HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two

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HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two Page 10

by Toni Goode

  She just wanted to get this book and then work on getting back home. Wherever that home may be. She was nervous about the outcome, but she tried not to think of it. She knew that all of this was for the best.

  The museum wasn’t far from Clara’s place. It was in Brooklyn and on a busy street. Clara had brought her husband Frank along. According to Clara he knew very little about their plans. She had let him know that it was best if he didn’t know a lot of information and apparently, he was ok with that because he was being super pleasant to everyone. Briana still felt bad knowing what would happen to him and she really considered telling Clara, but she knew she couldn’t.

  The outside of the museum was packed with people. Huge flyers hung outside the place. Briana actually felt nervous being around this many people especially knowing that someone was going to try and steal the book. Clara, Frank and Patti all went inside the museum. Mark was already on his way to Florida to meet his contacts, so it was up to the four of them to get this book. They had a plan that someone would always be with the book and if the opportunity arose to take the book then they would. They would do it quietly or make a scene, either way they were leaving with it.

  Briana couldn’t remember the last time she had been in a museum like this one. It was huge and the artifacts that surrounded her were unbelievable. They had different areas throughout with various eras. It was an interesting place to be and if she wasn’t on a mission currently, she may have actually enjoyed the place. They all made their way around. The actual artifact reveal had not happened yet. They still had about twenty minutes before it did. Briana took the time to scope the place out. She needed to know where all the exits were in case, she needed a fast getaway.

  Briana made a mental note as she passed by every exit. There was a lot of people in there and she tried to count how many super naturals were there. She had seen wolves, vampires and witches. The place was literally swarming with supernatural beings. It was a bit nerve racking to be surrounded by this many powerful beings.

  She walked up to one painting that was a Victorian Era oil painting. The painting was of a busy street with people walking. There was one small child in the painting. He faced the opposite direction of everyone else and it almost seemed as though he was staring right at Briana. His face was slightly blurred, and it gave off a haunting feeling as she stared at it.

  “It does seem like he is looking right at us.” The voice of a man next to her made her jump slightly as she looked over at the tall grey-haired man. He had a well-trimmed beard and he was dressed in an expensive suit. Oddly enough he didn’t look like vampire or wolf, maybe witch? She wasn’t sure. She hadn’t been around enough witches to know. He was older though, perhaps his fifties. He smiled softly at her and extended his hand. “I’m Trevor and you are?” He said with a smile as Briana shook his hand.

  “Marianne.” She lied as she smiled at him.

  “Nice to meet you Marianne. The paintings here are a doorway to the soul of the artist.” He said softly. “Do you see this one.” He pointed to another painting. “Do you see the sadness of the eyes. The paintings really do tell a story.” Briana nodded her head. There was something about this man. Something that wanted to draw her in, but it also scared her. She was convinced that he had to be a witch, she would find out from Clara. She looked around the room. “I’m sorry I must be taking up your time.” He said apologetically.

  “It’s ok, I was just looking for one of my friends.” She smiled nervously.

  “Well it was a pleasure Marianne. Until next time.” He said as he walked off and began to mingle with other people. Briana kept her eye on him. He could be a potential book thief. He had an odd vibe about him.

  Her eyes scanned the room as she looked for Clara but then she locked in on those damn green eyes. It was John. What the hell was he doing there! He was dressed in a silk button down shirt and black slacks. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail. He looked incredibly handsome. He blinked a bit in shock as he looked at her. She couldn’t look away from him and then she watched as a tall thin brunette put her arm around his as she flirted heavily.

  Briana quickly looked away. What the hell was that about? It had been a total of like twenty-four hours since she had seen him last and yet he had a girl hanging all over him. She felt sick as she stood there. Why was he even there? She glanced back to look at him again, but he wasn’t there, and neither was the girl.

  Briana couldn’t help herself as she went looking for him. She moved from the paintings room to the exhibits room. That room was equally packed and yet he was nowhere. She spun around and nearly bumped right into his large frame. It was John. Her eyes opened wide with surprise as he grabbed her by the elbow and roughly pulled her into a coat closet.

  “What are you doing here?” He was mad as he let go of her.

  His tone immediately pissed her off as she rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry but last time I checked I can do what I want not to mention you look as though you have your hands full.” She snapped at him.

  “You need to leave, I mean it. Like right now.” He said seriously, and she couldn’t believe he was acting like this.

  “I can do what I want.” She stormed out of the closet and he went after her, but she immediately walked into Trevor. Like she literally bumped into him. “I am so sorry.” She said quickly as she looked up at him.

  “Oh, that’s ok Marianne.” He said as John walked up from behind her and he glanced up at John.

  Briana forced a smile as she looked at Trevor. “Hey so would you like to see the exhibits room?” She said to him as he looked at John and then at her.

  “That would be great, lead the way.” He said as she walked past him, and his hand went to the small of her back as John stood there pissed.

  Briana barely paid attention to Trevor speaking about one of the exhibits. John had come into the room with that chick on his arm. They looked really cozy and she fought the urge to walk over there. How dare he tell her what to do when he has the nerve to be strutting some new chick on his arm. She was beyond pissed as she glanced over at them.

