Ms Amazing: Vigilante Justice (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril) (Synne City Super Heroines in Peril Series)

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Ms Amazing: Vigilante Justice (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril) (Synne City Super Heroines in Peril Series) Page 2

by JK Waylon

  "Good question," she said. "Witches are all Amazons just like us, who petitioned to become super heroines. Only when they received their Object of Power, they didn't just get super strength and endurance, but magical powers. So they become part of the Council. What that means, I don't know." She gave Amazing Girl a hard look. "Witches are very rare, but there is a chance you'll be a witch. Witches do not become super heroines. They have more important things to do."

  "Where do the evil witches come from?" Amazing Girl said. "I know of several running loose in Synne City alone."

  "Not all Amazons are good at heart. Some get their Objects of Power and immediately run off to become criminals," Ms Amazing said. Her new sidekick gasped, eyes huge. "Yes, it's true. I know Glory Gal had a sidekick two years ago who immediately ran off and became a vicious villainess in Megah City. And Gold Avenger's first sidekick was captured and "turned" to evil by her captors."


  "Exactly," Ms Amazing said, scowling. "Unfortunately, and thank the goddess it's virtually unknown, but Amazons are highly susceptible to brainwashing. During a climax and immediately afterwards, our minds are extremely malleable. That is why such a high percentage of our Amazon sisters are porn stars and prostitutes. It's why we almost never escape white slavery."

  "Oh. You mean I can be brainwashed…" Amazing Girl snapped her fingers. "…Like that?"

  "Not exactly, but kinda," Ms Amazing said. "Some Amazons are more resistant, but even I can be tamed and made pliable with sex. The more abusive, the more a captor tells an Amazon what a worthless piece of crap she is during sex, especially right after forcing her to climax, the more she will believe it."

  Just talking about it energized Ms Amazing's libido. Her belly filled with butterflies and her pussy tingled. She felt her juices start trickling out, getting her wet. So she sucked in a deep, steadying break as she clamped down on her emotions and needs.

  "Stockholm Syndrome?"

  "Not exactly, but it can have the same result," Ms Amazing said. "You even have to be wary of boyfriends. Sex with a positive, empowering boyfriend is safe enough," she said. "But an abusive boyfriend can quickly turn the most powerful Amazon and super heroine into his pathetic sex slave."

  Amazing Girl looked horrified. "But…but I'm so horny all the time. From what you say, I shouldn't ever have sex again."

  Ms Amazing gave her a sympathic look. She really wanted to change the subject, because it was doing a number on her inside. Even her mind was getting a little numb as her body got more and more aroused.

  "Celibacy is safest," Ms Amazing said. She bit her lip. "I personally have chosen celibacy. It isn't easy, because one of the traits of an Amazon is an incredibly powerful sex drive. Yeah, we're all super horny super heroines." After another deep breath, "I have been all but subjugated by a strong 'boyfriend' before. For six months I wasn’t mentally able to be Ms Amazing, and I was just at his beck and call twenty-four seven. Thank the goddess some of my super heroine friends finally realized what was happening and rescued me."

  That admission, and memory, left her breathless, pussy throbbing. Her breasts and nipples were tingling, and the butterflies were burned away by the beginning of an all too familiar liquidy heat that would turn her insides into mush if she didn't get a handle on it.

  "That sucks monster balls," Amazing Girl said, starting to squirm.

  "Yeah, I've done that, too," she said, and laughed with a slight cringe. Amazing Girl's eyes were huge as she stared at her mentor. "But that's a story for another day." She leaned forward, with a fierce grin. "But mostly we kick major criminal butt. And we kick it good and hard, too."

  Amazing Girl’s big blue eyes lit up. Talk of kicking butt helped Ms Amazing regain control of her raging body. Anger helped, too. Right now she didn't have anything to be angry about, so tough talk it was.

  “Yeah! That’s what I want do, Ms Amazing,” she said. “I want to protect the helpless and put criminals in prison. I’m studying to be a cop in college.”

  “I know. We’ll discuss that at another time,” Ms Amazing said. “Let’s go on patrol and get your feet wet.”

  “Are you sure?” Amazing Girl said, with a sly look. “After all, these boots you gave me are Christian Louboutin. They’re worth more than my entire wardrobe.”

