Ms Amazing: Vigilante Justice (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril) (Synne City Super Heroines in Peril Series)

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Ms Amazing: Vigilante Justice (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril) (Synne City Super Heroines in Peril Series) Page 6

by JK Waylon

  "The charity for homeless children," she gasped out, finally free of Armand's lips.

  The last thing she remembered was taking pictures with Amazing Girl, Armand, and Sylvia. And then she woke up, sticky with cum and sweat. Naked at the day she was born. Really powerful Ultra Bliss did that do you. It turned you into a raving sex maniac, while suppressing the mind's ability to retain any memories. So she'd never know what she did, and who she did it with. Except for Armand, jumping on her before she got away.

  Armand brought her back to the here and now by pinching and twisting her sensitive nipples, pulling on them. Shaking them and making her big boobs jostle and slosh around.

  "Aagghh," she cried, forgetting everything but Armand up her butt, thrusting hard and fast. "Be…be….be gent….Uuugggghhh."

  Her body exploded with pleasure. Barbara bucked and writhed within his tight arms, as he became frantic in his thrusting. She felt another hot tingly rush as he started coming inside her, crying out his joy.

  "Goddess help me!" Barbara cried. "Oooooh. Uuuggghh."

  Finally, satisfied, Armand stopped thrusting and his cock slowly deflated inside her. And then he fell back, slipping out of her. Barbara sighed, feeling suddenly empty oddly enough. Falling back to all fours, she huffed and puffed a long moment, before starting to look around for her clothes.


  "Those freaking misogynists! They only took the women's clothes!" she cried.

  Various articles of male clothing was scattered all over the place, though few men wore more than their socks at the moment. No one had any jewelry, and she didn't see any more than bits of lingerie and high heels on the women.

  Staggering to her feet, she stumbled around looking for Lynda. Or was it Amazing Girl? She'd have to be careful if her protégé was still in costume. But her worried proved unnecessary, for Lynda wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing. She was also sound asleep between two men. One was Donald Melton of the Daul Board of Directors, the other some young man she didn't recognize.

  "Lynda, wake up," she said, shaking the naked coed. As soon as Lynda's eyes popped open, she hastily laid a finger across her lips. "Shhh, sweetie. It's all right. Everyone was struck down by Ultra Bliss. It's just now starting to wear off. Let's get out of here."

  Helping Lynda to her wobbly feet, she took her hand and headed for the front door. They had to carefully pick their way through the writhing bodies. Even though the drug had worn off, many were still enjoying their wild abandonment.

  "Oh, Barbara, out clothes are — " Lynda started, turning to look toward the corridor leading to the secret super heroine room.

  "Gone! The robbers stripped all of the women, taking jewelry and everything," she said, cutting her protégé off. "It's the crime of the century, and it's all Armand Germaine's fault!"

  They were just passing through the front entry when she made that declaration. People inside and out turned to regard her, and many started nodding.

  "Armand organized the worst event in Synne City history!" Barbara cried. "What a disaster! Hell, his handling of this…this…travesty! Is a crime itself! Where was the security?"

  Suddenly, all of those naked, still horny reporters and audience members started nodding, and discussing it among themselves. Barbara smiled, knowing the seeds to Armand's downfall were sewn. Later the next day she would lambast him on TV, before all media venues. Oh, she had him where she wanted him, and wasn't going to let go!

  "Armand Germaine is an utter disgrace! I demand the mayor order a criminal investigation into how he organized this event, and find out if there was any security to protect all of his rich and powerful guests!"

  "Wow, you're good," Lynda said under her breath.

  "Sweetie, you haven't seen anything yet," Barbara said, baby blues narrowing even as her lips curled into a wicked little smile.

  Chapter 5

  Ms Amazing smiled as she studied her face in the mirror. No one at the event remembered anything after the initial burst of climaxes. No one remembered Ms Amazing and Amazing Girl being stripped, unmasked, and fucked. Heck, no one was even bringing up the fact those two costumed vigilantes were there when it all went down.

  Our secrets are still safe, she thought, feeling a profound sense of relief.

