Safe Under Protection

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Safe Under Protection Page 12

by Holla Dean

  “This jealousy of yours is getting the best of you, Debi. I’m warning you now, get it under control or your bottom will be feeling the flat of my hand. And not in the way you like to feel it.”

  “I said I’m sorry. I’ll do better, I promise.”

  “I hope so.” He worked at trying to keep his voice stern, yet loving. “You have nothing to be jealous about. I love you and only you. After all these years, you have to know that.”

  “I do, honey. I’m sorry.” She went to him for a hug and kiss.

  “I’m serious, Debi. You get this nonsense under control or I’m going to blister your butt with more than just my hand.”

  Russ hoped he’d grabbed her attention when he saw her swallow hard and nod her head. Still not sure about how to handle this situation, he went and talked to Jason about Debi’s jealousy. He couldn’t be entirely truthful of the underlying cause of it, but he mentioned with the grandkids in Europe and Debi not seeing them very often, the kindergarten kids making her miss them even more, he thought she was exhibiting her frustration over not seeing the grandkids with this unreasonable jealousy.

  Jason didn’t have to think too long before making a suggestion. “Spank her. Spank that jealousy—which is really nothing more than frustration from what you say—right out of her. A good long spanking should do the trick. Make it long and hard so she knows you care enough to rid her of whatever the problem is. It can be a great way to relieve her stress.”

  “You really think the answer is that simple?”

  “I’d bet on it. But one more piece of advice. A long hard spanking will be as hard on your hand as it will on her backside. Warm her up with your hand, but then switch to a hairbrush or paddle. A belt can work wonders as well, but I usually reserve that for serious infractions.”

  Russ understood about spankings being hard on his hand; he’d felt his palm sting plenty after foreplay spankings. But a belt? He didn’t think so. He was however intrigued with the idea of a paddle or even a hairbrush. Then he remembered Debi had mentioned the threat of a belt in one the blogs had turned her on. Hmm…

  * * * * *

  Things stayed under control for several busy days. Debi was doing her best, but a couple of those kids at school looked a little like her grandkids and made her miss them even more. It didn’t help that she hadn’t been allowed to bring even one little picture of Nicky and Claire when they left Chicago. She was missing so much of their growing up. Would they even remember their grandma when they could finally get together again?

  One plate of cookies sealed in a plastic storage bag appeared on the welcome mat and Debi held her tongue. However, when another one showed up the next day, she couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

  “I don’t believe these women!” She shoved the plate across the counter but misjudged and it went flying off, shattering in a million pieces on the floor.

  Russ heard the racket out in the garage. He rushed in and stopped when he saw the mess on the floor.

  “What the hell happened?”

  “Uh…I accidentally dropped the plate of cookies?” It was more a question than a statement.

  She could tell by the frown on his face that he didn’t quite believe her.

  “Accidentally on purpose maybe?”

  She released a big defeated sigh. “I’m sorry, Russ. I got angry when I saw more cookies and shoved them over harder than I meant to and they fell.”

  He nodded his head and gave her his new stern look. “What did I say was going to happen if you didn’t get this under control?”

  “Russ…please. It was an accident. I admit I was angry, but I didn’t mean to shove the plate so hard.”

  “Which means you weren’t in control, right?”

  “I guess.”

  He pointed towards the stairs and said, “Upstairs. Now.”


  “Upstairs now or drop your pants here in the kitchen and bend over the table. If we do it here, I’ll be taking my belt off.”

  She blanched and headed for the stairs with Russ right behind her. She knew Russ had an aversion to using his belt to spank her so it was unlikely he’d follow through on his threat. But damn if her pussy wasn’t having a reaction. It felt like it was more of an anticipatory reaction than one of trepidation.

  As he passed her dresser, he picked up the hairbrush and put it next to his thigh when he sat down on the bed.

  “Off with the pants, Debi, and over my knee.”

  “Russ, please. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to knock it off the counter.”

  “I know, baby. And I know things have been tough on you with missing the grandkids. But being jealous of the nice ladies in Corbin’s Bend is not going to help. This method got you to remember to use my new name, and I think it will help you with this problem.” He patted his knee and said, “Over you go.”

  With trembling fingers, she took her pants off. Trying one last plea, she asked, “Can I leave my undies on?”

  “For now, but they will be coming off soon. Now stop dragging your feet.”

  He was well back on the bed allowing her to have full support for her upper body, though her legs still dangled due to the angle she was across his lap and knee. His left arm encircled her waist and tucked her in nice and tight to his body making her feel secure.

  Grabbing a few pillows to hang on to, her pussy squeezed tightly when she felt his hand skim over her cotton panties. He began a steady rhythm of spanks while continuing his lecture of how this was going to help her. She closed her eyes and concentrated on relaxing her butt and just going with the punishment. She had heard one of the other women say that was how she got through it. There was a brief pause with another skimming of his hand over her butt, and then he pulled her panties down around her knees.


  He ignored her and his hand came down in several smartly delivered blows, causing her to cry out. The next thing she felt was something cool and flat. She quickly realized he was going to use something other than his hand.

  “No…Russ, what is that?”

  “Your hairbrush.”

