HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two

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HUNTED: The Midnight Series, Book Two Page 14

by Toni Goode

  He mostly played by their rules and occasionally he didn’t let Uncle Sam know about certain endeavors and money he had made. He was an entrepreneur and he ran three clubs in the downtown Atlanta area. All of them were strip clubs but ones that catered to the supernatural kind. His girls were hot and clean. He ran a good business and he paid them well. They even had a health insurance package and paid vacations once a year. Things had changed drastically for him after the nineties, it changed for them all. He just became smarter, stronger and less likely to deal with bullshit then his former self. The world was a dark, cold and uncaring place and he was here to stay so might as well make the best of it.

  John poured them another drink as he took a seat and so did Steele. Steele was his second in command. He was the one that scoped out various areas and territories. They all paid John an amount for protection and what not. He owned about 95% of the wolf packs and even some of the vampire night clubs that had been popping up everywhere these days. The times were changing swiftly, and the supernatural numbers were at an all-time high even succeeding the human race though most were ignorant to that fact.

  “So how was Russia?” John sipped his drink.

  “Cold and not much of a night life.” Steele sipped his drink.

  “And you were able to fix that?” John raised an eyebrow.

  “When have I ever let you down.” Steele smirked, and they clinked their glasses together. “I’m thinking about staying stateside for a little bit.” Steele began as John looked at him surprised.

  “Really? Thought you liked to travel and taste all the forbidden fruit.” John smirked.

  “Yeah well sometimes it’s just not all it’s cracked up to be.” Steele said quietly as John groaned.

  “Don’t tell me your getting all soft cause I don’t want to hear that shit.” John said seriously.

  “Man, it’s just the same old shit, different day. I’m not young anymore.” Steele began as John rolled his eyes.

  “Get the hell out of here man. Get some girls from downstairs and enjoy your life. Shit could be changing soon. Some say a war is brewing.” John said seriously.

  “You know as much as I do that there isn’t any war happening anytime soon. The council would never allow it.” Steele said quickly, and John shook his head.

  “The council is old and played out. No one even pays attention to their bullshit anymore.” John said seriously.

  “Don’t you mean that you don’t play by the rules.” Steele raised an eyebrow.

  “Hey, you don’t see them complaining, you want to know why? Money talks and I have lots of it.” John said seriously as they finished their drinks.

  Back in Sheppardsville, Briana cleaned up the bar after she made her last call. The place was empty as she helped Charles pick the chairs up. “So how was your first day back with the living?” Charles asked as he smiled.

  “It was good, glad to be back. You wouldn’t happen to know anyone who has a place for rent?” She asked as he smiled wide.

  “You need a place? Look no further.” He glanced over at a door at the end of the bar. “Go check it out, I just got it finished.”

  “What is it?” Briana asked as she walked over to the door and opened it. There was a staircase and another door.

  “Now it’s not much but it’s bigger than it looks. It just needs a woman’s touch.” He began as she made her way quickly up the stairs. Opening the door, she gasped when she saw the huge loft apartment. There was a full kitchen including a table and chairs. The living room was also open to the kitchen and it had a tv and couch. Then behind the living room was a bedroom that was separated by a moving wall. A large bathroom was in the bedroom. The place was gorgeous, and it looked like a blast from the past. The wood paneling looked like it had been up since the 70’s and the tv was an old one with a wooden box around it. “So, what do you think?” Charles asked as she looked at him.

  “I love it, how much?” She said with wide eyes.

  “I wouldn’t charge you plus you work right downstairs.” He began, and she rolled her eyes.

  “No way, I will pay you.” She smiled. This place was perfect!

  Chapter Eleven

  John didn’t sleep most nights and when he did it was usually filled with nightmares, ones he didn’t talk about to anyone. It was always about her. The guilt he had for failing her was too much to bear at times. So, he tried not to think of it, but it was always there lingering in his mind.

  Back in 1990-The day the world changed.

