Enticed (The Brazil Werewolf Series Book 3)

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Enticed (The Brazil Werewolf Series Book 3) Page 2

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  Strong hands grasped my waist pulling me upward. I blinked in surprised as I realized that I hadn’t run into something but someone. I forced my head upward and gazed up into the most handsome face I had ever seen. Vivid green eyes peered down at me in concern and curiosity. His hair was a mixture of brown, gold and black and cut short. The scent of a werewolf surrounded me, comforting me enough to be able to speak.

  “My parents…They’re being attacked,” I said, panicked as I glanced over my shoulder toward the road. I couldn’t see the motor home any longer but another wolf’s howl broke through the air much louder than before.

  I turned back to the man and for the first time, I realized we weren’t alone. A woman stood near with her full lips parted in shock. Her eyes were kind and caramel brown with striations of sea green which were striking against her olive toned skin. She was about my mother’s age and stepped forward as if to protect me. Others from the park were beginning to surround her.

  “My God,” she whispered and then, nearly yelled as the shock gave way to panic, “She’s Mary Jane Lee!”

  The man holding me up nearly dropped me in surprise as he stared down into my face. Tears of frustration slid down my cheeks.

  “Please,” I whispered as the dizziness slammed through me again, “My parents.”

  “We’ll help them,” the woman said as she began to yell orders. Darkness began to cloud my vision and I couldn’t stop it this time. The man who held me up dipped down to lift me, cradling me against his body so I wouldn’t fall to the ground.

  The woman still yelled out orders but it was the last thing she said that caused me to want to fight the darkness, “Luc, take her home and tend her wounds.”

  I tried to open my eyes to look at the man she talked to…the man who was my betrothed but I didn’t need to because the man who held me answered.

  “I will take care of her,” he whispered. The determination in his voice caused me to believe him. I went limp in his arms, allowing the darkness to take me.


  My head spun as I awoke to the sharp pain of a needle against the skin of my head. I frowned as I realized that I must have hurt myself worse than I thought. Tears filled my eyes as I gazed up to find Luc wielding the sharp piece of steel. His handsome face tightened in apprehension as he pushed himself to finish the task. A tear fell down my cheek as he pushed the needle through my skin once more and a low hiss sounded from between my teeth.

  “I’m sorry,” Luc whispered as he caressed my face with the back of his fingers, “I don’t want to hurt you but it has to be done or you’ll bleed out.”

  The guilt on his face caused my heart to clench and I wanted to say something to soothe him but the pain and the dizziness was too much causing me to fall into unconsciousness again.

  I don’t know how much time had passed when I was pulled from the darkness by the woman’s voice who had been giving orders during our last meeting. Her voice held a seductive quality that made me want to wake up but still, I fell once more into blackness.

  More time passed in the darkness with pieces of sentences and garbled words entering my brain here or there but all failed to rouse me. It was a soft caress against my cheek which finally caused me to awaken.

  When I opened my eyes I found Luc sitting in a chair near the bed, gazing at me warily. A magazine was in his lap. I frowned as I wondered if I had imagined the caress. He wouldn’t have been able to move back to the chair that quickly. At least, I didn’t think he would have been able to.

  “You’re awake,” He whispered as he rose, causing the thought to fade. He tilted his head as he studied me concerned, “Are you still hurting?”

  I moved my arm and when I felt no pain, I shook my head, “No,” I whispered as I blinked and gazed around a bedroom which was richly decorated but still obviously part of a motor home. I turned my gaze back to Luc, “How long have I been asleep?”

  “Two days,” he said as his eyes swept over me, searching for truth in my claim of wellness. When his eyes returned to mine, I couldn’t help but to stare. His eyes which had seemed to be a bright vivid green at first were actually a mixture of two shades of green…emerald and sea. They were beautiful made even more so by the long, thick eyelashes which surrounded them and the olive tone of his skin.

