The Silver Eyed Prince (Highest Royal Coven of Europe)

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The Silver Eyed Prince (Highest Royal Coven of Europe) Page 34

by VJ Dunraven

  Before she could make up her mind on what to do with the human, she saw General Bradford approaching.

  “Princess Sophia, Prince David said you are going to ride with me.” His eyes darted to the open trunk.

  Sophia swiftly closed the cargo compartment. “I was, but I took an interest in this nice car. If you don't mind, I would like to dispose of it myself.”

  General Bradford narrowed his eyes at her. “Is there anything in particular inside this vehicle that interests you?”

  Sophia felt flustered. Although she and her cousins had trained under him all her life and he was fond of her, she knew General Bradford was not to be trifled with. “Yes, there is.”

  The General's mouth lifted at the corners and his eyes settled on the trunk once again. “Very well. But I expect you to do all that is necessary for this encounter to be forgotten.”

  “I will dispose of the car and replace it with another just like it, and make certain my tracks are covered.”

  “Excellent.” The General inclined his head and turned to walk away.

  “General Bradford?” Sophia called after him, to thank him.

  He raised his hand without turning to face her. “Don’t mention it.”

  It took almost a half hour for Sophia to secretly carry the human male from the trunk, settle him into the back seat and search for his driver’s license. She discreetly lifted the car out of the ditch, careful not to attract unwanted assistance from the soldiers doing the clean-up. Then, as she got the car started, she located the human's residence in the car's navigation screen before driving away.

  The grandeur of his home astounded her. She parked and concealed the car a good distance from the house. After observing that the entire household was asleep, she ventured inside through an open window in the second floor to locate his room. The task was simple enough. The human had pictures of Elizabeth and him in his room, which aroused her curiosity even more.

  Fifteen minutes later, she had the human settled cozily in his bed. She felt his pulse again, but detected nothing.

  Alarmed, she pressed her ear to his chest and discovered that he had stopped breathing. She frantically gave him C.P.R., a method General Bradford had trained them to do on humans.

  She pinched his nose and raised his airway, fastening her lips to his to give him some oxygen. To her surprise, the human tasted sweet. She drew away to curb her baser instincts and focused her will on pumping his chest. After several strokes, she felt for his pulse again and was relieved to find that he had started breathing on his own.

  Sophia sat in vigil next to him on the bed. After several minutes, color began to tint his cheeks and lips once again. He was safe. Her presence was no longer needed, but somehow, she could not pull her gaze away from his face.

  She reached out to touch a strand of his blond hair that was almost the same color as hers. It felt silky. Her fingers drifted to his tawny brows. They were thick and well defined, arching over his closed lids fringed with long lashes. She gently pressed a curious finger on his lips. They were soft, supple,—and warm. She stared at his lips for a moment before an intriguing idea formed in her thoughts.

  What if—she stole a kiss? Just one—, no one will know. Just to taste that sweetness again—, to experience what it was like to kiss a human male. She leaned over, angled her head to indulge her fantasy... and discovered that she enjoyed it very much. Especially when the human was responding. She abruptly pulled away and found deep green eyes watching her.

  “W-who are you?” he asked in a weak voice.

  “Sshhh.” She placed her fingers over those perfect lips. “You're dreaming,” she whispered.

  “Please.” He grasped her wrist with a feeble hand. “Tell me your name.”

  Sophia hesitated, but then thought of what she needed to do before she left him. It really wouldn't matter if she told him her name. “Sophia. My name is Sophia.”

  “Sophia,” he murmured with a small smile before closing his eyes and floating away into another slumber.

  She regretfully caressed his cheek with her fingers.

  “I'm sorry,” she said softly in his ear. “But I have to erase your memory now.” She placed her palm on his forehead and wiped away all traces of his encounter with their race, all the way back to the beginning of the battle.

  After she was done, she took one last look at him. Unable to resist, she dropped a parting kiss on his lips. “Goodbye, Bryan.” She placed his I.D. on the bedside table and left as swiftly as she had come, through the open window.