  Amazing Girl was already dressed and ready to go. She shook her head with a smile, marveling at youthful enthusiasm. She cut her eyes, watching Amazing Girl in the mirror. Her sexy blonde protégé looked just as eager and perky as before the charity event disaster.

  I was right about her, Ms Amazing thought. She's already put the fact she was caught and abused behind her. A true Amazon. No normal woman could do that.

  After touching up her red lip gloss, she fluffed her long, black hair and carefully put her mask on. It was held to her face by double-side tape. After ten years in the costumed vigilante business, she was used to it. Lynda still made a face when she put her mask on. It was an acquired taste.

  She was already wearing Ms Amazing blue bustier, red choker, and red short-shorts. Next she put on her blue thigh boots and red opera gloves. Last of all, she fastened the faux power belt around her narrow waist, so annoyed there was no heady, sexy surge of Power. It was such an erotically wonderful feeling too. She always enjoyed it way too much.

  "I'm almost done, Perky Girl," Ms Amazing said, grinning at Amazing Girl's momentary confusion. "Call up the elevator, please."

  "Ha! Yes! I am perky," she said. "Some people find that annoying."

  "They're just a bunch of surly pessimists," Ms Amazing said. "Ignore them. I find your enthusiasm and lust for life delightful."

  "Not only am I delightful," the protégé said, walking over and pushing the elevator button. "But word on the street is I am…amazing!"

  "I know, that's why I recruited you to be my Amazing Girl," the raven-maned super heroine said. The elevator arrived with a ding. "Ah, time to party with Danica! Let's go get my power belt back, shall we?"

  "Oh, lets," Amazing Girl said with a fierce smile. "And kick a lot of mobster butt while doing it, too."

  "Oh, baby, talk dirty to me," Ms Amazing said, and they laughed as she led Amazing Girl onto the elevator.

  Ms Amazing was feeling pretty good. Three of her four best informants said that Danica had her stolen costume on display in her mansion's game room. That included her power belt, which was all she really cared about. She was so afraid Danica would sell it, or hire some unscrupulous scientist to reverse engineer it. Of course, that would only result in the destruction of her Object of Power, because those scientific morons couldn't get it through their heads that you cannot reverse engineer magic. Can't be done. In ten years, she's had three power belts destroyed like that.

  The Council of Witches got really irritated if they were asked to create another Object of Power, too. Last time they made her wait a whole month for the replacement.

  As they rode down in the elevator, Ms Amazing's very special cell phone rang. She pulled it out of her right boot. The phone was extremely tough and durable, and about the size of a credit card. Very high tech that Daul Enterprises R&D was working on. The ring tone told her it was her Barbara Daul persona they caller was calling.

  "Hello, Barbara speaking, how may I help you?" she said. The phone didn't have a display, so all calls were blind.

  "Barbara, it's Amon," the familiar voice said. She recalled that he was a the event, and pretty near her when the robbers gassed them all. Made her wonder if she fucked him or not. "How are you holding up?"

  "I’m fine, Amon," she said. "Thankfully, they used such a powerful dosage no one seems able to remember a thing, including me. I wonder who they forced me to sleep with, but since there is no way to find out I am able to set it aside a lot easier.

  "Exactly! I'm grateful for that," he said, but didn't sound grateful. She smiled. As a man, he probably really, really wanted to know just who he got lucky with.

  She didn't know if she would ever go there, but what the hey. Ms Amazing smiled as her
baby blues narrowed. Amon, or anyone else on the board, wouldn't like what she was about to say, but she wanted it front and center in their thoughts when they thought about Armand.

  "Another thing, Armand's criminal oversight in the event's security left everyone there willing to screw anyone. Gender was not a consideration, just availability." She smiled when he grunted. Ms Amazing suspected he hadn't considered that angle. "I only recall the last man to have me, and the goddess only knows who else, including other women. That would be so embarrassing, humiliating even, if someone discovered which women I had sex with while under the influence of Ultra Bliss. Makes you think huh?"

  Amon was silent a long moment. Yeah, he was thinking about it. He did not sound like a happy camper when he continued.

  "Well, we have another problem. Mr. Germaine's stupid blunder is bringing unwanted light upon Daul Enterprises, since everyone in the press seems to want to tie him with us instead of his own company."

