The Silver Eyed Prince (Highest Royal Coven of Europe)

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The Silver Eyed Prince (Highest Royal Coven of Europe) Page 11

by VJ Dunraven

  “Yoodeleheehoooo!” Ben piped in.

  “Stop it, you guys!” Elizabeth glared at them.

  “Time for us to dematerialize.” Lela pulled Ben and Carlos by the ears as they neared Elizabeth's car, where Chad was leaning on a shiny black SUV next to it.

  “Bab-ba-yooouu!” Ben wiggled his fingers at her. “Tell us all about the gory details tomorrow.”

  “You guys have overactive imaginations!” Elizabeth called after them before turning towards her parking spot.

  “Hi.” Chad straightened as she approached. “Remember me? We met at the dining hall.”

  “Yeah.” Elizabeth nodded. “Chad, right?”

  “Right.” He inserted his hands in his jean pockets. “I was wondering. Do you have a ride home?”

  “Yeah.” Elizabeth flicked her chin towards her mom's old car.

  “Hmm. Can't say I'm not disappointed.” Chad eyed the ancient station wagon. “Sorry, I didn't mean your car.” He held up a hand in apology. “I meant—.”

  “I know.” Elizabeth patted the hood. “Don't worry. Its days are numbered. It's probably going to die soon.”

  Chad chuckled. “Where do you live?”


  “Hey, I live there, too. Would you, um—,” he cleared his throat and sent her a hopeful gaze, “maybe like to carpool? You know ... to save on gas?” He gestured at his vehicle. “I know it's an SUV, but it's an electric hybrid.”

  Elizabeth hesitated for a moment. “Uh—, I don't know if that's a good idea.”

  “It's a great idea. I can't be more than five or ten minutes away from you and from where we live, it's about forty- five minutes to get here. That's a lot of gas saved.”

  Elizabeth pondered for a minute. His SUV would certainly be more reliable and fuel-efficient than her old clunker, which she constantly feared would break down in the middle of the dark woods. Plus, her mom would be thankful for the money saved. “Okay,” she beamed, “as long as it's convenient for you to pick me up.”

  “Cool.” Chad whipped out his cell phone from his back pocket. “What's your phone number?”

  He punched-in the information she gave. “I'll call you right now. Save my number.”

  “Okay.” Elizabeth pulled out the phone that vibrated in her bag and added him under her favorites.

  “Do you want to start tomorrow? Text me your address.”

  “Sure.” Elizabeth quickly typed and pressed send.

  Chad checked his phone. “Got it.” He grinned, displaying the cute dimple on his chin.

  “Well—, see you tomorrow.” Elizabeth inserted her key in the door lock, thrilled to ride in a nice car with a hot guy who is actually pleasant, unlike—.

  “I'll call you when I'm on my way.” Chad boarded his SUV and pulled out of his parking space.

  She waved at him and got in her car. Then it occurred to her.

  Wait. Did she just agree to ride alone in the woods with a stranger who is a Deimon, alias—, God forbid—, a Vampire? Was she being practical or suicidal? Oh, shit-shit-shit! That darn angelic face of his, so cute and harmless, she'd totally lost her I.Q.!

  She grabbed her phone to call the whole thing off, but caught the reflection of Prince William in her rearview mirror, striding in her direction with a pronounced frown.

  Oh God, she gulped. What now?

  He tapped on her window.

  She opened it halfway. “Your Highness. Hi! Is there anything—?”

  “What was that about?” He braced an arm against the edge of the roof and bent to peer at her.

  “What do you mean?” She met his furious eyes before her gaze lowered to his lips. How could he be so hateful and kissable at the same time?

  “You agreed to ride with Gunter,” he said in a clipped tone. “Why?”

  “Gunter?” Elizabeth gave him a puzzled look. “You mean—, Chad Alistair?”

  “I don't care what he calls himself!” he snarled. “Answer my question.”

  “W-we're classmates,” his blazing eyes and cutting remark compelled her to explain. “He lives near me, so we decided to car—.”

  “We?” His eyebrows snapped together.

  “Y-yes, to save on—.”