  Chapter 66

  Rewards of the Faithful

  Institute of Bioscience


  Six months later

  Prince William followed Dr. Carl Goetsch, the top Bio-scientist at the Swiss research installation of the Highest Royal Coven of Europe, as he led him inside the sophisticated laboratory of the facility.

  “We've done everything, Your Highness.” The doctor unveiled the body lying on the aluminum stretcher.

  Prince William viewed the lifeless body of Colonel Alexus Gunter. General Maximillian Rochester had been instrumental to his rescue. He removed and hid his remains just before John Drake's men incinerated the fallen soldiers.

  Prince William examined the Colonel's injuries. His wounds have healed and the scientists at the Institute where he had ordered General Rochester to take him have repaired the massive damage to his heart.

  “As you can see, we have been successful in stimulating genetic regeneration.” Dr. Goetsch pointed at the faint scar on the Colonel's chest. “But what we cannot understand is why the Colonel has not responded to our efforts to rejuvenate him. All his wounds have mended and his cells have made a complete recovery. It is beyond our comprehension why he remains devoid of life.”

  Prince William regarded the angelic countenance of Colonel Alexus Gunter. He had kept his whereabouts unknown to Elizabeth until the institute scientists could give him a definite answer on his survival. He could not bear to let her grieve all over again, as she had done in the past few months if the scientists failed to revive him. She had been through so much already. He belatedly learned that aside from her Mother and Colonel Gunter, her human friend, Bryan, had also been a casualty.

  “Perhaps the Colonel had lost his will to live,” Prince William said to the baffled Dr. Goetsch.

  “But Your Highness, scientifically speaking—,”

  “No amount of medicine or science can mend a broken heart, Doctor Goetsch.” Prince William laid a hand on the Colonel's forehead.

  Dr. Goetsch looked even more perplexed.

  “Leave us.” The Prince waved a hand and the one-way glass observation decks surrounding the laboratory closed all at once.

  Dr. Goetsch hurriedly bowed, strode to the door, and closed it behind him.

  Prince William closed his eyes and muttered a petition to his father, the Omni. When he opened his eyes again, a brilliant white glow began to emanate from his hands.

  “Alpha Deimon Alexus.” He placed a hand over the Colonel's heart. “In the name of my father, The Omni, I summon you to rise.”

  The white glow in his hands intensified and from the Colonel's chest, it traveled slowly to every part of his body until his entire being was covered in blinding light.

  Colonel Alexus Gunter listened to the song playing in the distance. The magical voice sounded familiar and it beckoned to him like a long-lost friend. He fought his way through the darkness surrounding him, swinging his sword at the thorny branches blocking his way that kept catching on his massive wings. With every step he took, the voice of the maiden became more distinct, adding to his resoluteness to find her.

  As he burst out of the confinement of the treacherous forest, a glimmer of light flashed from afar. He replaced his sword in its scabbard on his back and spread his wings, propelling himself in the air towards the light.

  He found her sitting by the lake. She was facing the water, humming a tune as she rocked back and forth. Her long
waist-length red hair flailed softly in the breeze.

  Colonel Gunter gently alighted a few steps behind her and folded his immense, glistening wings.

  She looked over her shoulder and the blue-violet eyes he adored, lit up upon seeing him.

  “Chad!” she exclaimed with a wide smile.

  He went to her and wrapped his arms around her, enfolding her in the security of his strong wings.

  A small giggle sounded from her lap.

  The Colonel pulled away and stared in amazement at the rosy-cheeked, dark-haired baby in her arms who met his gaze with bright, yellow-green eyes.

  “And who could this be?” He pointed at the baby who clutched his finger and squealed in delight when he wiggled it.

  “He's my son,” a deep voice replied close to his ear and he flinched, turning abruptly to find silver eyes looking down at him.