  "Well, that's not good," she said, though really quite pleased. "Stock values could plummet! Investors will not be happy."

  And the biggest investors were all on the board.

  "Yeah," he said, sounding lost in thought. "I need to talk with the other board members. Can I call for a board meeting tomorrow?"

  "Make it in the afternoon," she said.

  "Consider it done, Barbara. See you then."

  They reached the Amazing Cave as she put away the phone.

  "Looks like some good will come out of our little setback after all," she said, winking at Amazing Girl. "I think poor Mr. Germaine will find himself so embattled on all fronts, he'll be forced to sell all of his Daul Enterprises stock and retreat back into the safety of his own little world."

  "Isn't he forbidden to sell until next month?"

  "Yes, but I'm going to get him ejected from the board tomorrow afternoon," she said. "Soon, that thorn will be out of my side. Now, let's go deal with the biggest thorn. Danica Solis!"

  There were two Amazing Mobiles in the garage. Each ran to a different car. Amazing Girl, of course, went to the Ferrari. Ms Amazing just shook her head woefully.

  "That car doesn't have a trunk to store the gear we might need," she said. The American made sports car she went to didn't have much of a trunk, but it was better than nothing. "We'll take this one."

  Soon they were racing down the long corridor, and burst out onto a little used side road. Magic disguised the car, making it look like a pickup truck until she said, "Amazing Mobile!" after she determined there was no one around to see them.

  Danica Solis lived across town, in an exclusive gated community. A lot of mobsters and other organized crime types lived there. The gate guards couldn't be trusted to keep their confidence, so Ms Amazing didn't even drive past the gate. From what she heard, the guards pressed a button if they spotted a heroine at all, and that alerted the homes of those who had reason to be interested in nearby super heroine activity.

  The Solis Estate backed up to a city park. Ms Amazing parked in a particularly dark part of the park. As the two costumed vigilantes headed for the back wall of Danica's palatial home, Ms Amazing filled her new protégé in on all she knew of the Solis Family's criminal activities.

  "We have to be especially careful dealing with them," she said. "Though their main business is the manufacture and distribution of Ultra Bliss, their original and still a major part of their business is white slavery. They own hundreds, if not thousands, of brothels around the world. The Solis Family is responsible for ending the careers of more super heroines than anyone else in Synne City."

  "Wow. Scary, considering they captured you the other day," Amazing Girl said. Her hand rested over her heart, which was racing. "So scary. Thank the goddess they underestimated you and you escaped."

  "I know," she said. "If I hadn't escaped, right about now I'd probably be arriving at my new home, and getting my butt royally reamed."

  "Oh, thinking about that causes a little tingle in my naughty bits," Amazing Girl said. "Is there something wrong with me?"

  "No. If there is, then I suffer from the same aliment," Ms Amazing said. "Amazon's are more susceptible to sexual stimulation. We're easier to arouse than normal women." She shrugged. "Get used to it. It's the cross we must bear."

  As they neared the ten foot cinder block wall protecting the back of the Solis Estate, Ms Amazing slowed and moved more stealthily. They eased up to the wall, listening intently for any sign the Solis Family was alerted and waiting for them on the other side. Not hearing anything out of the ordinary, Ms Amazing intertwined her fingers and bent over, offering Amazing Girl a leg up.

  “Put your foot in my hands,” she said. After her protégé complied, “Now, on three I want you to jump, pushing off with this foot. I’ll help by throwing you up at the same time. Aim for the top of the wall. Wait for me up there.”

  “How will you get up?”

  “I can jump high enough,” she said. “Now, one…two…three!”

  Amazing Girl soared straight up to the top of the wall, her trailing legs hitting the wall, and then she found herself draped over it. Ms Amazing grinned as she watched the blonde sidekick sort herself out and shift around to sit atop the wall, legs over the other side.

  “See anyone on the other side?” Ms Amazing asked in a loud whisper.