  “We!” His voice rose and arrested whatever she had to say. “How long have you known him?” He shot her an imperious look. “Five minutes?”

  Elizabeth gaped at him, suddenly infuriated by his implication and unjustified meddling. “Your Highness, excuse me—, but I've already decided to carpool with Chad and I don't have to explain anything to you!”

  He glared at her in tensed silence.

  Elizabeth immediately regretted her outburst. His eyes narrowed and glowed wildly and his cheeks acquired a dark shade of red. She swallowed in apprehension, but feigned a brave façade and countered his gaze.

  “Don't do it,” he grated through clenched teeth. Then, to her utter surprise, he swiveled on his heel and stomped off without another word.

  What a weirdo! She made a face and stuck her tongue out at him, toying with the phone in her hand. Well, since he put it that way, she might as well do it. Mr. Mockery can go to hell for all she cares!

  She slipped the phone back in her bag. It's not as if Chad would jump on her while he's driving! The thought made her pause for a minute. Should she really trust a guy whom she just met? She must be nuts! She turned the ignition on, making a mental note of bringing a rope of garlic—, just in case. As she waited for the engine to warm up, her eyes drifted to the Prince's retreating figure. A pinch of remorse began to bother her.

  Why is she guilty for quarrelling with Mr. Mockery just now? She should be happy to get rid of him and yet ... she felt a sudden urge to apologize, never mind who started what or whose fault it was.

  Stop! She quickly turned away. You can't keep on thinking about him this way! He's a jerk, a scumbag, and a royal pain in the you-know-where. Focus on that!

  She threw another quick glance at the Prince, then hurriedly reversed out of her space and drove away.

  Chapter 18

  Sir Henry and Administrator Richard Stapleton’s Predicament

  Sir Henry stood with Richard by the large floor to ceiling windows in the council chamber overlooking the parking lot.

  “Was that the combat officer assigned to guard Lady Elizabeth?” Sir Henry watched the blond gentleman who boarded the black SUV.

  “Yes.” Richard pulled out a file from a drawer and opened it. “General Bradford sent his records this morning with a letter of high regard. His name is Alexus Chadwick Gunter.”

  “Alexus Chadwick Gunter ... Alexus Chadwick Gunter . . .” Sir Henry dribbled an index finger on his chin. “Sounds familiar to me.”

  Richard read the file. “He's European ... a Colonel. His peers call him Alec.”

  Sir Henry paused and wrinkled his brow. “He's not The Colonel Alec Gunter of the elite European Special Warfare Commandos, is he?”

  Richard scanned the paperwork. “Hmm ... in fact, he is the same one. And right now, he is working under the pseudonym Chad Alistair.”

  “Merciful Omni!” Sir Henry gaped. “He is the most decorated Brigade Commander of the Royal Army Assassins!”

  “He is also slated for promotion as Brigadier General.” Richard peered at him from the documents he was reading. “Ah, here, take a look at these.” He held the credentials with the Colonel's pictures for Sir Henry to examine. “He is terribly handsome, is he not? And a most eligible bachelor too.” Richard pointed a finger at the Colonel's resume.

  Sir Henry stared at the images and read the rest of the information, scrubbing his face with his hand. “This is not good.” He darted his eyes at Richard. “See here? It says that his hereditary bloodline is Alpha.” He beckoned Richard to come closer and study the document. “I don’t mind if he is overqualified to watch over Lady Elizabeth. She couldn't be in better hands, but a fine-looking Alpha Deimon like him might be—.”

  “A distraction?” Richard interjected with a glanc

  “Why yes!” Sir Henry began to pace. “Lady Elizabeth is young and impressionable. Being in the constant company of an Alpha Deimon like Colonel Gunter might interfere with her affections for our Prince. You mentioned he's single—.”

  “Yes. You're worried it might be inappropriate?” Richard took the file and closed it, training his gaze at Sir Henry.

  “Of course! She's beautiful and it's no secret that her particular breed is extremely attractive to the Alpha Deimons of our species! Colonel Gunter has yet to select a worthy mate! What if—?”

  Richard shook his head and held up his hands. “Let's not get ahead of ourselves.”