  It landed at the same time he answered with a sting far worse than any she had felt from just his hand.

  “Ow! No!”

  “You need this, Debi. You know you need this.”

  Her ass was peppered with several more sharp swats of the hairbrush and she cried out with each one. It wasn’t long before she was begging him to stop.

  When her bottom was a nice rosy color, Russ put the brush down next to him on the bed and rubbed the sting out of her ass while lecturing some more.

  “Can I get up now?” While the spanking had hurt, it had not made her cry and she was feeling a little put out by what she thought was an unnecessary punishment.

  “No, you cannot. I’m not done yet.”

  “But I can listen to you just as well if you let me up.” She lifted her head and tried to turn around so she could see his face.

  “I meant I’m not done spanking you.” He picked up the brush and started in again with even harder swats. While the first round had been concentrated on her ass cheeks, these were focused on her sit spot and hurt much more.

  “Ow! Stop! I’m sorry! I promise I won’t be jealous!”

  The strikes kept coming and she was squirming hard, trying to crawl all the way across his lap so she could make her escape to the other side of the bed. His left hand held her firmly and she made no progress other than bunching the bedclothes tightly in her fists.

  “Stop!” She was close to sobbing now and her sit spot felt like it was on fire.

  Russ put the brush down and rubbed the newly reddened area, giving her a chance to catch her breath and let the sting fade away.

  Instead of asking if she could get up, this time she pushed her upper body up with her arms assuming he would let her up now.

  “Get back down; we’re not quite done.” His voice had that new steel quality to it. Where had he learned that?

  “We have to be…I can’t take any more. Please, Russ.”

  He scooted back just a little further on the bed and now she was fully supported, both her upper body and her legs were firmly on the bed as she lay across his lap. Russ pushed her legs a little further apart and she was sure he’d be able to catch a glimpse of her wet pussy. Then she felt his cock swell with desire and need. Unfortunately, it didn’t deter him from his mission.

  “You can and will take more.”

  The tops of her tender thighs took the brunt of the third and final round of strikes with the hairbrush. She hissed a high pitched squeal at the intensity of these strikes. And yet, there was something almost exquisitely divine in the pain. The sharp stinging of the hairbrush seemed to travel directly to her pussy and clit. She imagined a shock of electricity would feel similar. She didn’t know any more if her cries were from pain or pleasure, but suspected it was a combination of both.

  Finally Russ stopped and she could tell he’d put the hairbrush aside. He gathered her in his arms and rolled to his side so they were lying side by side, with her butt tucked into his groin.

  His hand curved around her hip and between her legs. She was wet, very wet. His finger stroked the length of her slit and her hips jerked when he touched her sensitive clit. He did it again and she murmured something unintelligible.

  Kissing the back of her shoulder, he whispered, “I love you, baby. Only you, for always. You know that, don’t you?”

  Nodding her head, she answered, “I know. I love you too.” Her hips bucked again as his fingers slipped inside her and stroked the bundle of nerves at the top of her channel.

  With no warning, her body tensed as the waves of an orgasm washed over her. Russ kept it going with continuous stroking of that area as he slid his fingers in and out of her pussy.

  Panting, she was now begging him to stop making her come. “I can’t anymore…it’s too much…everything is too sensitive.”

  He withdrew his hand and got up. “We’re still not done, baby. As soon as I get undressed, I’m going to drive my cock into your sweet pussy.”

  Debi whimpered with excitement. No matter how sensitive her clit was, how swollen her vulva had become from what had seemed like one long, endless orgasm; she wanted to be filled with Russ’s thick, hard cock. She watched him as he unzipped his pants and pulled them off along with his boxers. His engorged cock sprang free and she had the fleeting thought it was harder and bigger than she’d ever seen it. Was that possible?

  Then he was over her, between her spread legs, gazing into her eyes and bringing his mouth to hers in a breathtaking kiss as he plunged into her. No more than a few thrusts were needed to bring them to the precipice before they clung together in a mutually shuddering spasm.

  * * * * *

  Debi woke up a few hours later and she saw it was dark outside. Russ still had his arm around her waist and he was lightly snoring. A look at her bedside clock told her it was after eight. Her stomach growled, reminding her they hadn’t eaten dinner yet.

  I should get up and start something for dinner. But instead, she stayed where she was thinking about what had happened that afternoon. Why did she get so angry about some stupid cookies? Who cared where they came from? If she thought about it calmly and sensibly, she knew none of the cookie bakers were trying to make a move on Russ. Except for maybe Liz Patterson. And seriously, Liz was nothing to be jealous of. She briefly wondered if her attitude and emotions were being caused by hormones.

  It was more likely Russ was right and she just missed her family. It would be wonderful if they could just manage to find a way to talk to the kids. Just so she’d know everyone was fine. She wondered if they could drive to some town a few hundred miles away and use a library’s computer to send an email. Maybe they could set up a fake ID on some social media so she could see pictures of everyone occasionally. She would ask Russ to contact Jack and find out.