  “Your Highness,” he whispered, his throat strangely parched, as if he hadn't spoken in a long while.

  “Alpha Deimon Alexus.” The Prince smiled at him. “It is good to see you again.”

  “Where am I?” He looked around the unfamiliar sterile surroundings. Elizabeth and the baby were nowhere to be found.

  “You are in a recovery facility,” the Prince replied. “You died in battle and our scientists restored you—, but you refused to live. Why?”

  “I've done my job, Your Highness. I see no reason to go on.”

  “Is that how much you love her?” The Prince's silver eyes bored into his.

  “Yes.” he countered his gaze. “Do you not despise me? Why did you summon me to come back?”

  “I wish for you to become my future son's mentor and guardian,” Prince William replied evenly.

  “Your future son?” He straightened, remembering the baby in Elizabeth's arms.

  “Yes. The one you've seen in your vision. He hasn't been born yet, but he shall be my sole heir, the future King of the Highest Royal Coven of Europe after me.”

  “But why me? What can I possibly teach the son of a King?”

  “You have proven yourself worthy, Alpha Deimon Alexus. You have given up your life and your beloved for the greater good. Because of your unquestioning obedience to the Will of the Omni, you have glorified His goodness, His trustworthiness and have exalted His sovereign love. You have carved an example for the rest of his creation to follow. Your faithfulness and unconditional love, earned you a place in my Father's kingdom. Him and I as one, entrusts in you the most precious lamb—, my only beloved Son.”

  The domed ceiling of the laboratory opened, revealing the thunder and lightning in the clouds. With a deafening roar, the heavens parted and a ray of light shone through, casting a brilliant luminescence upon the Colonel. A silver sword and shield fell from the skies, settling gently by his feet.

  “I appoint you as the Supreme Commander of the Omni's Army, to defend all that is good according to His Will.” The Prince lifted his palms upwards and three small silver-bound journals materialized in his hands. He offered them to the Colonel.

  “What are these?” He took the diaries and raised inquiring eyes at the Prince.

  “My letters to my future wife and my future son.” Prince William showed him two journals. One monogrammed with the letter E and one with the figures WLMXV. “I wish for you to hold them in your safekeeping. I shall instruct you when the right time comes to bestow them.”

  “What about the third one?” Colonel Gunther held up the last journal emblazoned with the Royal Army Coat of Arms, except for the two silver wings added on each side.

  “It is for you.” The Prince touched the book and it began to glow. “Upon my son's conception, six months for now, you must begin to read and learn about his upbringing. You shall love him as your own son, as much as you loved his mother, Elizabeth.”

  “I don't understand.” He looked searchingly at the Prince.

  “You will—, in time.” The Prince turned to walk towards the door. “Fortify yourself, Alpha Deimon Alexus. I expect you to be strong enough to return to England in four months.”

  Northern England

  Seat of the Highest Royal Coven of Europe

  Four months later

  “Ta-dah!” Ben squealed as he applied the final touches on Elizabeth's make-up in the opulent suite of rooms assigned to the bride, overlooking the courtyard below where the wedding was to take place. “You look ultra-magnetically fabulicious!”

  “Quit jumping around and hold this.” Lela pulled a pin from her mouth as Ben held Elizabeth's hair in place.

  “Achoo!” Carlos sniffled from a nearby chair. “I don't get why you have to wear that damn ostrich feather jacket,” he pointed at Ben's bolero. “You need to get rid of that or I'll de-feather—Wekkchooo!”

  “Thank you guys, for coming,” Elizabeth said as she stood for Ben and Lela to fix the train of her dress.

  “Well, we have to get ready,” Ben, said. “We'll see you downstairs. Yay, I'm so excited!” He piled out the door with Lela and Carlos, who let out another resounding sneeze.

  Elizabeth stared at her image in the mirror. Her dress was the same exquisite dress that her mother had worn when she married her father, King Edmund Royce Somerset XII. “I love you, Mom. I wish you were here,” she whispered, trying her best not to cry as her gaze settled on the reflection of the gilt-framed painting of her mother in the mirror that was hanging over the fireplace.