  I blinked and then, shook my head as I focused on his words, “Two days?” I asked as panic slammed through me, “My parents…”

  He swallowed visibly and there was a stiff silence before he shifted, “Hold on,” He said, looking down at his feet, “I’ll go get my mother. She wants to speak with you.”

  I frowned as he left the room and I tried not to assume the reasons why he seemed so uncomfortable. Still, my heart began to pound harder and faster as I waited. A metallic lump settled in my throat. Though tears threatened to come, I pushed them back. To cry would be to admit that something was wrong.

  A few moments later, the woman who had been giving the orders the day of the attack walked into the room. A frown marked her face and sadness and concern darkened her eyes.

  “Mary Jane,” she whispered as she sat on the edge of the bed and faced me, “My name is Sophia Brazil,” she said and then, nibbled on her bottom lip nervously as she glanced toward her son, “And this is Luc.”

  “He’s my betrothed,” I whispered and she nodded. Luc’s eyes swung upward, meeting mine in surprise. It was obvious that he hadn’t realized that I understood who he was.

  “I wanted to tell you who we were so you understood that we are connected to you,” she said, shifting again, “And to your parents.”

  “I understand,” I said as the lump in my throat grew larger. Her bottom lip trembled as she reached forward and grasped my hand.

  My breathing quickened as panic slid through me, “Please,” I whispered as I searched her face. The panic was evident in my voice, “Where are my parents?”

  Sophia closed her eyes, causing the tears to break free and slide down her face in wet jagged paths, “I’m sorry, Mary Jane,” she whispered as she finally met my eyes, “We tried to help them but your parents were killed before we reached them.”

  I frowned believing I had misunderstood. My parents couldn’t be dead. My heart ached as I searched Sophia’s face hoping to find something that denied it but instead, I only found the truth of it there. My parents were dead.

  I shook my head back and forth as a scream broke from me. I saw Luc hesitate for only a moment before he put his arms around me and rocked me back and forth. Even though I didn’t know him, his embrace was the only comfort I had. Sadly, comfort from a stranger was the only kind I would have now because I had only known my parents and they were gone.

  “Mary Jane, it will be alright,” Sophia said, trying her best to soothe me.

  I sobbed into my hands for a long time. When I was able to stop, my chest was aching. I raised my head and Luc finally released me. I blinked as I glanced around the bedroom not really seeing anything anymore.

  “Mary Jane, everything will be fine,” Sophia said, softly but the tone in her voice told me that she was trying to convince herself too.

  I shook my head, “No, it won’t,” I whispered, “I have no one now.”

  “That’s not true,” Sophia whispered, “I realize that you don’t know us but you do have us. We will protect you and love you. We are your family too.”

  I swallowed over the lump in my throat. A tremble shook through me as I lowered my head into my hands. No matter what Sophia said, I was alone. My mind conjured images of my parents and my heart shuttered. Nothing would ever be the same without them. I would never be the same without them.

  Chapter Two

  A Product of Revenge

  I didn’t know how long I cried. I wasn’t aware of time. The pain was the only thing I was able to pay attention to. It ripped through me, pulling my ribs apart and putting them back together while my heart was stabbed over and over again. Tears drenched my face in hot lines as I tried to catch my breath. When
I had begun to cry again, Luc was quick to comfort me and had begun to rock me in a steady rhythm that was becoming familiar. He didn’t speak. He only held me as I cried. Only the steady motion of his rocking and the thump of his heart kept my sanity from breaking into.

  Slowly, the pain subsided and only numbness remained. I trembled as I sat up and gazed at Luc as I tried to understand this man who had been chosen for me to marry.

  “Thank you,” I whispered not knowing what else to say. He had comforted me when he didn’t know me. I owed him something for that though I didn’t know what it was.

  He nodded and slowly released me but still said nothing. His face darkened in grief which nearly matched mine. My heart ached just gazing up at him and I had to turn away.

  “Why did this happen?” I asked in a tear roughened voice, “Why did they kill my parents?”

  Sophia swallowed, “You should rest,” she said, turning her gaze from me, “We can talk about this tomorrow.”