  The sexy super heroine just laughed, and headed for the elevator down into her subterranean garage. She kept two Ms Amazing Mobiles and four red, white, and blue racing motorcycles as well. Though she could fly, it was a strain to do so all night. Besides conserving her energy, a car made a good command post for her nightly patrols, as well as a place to store gear she might need.

  She showed her new sidekick around the super secret Amazing Cave, while Amazing Girl gawked, oohed, and awed at it all. There were computer stations, another dressing room, full bathroom, and even a few barred cells with enchanted doors to hold otherworldly creatures. Down a side corridor were a dojo for martial arts practice and a weight room.

  Her Amazing Cave was a magically created cave, with a long corridor to a secret access point five miles from Daul Manor. That entry was also enchanted, set to only allow her inside. Only a witch could see it from outside, and even that would be difficult.

  In no time they were racing down that corridor and were soon on the highway into Synne City. While she was relaxed, having gone on thousands of patrols, Amazing Girl squirmed and fidgeted.

  “Relax, sweetie, it’ll all be fine,” Ms Amazing said. “I doubt we’ll see anything major tonight. Mostly I want you to stand back and watch how I deal with any problems.”

  “So I want see any action tonight?”

  “Oh, you probably will,” she said. “We have to be careful you don’t go up against armed men, though. Not until you get your power belt, anyway.”

  Amazing Girl nodded, caressing the faux power belt around her narrow waist. It was just a pretty fashion accessory to fill in until the real deal arrived.

  They went straight to the most crime-infested district in Synne City — the Tenderloin. It was a former warehouse district just east of downtown, that had slowly evolved into a club district, and then into a red light district. The hotels and motels were full of hookers and pimps, the streets and alleys filled with pushers and street people. Businessmen had a bad habit of cruising through after work, and picking up a whore for a quickie before going home to the wife and family. The Synne City super heroines had been trying to clean up that bastion of crime and debauchery for decades. It was their only true losing battle.

  “Wow,” Amazing Girl said. “I’ve heard of the Tenderloin, but I’ve never been here before.” Her eyes were big as she looked at pushers, pimps, and prostitutes through the window. The low lifes all seemed to want to hurry away as they passed, except the hookers. They were one and all defiant and yelled insults and threats as they passed.

  “They’re only brave because few super heroines hassle them, since we know they are victims of the pimps,” Ms Amazing said. “But if one of them challenges you openly, knock her ass down fast and hard. Teach her a lesson she won’t soon forget. If you don’t, then word will spread fast and you’ll have ever two-bit crack whore in your face for the next six months.”

  “Basically, the denizens of the Tenderloin only respect strength,” Amazing Girl said, nodding. “I understand.”

  “Yes, though really it’s violence they respect,” Ms Amazing said. “They only respect the people they are afraid of, and they aren’t afraid of many.”

  “Well, they better not…Oh! That alley we just passed,” Amazing Girl said. “Think I saw a man beating a girl.”

  Ms Amazing slammed on the brakes. There were no empty parking places, so she hit the gas and whipped into the next alley. Leaving the car in the alley, she raced back towards the last alley they passed. Amazing Girl kept up easily. Sometimes the new sidekicks have trouble running in their sky high heels. She didn’t appear to be having any trouble whatsoever, which just gave the raven-maned super heroine
more confidence she’d make it as a costumed vigilante.

  They ran into the dark alley to find a big red-headed man pounding his fists into the face and belly of a petite Asian woman. He was decked out in a dark gray, pin-striped suit, while she was all sexed up in a hot pink minidress, a ton of cheap, shiny bling, and sky high heels. She looked all but oblivious to the world.

  “Jax! I warned you!” Ms Amazing cried. The hated pimp turned hostile eyes on her and Amazing Girl. He was six feet, six inches of pure bad attitude. “You realize I am going to send your big stupid ass back to jail, and you’ll get a full six months this time.”

  “Fuck you, Ms Asshole,” he sneered. “I knocked your fat ass out last time we fought, and the only thing that saved you from being one of my girls was Gold Avenger and her bimbo sidekick.”