  Her eyes drifted to the silver chain on her neck that she refused to remove, no matter how convincing Ben was in insisting that it made no fashion sense. She fished out the twin silver tags nestled just inside her dress and her breath caught—, just as it always did, whenever she read the name that was prominently engraved on there. “I miss you, Chad,” she said softly against the metal plates in her clasp, holding back the tears that began to pool in her lids.

  “I missed you too, Princess,” a low, familiar voice said.

  She abruptly swung around, her heart pounding.

  “You look beautiful tonight.” Chad emerged from behind the arched doorway leading to the balcony overlooking the courtyard. He looked dashing in his formal evening attire, healthy and vital as before, as if he had never been ravaged in battle.

  She covered her mouth in shock and with a strangled sob, rushed into his arms. They hugged for a long time.

  “Sshh, don't cry.” He lifted her chin and wiped off the wetness on her lashes. “Ben is going to kill me if you destroy your make-up. You don’t want me dead again, do you?” He smiled and the dimple on his chin deepened.

  “Oh, Chad, how—?”

  “One of the Generals smuggled me out of the battlefield and the Prince—, he's the one who truly saved me.”

  “William? But how?”

  “It's a long story that can wait for another day, but this is what I know—,” he looked at her with those intelligent scarlet eyes. “He saved me because he loves you.”

  Elizabeth was at a loss for words. William had always resented her fondness for Chad, but in the end, his love for her prevailed over his jealousy.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  “I'll see you at the ceremony.” Chad kissed her hand and disappeared onto the balcony.

  Elizabeth opened the door to the handsome countenance of her father, the former King Edmund Royce XII, who had come out of seclusion as soon as she arrived in England about ten months earlier. They spent each day in each other's company, talking about her mother and their lives apart.

  “You remind me of your mother.” He kissed her forehead. “You are as beautiful as she was on our wedding day.”

  “Oh, Papa, thank you.” She embraced him.

  They made their way through the hallway, down the winding staircase, through another corridor, until they finally reached the courtyard. She waved at Sir Henry and Administrator Richard Stapleton who sat with her friends in one of the rows.

  The violins began to play and her father led her to her waiting groom, the newly crowned King William Erik XIV, who looked dev
astatingly handsome in his tuxedo.

  He claimed her hand from her father and bestowed her with such a tender smile that reminded her of that first time they encountered each other at that dark creek in Combat class.

  Her heart filled to overflowing with her love for him. She wanted to thank him for loving her—, in spite of her many faults. For saving Chad—, in spite of the animosity she had unwittingly instigated between them. For everything—, and every little thing she could think of that showed how much he cared.


  “I know.” He kissed her soundly in front of everyone.

  The Royal Council Minister cleared his throat. “Your Majesty, we're not at that part yet,” he muttered under his breath.

  The Prince released her with a sheepish grin and they both faced the Minister who glared at his book in embarrassment.

  “Dearly beloved,” the red-faced Minister began with a quick peek over the book at them.

  William squeezed her hand and glanced sideways at her as they took their first step to a fascinating, adventure-filled life together.

  Dear Readers,

  Thank you for reading The Silver Eyed Prince, the first book in the Highest Royal Coven of Europe series. I hope you enjoyed the story and found the hidden life lessons in every chapter you have read. By now, you all know that The Silver Eyed Prince is more than just a tale. It is a chronicle of events that happen in our daily lives interpreted in fantasy form, so you can look through your own lives with a different set of eyes.

  The Silver Eyed Prince teaches you about friendship, trust, kindness, loyalty, and sacrifice for the better good. Most importantly, it shows you the power of faith, unconditional love, and the wisdom of forgiveness.

  I hope I have been successful in imparting all these elements to you. May you keep this knowledge and share it with others.

  My best to you always,

  VJ Dunraven


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