  “We can talk about it now,” I said, raising my chin as I kept my gaze on her, “I want to know. Did my mother or father do something to them?”

  “No,” Sophia said as the muscles in her face tightened and her eyes narrowed, “You don’t have to do anything to them to gain their hate. That was proven with your parent’s deaths.”

  I frowned as I stared at Sophia and shook my head, “There would have to be a reason,” I whispered and I turned to face Luc, hoping that he would tell me what his mother would not.

  The silence stretched as I stared up into Luc’s face, imploring him to give me an answer. His eyes met mine as he gave me a small nod, “There is a reason,” he whispered even though his mother shook her head in warning. Still, he continued in a tight voice, “The truth is, the werewolves who attacked your parents wanted revenge against us.”

  “Why?” I asked as I glanced from one of them to another.

  “Because of me,” A voice said from the doorway. A woman stepped through. She was only a year or two older than me. She possessed hair of chestnut brown that waved down to her shoulders. Her hazel eyes were beautiful but grief-stricken within her pale face. I saw that she would have a beautiful, wide smile if she had been smiling. She had wonderful curves and her belted black dress only accentuated that. She stepped further into the room and only then did I see that another woman walked close behind her.

  The other woman was much shorter than the woman before her. Even I stood taller than her. Her hair was long and black as raven’s feathers. Her eyes were a striking silver in color. Her skin was pale and her lips were almost as full as Sophia’s. In her arms she held a little girl who appeared to be almost a year old. The little girl had the same silver eyes as her mother but her hair seemed to be mixed with the same brown, black and blonde streaks as her uncle. When the woman stepped closer the little girl reached out for Sophia, who took her and held her close.

  I blinked and turned my attention back to the woman, who had taken the blame for my parent’s death. I frowned as I gazed up into her grief stricken face.

  “Why do you think that the attack was your fault?” I asked, peering up into her eyes.

  “I didn’t say it was my fault,” the woman said, raising her chin, “I said that it was because of me.”

  I pursed my lips in confusion and then, shook my head, “I don’t understand.”

  “Maybe I should introduce you first,” Sophia said and then, waved toward the smaller woman, “This is Aurora. She is married to my oldest son, Andre,” she said, giving Aurora a small smile before turning to the other woman, “This is Lilly. She is married to my son, Marco. Aurora and Lilly happen to be half-sisters. Aurora is the oldest.”

  I blinked surprised because honestly, they didn’t look similar at all. Still, I sensed the bond between them.

  Sophia caught my attention again when she spoke once more as she gazed lovingly into the little girl’s face, “And this beautiful baby girl is my granddaughter. She is Andre and Aurora’s daughter, Ruby.”

  I nodded, trying to be polite but I was too desperate for answers, “You said that the attack was because of you?” I asked, facing Lilly. The woman nodded.

  “It’s because of us really,” Aurora said with a long, mournful sigh.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, frowning. They glanced at one another and then, Aurora stepped forward. Her face had darkened in sadness and anger.

  “I think I should go first,” Aurora said, glancing at Lilly and she nodded. Finally, her silver eyes met mine, “I was conceived in rape though my mother didn’t tell me that until I came here. My father’s name is Emilian Grey. He is the Alpha of the pack that attacked your parents.”

  My eyes had widened considerably, “Your father did this to my family?”

  “Yes,” she whispered but her eyes blazed with anger.

  “I still don’t understand,” I said, glancing around the room before my gaze landed back on Aurora.

  “He found out about me shortly after I was born,” she said, raising her chin, “My mother entered the agreement of my betrothal with Sophia. My father was angry about that. He had his own choice…A man named Garridan was who he chose for me. I was lucky. Garridan did not truly want me. He just wanted to be released from his pack. Since my father wouldn’t do that, only one of his offspring could. I released Garridan after my father kidnapped me. He helped me to escape and I have bonded with Andre every way I can. So, my father has no hopes of forcing me into his family. However, he did forcibly blood bond with my mother, Fiona. She’s with him now.”

