Taken By Desire

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Taken By Desire Page 6

by Newton, LeTeisha

  “Pull back, Cirro, something isn’t right,” Pietr ordered.

  “Where the fuck is he?” Fire spread through Cirro’s thigh as a bullet dug into his flesh but he ignored the pain. When he shifted he’d heal.

  “Inside,” a smug, heavily accented voice blasted over the airwave and Cirro froze.

  “Cirro!” he head Sasha scream and ran, flat out into the house. Pietr and Collin were at his side. Laius moved from the bottom floor to the second floor in one leap, pushing his mate into the waiting arms of her kaurteto. The women took the vasilassa out of the room.

  “I’ve had just about enough of this bastard,” Laius growled, his normally deep gray eyes golden. Larger than any of them at nearly seven feet tall, not many wanted to tangle with the leap’s leader. Only Pietr and Collin, leaders in their own right, would have the strength to challenge him, and none of them were interested in going down that road.

  “He’s in the house, somewhere.”

  “Listen. That’s Beth,” Pietr suddenly hissed and Cirro ran. He didn’t care if the others kept up with him. If Beth was fighting, then Ice had made it farther inside than any of them had thought. Selene and Maddy had been placed with Sasha in Cirro’s quarters. Ice was with his mate.

  Cirro heard a volley of shots and the scream of cats even as he leaped down the stairs leading to his area. Blood and body parts were everywhere. Eight leopards were fighting against armed assassins, Ice wading through the center toward the three huddled women in one corner. Cirro felt his heart stop as Selene stepped in front of Maddy and Sasha. As the only one not human of the three she could take more fire, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t be cut down.

  No, not when I’ve just found her. Please, God, no. Let me have her. Let me keep her, Cirro prayed as he lifted his gun. Pietr roared and streaked past him, he leopard ripping and tearing his way to his mate. Collin was no better. His wolf had taken over, the animal ripping through the mercenaries like so much meat. Cirro stayed in human form, afraid he wouldn’t be able to move his mate if the time came. He blasted at mercenaries as he moved.

  “I’ll kill you, bitch, and everything you hold dear,” Ice threatened, lifting his rifle. Collin and Pietr slammed into him, even as Cirro shot him in the head, twice, in rapid succession. The leopards guarding the women tore through the remaining guards.

  “Oh, that’s too bad,” another voice said and Cirro spun around to face Sasha. She was gripped in Detective Matherson’s arm and the muzzle of his .357 was pressed to her temple.

  “I was sure that Ice would have taken care of her. Too bad,” he hissed, and pulled Sasha back with him toward a hole that only now Cirro saw in the back of his bedroom.

  “Cirro,” Sasha cried, and Cirro leaped.

  “Ah, ah, ah,” Matherson said and lowered his gun. He pulled the trigger before Cirro could reach him and Sasha screamed, blood pouring from her thigh. Everyone froze.

  “Move again and I’ll kill her,” Matherson warned.

  “Why?” Cirro questioned.

  “Because I was tired of trying to get that bastard put into jail. Tired of political bullshit that got in my way. If you can’t beat them, join them. The cartel pays better than the government.”

  “How did you know to come with so many?” Pietr questioned, shifting back to human form, moving subtly toward Selene. Matherson stumbled back, but didn’t release Sasha.

  “You’re fucking animals,” he cried.

  “You have no idea,” Laius growled. “Tell us what we want to know.”

  “Ice found out from his contacts in city council. Knew this was supposed to be some animal refuge, but didn’t know you trained them to hunt. No matter. The cartel wants this land. I give them that, and I’m home free. Rich for the rest of my life, and I never have to worry about the bullshit in the country again.”

  “They’ll kill you first,” Collin said, shifting back into human form.

  “I just want to get out of here. Once I reach my transport, I’ll let Sasha go.”

  “Don’t believe you. If the cartel wants this land, then they won’t let you off that easy.”

  “I’ll hide,” Matherson argued.