  “You're right.” Sir Henry sighed. “We cannot petition to abort Colonel Gunter's mission on the basis of his breed, looks, and marital status. He would be insulted and I do not fancy crossing a dangerous, high ranking assassin.” He threw an anxious glance at Richard.

  Richard met his eyes. “I agree. After all, we did request the best of the best from General Bradford. I'm sure that if he'd known the mission involved a Pure One, he would never dream of sending an Alpha Deimon of the highest order. Unfortunately, it's out of the question to reveal this information to the General so we'll just have to trust that the Colonel will stay focused.”

  “Yes. We can always take action if needed, but still—,” Sir Henry looked out the window and peered at the parking lot, “we should have been more specific with our request even without disclosure. Alas, it's too late now. I can see that Prince William is not pleased with the situation either.” He shook his head at the view below.

  Richard followed his gaze.

  After the Colonel had, left they watched with interest as the Prince swiftly strode with a furious gait towards Elizabeth's car.

  Chapter 19

  Colonel Alexus Gunter

  Colonel Alec Gunter sat in his SUV a few houses down the road as he watched Elizabeth go inside the yellow cottage. He had followed from a discreet distance, making sure she didn't notice. He waited a few minutes, listening and surveying the woods surrounding the house, which sat by itself far from the neighboring homes. Then, he changed into his black leather combat uniform, armed himself, and disembarked to investigate the perimeter.

  A half hour later, he headed back to his vehicle and resumed his vigil.

  This is bloody insane! He smacked his hand against the steering wheel. Why would General Bradford pull him from action just to baby-sit a Tainted girl? And a rather nice-looking one at that, he pondered, quickly smothering the thought of her big blue-violet eyes and perfect pink lips. He's a damn Colonel for goodness sake! Surely, a mere Lieutenant or Sergeant can do this type of job. Unless...

  He scrutinized the cottage with a frown. The details on the girl were classified, but not code red. However, he did suspect that something about her case seemed unusual.

  Keenly observant, he noted high-ranking European Royals, including Prince William XIV, glance in their direction earlier while he chatted with Elizabeth in the parking lot. The Prince even approached her after he'd left, a scene he witnessed on his rearview mirror. A mere Tainted girl would not interest a Royal of his caliber.

  He knew the Prince recognized him. His position as Colonel and Brigade Commander constantly placed him in contact with the Ruling European Coven. The Prince's reaction to his presence in civilian clothing indicated he'd figured out that he was working under cover.

  The first light of day broke into the horizon. Colonel Gunter checked his watch. Another hour and he could leave. Suspicions nagged him. Why were the European Royals interested in Elizabeth? And what in the blazes was Prince William XIV doing at Darian Hall?

  He looked up at the second story window where the girl's bedroom was.

  Elizabeth. Another Elizabeth.

  He recalled an old case he worked on that had gone cold. It had been the most important case of the previous century that challenged and baffled him the most. In fact, it was the only case he was in charge of that was left unsolved. To this day, he still wondered about what had happened to that particular Elizabeth. She even has the same color hair as this other Elizabeth....

  He sat up. Could it be? He shook his head after a brief contemplation. Really, Gunter! He reprimanded himself, there's no use obsessing over an unsolved case to mollify your bruised ego for failing to bring it to a conclusion. It was what it was. Cold.

  Sunbeams filtered through the trees. He squinted and put his dark sunglasses on, then turned the ignition. The Colonel cast a last thorough scan of the house and its surroundings. Perhaps there's more beneath the surface, he thought as he drove off, looking forward to unraveling the mysteries of his new task.

  Chapter 20

  Lady Catherine of Denmark

  Wednesday, January 12, 2011

  The Palladian Mansion

  Greenwich, Connecticut

  Catherine hurried across the courtyard to the walkway along the side of the mansion that led to the circular driveway in front. She wanted to catch up with Prince William and was relieved to find him there, talking to David and Philippe.

  “William!” She hastened towards him just as the silver Mercedes his cousins were riding in drove away. “Can I ride with you?”

  The Prince glanced at her and mounted his motorcycle. “Um, not today. Why don’t you ride with the twins as usual?” He nodded towards Silvia and Sophia who were boarding the yellow BMW convertible parked a few yards away.