  I trembled as she said this. The blood bond was the strongest bond of a werewolf. Not even death would break it. If one died the other would soon follow.

  “I think it’s my turn now,” Lilly said, stepping forward as I met her eyes. She bit her lip nervously as she began in a voice which trembled with emotion, “I knew about our father, though I did not have any knowledge of Aurora until I arrived here. My step-father, Ion, who is actually our father’s brother, told me. He also raped my mother and she made me pay for it,” I noticed that Lilly’s eyes hardened as she said this, “I never had a mother who loved me because of him. Still, Sophia made a deal with my mother for my betrothal to her son, Marco and in the process, she saved my life. My mother would have aborted me. Our father found out about me and promised me to a man named Eli. On the night of my wedding, he stabbed me and tried to force a blood bond. Marco saved me by blood bonding with me before Eli could.”

  My mouth dropped open and I could feel pity so absolute for Lilly that I couldn’t hide it but she smiled, “Don’t worry,” Lilly whispered, “Marco loves me and I love him. So don’t feel sorry for me. I have a good life now. Still, Eli is the one who killed your parents though I don’t think that was his intentions. I think he meant to kidnap you as revenge because he didn’t gain me for a mate. He was determined to take a mate for himself who was promised to this family.”

  “So, I was just a product of revenge and so were my parents?” I asked, narrowing my eyes, “Well, I hope you don’t mind if I say that I hope your father dies for his part in this and I wish the same on Eli.”

  Aurora stepped forward again, “Eli has started a war with us,” she said, raising her chin, “He will die but my father…If you kill him, you will kill my mother. She is an innocent.”

  I winced and then, nodded my head. I would not harm someone who was innocent. However, Eli would meet his end and if I had any choice, it would be by my own hand.


  My parents were buried in a quaint but beautiful graveyard less than a mile from the Brazil’s motor home park the next day. Sophia had chosen the location specifically for me. She wanted to make it possible for me to visit my parent’s graves any time that I wanted. She had chosen two plots beneath a large tree because she wanted their resting places to be peaceful and private because that is how she thought of them…peaceful and private.

  She was right. I glanced around realizing that this was the place they would have p
icked if they had been able. Sadly, Sophia’s careful and thoughtful planning did not take away from my grief as I stood beneath the tree with people who I did not know. I stood stoically beside my parent’s caskets trying to hold in tears that came anyway. I stared at the smooth wooden lids with the knowledge that I wouldn’t be able to view my parent’s faces one more time. Though that bothered me, I forced myself not to think of the reasons why as the tears became steady streams down my cheeks.

  Instead, I tried to pay attention to what the preacher was saying but no matter how much I tried, I only heard a muffled roar as my heart broke more and more with each minute that passed. Images of both my mother and father floated in front of me so clear that I trembled. My chest ached and I pressed my hand to my heart unable to hold in the sobs any longer.

  Sophia instantly pulled me to her as the preacher droned on. Distantly, I realized that Luc was holding my hand as I trembled and shook with my sobs. I didn’t pull away from him. Instead, I allowed him to caress my hand gently in his because on some level, I realized that he needed to and not because he was my betrothed. It was part of who he was.

  Minutes passed as the preacher tried to convey a promise of peace in his message before my sobs began to subside. Only then did the preacher’s words came to me and his question caused me to raise my head.

  “Does anyone wish to say anything about Stefan or Ella Lee?” He asked. I opened my mouth to answer but it was Sophia who pulled away from me. She rose, straightening her skirt as she did and walked to the end of the coffins to stand behind the pulpit which had been placed there for the funeral.

  She raised her chin and her eyes met mine as a small sob broke from between her lips. She swallowed the sound forcing herself to calm. She coughed and then, nodded once just before she began.

  “Stefan and Ella were important to my family. Stefan was my husband’s childhood friend. Ella was my best friend during the worst thing I have ever been through. If it wasn’t for her, I would be dead and so would my husband. They were caring people, who deserved more than to die without seeing their daughter married or their grandchildren. They deserved to grow old.”


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