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Cormack Page 1

by C. M. Steele


  Obsessed Alpha

  C.M. Steele

  For Evelyn and NaShara,

  thanks for helping me bring Cormack to life.

  Copyrighted © 2021

  All Rights Reserved

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Cover design: C.M. Steele

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as advertisement. Trademark names are used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven


  She’s mine. When it’s all said and done, Gloria will be my wife. She strolled into my pub, mistakenly believing that once she was in my sights that I’d ever let her go.

  I’m alone in beautiful Ireland, but I have a purpose, and his name is Cormack Delaney. He thinks he’s the one obsessed, but I’m foolishly his, or am I really? We both are keeping secrets, and they may just end what’s only just begun.

  Chapter One


  My salvation drinks at a pub I own, one of many establishments the Delaney Family possess throughout Dublin. I watch her nervously twirl her finger around the glass of wine. I can tell she’s not from here. The look in her eyes screams tourist, but where is she from?

  She doesn’t see that she’s just caught the attention of the most dangerous predator and I’m not talking about the asshole creeping closer to her.

  “I’m sorry,” she mutters when a man intentionally bumps into her. The way she tucks her shoulders inward as a protective mechanism. I watch the fucker and snap my fingers, nodding to my men at the door. If he thinks that shit’s going to work he’s got another thing coming. Not only do I not allow thievery in my businesses, but I also won’t allow anyone to get that close to my woman ever again. Whoever she is, she sealed her fate walking into my pub, looking so fragile. She needs me to protect her like I always will.

  A pain in my chest develops as I consider just forty-eight hours ago, I got the news that my father passed away. It came suddenly, almost as if he was murdered, but there’s no proof. It hit me so damn hard that I’ve been in a dangerous fog that could get me killed. Still, I let that cup of emotions sit because my attention is back on the enchantress perched on the stool. She’s focused on the bastard that bumped her and pick pocketed her pocketbook out of her bag.

  “I’m not interested. Leave me alone,” she says with grit and power that I love to see.

  “I thought all of you Americans were slutty.” I’m going to kill this bastard. No one should ever speak to her like that.

  “For the right man.” She pauses, looks him up and down before adding, “and that’s not you. Get away,” I hear her American accented rebuttal with pride in my chest. I haven’t narrowed down where she’s from, but the accent is familiar. It screams Chicago, but I could be wrong. I’ve been there several times on business over the past ten years, so maybe that’s why it’s ringing a bell. Still, I inch closer to her as my guys yank him away from her. They don’t make a scene, but he does. “Hey, I didn’t do anything. She’s the slut who started it.” Does he understand that he’s about to meet his maker? Well he is. There are things that are intolerable to me and number one on that list is disrespect. I don’t kill every drunken fool who disrespects my establishment. His mistake was not only touching what’s mine but insulting her as well.

  I intercede, stepping up to him and snatching her wallet from his filthy grip. “Take him away,” I order my men. He looks at me and pleads, but it falls on deaf ears. With my back turned to her, I open up her wallet and see her name, Gloria Anabella Grasso. Like I thought, her ID says she’s from Chicago.

  “Oh my God. He took my wallet,” she gasps, spinning in her chair. I turn after having closed her wallet.

  “Here you are, Gloria.” I slide it onto the bar top next to her drink, and then her eyes meet mine for the first time. She gasps, clutching the small wallet

  “How do you know my name?” I point to the stolen property.

  “Oh, wait, did you have him do that?” Her eyes narrow with the proper amount of suspicion is justified, but it still makes me chuckle.

  “Sweet, Gloria. I would never stoop that low to meet my future wife. I would just introduce myself without pretense.”

  “What? Tossing on the charm, aren’t you?”

  “I’m just stating the truth. Now let’s go take this to the back, over there.” I point to where I had been sitting.

  “No thank you. I should be going,” she says, grabbing her wallet and stuffing it back in her purse, zippering it this time.

  “Then I’ll escort you home,” I offer. It’s not my end game, but I’ll play along for now.

  “I’m not from here which you clearly are aware of, so home is a long way away,” she says, intentionally being obtuse. I want to kiss that smart mouth so much that I can’t take my eyes off her lips. Would she talk to me like that if she knew who I was? I’d sure as fuck hope so.

  “You’re beautiful,” I mutter, lost in her eyes to the point that I’m coming off like a total ass not unlike the piece of shit I had taken out of here.

  “Thank you, and do you plan to tell me your name or do you think I’m just going to marry a complete stranger?” she teases, making the growing tension fade that she might not be as interested as I believed.

  “I’m Cormack Delaney. I own this pub, Gloria.”

  “Hello, Cormack. Still, I’m not going to just let you take me to my hotel. I don’t know you, and businessmen in suits definitely don’t make you saints.” She’s got me on that one because I’d never be forgiven for the souls I’ve taken.

  “Do you really know anyone in Dublin?” She scowls, giving me a huff and crossing her arms.