  That setback was so embarrassing. In the middle of their fight, in broad daylight, she had him on the ropes and was ready to throw the knockout punch. That fight was all hers, until a young boy ran up calling her name. She looked at the boy, and Jax saw his chance. He was big and strong, and hit her in the chin with a powerful uppercut. Knocked her up off her feet, and when she hit the ground, Jax kicked her in the head. She woke up just a few minutes later, but Gold Avenger and Golden Girl had already dropped out of the sky and dealt with Jax.

  That bitch Gold Avenger had mentioned it several times since. Yeah, super heroine competition was fierce, but they were ultimately all best friends.

  “A lucky punch, due to a citizen distracting me,” she said, striking an arrogant pose. “I won’t be distracted this time.” She turned to Amazing Girl, "Make sure Jade doesn't interfere."

  Amazing Girl looked confused, glancing at the dazed looking hooker. She'd stumbled over to the wall, leaning heavily on it to keep her feet.

  "Okay," she said. Amazing Girl moved up close to the hooker, who still didn't appear too coherent. "I got your back, Ms Amazing."

  "Don't be fooled by her, Amazing Girl." She narrowed baby blues at Jade. "Nothing perks a hooker up like beating up her pimp."

  "You are one amazingly stuck up bitch," Jax sneered. He looked menacing, big and muscular. She'd fought him three times, and defeated him handily the first two. "I'm going to kick the bloody snot outta you, and then put both you and your pretty little sidekick to working hooking for me."

  "That'll be the day, miscreant," she sneered.

  "Yeah, it'll be my day," he said, moving closer, eyes narrowing. "And that day is...Today!"

  Ms Amazing watched him charge her, presenting a brave face. She held her pose until the last second, and then spun around in a blur to land a brutal roundhouse to the side of his head. Jax flipped over, but his momentum carried him through the super heroine. Ms Amazing was bowled over, feeling rather foolish to be taken down like that on the first patrol with her new sidekick.

  Jax rolled over her, his hands clutching at her. She wiggled and squirmed, and avoided him getting a grip on her. Ms Amazing regained her feet first. Jax got up slower, obviously suffering from her kick to the head. She grinned at him, and kicked at his chin. He blocked her kick aside, and tried to grab her ankle. The shapely super heroine avoided being caught again, and drove a sharp stiletto into his foot.

  "Aaagghhh! Bitch!" Jax cried, and then backhanded her.

  "Ugh," Ms Amazing grunted, spun around.

  "Ack! Bitch!" Jade cried.

  "Stop it," Amazing Girl shouted.

  Ms Amazing tried to look towards her sidekick, but Jax attacked again. He threw an uppercut, that she avoided by a hair. She brought her knee up, but he twisted and took the hit in the hip. Ms Amazing pushed him away, and was about the throw a roundhouse to the face to end the fight when Amazing Girl cried out in shock.

  "No!" the pretty blonde sidekick cried. "Watch out, Ms Amazing!"

  A quick glance showed Amazing Girl was struggling alone on the ground…handcuffed? Jade was racing towards her, face full of rage. Jax made his move.

  She sensed him closing with her, so kicked blindly and connected with his nuts. "Take that."

  "Ooooh, damn….you," he gasped out, clutching his brutalized genitals as he fell to his knees.

  She smirked, and hit him in the face with three powerful punches. Jax was unconscious before his head bounced off the pavement. Jade plowed into her back a second later. Ms Amazing was driven face first into a brick wall. The impact staggered them both, but the sexy super heroine recovered first. She backhanded Jade, before kicking away her feet.

  In a flash, Ms Amazing was on the writhing, screaming hooker. She yanked off one of her own red opera gloves, and used it to first bind Jade's wrists, and then tie them to her ankles. When she stood up, the hooker was hogtied next to her unconscious pimp.

  "Um, Ms Amazing?" Amazing Girl said, rather sheepishly.

  "I warned you about hookers," Ms Amazing said. "Let that be a lesson. Never underestimate or turn your back on anyone in this district."

  "Lesson learned," Amazing Girl said, hanging her head. "I just looked away from her for a second, and then she was all over me. I never even knew she had handcuffs until she locked me into them. So embarrassing."

  "Don't worry about it," Ms Amazing said. She reached into the top of her left thigh boot, and removed the handcuff key from a tiny pocket sewn into the lining. She removed the handcuffs, and then placed them on Jax. "There, maybe the police will even give her cuffs back. Speaking of…"

  Flashing red and blue lights filled the dark alley as a police squad car pulled in. Ms Amazing advised the two officers that she caught Jax beating Jade, and then he attacked her. Jade attacked Amazing Girl, and then her, so both of them were guilty of multiple counts of assault and battery. The police handcuffed Jade, and returned Ms Amazing's glove. So both the pimp and the hooker were arrested and taken away.