  John had gotten back from seeing the council and their world was crumbling fast. The council was trying hard to do damage control from Briana’s outburst, but they were failing. It was looking more likely that they would have to come out of the shadows, and no one was ready for that.

  John’s mind was on her though. Briana. Everything had happened so suddenly with them. She forced him to feel things that he never thought was possible. It scared him, all of it did not to mention she would infuriate him as well. He hated all the lying and sneaking around but he would be lying if he didn’t admit that he was definitely in love with her. He could see she felt the same way even if she kept it hidden most times.

  “How is she?” He asked Clara who shook her head softly.

  “It’s not good John.” She said honestly.

  John ran a hand through his hair as he walked into the bedroom and stared at her lying there in the bed. She was hooked up to machines. She looked so weak. He walked over to her as her eyes opened some. He was losing her. He could see it happening.

  “Hey.” He said softly as he stroked her hand with his thumb.

  “Hey yourself.” She said just above a whisper as her eyes kept opening and closing. She was pretty well drugged up. “I made a mess of things.” She said quietly as she looked at him through squinted eyes.

  “No, you didn’t. I should have been there. I am sorry I wasn’t.” He said softly as emotion began to overcome him.

  “You’re going to have a good life John. You and Kate.” She whispered.

  “But that’s not the life I want. Briana, I want you.” He said softly as her eyes opened and locked in on his.

  “It’s just. Bad timing.” She said with a soft smile as her eyes closed again.

  “You got to fight this Briana. I can’t lose you.” He said as he leaned down and kissed her dry lips. “Please fight for us.” A tear fell down his check as he rested his head on her forehead.

  “John, it’s close.” Clara said as she came in the room and he wiped his face quick.

  “There has to be something we can do. We can’t just let her die, you’re a god damn witch can’t you do something, a spell, anything?” He yelled angrily.

  “I’m sorry John it just doesn’t work like that.” Clara said softly. She had already made up her mind with Patti and Mark that no one could know what they were about to do, not even John. Everyone’s future was already uncertain, no one could know.

  “That’s bullshit!” John snapped angrily. “I will find something; I will make this right!” He snapped as he stormed out of the room.

  John? Her soft voice made him jump up out of his sleep as he looked around. He felt haunted by her and maybe he was. When Briana died, he died too. His life had ended that day and he refused to look back. He would never love again. He ran a hand through his hair, and he looked over at the brunette lying there. She was fast asleep. He didn’t even know her name and he didn’t care to know it. He got out of bed and went in the shower. Today was a new day and there was always so much to do. He had just bought another club but this one was in outskirts of Pennsylvania. It would take him nearly 14 hours to get there by car and so he opted for the old fashion way of Shifting.

  He could make it there in about 7 hours which would be perfect because it was around the time the club was opening. He would stay in town a few days and then head back to Georgia.

  Over the next few days Briana got her new apartment ready. Her parents were worried about her going on her
own again, but they supported it. Her father had even helped her move furniture of hers in so that it made her own personal touch. Her dad walked around the loft apartment as he checked for any plumbing or electrical issues that could arise.

  “Charles said everything is up to code.” Briana added as her dad continued his walk through the apartment. “I was thinking of doing dinner one night with you and mom.” She added as her dad turned and looked at her with a smile.

  “Do you know that the day you were born I had gotten stuck in traffic and barely made it to the hospital in time. Your mother was so upset when I got there that she threw a book at me.” He said with a smile.

  “Mom always is a bit dramatic.” Briana said with a soft smile.

  “I think that’s what I love the most about her. She is unpredictable.” He smiled as he walked over to Briana. “I feel like we’re losing you.” He said softly as he looked at her.