  “Not well enough that I won’t find you and kill you,” Cirro promised. He felt Sasha’s gaze but didn’t dare look away from the gun at her temple. He was fast, but he didn’t know if he’d make it in time to reach his mate. Selene moved slowly, inching her way toward Sasha. Pietr huffed, but Selene ignored him. She was going to take a chance to save her friend, Cirro knew it. But what could he do? If he didn’t act fast, his mate was going to die. Matherson would never let her go.

  “Give her up, Matherson. She doesn’t need to die,” Cirro pleaded, lowering his weapons. He didn’t need them. He was a born weapon. He just needed an opening. The firefight was still raging outside. He wouldn’t be able to get his men inside right now to back him up.

  “Let her attack,” Pietr whispered over the communication device, taking a chance. They’d known Ice had been on the air waves, but Matherson didn’t seem to be wearing one.

  “She may die,” Cirro argued.

  “Attack your mate, change her. That’s the only way she’ll survive if this goes wrong. Collin and I will back you. Selene is the only one close enough to get there in time.”

  Could he harm his mate? Give her a mortal wound to risk conversion? Could he chance losing her? But with the gun so close to her temple if he didn’t try he might lose her anyway. For the first time he looked away from the gun and into her terrified eyes. Her gaze held his, tears swimming in the dark pools, but she didn’t censure him, or condemn him. He saw such emotion there, her strength in the face of the situation, her trust in him to save her. He saw her. Being human didn’t make her weak. She was everything he could have ever wanted. Everything that was meant for him. He’d fought it, but fate had known better, and given him exactly what he needed. Pride and joy swept through him, even with the fear. He would try. For her, he would do anything.

  “I love you,” he whispered, but he was sure he heard her when she sagged slightly in Matherson’s arms.

  “I love you too,” she whispered back, barely discernible and but for his preternatural hearing he would not have heard it.

  But he did, and that changed everything. As if in slow motion Selene exploded into action, and Cirro shifted into his partial form. He kept his eyes on Sasha, fighting to save her life. His claws raked deep furrows across her chest even as the gun blasted. Thrown off his aim the bullet grazed her skull and she slumped, unconscious. Cirro gripped his mate in his arms as she fell into them, Pietr backing up his mate and crushing Matherson’s head in his massive jaws. Selene tore at his neck, and Collin scooped Maddy up and away. But none of that mattered. Cirro struggled with tears as he felt Sasha’s heart stutter, and then stop. Then he couldn’t stop the torrent from flowing.

  Chapter Ten

  It was hot. So very hot. She felt like she couldn’t breathe. She struggled against the weight pressing in around her, trying to get cool air, oxygen. A grunt met her ears when she kneed the weight away from her, but she didn’t care. She needed to breathe, to reach Cirro. He’d looked heartbroken when he’d attacked. Sasha had known, somehow, what he was going to do. She’d known he’d been too far away to save her, but she had trusted that he would deliver his wound first before Matherson could take her life. Had trusted the man she loved to keep her safe, like he promised. She hadn’t expected Selene to attack, but she should have guessed. Selene was the momma hen of them all, if truth be told. She would be the one to fight first and ask questions later. Sasha knew that it would have been much worst had Selene not done that, but she would never forget the look on Cirro’s face when his claws had ripped through her.

  Had the pain been terrible? Of course, but the sheer agony in his eyes, the knowledge there of what he was doing, and the abhorrent thought of it had been plain to see. If he could have saved her any other way, she had no doubt that he would have. She couldn’t be angry at him fo
r trying to save her the only way he knew how. No. She loved him more, because he’d made the hard decision, not caring what it would do to him, for her. He’d chosen her needs over his own, and she’d seen that plainly. If that wasn’t love, then she didn’t know what was.

  Slowly the weight around her moved, and when she opened her eyes, she saw they were limbs. She almost screamed until she say Rachel’s green eyes in front of her. The strawberry-and-crème colored wereleopard that looked like she should have been straight from Ireland, had come to her minutes before Ice had shown up in Cirro’s quarters. She’d explained that she and the three other women with her would be to Sasha as Beth and her girls were to Selene. Sasha had known that Cirro had sent them. If they were here then she had lived, Cirro had saved her life.