  "Now what?" Amazing Girl said.

  Ms Amazing was smoothing her wrinkled opera glove, nose scrunched. She really hated looking anything but perfect. Tousled and disheveled super heroines didn't inspire dread. They had to kick ass, and remain super model perfect doing so.

  "We walk the streets, what we super heroines call showing out colors," Ms Amazing said, indicating her costume. "We let the miscreants know we are watching, and ready to take them out."

  "You think I'll have a chance to redeem myself tonight?"

  "Undoubtedly," she said, and gave her sidekick a hug. "We all have our little…um…setbacks, now and again. It's all part of the job."

  They hit the streets of the Tenderloin. Ms Amazing struck an arrogant strut, giving any and all hard, disapproving stares. Amazing Girl did her best to emulate her mentor. The street people all stepped aside at their approach, most dropping their eyes and pretending they weren't there. Some, though, watched with supreme interest. Everyone was interested when a new heroine appeared.

  As they passed another alley, Ms Amazing heard something amiss.

  "Hurry down the alley, Amazing Girl," Ms Amazing said. "Something's going down. You hit them low, and I'll hit them high."

  With that, Ms Amazing leapt into the air and flew into the alley. Amazing Girl almost squealed with delight as she raced into the dark alley. Ms Amazing only flew about twenty feet up as she flew down the alley, her eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness. Within seconds she spotted a mugging going down. Three men holding a third at gunpoint, and she watched as he fumblingly handed over his wallet. He looked like your average middle manager type, in a suit and loosened tie. The muggers were all in jeans and t-shirts.

  They heard Amazing Girl's heels on the concrete and turned her way. That's when Ms Amazing remembered her pretty blonde protégé didn't have any protection from missile weapons, like guns.

  "Looking for me, boys?" Ms Amazing said straight above them.

  "What the…shit!" one of the cried. "We're surrounded!"

  Ms Amazing dropped straight down, landing between the muggers and muggie. She ripped the pistol out of the hand of the gun-wielder, and thrust kicked him straight across the alle
y to bounce off the wall. The other two split up and raced away.

  "Get him, Amazing Girl!" she called, and took off after the other.

  Using her ability to fly, she caught him in less than five seconds, picked him up twenty feet and dropped him. Dropping in front of the dazed and staggering mugger, she smashed a brutal uppercut to put him down for the count. Then she dropped to one knee to remove his belt and bound his wrists, while watching her sidekick deal with the last mugger.

  Amazing Girl raced up to the fleeing mugger and leapt at him with a flying roundhouse. He ducked under her, and kept running. The sidekick growled, and took off after him. Ms Amazing was impressed with how fast she was in high heels, even without a power belt. Amazing Girl caught him at the end of the alley, jumped up and kicked him between the shoulder blades. The mugger was forced to plow head first into the side of a parked car.

  "Good job, Amazing Girl! Now bind his wrists behind his back," Ms Amazing called. "Use his belt. And then drag his stupid butt back down here with the others."

  The mugger Ms Amazing caught had the victim's wallet, so she returned it when she dragged her captive back. He'd already used his cell phone to call 911, and advised Ms Amazing the police were on the way. She got the victim's story as she bound the gunman's wrists with his belt.

  "Let this be a lesson to you, good citizen," she said, not really thinking he was such a good husband. "The Tenderloin is filled with criminals eager for someone like you to victimize. The muggers who grabbed you were actually a lot nicer and gentler than most. Most of them would beat you bloody, if not kill you outright, and then rob you. When you get off work, just go home to your wife and kids."

  "Yes, ma'am," he said, looking shamefaced. He couldn't look at either of the heroines. Ms Amazing thought it was a first, since even the victims she rescued tended to stare at her tits. "I won't make this mistake again."

  "Good man," she said as the police finally arrived.

  Like at the first scene, Ms Amazing and Amazing Girl were allowed to write out statements on site. The victim was taken back to the station. Yeah, his wife would find out about his little "detour" to Synne City's most notorious red light district.


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