Safe Under Protection

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Safe Under Protection Page 3

by Holla Dean

  Once they were on the road again, Debi thought they better talk. She was pretty sure Russ didn’t know just what sort of community Corbin’s Bend really was.


  “Yeah? Something wrong?”

  “Not really, but I was reading those brochures about this community and I started wondering exactly what Domestic Discipline was. You know, all that stuff in the brochures? We haven’t had a chance to talk about it.”

  “You mean all that stuff about domestic harmony and household heads? Yeah, I skimmed over it and I figured that didn’t apply to us. We do all right in the harmony department and I never thought either one of us was the head of our household. Hell, we were still kids when we got married. We grew up and figured out everything life threw at us together. I don’t think we have to worry about any of that stuff.”

  “Well, I’m talking about the Domestic Discipline stuff.”

  “What about it?”

  God, he really didn’t have clue at all, she thought.

  “Well, I didn’t exactly know what it was. But I just thought it was strange the way they called it domestic discipline instead of just plain old discipline. So the other night I got the new laptop out—while you were snoring—and I looked it up.”

  “You looked up discipline? Why?”

  “No, I looked up Domestic Discipline. Honey, I’m afraid this unique community is going to be a little different than what we’re used to.”

  Glancing over at her quickly before turning his eyes back to the road, he asked, “What do you mean?”

  “You won’t believe this, but Domestic Discipline is when one person is the head of the household and makes all the major decisions—”

  “That’s not so unusual,” Russ interrupted. “Lots of marriages have one person that makes most of the decisions.”

  “That’s not the part you won’t believe. This household head spanks their wife if she does something she’s not supposed to. But it doesn’t have to be the wife that gets spanked because sometimes she’s the head of the household and then she spanks her husband.”

  “That’s what they’re talking about with the spanking stuff? I didn’t read it because I thought they were talking about disciplining kids. I figured it didn’t apply to us.”

  Debi watched his face as he thought it over. Then he said, “So they’ve created a place where they can live and spank each other without anyone feeling like a freak?”

  “I think so. I only looked at a few things on-line because it was getting late and I needed to get some sleep. Of course, after reading that stuff, I couldn’t fall asleep. Do you think we settled on this place too quickly? What are we going to do? Are we going to be able to live in a place where adults are spanked on a regular basis?”

  By this point, Russ was chuckling. “I wonder whose idea this was. I bet not the poor sucker who’s getting their ass beat.”

  “Russ! Be serious. What are we going to do? I mean, that’s just not us.”

  “Calm down, it’ll be okay. They can’t make me spank you, or make you spank me, or make us spank each other, or whatever.” He paused for a minute, then asked, “Is this why you’ve been so quiet during this whole trip?”

  “I guess. I have been thinking a lot about it and wasn’t sure if you understood just what we’re getting ourselves into. So what do you think?”

  “For now, I think we just have to deal with it. Jack didn’t have a lot of time and he probably thought because of this so-called uniqueness, this would be the perfect place for us to relocate. Who would think to look for us in a spanking community? Hell, who would even think there was such a place as a spanking community? Let’s just roll with it and make the best of it.”

  “I guess you’re right, but I’m still worried.”

  They rode in silence for a while and Debi wondered how he could be so casual about it. People were spanking each other, for crying out loud. She wished she’d brought it up to him when she first found out.

  Well, it was too late now. They were almost there. Glancing at Russ, she could tell he was busy processing the information she’d just given him. Leaning against the cold glass of the window, she was just drifting off when Russ asked a question.

  “So what does someone have to do to get a spanking from their household head?”

  “I think the correct term is Head of Household, or HoH. I didn’t read that much; it was getting late. But stuff like disobedience and disrespect.”

  “Disobedience, huh?” Russ grinned and said, “If I was going to start spanking you for disobedience, you’d be getting your butt walloped on a daily basis.”

  “What? What are you talking about? What disobedience? I’m not your slave, how can I be disobedient?”

  “Don’t get your underwear bunched up. I was only joking. This could get interesting. And I believe I see a sign up ahead that says Corbin’s Bend.”

  * * * * *

  Russ passed the sign that told them they were now in Corbin’s Bend and followed the road to the right. Debi sat up and tried to see as much as she could. The road they were on led them to the huge dome that had been identified as Corbin’s Bend Community Center in the brochures. The parking lot was empty and Russ pulled in to a space near the entrance and they waited for Jack to pull in next to them.

  They both opened their doors at the same time and got out of the car. Debi did a couple of slight knee bends and stretched her legs to loosen them up after sitting so long. Looking around, she thought it looked just like any other suburban community. Of course it was dark so there wasn’t much she could see. She took Russ’s hand when he walked around to her side of the vehicle just as Jack pulled up.

  “Well, what do you think so far?” Jack asked when he got out of his car.

  She found out just what Russ thought about moving to a spanking town when he said, “I think you could have been a little more honest about what kind of community this was. Debi told me she’s been doing some research and I’ve got to tell you I just don’t know if this place is gonna work out for us.”

