HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two

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HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two Page 8

by Toni Goode

  “Listen you’re the only one who can help me. I don’t even know how to get back to my time. I can’t be stuck here.” Briana said seriously.

  “I can’t help you. I just can’t.” Clara said as she put a book down and Briana sighed.

  “So, what am I supposed to do?” Briana said as she walked over to her and Clara backed up some.

  “I don’t know. I don’t have any answers. I’ve heard stories about this happening, but I never believed them.” Clara shook her head as she stood there.

  “I have no one else to go to. I need to get this book ok. I need to get home.” Briana said as her emotions began to take over. “I mean damn it I haven’t even been born yet in this world!” She couldn’t help the tears filling in her eyes.

  “You won’t survive the trip back and even if you did the choices you have made here will impact your life in ways you can’t imagine.” Clara said cryptically.

  “I can’t stay here damn it. I have a life back in my time. If I die, then he will die too. Were soul bound!” Briana said as tears began to fall. She remembered what Clara had said when they were in the cemetery that day. She had said if one dies than the other one dies too.

  “Soul bound?” Clara said with wide eyes. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah you’re the one who told us what it was.” Briana said as she wiped some of the tears. “And if I die, he dies. He can’t die.”

  “I told you?” Clara said as she picked up the book again from the table.

  “Yes, but I can’t hear him anymore and he can’t hear me.” Briana said as she continued to wipe her eyes.

  “You found your twin flame in this time? Please don’t tell me that you interacted with him?” Clara said with worry. All Briana did was look down at her feet. She felt like a child about to be scolded. She knew it wasn’t right to see John but it all just sort of happened. “Does he know about you?” She looked absolutely terrified.

  “No, I didn’t tell him.” She shook her head quickly.

  “How much did you interact with him?” Clara asked as she flipped pages in her book frantically. She was looking for something. That much was apparent. Briana looked away as Clara looked back at her. “This is not good, not good at all.” Clara began as the door swung open surprisingly, she had forgotten to lock it when she came back. A tall thin man stood there. He looked to be in his mid-forties. He had dark short hair and glasses. He looked like he had just come from work. He had on khakis and a polo shirt.

  “Why is the closed sign on the door Honey?” The man said to Clara and then he saw the frightened look on her face. He looked at Briana who quickly looked away. Why had he called her honey? Thoughts began to swirl in Briana’s head. When she first met Clara, she had mentioned that John had done a favor for her. Something regarding her dead husband and a rogue vampire. John had explained the story to her.

  “Sorry I must have forgotten to lock it. Please excuse us.” Clara said to Briana as she walked over to the man. “Selena came by, she said there is another leak in her basement.” She said softly, and he sighed.

  “I told her that the upstairs floor needs to be taken up. If I keep patching up the ceiling it will only continue to leak over time.” The man said as he ran his hand through his hair. “Well it looks like you’re in the middle of something, so I will make myself sparse.” He said as he kissed Clara’s forehead and then left the room.

  Briana felt sick as she stood there. That had to be the husband that died. Clara must have noticed the look on Briana’s face because her eyes got wide. “You know my husband Frank too?” She said in shock.

  “No but I heard of him.” Briana said quietly. “I’m sorry that I came here. You’re right, you can’t help me.” Briana finally accepted defeat as she turned around and went over to the door.

  “Wait.” Clara called out as Briana grabbed the doorknob. “What are you planning on doing?” She asked softly.

  “Find the book and then figure it out I suppose.” Briana said honestly. She had no other answers.

  Clara sighed heavily. “Don’t go.” Briana turned to face her. “I don’t know if I can help you, but I can at least try.”

  “You will? Oh my gosh, thank you.” Briana said with a new-found faith.

  “We have to keep it very limited. I can’t know about my future self. I probably know too much already but I can help you look for that book.” Clara said with a soft smile.