  Ms Amazing moved away from the wall, took a deep breath, and took off running. A little hop, plant the feet, and snap those powerful legs straight… The costumed vigilante grabbed the top of the wall with both hands, spread her legs with a perfect split, and vaulted over the wall. She only had to bend her legs a little to absorb the impact when she landed. As an Amazon, even without her power belt she was a superb athlete.

  Then she slanted a look back up at her sidekick. Amazing Girl was suitable impressed, and pushed off to land beside her. She also impressed, landing on two feet and not falling or even teetering atop her sky high heels.

  “Very impressive, Amazing Girl,” she said.

  The blonde beamed with pleasure as Ms Amazing led the way, dropping to a crouch as she hurried through the heavily wooded strip along the back wall. Within seconds they were looking across a wide, manicured lawn. Lots of trees and other places to hide behind were seen, and the sexy super heroine quickly mapped out her route to the back door. Two guards were seen, separated by a good one hundred feet. The nearest carried an Uzi, and the other a M16 assault rifle.

  “Hey, look at the pretty black suits,” Ms Amazing said, sizing them up. “Big boys. Danica likes the hire them big, dumb, and mean.”

  “How do we get past them?”

  “We go through them,” she said, baby blues narrowing. Ms Amazing pointed at a clump of flowering bushes near the man with the Uzi. “Sneak up to those bushes and wait. When I attack the other thug, this one will turn towards us. That’s when you strike. Take him out fast, otherwise we’re both toast. Without super power we could quickly be overwhelmed with all the guards Danica probably keeps on duty. We have to move quickly and quietly. Do not allow anyone time to fire their weapon, or give an alarm in any way.”

  “Gotcha,” Amazing Girl said, looking so excited and bubbly as she crouched low and headed for the indicated clump of bushes.

  Once Amazing Girl was secure in her hiding place, Ms Amazing backtracked into the wooded strip, moved to the other side of the back yard, and eased up close as she could to the other mob guard. He was alert, looking all around. She waited for him to look away from her, and then charged him. She was almost upon him before he realized the threat.

  “Slap down,” she whispered, pounding a roundhouse into his head. Then a knee to the groin, followed by grabbing the hair at the back of his head, and smashing his face into a tree. The thug was unconscious before he hit the ground. She turned just in time to see Amazing Girl throw the final punch that laid out her target. Neither of the mobsters had time to sound the alarm or get a shot off. “Well done.”

  She met up with Amazing Girl at the b
ack door. It was unlocked, since the guards passed in and out regularly, and it was guarded after all. Ms Amazing grinned as she eased the door open, cringing at the loud squeak of hinges.

  The door opened into a large, gourmet kitchen. The lights were on, and some food was out. Nothing that would spoil. Obviously there for the guards to snack on. The floors were marble, so their heels clacked loudly as they quickly moved through and into the family room. It was empty, though a TV was on ESPN.

  “I don’t like this,” Ms Amazing said, looking around suspiciously. “There should be someone here, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t know. This is my first time to break and enter,” Amazing Girl said.

  “Follow me,” she said. “My informants all say my costume is displayed in the game room, and that is in the basement.”

  “Where are the stairs down?”

  “I don’t know, but we’ll find them,” she said, as she rounded a corner.

  “Ha!” a big blonde thug cried, and thrust the butt of his assault rifle at Ms Amazing’s face. She ducked and dodged aside.

  “Ooff!” Amazing Girl grunted.

  The shapely super heroine turned to see Amazing Girl staggering back, clutching a spot just above her breasts. Ms Amazing felt like such a fool.

  I should’ve blocked instead of ducking, she thought, feeling guilty for Amazing Girl’s injury. That’s all the thought she gave it, and immediately punched the thug in the throat. As he dropped to his knees, clutching his injured throat, she kicked him in the back of the head. He hit the floor unconscious.

  “Are you hurt badly?” she said, hurrying to Amazing Girl.

  “No,” she said, voice strained. She continued to rub vigorously at the point of impact, though. “Mostly surprised.”

  “Good girl. Let’s go,” Ms Amazing said.

  They found the grand stairs, and under them was the way down into the basement. Though the stairwell was dark, the basement below was dimly lit. They stood side-by-side, looking down and smiling.

  “Well, that was easy enough,” Ms Amazing whispered.


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