  “I’m only a couple blocks away.” Briana said softly as he wrapped his arms around, and she hugged him back. She always felt so safe with her dad. “I love you, pumpkin. I never want anything bad to happen to you.” He pulled back and it almost looked like he may cry but he turned quick. “Charles did a good job. It’s a great place.” He walked over to the door as Briana watched him. “I look forward to that dinner.” He turned and faced her. “Be safe.” He said as he walked out, and Briana smiled big as she looked around. She couldn’t hold in her excitement anymore as she did a happy dance throughout the apartment.

  Briana really felt as though she was getting her life back or a new one at that. She was more comfortable with school and she was making good tips at work. At this point her life was actually really good even with all the confusing things running in her mind.

  On this particular night she had agreed to go out with Eve to a nightclub in another town. She was excited to go out but nervous as well. She knew that Eve was going to show her a night life that she had never experienced before. She was actually going to be up close and personal with the supernatural world!

  Briana had tried on three different outfits before deciding upon a pair of jeans, a lowcut black t-shirt that showed off her curves and cleavage. She wore a pair of chunky sandals on her feet that gave her another inch and a half. She would take whatever height they gave her. She always had short girl problems.

  She opted to wear her hair up, she knew it was going to be humid out and she was sure the nightclub would be muggy inside with a lot of people in there generating heat. She had so many questions too regarding the supernatural world and she was hoping to get answers about it tonight.

  Eve showed up early with a bottle of champagne in hand. “You look seriously hot. Who knows maybe you will get lucky with a sexy vampire?” Eve winked at her and Briana rolled her eyes. Eve was always so edgy with her look and it started at her wild pixie hair cut that was platinum blond. She wore a tiny black tank top, a short black mini skirt with ripped fishnet stockings and tall black laced boots.

  “I’m not looking for anyone tonight.” Briana said honestly. Her life was hectic as it was. She had work and school, granted she was going out tonight, but it wouldn’t be a daily thing.

  Eve shook her head as she poured each of them a cup. “To an awesome night out with two awesome chicks!” Eve said with a grin as they both took a large swig. “Nervous?” She raised an eyebrow at Briana.

  “No, not entirely.” Briana lied; she was nervous as hell.

  “Then one more before we go.” Eve grinned as she poured them more champagne.

  The girls had used a cab to get to the nightclub, that way they could drink and be responsible at the same time. Briana really wanted this night out. She needed something to help her unwind and being with Eve would be perfect.

  The name of the club was Red and from the outside it looked like a regular club but apparently it was an invite only. Briana wondered if that had to do with the super naturals that were inside. Eve flirted and schmoozed their way inside as she laid it on thick for the guard at the door.

  Inside was like walking into another world. The place had black lights on and strobe lights as music played loud. The beat from the dubstep that was currently playing was so loud that it felt as if it was taking over her entire body.

  “Awesome, right?” Eve yelled over the music.

  “Yeah and loud.” Briana said quickly.

  “What?” Eve yelled.

  “Nothing, it’s a cool place.” Briana said as Eve nodded her head and they walked over to the bar.

  Briana couldn’t help but stare at all the different people that were in there. It was intimidating to say the least. The men looked flawless and so did the girls. It was really uncomfortable. She tried to not make eye contact for too long. Did the vampire’s here bite whoever they wanted? Were there rules or a contract? The unknown was scary.

  Eve ordered them shots that Briana gladly drank. They both ordered drinks and soon were heading around the club. The place was packed. There were so many glowing eyes to see. Briana really couldn’t tell who was who. Some people looked like stereotypical vampires and others did not.

  Eve got them to a booth as they sat down, and Briana sipped her margarita as she looked around. “This place is banging tonight! Did you see all the hotties?” Eve grinned big. “Who knows maybe we’ll get a bite or two.” She grinned.

  “Like a real bite or figuratively speaking?” Briana asked with wide eyes.

  “The real deal Bree, listen the bite of a vampire is euphoric and the sex, oh my god don’t get me started!” Eve laughed.

  “Oh wow, ok.” Was all Briana could say.