  “I was holding onto this. Look?” Briana pulled out flyer with the museum information on it. “I don’t know if it is there but it’s worth a shot.” She said seriously.

  “Definitely, but remember it was stolen so that means that someone is trying to get that book. We can’t let our guard down.” Clara warned.

  “Do you think it is another witch looking for the book. I mean obviously Selena doesn’t have it.” Briana said as Clara looked up at her.

  “She may, or she may not. She cannot be trusted. I can’t stress that enough. She is meddling in forces that are dark.” Clara said honestly.

  “How are you sisters, when she is just so different.” Briana said as more of a statement than anything else.

  Clara shrugged her shoulders. “Selena has always been off a bit but even this is low for her. If she wants that book, then she has already begun to summon him.” Clara said with worry.

  “Summon who?” Briana said with confusion.

  “The oldest of all the warlocks around, Satan himself.” Clara began as Briana shook her head.

  “What? Satan? As in the devil? Are you kidding me! She is summoning the freaking devil!” Briana said in shock as Clara walked over and shushed her.

  “Be careful of what you speak in here, the walls have ears.” She said quietly as Briana looked around. “Figuratively speaking.” She added.

  “Well thank god for that I don’t know how much more of this crazy world I can take.” Briana said honestly. “Why can’t I hear his thoughts anymore?” Briana couldn’t help but ask.

  “Well for starters you should have never interacted with him.” She said with a shake of her head. “But what is done is done. The reason he can’t hear you is because your soul is stuck between worlds. In this world you don’t even exist yet and so the connection is frayed. He probably notices the way he is drawn to you and he doesn’t understand it.”

  “That’s exactly it. I mean he is different but there is still something there. I can feel it too but like you said it is frayed.” Briana said softly.

  “You cannot see him again. The consequences are already written. There is a path that all of us need to take and if you meddle in other people’s lives it affects their future. It also affects yours. Haven’t you ever heard the quote that the single flutter of a butterfly’s wings can cause a tsunami across the world?” Clara began as Briana just shook her head in confusion. “You’re interfering has already begun changing the future as you know it.”

  “You’re making this sound hopeless.” Briana said seriously.

  “It’s complicated and messy but not hopeless.” Clara said seriously. “I will contact some of my people and see if anyone has dabbled in time travel.”

  “So, then what do I do in the meantime?” Briana asked with concern.

  “You wait. Patience is a virtue.” Clara added.

  “I don’t have much patience these days.” Briana said honestly as she lowered her head. She just wanted to go home.

  “I have a spare bedroom upstairs, you can stay there until we figure this out, but I need you to keep all conversations with anyone limited. We have to keep this contained.” Clara said with a sigh. “The museum is not open till tomorrow. We will go there first thing in the morning. If that book is there, we are taking it and destroying it.” Clara said seriously.

  Briana’s eyes got wide. “Destroying it? But I need it to get back.”

  “That book itself won’t bring you back to your time and we cannot let it get in the wrong hands. The only way to protect this world is to destroy it.” Clara said
as she walked over to Briana. “Your soul may be lost and confused but you have a big heart. I can see that.” Clara said with a soft smile. Briana couldn’t help the way her eyes continued to fill up with tears. She blamed it on exhaustion, but it was a combination of everything. She felt like such a failure. Clara touched her arm now as she spoke softly. “I will do my best to get you back Briana. You need to stay positive. Negative thoughts will get you nowhere except closer to darkness and trust me there is a lot of darkness out there.”

  “Thank you for being so kind. I would really like to lay down.” Briana wiped her eyes. She was so tired. Physically and mentally.

  “Let me show you to your room. I’m in the process of making dinner in a slow cooker so I will let you know when it is done. “Clara said softly as she began to lead Briana upstairs where an apartment was located, and a guest room waited for her.