  And she was no longer human.

  “Cirro?” Sasha croaked and Rachael smiled.

  “Passed out in the chair,” Rachael said pointing at Sasha’s slumped over mate. “He hasn’t left since you were brought in here.”

  “How long have I been out?” Sasha asked, feeling her muscles protest her movements as she sat up.

  “A week. That’s long for a conversion, but you had some serious wounds. Cirro’s was the worst, and was enough to convert you, but you suffered a lot of blood loss from the thigh and head injury. The bastard hit an artery in you thigh. If Selene and Cirro hadn’t acted, you would have bled out,” Rachel explained.

  “I’m glad they acted.”

  “So are we, Asfaleia,” Rachel agreed.

  “Asfa-whata?” Sasha asked.

  “Asfaleia. It means protector. As my mate, you are also the protector of the leap. You are afforded the same respect that I am,” Cirro said, his voice gravely from sleep. Sasha thought she’d never heard a sound more perfect.

  “Cirro,” she whispered watery.

  “You made it. You pulled through,” Cirro said.

  “We will leave now. We will see you in the morning. You won’t be able to get rid of us,” Rachael said with a smile, directing the other ladies to the door.

  “After seeing you fight, I think I’m fine with that,” Sasha said and laughed.

  “Thank you,” Cirro said to Rachael.

  “Of course. We are honored.” Rachael and the others left, leaving Cirro and Sasha alone.

  “This isn’t our room,” Sasha said while looking around the room.

  “No. Renovations are working to restore it. Between the gun fight and leopards it’s a complete mess. We won’t be in there for a while yet. Laius has given us our own area of the east wing until then.”

  “Laius, Pietr’s brother. How is everyone?”

  “Worried. But it will be fine. The first three days were touch and go, but after that we knew you were in the clear, we just had to wait for you to wake up.” His lips were amazing. How had she never noticed that before? Every nuisance as they moved had her mesmerized. She waited on bated breath for a glimpse of his sharp teeth. She wanted to feel his bite again, feel him against her. What was wrong with her?

  “I’m sorry I worried you,” Sasha said, trying to break through the fog of desire fast engulfing her.

  “Don’t be. I’m sorry that I—”

  “Don’t say it. You did what you had to do to save me. Never regret that. I’m alive, thanks to you.”

  “Sasha,” Cirro began.

  “No. I’m alive. That’s all that matters.” Cirro swallowed hard and then nodded his head. He was magnificent, even in a rumpled shirt with blood splatter all over it. His guns and blades were on the nightstand next to the bed, and he’d removed his tactical belt. His harness hung on him haphazardly, his hair tousled as if he’d run his fingers through them multiple times. She purred.

  Wait, did I just freaking purr?

  “It’s a natural reaction of your cat. When you’re happy, satisfied, or afraid, you will purr.”


  “The sound will sooth you. At birth a cat’s mother purrs at them and makes a sound only for them so they recognize her. It’s a throwback to the animal inside of us.”

  “I’ve never heard you purr,” Sasha commented.

  “Then you weren’t listening. Every time you touch me, I purr,” he answered matter-of-factly, and suddenly she wanted her hands on him. She slinked toward him on her hands and knees, stretching, luxuriating in the fact that she was alive. Cirro inhaled roughly, his eyes flickering gold. She saw his nostrils flare and she grew wet. He was so sexy. Her Cirro. Her asfaleia. She wanted him. Now. She ran her fingers up his thighs and listened. She felt his purr before she heard it. It thrummed through her like a pulse. It grew louder as her hands traveled over his rock hard thighs and abdomen. His purr rolled over her like lava, heating her flesh and making her nipples go hard. Cool air kissed her skin and she realized she was naked.

  “You were holding it in,” Sasha said, realizing it at that moment.

  “I tried. Lord knows I tried.”

  “Don’t fight it now. Show me,” she whispered, leaning forward and rubbing her face against his chest. She inhaled and took his scent deep into her lungs. She didn’t understand what she was doing, but it felt right. She wanted their scents intertwined, wanted to stamp him as surely as he stamped her. She wanted to bite him. Sink her teeth into his neck so everyone knew he belonged to her. His warm palms cradled her face, forcing her to look at him. His golden eyes watched her with an unblinking stare.