  “Listen you need to lighten up, life it too god damn short.” Eve began and then her eyes got big as she stood up and began waving someone over. Briana looked as a tall slender man came over smiling. The fangs in his mouth apparent.

  “Eve! Damn your sexy as hell!” The vampire kissed her cheeks.

  “I could say the same thing about you Dario.” Eve flirted playfully with him as she touched his arm. “This is my best friend for life, Briana.” She added as Dario looked at her and licked his lips.

  “It’s a pleasure Briana.” He put his hand out to her and she went to shake it. It was freezing cold and she couldn’t help the gasp that left her mouth. “A first timer? Sweet!” He grinned bigger.

  “Don’t get any ideas Dario, this is strictly a girl’s night only.” Eve said quickly as he sighed.

  “If you decided to change your plans to something a bit more co-ed then let me know.” He grinned and then walked off.

  “I swear that piece of ass is mine tonight!” Eve said as she downed her drink.

  “Really? Him?” Briana said in shock. “Does that freak you out a bit, what if he killed you or turned you.” Briana began and then her eyes got wide. “Can they just do that? Do they need permission?”

  Eve couldn’t help but laugh. “Ok so a quick rundown on our fellow blood loving compadres. They don’t sleep in coffins, actually most of them are from royalty and have a butt load of money. Second, garlic doesn’t hurt them neither does holy water and they can go out in the sunlight, but it makes them weaker, so they avoid it most times. They can eat some food; over time they had evolved quite a bit. They can usually eat enough to blend in with other people. They do drink blood but a lot of it is synthetic now, but they still enjoy the fresh stuff. Now there are bad seeds out there like there is in any group and there are rules. They can only bite with permission and they can’t change anyone unless it is run by the council first.”

  “The council?” Briana shook her head as she sipped her drink.

  “Long story short it’s a bunch of old dudes that are older than dirt. They try to keep the peace among the species, and it works for the most part. Oh, and the sex with the wolves or vampires is amazing though your body feels beat up after, like bad. I heard some girls ended up in the hospital afterwards.” Eve grinned.

  “How many times have you; you know?” Briana said with wide eyes.

  “Um probably a dozen times between the wolves and vamps. I haven’t tried a witch yet, but I hear that they are capable of all sorts of crazy sexual positions since they are all magical and shit.” Eve laughed, and Briana laughed too as she shook her head.

  “That’s crazy. I mean I wouldn’t even know where to start.” Briana said seriously.

  “When was the last time you messed up the sheets in a bed?” Eve smirked at her and Briana tried to think back. The last time she ever remembered having sex was on her prom night and that was like five years ago. What a loser Craig ended up being that night. The sex was horrible, but she didn’t have much to compare it to because before him it was with her long-time high school boyfriend Tommy. She had lost her virginity to him at fifteen and they broke up six months before prom. She hadn’t thought about him in forever. “Damn that long, we have to fix that.” Eve said as she looked around.

  “Yeah um, I’m good for now, seriously.” Briana said quickly. She couldn’t imagine just jumping in bed with a supernatural person. She would have to wean her way through the idea.

  Eve stood up as she reached her hand out to Briana. “Come on you owe me a dance girl!”

  The girls danced on the floor for nearly two songs. Briana was sweating as she opted out of the next song and headed over to the bar for another drink. She was glad she had put her hair up because it got hot in there fast.

  She leaned up against the bar as she people watched. It was really amazing how well everyone was getting along; she had always thought it would have been the opposite but then again it would make sense for them to form an alliance especially when up against the government.

  She smiled as the bartender handed her another margarita. She wondered what it would be like to work in a bar like this one. She was sure it would have pretty amazing stories to tell. She sipped her drink as she stood there.

  John had been in town for a few days and he was already getting antsy to leave. He had spent too much time in his wolf form. The things about being in his wolf form for that long was that it made him think about things that he would rather not think about. He had been thinking about her a lot not that it was different from any other day. He was angry too, even after all this time he was still so god damn angry.


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