hear it again, but this time I feel it as the cool liquid drips between my cheeks and over my anus.


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