  “But I haven't ridden with you since I got here,” she protested. “And you've been neglecting me.” She pouted prettily at him.

  “I'm in a rush.” He put his helmet on, cutting their conversation short. He kicked-started the engine, springing it to life with an angry roar. Catherine stepped back. Without even a wave goodbye, the Prince squeezed the accelerator and took off. She watched him speed down the long driveway to the immense iron gates of the estate until he disappeared from view.

  Crestfallen, a niggling concern came over her. She had been trying to comprehend his sudden change in behavior since that last week they spent with his cousins in Switzerland. He had been distant and had suddenly flown back to England without telling her. She was shocked to learn of their departure from his butler!

  Fortunately, her mother, the Marchioness, took it upon herself to inquire about their destination from her contacts at the private royal airport. Apparently, after a three-day stopover in England, the Prince and his cousins went on to America to study at the renowned academy, Darian Hall.

  Luckily, her mother managed to secure a last minute admission to the school for her. Thus, without a second thought, she followed and showed up at the Prince's Connecticut estate unannounced.

  How awkward that had been! The Prince didn't hide his annoyance, nor bothered to invite her to stay with him in his mansion! Oh—she was so hurt, but she didn't dare confront him! William always had a volatile temper that no one, not even she, must provoke.

  Nonetheless, she ended up asking the twins if she could stay with them in the townhouse at the back of the property. Thankfully they let her, albeit reluctantly.

  Still—, why did William dismiss her as if she was a nuisance? Had he tired of her? Catherine frowned, upset at the thought of their strange, bland relationship—if she could even call it a relationship!

  She spent five decades following him around. Everyone assumed they were betrothed, but the truth was, Prince William had never popped the question. Even though they kissed and spent some nights together, he never said anything romantic beyond liking her company or that she was pretty.

  And yes—she wanted more! She'd been yearning for that one thing he'd never offered her after all this time.

  A Commitment. Without it, did she truly have the right to demand his exclusive attention—, or was she making a fool of herself?

  “Catherine!” Sophia, one of the twins, called from the car. “Are you coming?”

  Startled, she quickly brushed away her nostalgia. “Yes.” She headed towards them and feigned a
smile to hide the turmoil she felt inside.

  What was she to him, then? A trophy to show off at Royal gatherings? A quick fix to satisfy his needs? But he never hid the fact that he had other lovers too—, so what exactly did she expect?

  Catherine sighed. Somewhere in the depths of her heart, she knew. She wished he returned her affections and loved her, like a certain Australian aristocrat did ... many years ago. She wanted him to cherish her that way—, that much!

  She heaved another poignant sigh and slid inside the car.

  Would she spend the rest of her life chasing him around? Was her decades-old devotion for naught? Catherine stared at her bare ring finger. He had never been displeased by her company before, nor avoided her openly the way he did now. Why the sudden change? Had someone else captured his elusive heart?

  Chapter 21

  The Former Queen’s Plight

  At the yellow cottage, Elizabeth's mother, the former Queen Elizabeth Gwendolyn XV, peered outside the window as a black SUV parked in front. “Elizabeth! Your friend is here!”

  Her daughter bounded down the steps. “Come say hello to Chad, Mom!” She sauntered to the door.

  Mom saw the tall, fair-haired gentleman walk towards the front porch. He rang the bell and turned slightly, revealing his face under the light.

  Mom froze. It couldn't be! She watched in panic as Elizabeth opened the door.

  “Hi! Come and meet my mom for a sec,” she heard her daughter say.

  “Sure,” she heard the gentleman reply.

  Mom dashed down the hallway towards the bathroom and listened to the sound of his boots on the hardwood floor inside the house.

  “Mom? Where are you? Chad is here!” Elizabeth's light footfalls approached the end of the hallway where she hid inside the restroom.

  Hastily, she pushed the lock and turned on the water. “I'm in the shower!”

  Elizabeth's footsteps paused by the bathroom door. “You were just standing by the window.” Her daughter tested the doorknob. “I thought you were going to say hello.”


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