  Jack had the decency to look a little sheepish. “I’m sorry about that, but I hoped the brochures would explain things well enough and—considering what we’re dealing with—this just might be the safest place for you. All you have to do is have an open mind and be accepting of how people here live.”

  “Yeah, but are they going to be open-minded if we don’t feel like spanking each other?”

  Jack gave a hearty laugh and said, “I think my brother is going to have to explain a few things to you.”

  “Your brother? What does your brother have to do with any of this?”

  After another slightly sheepish look, Jack explained, “Brent, the guy that sort of runs this place, is my brother and I had to get him to work a little miracle to get your application accepted so quickly on short notice. And here he comes now. He’ll take us to your new house.”

  Russ and Debi both turned toward the truck that had just driven up to see a man who was even taller than Jack come striding towards them. The man’s long legs helped him cover ground quickly and he went straight for Jack, ignoring the Hunters completely while he gave his older brother a bear hug.

  “Damn, it’s good to see you, Jack. I guess you’re as tired as you look with all that driving. You should have spent the night in Denver.”

  “I thought it was best to keep going once we got so close. Let me introduce you. Russ and Debi, this is Brent, my brother and the guy I was telling you about that runs the place.”

  Brent shook both their hands before turning back to Jack. “Why don’t you go over to my house and visit with Char while I take these folks to their new house and get them settled? You do remember where my house is, right?”

  “Of course I do, just because I’m a few years older than you doesn’t mean I’m going senile.” He turned his attention back to Russ and said, “I’m going to be here visiting my brother and his family for a few days while you get settled. I’ll check in with you before I l

  Debi realized for the first time that Jack seemed to address Russ whenever he spoke. The only time he spoke directly to her was when she asked a question. Was she like a second class citizen to these macho type guys?

  Jack left and she and Russ followed Brent into the dome. It was warm and welcoming inside with a few hallways leading to other parts of the dome and a huge stairway that went to the two upper floors. Debi moved closer to Russ and took his hand. She was a little nervous.

  She whispered, “I bet he’s the one who does the spanking in his family.”

  Russ couldn’t help but chuckle and said, “I’ll bet you’re right about that.”

  They followed Brent up the two flights of stairs and into his office.

  Now this is a guy who knows how to take charge, Debi thought to herself as she climbed the stairs slowly, putting each foot on each step like a toddler. Her knee was stiff and she had to baby it after so many hours in the car. He’s so damn tall, I wonder if really does spank his wife. Her poor butt; his hands are huge.

  Then she had another thought. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if he were the one that got spanked in his relationship? She had to work at keeping a giggle from escaping. Russ noticed and gave her a questioning glance, but she just shook her head.

  “Come on in,” Brent said. His voice was friendly and his gray eyes were kind.

  They sat down in comfortable chairs around a low table. It was a very casual seating area, designed to make people feel comfortable talking about things they’d always had to hide.

  “How much did Jack tell you about our community?” Brent asked.

  “Not a lot,” Russ replied. “But Debi did a little research and we’re a little…uh…I guess we’re a little concerned.”

  Brent gave a little frown. “I was afraid of that. So, after your research, do you have any questions?”

  Debi answered, “A whole lot of questions and no idea where to start. Can we ask how much Jack told you about us?” She wasn’t sure if Jack would have confided in his brother about the Witness Protection Program.

  “All I know is what was in your application packet.” Brent assured them. “I will say I know what my brother does for a living and what the usual focus of his job is. And we’ll leave it at that. I don’t want to know anything you don’t want to tell me.”

  “Sure, that sounds good. Besides, that application just about has our whole life history in it so there’s not much else to tell.”

  Debi hoped Russ’s response would quell any suspicions Brent might have that they were in the WPP.

  “I’m sure you folks are tired from your trip. How about I take you to your new home and we’ll do a tour of Corbin’s Bend in the morning?”

  “Yes, please. We’d like that,” Debi said. “We’ll need to go back down to Boulder to pick out some furniture and get groceries tomorrow.”

  “We’ve got five markets right here in Corbin’s Bend that should have what you need for a day or so. You might want to rest up a day and drive to Boulder the day after tomorrow.”

  “We’ll see how we feel after you give us the tour tomorrow,” Russ said. “Debi has a knee replacement and it might be a little stiff tomorrow after being stuck in a car for the better part of two days.”

  “Good, let me grab your house keys from the safe. You can follow me to your home. There’s some food in your fridge that Venia Varner put in there for you.”

  “Great, I’m hungry even though we stopped for dinner.”

  “You’re always hungry,” Debi said.

  * * * * *

  They pulled into their driveway a few minutes later and Brent said, “I hope you’re okay with the location. It was the only Plan 7 we had ready to go. I think it’ll be a great layout for you guys. You’ll have an office for running the mobile auto repair out of and a guest room that could be made into a combo guest room/office if Debi needs office space too. And the placement of the house on the lot gives you a full scenic view, with a nice view of the mountain from your master bedroom window upstairs.”