  Briana fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She was exhausted, and her mind was full of so many ‘what ifs?’ that she didn’t know what to do with them. Clara had woken her up a few hours later and she ate a big bowl of pot roast. She was thankful for Clara’s hospitality. She knew that Clara was worried, frightened even about the prospect of the world changing. Briana was worried too not to mention she hated that she knew the outcome of some people’s future like Maria, Michael and now Frank. They would all die and that didn’t sit well with her. Not one bit.

  By nearly midnight Briana was itching to get out of her skin. This had been the longest since she had shifted and though she tried to control her wolf, sometimes it just needed to get out. Right now, was one of those times. Her window had a fire escape outside of it and she walked over as she looked out into the city. The lights were really bright and with the holidays around the corner it looked even more beautiful.

  Her wolf cried out to her to just go for a quick run. She thought about Coney Island. She knew it would be closed at the moment and it was perfect place to just run around. There was water nearby too, The Hudson River and she thought about going into it. She began to get undressed as she looked out the window. She had to be really careful not to destroy the only clothes she had left. She checked the door and made sure it was locked. She knew that Clara was aware of her wolf, but she still didn’t want to give the woman a heart attack by coming face to face with it.

  Briana jumped from the fire escape and when she landed, she was in her dark red wolf body. She made sure to use back roads and alleys so that she wouldn’t get caught. She couldn’t even imagine what would happen if someone called animal control. It wasn’t everyday a wolf ran through the city, but she stayed hidden. She used her stealthy techniques that John had taught her a few months back in her time. She smiled internally at the thought. “You need to be quiet and fast. The prey must never see you coming. We’re large but it doesn’t mean we have to be loud.”

  Even though she didn’t know this city at all, it would seem that her wolf did. Before she knew it, she was coming up to a large fence that surrounded the amusement park. It was empty and dark as she bit on the fence and pulled on it until it gave way under the pressure. She moved her way inside as she walked and sniffed the air. She could still smell the pretzels, popcorn and funnel cakes. It made her mouth water as she tried to investigate each booth. Most of them were sealed shut but one popcorn place was left open and she took the opportunity to jump over the counter. Popcorn pieces lay scattered on the floor. At least she was cleaning up the mess that the employees obviously forgot to do. She ate popcorn until her wolf belly was full and she felt sick from all the butter and salt. She moved slowly until she saw the fun house across from her.

  Images of John ran through her mind. She missed him; her wolf missed his wolf. She hated that even as a wolf she could get sad. She walked closer to it and then she heard a growl. The hair on her back stood up as she growled as well and spun to face the other wolf that had come inside but she saw John’s wolf and she backed up. Fear and excitement filled her as she stood there on all fours.

  “Coming to find someone else to rip off.” She heard his thoughts fill her mind and she jumped some. She could hear his thoughts, could he hear hers?

  John shook his head with confusion as his wolf looked at hers. He had heard something in his head. It was like a thought, but it wasn’t his thought. It almost seemed like it was Briana’s thoughts. “Oh my god you can hear me!” Her excited thoughts ran though his head as he jumped some more.

  “What is happening? Can you hear me?” John’s thoughts filled her head. He sounded perplexed and confused.

  “Yes! I can hear you!” She couldn’t contain her excitement as she ran up to him, but he backed up quickly.

  “How is this happening?” His thoughts continued as he looked around with paranoia. “Is this some Voodoo bullshit.”

  “No, it’s just.” She knew she couldn’t tell him the truth and so she refused to think of it. “It’s just odd, isn’t it?”

  “Odd? This is insane.” John’s thoughts ran through her head as he was clouded with confusion. The flash of a light in their direction made both of them spin around as a security guard began to drive around the property with a large light that illuminated the area. “Shit, we got to move fast.” John’s words came anxiously as he headed for the fun house.

  Briana stood and watched as he got into the fun house yet again. “That place really creeps me out.” Her thoughts filled his head.

  “It’s either this or animal control.” His words came quick and she huffed as she ran into the fun house. This time he wasn’t hiding as he waited for her in wolf form. “Why did you leave the way you did?” His words filled her head.