  “There will be some changes. I will teach you. But first, do you need anything?” Cirro asked, and the heat in his gaze awakened something in her. A rolling force stretched deep inside of her. She could feel it under her skin like living fur.

  “It’s your cat,” Cirro said. “She needs her mate when she wakes. She knew I was on the other side.”

  “Want is not the word, Cirro,” Sasha gasped, her body going liquid.

  “As my mate desires, so shall I provide,” Cirro whispered.

  Chapter Eleven

  He came to her with a clash, their teeth hitting as he devoured her mouth. There was nothing soft and easy in his touch. She groaned, her fists bunching into his hair. He tasted so good. Her mate, her man. The love of her life. She wanted this, wanted him. They’d survived the realm of hell together, and had come out the other side. She wanted them to celebrate it, fight for the pleasure that only they could give each other. She needed the sting of his possession, the roughness that her body could now handle, more than ever. She needed his control.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  “How rough do you want it? What do you need? I would do anything for you. Anything,” he promised, nipping her lip.

  “Take me, make me yours,” she said with a gasp. Cirro pulled away, watching her.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Show me. Give what you’ve been holding back.” Something in Cirro changed. He was colder, more distant, but she saw the love in his eyes. She’d follow him anywhere, do anything. She wanted this. Without a doubt. Her cat rolled inside of her, an odd sensation, but welcome. It meant she was alive. It meant she would stand beside Cirro for years to come. Cirro stood slowly and stripped, each move graceful and meticulous. He never looked away, ripping his shirt from his body when he reached it. Her mouth went dry. He was hers.

  “I love you more than life itself. I’d die for you, anytime, anyplace. I pledge this to you, my mate, my woman. My allegiance, from her to the end of our lives.” Tears pooled in her eyes. She knew what he was saying. He’d told her that she would become more than his leap, he would protect her first. He was pledging himself to her, as he probably had to his leap. Now he was meant only to protect her, his leap secondary in all things. She was all that mattered.

  “I love you, Cirro, more than I even though possible. And while I may not be able to fight like you, I will be the law to guide your hand. Is it enough?” she asked, nervous, but wanting to give him something back.

  “For us, it will always be enough. I belong to you, even as I claim you,” he whispered. He offer
ed her his hand and she grasped it, sure tonight would not be like any other in her life.

  “I’ll be what you want, but if it’s too much just tell me. I’ll come back to you. I promise.” She trembled at his words. Whatever she had unleashed, she wouldn’t run from. Cirro was always taking care of everyone else. She’d sensed in him a need to let go, to be him when he didn’t have to fight for those around him. She wanted to give that to him now.

  “I’ll follow you anywhere,” she answered and he exhaled. He led her through a side door out of the bedroom into the stark white of another.

  “Pietr knows me. He had this built for me years ago, knowing I’d need it when I got a mate. We don’t ever have to go back, just give me tonight. I thought I had lost you. Give me tonight to know you are alive, that I can control what happens.”

  And that was what it was. Cirro needed control, the knowledge that he had control over her actions. That control would let him feel she was safe. She nodded and took stock of the room. Nestled in the walls were chains and cuffs attached to hooks. They gleamed silver against the whiteness of the furnishings. Or should she say bed. It took up most of the ground, piled high with thick white furs. The softness beckoned her sore muscles.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  “Not yet. And do not speak without permission again.” He was strong. Could snap bone between his fingers. It should have made her afraid. Should have driven her to caution. Yet she could not look away. She was stronger now too, could survive so much.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said then, tilting his head slightly. “I’ll never think of you as weak again.” He pushed her back toward the wall with the chains. He braced her body against the wall with his and then snapped a collar over her neck. She tried to move, get free, but nothing but her limbs would budge. For a moment she panicked.

  “Stop.” She didn’t listen to him. She continued to struggle. Blindly she flailed her arms out into thin air. Cirro was gone. She couldn’t turn her head and see where he had moved to.


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