  Her mind went back to the consequence of her little fit that sent the plate of cookies shattering to the floor. Never had she thought Russ would follow through on his threats to spank her for a little jealousy. Of course, it hadn’t been jealousy at all. He threatened to use his belt! The thought of it caused her pussy to squeeze in a little clench and she wondered if there’d ever be a time when he would use his belt to spank her.

  Venia had been so right about a punishment. Today’s spanking had been no fun whatsoever. It had hurt more than her previous punishment spanking. Russ had made it very clear that he wasn’t going to put up with her little fits over the cookies. Whether the underlying cause was jealousy or missing her family, he had had enough. And yet, lying here with his arm thrown over her side and her sore ass tucked into his groin, she felt good.

  No, the word good didn’t express what she felt. She felt loved. Yes, that was it—she felt loved and cared for. Russ was looking out for her, making sure she didn’t get out of control with the confusion of emotions leaving their family caused.

  Relocating to this strange community and trying to fit in with their totally vanilla lifestyle, finding a new job for her and Russ starting a business; it had all combined and contributed to what had resulted in her ass being soundly spanked. She smiled to herself as she thought they weren’t exactly living a totally vanilla lifestyle anymore. It probably wasn’t fair to refer to Corbin’s Bend as a ‘strange’ community.

  It was nothing more than a place where like-minded people could live their lives without worrying about reproach from others. There were other communities that catered to specific lifestyles. Golf course subdivisions, nudist colonies, age restricted communities where older people could live without the noise of children, RV communities had sprouted up in recent years for those who spent a good portion of their year traveling in their RV. Corbin’s Bend simply catered to those who believed spanking enhanced their relationships. Whether it was for play or discipline didn’t matter. The people who lived here were at home here, something that hadn’t always been the case wherever they had lived before moving to Corbin’s Bend.

  Debi was sure she’d be reminded of this afternoon’s spanking for at least a few days every time she sat down. With a little laugh, she thought she’d also be reminded every time she used her hairbrush. That was okay. Despite the pain, she was all right with it. Russ loved her and had done what he thought was best for her. He’d been right; her feelings seemed to be all sorted out now and she no longer felt any resentment or jealousy towards the women who brought Russ cookies.

  Gently lifting his arm so she could slip out of the bed and go downstairs to make something for dinner, she felt him tighten his hold on her.

  “Stay.” His voice was sleepy.

  “Aren’t you hungry? It’s after eight and we haven’t had dinner. I have to clean up the mess downstairs too.”

  “I am hungry, but I don’t want to let you go.”

  “We can come straight back to bed after we eat.”

  “That sounds good. What are we having?”

  “How about some soup and grilled cheese sandwiches? It’s a little late for anything heavier.”

  “Okay. How’s your bottom feeling?”

  “I’ll let you know after I try to sit down.”

  Russ sat up with a chuckle and took a look. “Wow! That’s a very pink rear.”

  “And just who made it that way?”

  After giving her a kiss, he said, “You did. You brought it on yourself.”

  “Yeah, right,” she said, but kissed him back.

  “Come on, I’ll help you clean up those poor cookies you threw to the floor.”

  * * * * *

  “Sorry to just pop in on you, Venia,” Debi said the following day when Venia answered her door. “Do you have a few minutes to talk?”

  “Of course, come on in.” Venia opened the door wider to let Debi pass by her. “Let’s sit down. I just made some coffee.”

  They sat at the kitchen table and Debi watched her pour the coffee into two large mugs. Venia put one on the t
able in front of Debi and then sat down across from her. Debi shifted her weight from one hip to the other and seemed to be having difficulty telling her why she’d stopped by.

  “Is something on your mind, Debi?”

  “He spanked me,” Debi blurted it out.

  Venia raised her eyebrow and said, “Again? My, my, this would be the second time, right? Is the non-spanking, vanilla couple of Corbin’s Bend converting to our way of living?”

  Debi couldn’t help but laugh at Venia’s teasing tone. “It sure looks that way, doesn’t it? By the way, this is way more than the second time.”

  “You’ve been holding out on your mentor. From the way you’re fidgeting in that chair, I have a feeling this time was more than just a little play.”

  Debi wrinkled her nose at Venia and replied, “There have been two for punishment, including yesterday’s spanking. And I can’t say I care for it.” She took a sip of her coffee and added, “But I can say I enjoyed what happened afterwards.”

  “I know what you mean.” Venia gave a little laugh. “For some reason the sex after being punished seems to be the best kind.”

  Debi was silent for a few minutes and Venia got up to get some cookies from her ceramic cookie jar on the counter. When she came back to the table, she asked, “Do you want to tell me what brought on these punishments? That is, if you’re comfortable with telling me.”

  “I’m okay with telling you. The first one wasn’t really terrible; it did hurt, but the sex afterwards almost made me want to have more rules just so I could break them.”

  Venia laughed out loud. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard new TiHs say that. I can assure you, that feeling doesn’t last after a few more serious spankings.”

  “I believe it; every time I sit down I can feel last night’s spanking all over again.”

  “So what did you do to earn these punishments?”

  Debi glossed over the first one since she couldn’t tell Venia about calling Russ by his real name. She went into more detail about the cookies and how she had done a little self-analysis on why she was displaying such jealous behavior when she knew Russ loved her.


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