  The announcement on the loudspeaker alerted them all to the grand opening of the ancient relics room which was taking place now.

  “Now this room should be interesting, shall we?” Trevor said with a smile.

  “Absolutely, I can’t wait!” Briana acted overly enthusiastic for the sole purpose of irritating John as they walked past him and his new chick.

  The crowd of people headed over to the large room that held all the relics. Briana finally saw Clara who came walking over quickly. She was smiling as she got in front of her but then she looked over at Trevor. Her facial expression changed for a moment.

  “Clara, you look as beautiful as you did the last time, I saw you.” Trevor smiled as he reached out and shook her hand.

  “Trevor.” Clara said with a smile.

  “Oh, look at how rude I am being, Clara this is Marianne.” Trevor said with a grin.

  “Oh, nice to meet you Marianne.” Clara said quickly. “Well enjoy your night.” She said as she walked across the room.

  Briana stood awkwardly as she looked around then room and then at Trevor. She wondered how well Clara knew Trevor, she seemed nervous around him. It was odd, Briana needed more information.

  “Oh, now this looks interesting.” Trevor said as he pointed over to a clear box that held some ancient tools. They both walked over but so did John and his new girl. Briana tried to contain her anger as they all got to the clear box at the same time. “So, these are some of the old tools used for surgery. It’s amazing to think that some people actually survived after surgery.” Trevor said with a smile.

  “There was no sterilization back then either. The life span of most people was around 35 to 45 years old and women would start childbearing as early as 12.” John’s chick said with a smile.

  “You have done your research. I’m Trevor and this is Marianne.” Trevor put his hand out to her.

  “Kelly and
this is my fiancée, John.” She smiled, and Briana blinked in shock. What the hell, his fiancée?? He moved awfully quick! She nearly choked on her own spit.

  “It’s been a pleasure meeting you both.” Trevor said as he began to lead Briana over to another table as John watched them like a hawk. “Now this is one of my favorite areas, I’m a bit of a book worm.” Trevor said with a grin as they looked at a large black book with the word Kamatayan written on it. Briana’s eyes got wide. “This book predates the bible and could be one of the oldest pieces of history ever to be found.” Trevor looked at her and smiled big. “I hear it is currently be translated into English. It would make a fantastic read one day.”

  “It would seem so.” Briana said as she looked down at the book and then across the room as Clara made eye contact with her. They shared a look. The book was locked in a plastic case. The only way to get it out would be to break the case but something told Briana it would be harder than she thought.

  “I could go for a glass of wine.” Trevor said with a smile.

  “I would love a glass of wine.” Briana said as she looked back at the case. “I am going to continue to look around if you don’t mind, Trevor.” She said in an overly flirty tone. He smiled wider.

  “No worries, I will be right back.” He walked away from her as she glanced back at the book.

  “Marianne, huh?” John said as he walked over to the bookcase alone as his fiancée stood talking to a group of people. “What are you really doing here?” He was annoyed.

  “I should congratulate you on the engagement, it must be record timing.” She said dryly.

  John looked around quickly and then back at her. “I don’t think you understand the shit that is about to go down. You need to go now.” He said urgently, and she rolled her eyes as she spun from him and the next thing, she heard was a loud bang as dust filled the air. She flew backwards from the blast, crashing into John as they skidded across the floor.

  Chapter Eight

  The blast made her ears ring as debris flew through the air. She could barely open her eyes as smoke filled the room. She felt something wet on her hand and when she tried to focus, she saw blood on the ground then she saw the bodies lying around her. She could hear groans and cries filling the air as people tried to move. Her mind immediately went to John as she moved her head from side to side. She couldn’t see him. She coughed and covered her mouth as she tried to sit up. Her leg hurt something awful and that’s when she saw the large gash in it that was pouring out blood. She used the back of her hand to wipe her eyes as she squinted and looked around more. She saw him a few feet away. He was knocked out as she quickly dragged her body over to him. He had numerous cuts on his body. His arm looked broken. He wasn’t moving. She felt for his pulse and she nearly cried out with relief as she felt it.

  Her eyes darted to a large shadow across the room. She locked in on someone and she immediately realized what she was witnessing. Someone was grabbing the book that now laid on the floor. She tried to yell out but all that came was a cough as smoke choked her. She tried to shift but her body was too weak as she yelled out. The shadowy figure turned and looked at her and she couldn’t make out a face with all the smoke that was around, but she saw the red eyes from her hypnosis sessions. She froze as a chill came over her. It was a demon. A demon was stealing the book! Suddenly something bright came flying across the room. It hit right into the thing that held the book and as Briana looked up. She saw not only Clara but Patti standing up on the other side of the room. They were doing some sort of spell. Bright light flew from their hands and slammed into the shadow. The sound the shadow made was awful. It was a combination of a screech and a howl. The women shouted into the air as light crashed again into the creature. It was pinned on the wall as they walked closer and closer to it.