  “Because I had to. I can’t stay.” Her thoughts made him shake his head.

  “So, you steal from me and leave. Nice!” His thoughts were filled with anger.

  “I wasn’t trying to steal from you. It’s just I needed some money and I had to go.” Her words were apologetic.

  “I would have just given you the money and if you want to go then just go. Stop hanging around so that I end up running into you!” He was angry, and she sighed.

  “You know, not for nothing but, I have things going on in my life at the moment that are confusing and crazy. I don’t need you breathing down my god damn back. I said I was sorry Ok. If that is not good enough than I don’t know what is.” Her thoughts yelled at him and she took off running through the fun house. She just needed distance. Getting emotional in her wolf form was draining and soon she was shifting back as she curled up against one of the walls and cried. Right now, she really hated her life. Everything was one huge mess. She wanted to go home.

  She sensed his body heat before he even said a word. His thoughts were gone again, and she wondered if she could only hear him in his wolf form now? He knelt down beside her and then he was laying down next to her as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “I’m sorry I yelled. I’m not used to feeling this way. I feel out of control and I don’t know how to stop it.” He said quietly as he brushed a piece of her back. The tears began to flow harder. “Hey, It’s ok.” He put his arm around her and pulled her in closer to him.

  “It’s not ok. Nothing is ok. My life is in shambles and I don’t even know what to do anymore.” She covered her face as she cried. He pulled her closer until her body was tucked tightly next to his. His body heat warmed her immediately.

  She didn’t know how they kept on ending up like this, naked again. She looked up at him. Why did he have to be so beautiful and why did her life have to be one big mess. “How come I can’t hear your thoughts now?” He finally asked as they looked at one another.

  “I’m not sure. I don’t even know why it’s happening.” She lied.

  “It means something. It has to.” His hand moved to her face and then he was tilting her chin up as he kissed her lips softly.

  Her mouth opened against his in an invitation that he greedily accepted. The kiss was soft but powerful and he rolled their bodies so that he was on top of h
ers. He kissed her with a hunger that had her body shuttering at the anticipation of what was to come next. His delicious weight pressed against her and then he was sliding into her depths slowly. Savoring each moment as if it may be their last and she was pretty sure it would be. He took his time with her as his hands explored her body and his tongue devastated her mouth until she was crying out his name repeatedly as she found her release.

  They laid still entwined in one another in that fun house as her head lay on his chest. It almost seemed as though their heart beats were in-sync with one another. Neither of them said a word, but she knew he was awake. His fingertips moved slowly up and down her back as he traced her spine over and over.

  “I don’t want you to leave.” He spoke just above a whisper and she wasn’t sure if he had thought she was sleeping. She didn’t speak for a moment as a tear fell from her eye and landed on his bare chest. “You could just stay. This could work.” He said as he moved some and pushed her chin up to look at him. Tears in her eyes. “Why can’t you just stay, just give me a reason.” He said softly, and she couldn’t speak as she looked at him. She couldn’t tell him the reason why. She had already done too much as it was. The tears fell more freely now as he searched her eyes. “What aren’t you telling me?” His voice was low, and she sat up now and looked away from him as she wiped her eyes.

  “I should go.” She said as she stood up, and he did too.

  “What are you so afraid of?” He forced her to look at him now.

  “You wouldn’t understand ok. I can’t stay here.” She turned from him as tears fell down her face, but he grabbed onto her arm.

  “I’m falling in love with you Briana.” His words sliced into her body and she wanted to crumble onto the floor. What had she done? “When you look at me, I see it too. You love me, don’t you?” He held onto her arm and she couldn’t even look at him as she cried softly. “Briana please don’t do this. Please just look at me.” He raised his voice some and she looked at him now. Her eyes red and puffy from tears. There was so much she wanted to tell him, but she couldn’t. Instead she did the only thing she could think of, she lied. She had to. For the sake of them both.


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