  Anxious to see where she’d be living, Debi jumped out of the car and was right behind Brent as he unlocked the front door and reached in to flip on the lights. He stepped aside to let her go in first and almost bumped right into her when she suddenly stopped and stood still.

  “Something wrong?”

  “No, I just want to get a first feel of the house. You know, the moment you first walk in and can tell if this will really be home or just a house.”

  Brent politely waited until she finally moved forward into the living room.

  The front door opened up into the foyer with the living room to the left. On the right side was the access door to the garage. She frowned at that wondering who designed a house with a garage access door opening into the living room but didn’t say anything. She supposed technically it opened into the foyer. Directly ahead of the front door was the stairway to the second floor. The small half bath was next to the stairs. She walked to the kitchen which was directly beyond the living room with the dining room in a sort of alcove against the stairs. The small table and chairs Jack had mentioned were in the kitchen. It had a good sized pantry and a nice laundry room at one end. French doors led to the backyard.

  Opening the fridge, she found a casserole and some other stuff that looked like it came from a restaurant. She told Russ she’d heat some of it up for him when they were done looking at the whole house.

  Leaving the kitchen, she walked back to the front of the house and went up the stairs. The hallway bath was just off the landing with one of the secondary bedrooms next to it. Going down the hall, she passed the other bedroom and thought that one could be Russ’s office since it was a little bigger. The master suite took up the entire front end of the second floor. She was happy with the large master bath. The walk-in closet was not huge, but not small either.

  Overall, the house was very nice. She liked the neutral paint scheme and the tile and carpet. She liked the kitchen with its top of the line appliances and plenty of counter space. Being newer, it was very different from their old house in Naperville. They had raised their four children in that house and it had a huge kitchen, a formal dining room, and a family room in addition to the living room. She didn’t bother to remind herself that she and Russ had been talking about downsizing. They didn’t use half of that house anymore since the kids were all grown and married.

  Brent had been watching her reactions as they toured the house and now said, “You don’t like the house, do you?”

  “Oh, no. I do like it. It’s just very different from our old house. I think it’s smaller than I expected, but the kitchen is very nice.” She knew she didn’t sound very convincing.

  “Debi, this is the perfect size for the two of us,” Russ said. “Remember how we talked about downsizing since we weren’t using much of the old place? There is one thing I’d like to change and I hope it won’t be problem.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I’d like to make better use of the space under the stairs off the dining room. I think I can build some nice cabinets for Debi to put her china in.”

  “Honey, I don’t have the china anymore. Remember I gave it to the girls?”

  “Oh, yeah. Well, you could store other stuff in it.

  “I’m sure it can be arranged,” Brent said. “You’ll have to apply to the architectural committee at the housing board, but as long as the work is done by a licensed contractor, I don’t think there’d be any problem.”

  “Hell, I don’t need a licensed contractor who’ll charge me an arm and a leg for something I can do myself.”

  Brent gave him what sounded like the standard response when residents wanted to make changes. “You can ask when you apply, but the board will want to inspect the work and if they don’t deem it a workman-like repair, they’ll insist you have it redone.”

  “I understand,” Russ assured him. “But I can do as good a job as a licensed contractor, if not better.”

�Okay then, I’ll give you the paperwork for that application. It’s getting late and I’m gonna take off. How about we meet tomorrow morning at nine and I’ll give you that tour?”

  “We’ll see you then.” Russ shook his hand and went to check out the garage.

  Once the men left, Debi stood there for a few minutes looking around. This was it. They were really here in Corbin’s Bend starting a whole new life. Their old life was over.

  She sat down at the small kitchen table, put her head down on her folded arms and let the tears come. Tears she had kept bottled up for so long simply because to do otherwise would have kept her from being able to get through the past year. She needed to be strong for Russ and for their children. But now it was real and she could no longer keep the tears at bay.

  Sitting at the small table, resting her head on her arms, she sobbed her heart out. She cried for the loss of her old life, her old house, and all the things she had to leave behind. She cried for not knowing when she’d see her children and grandchildren again. She felt like she’d lost herself. She wasn’t even Colleen anymore. Russ wasn’t Jess anymore. Nothing was the same anymore.

  Her nose and ears were so plugged up from crying, she didn’t hear the garage door open when Russ came back in the house.

  * * * * *

  Russ took their suitcases from the back of the vehicle and carried them up to the master bedroom before going into the kitchen and finding Debi still sniffling from her crying jag.

  “Hey, babe. What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He was surprised to see her like this. She’d been so strong throughout their entire ordeal.

  “No!” she cried out. “I’m not okay. I don’t want to be Debi and I don’t want you to be Russ. I want to see my children and my grandkids. I want my old house back, my old life back. I don’t think I can do this, Jess.”

  He pulled her up and into his arms. “Shh…hush now. You’ve got to remember to call me Russ.”

  Pulling back, she looked at his face and cried, “Didn’t you hear me? I don’t want you to be Russ!”


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