  Briana couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The thing screeched out again and then it exploded into dust as the book fell to the ground. Patti ran over to the book and grabbed it as Clara looked to Briana and she rushed over to her.

  “What the? How did you?” Briana said in shock as looked up at Clara. “What was that thing?”

  “It’s gone, that’s all that matters. We must get this book out of here before anyone comes. You need to come with me” She said as she quickly

  “I can help some of these people first. I will be ok. I heal, remember? “She reminded Clara who reluctantly walked out of the room and Briana looked to John who was trying to sit up.

  “Hey, don’t move too much.” Briana said as she leaned over by him and he wiped his face as he looked at her. She groaned as she scooted herself closer to him. He looked up at her as reality came crashing back at him. He had a panicked look on his face.

  “The book, where is it!” He tried to move but his injuries stopped him as he groaned.

  “It’s ok, the book is safe.” Briana began as he shook his head. Why was he concerned about the book? Did he know what the book meant?

  “No, I don’t think you understand, we can’t let anyone get their hands on that book.” He said seriously as he tried to get up again. “Shit!” He yelled out as his arm began to throb.

  “John just calm down ok. The book is safe. We have to help these people.” She said seriously as she looked around at the destruction in the room. People were bleeding and crying. Some looked seriously injured, especially the mortals.

  “That book in the wrong hands.” He said quickly and then he looked around. “Where is Kelly?” He began to get frantic.

  Briana looked around the room and then she saw the brown hair across the room. Blood surrounding the lifeless body. John’s eyes followed hers. “Jesus, Kelly!” He yelled out as he dragged his body across the room. He was frantic as he got to her body. “No, oh god no!” He yelled out as Briana watched in horror. The emotion in his voice was heart breaking, she had to look away. He had really cared about that girl, it was apparent. Briana fought back the urge to cry herself as the sound of sirens could be heard in the distance.

  Briana used her jacket to tie off the wound on her leg as John cradled the body of Kelly. Briana focused all her energy on helping those she could in that room. The mortals that were close to the blast had died quick and the immortals were injured but slowly healing as Briana did what she could to help. John stayed with Kelly’s lifeless body and Briana couldn’t help but wonder how deep that relationship went. She was mortal but why was he just hanging with a mortal. It made no sense.

  By the time the cops and EMS came, Briana was able to help a total of five people, all immortals that were shook up. She watched as John talked to one of the police officers as Kelly was put into a body bag. He hadn’t come over by Briana even once and she hated how that affected her more than anything. The care he showed for that mortal girl was more than he had ever showed for her. She felt sick as she limped around the room. Her legs were healing slowly, and she denied any medical attention. Once outside she finally breathed in the fresh air. Her lungs felt beaten. She felt beaten, both physically and emotionally.

  She heard John’s voice and she couldn’t help but look in his direction. It was as if he was purposely not looking at her. She was getting pissed as she walked over towards him. He was talking to another police officer as he gave his statement. The police officer walked away as Briana neared him. “I don’t have time for this right now!” He snapped at her before she could even speak and then he was walking past her.

  “Hey!” She yelled out and he spun around now. He looked angrier than she had ever seen him before.

  “What? What do you want, Marianne or Briana, whoever the hell you’re pretending to be at the moment!” He snapped at her. She was taken back by his anger. “I don’t have time for you, just leave.” He turned from her and she felt her heart racing.

  “Hey, I’m allowed to be angry too you know!” She snapped at him as he rushed over to her now and she backed up quickly when she saw how pissed he was.

  “Oh really? Why is that huh? Go on enlighten me as
to why you have any right to be angry about anything!” He was seething as he stood in front of her.

  She choked back tears as she stood there. “Well I am sorry that she just meant so much more to you than I did!” She snapped at him, she knew it was a low blow, but she was hurting too damn it!

  “You’re unbelievable, you know that right.” He said with such disgust in his face that she actually felt sick as she stood there.

  She immediately regretted her choice of words. She went to say something as her eyes filled up with tears. “Save it for someone who gives a shit because it isn’t me.” He spun from her as the tears fell down her face. She watched him take off and she felt her heart breaking into a million pieces. She had really screwed up and it could be beyond repair at this moment.

  Briana began walking down the street and then she began running as the tears flowed down her face. She made it all the way back to Clara’s place on foot. It took her almost an hour of running to get back to the store. She made her way inside and Clara met her at the door. “Oh, honey come here.” Clara said as Briana broke down and cried. “Hey it’s ok. We got the book and its gone, no one can get to it again.” Clara said reassuringly as Briana cried. She put her arms around her as Briana’s emotions all came out.

  Minutes later Clara made her a cup of tea as Briana sat at the table. She felt numb as she stared blankly. She had made such a mess of everything. “Talk to me, tell me what you’re feeling?” Clara asked as she sat down and handed the tea to Briana.

  “It’s just that I can’t seem to stop making such a mess of my life. I’m glad we got the book; I am but now what? I have nothing. He hates me.” She said with tears.

  “He? Did you see him again?” Clara asked with wide eyes.


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