  “No, but that doesn’t mean…” I press my hand to her lips, stopping whatever useless reply she was going to toss my way.

  “It means you need protection. Before you even dare argue with me, I’m extremely familiar with this area and you’ve already been pickpocketed. Now come sit with me and I’ll order us some dinner, so I can convince you to marry me.” A few gasps can be heard around us since I’m certain all eyes are on us and the fact that I’m actually pursuing a woman.

  She hops off the stool with an attitude. “Fine, but I’m not going to sleep with you.”

  “Not tonight,” I breathe against the shell of her ear.

  “Are you always this insistent?” She loses a bit of that fire as a shiver of pleasure passes through her body.

  “Only when I want something enough.” And I’ve never wanted anything more in the world than I want Gloria.

ay.” I take her hand in mine, pretending to be leading her to the seat like a gentleman, but I’m selfishly stealing my first touch while letting everyone around see that she’s taken. By tomorrow morning not a soul in Dublin would have missed the news that Cormack Delaney is off the market. A bit of dread fills me as I consider the threat she could face with that information.

  “So what are you doing in Dublin, Gloria?”

  “It was supposed to be a weekend trip with the girls I was staying with, but they played me, ditching me here before heading right back to London.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. Luckily, my father made sure I had everything I needed, although he won’t be pleased when he finds out I ditched my security.” Security? So her daddy has money.

  “Baby, how much have you had to drink?”

  “About two drinks. I think.” She hiccups, and I’m guessing she’s a lightweight when it comes to drinking.

  “Well, you need some food in you. Are you sure they ditched you?”

  “They sent me a message from London Underground an hour ago, giggling about how I need to stop being so trusting. I thought people overseas were nicer than us Americans, but everyone here’s been straight up assholes.” She blushes when she realizes that she’s just called me that. “Well, I don’t mean you. You’re bossy, but you haven’t been mean to me.”

  “And I never will,” I promise, bringing her hand to my lips, kissing the back of her soft, small palm.

  “You want to get into my panties, don’t you?”

  “Eventually. For now, I want you to tell me why your father let you go so far. I’d never let our daughters travel halfway across the world without me.”

  “Well, I’m already eighteen and well, I’m supposed to take time off before going to college.”

  “College? And where did you plan on doing that?” Online is the best answer, but I have a chance to coax her onto that path. The thought of her around a bunch of young college pricks would send me into a fucking daily killing spree until she was only left with female classmates and teachers. It’s a bit overdramatic but that’s the image that floods my brain.

  “I hadn’t planned on anything at this point. It’s kind of why I asked to come abroad because I haven’t the faintest idea of what I want to be.”

  “Well, you have time to be anything you want, except for being my wife. I’ll give you a day to come to that realization.”

  “I’m supposed to just accept that?” My impulse is to bite that tongue and bottom lip of hers, tasting all that damn attitude before I fuck it out of her, but I hold back.

  “Yes, my sweet Gloria. I’m not a man who changes his mind or makes rash decisions, but the second I spotted you across the room, I knew you’d be mine.”

  “So what else do you own, Mr. Delaney? From the Ravazzolo tailor made suit with a Rolex that isn’t a knockoff, I’m guessing the bar business isn’t your only capital gain.” She must not be as drunk as she’s playing at.

  “A smart woman, am I being played here?”

  “Hardly. My father’s wealthy, and my mom picks out all his suits. I can tell a Ravazzolo easily. It’s my favorite even though my father prefers Hugo Boss.” That’s great to know she’ll prefer my suits.

  “I don’t pretend to understand women’s fashion, but you look sexy in those jeans and loose top that lazily hangs over your shoulder.”

  “It’s just something I picked up at Primark in London. I tried to fit in with the friends I was here with, but you still haven’t answered my question.” Damn she doesn’t pull punches, but I guess when you come from a wealthy family, motives play a huge role in who comes in and out of your life. It’s something I can truly understand.

  “I own multiple businesses including three restaurants and six more pubs in and around Dublin.”

  “How old are you?” Her perfectly arched brow juts upward while her kissable lips twist with curiosity.

  “I’m thirty.”

  “And you’re not married?” That’s a loaded question aimed at wondering why I’m not like it’s a bad thing, but I’m not even going to bother answering it.

  “Not until you sign the papers.”

  “No offense, Mr…”

  “Delaney,” I say.

  “Mr. Delaney, I’ve been played enough for a lifetime, and I’ll be heading to my hotel alone tonight,” she says, jabbing a finger into my chest. As much as I love this feisty side of her, she has no idea the lie she’s telling me. The way her pulse ticks up, the throaty way she says my name, and the unmistakable press of her thighs together to fight off the tingling between her thighs.

  “I will escort you there and leave you at your door. I have something very important to do for the next two days. A family matter, so you’ll be free from my presence, but that doesn’t mean I’m letting you out of my sight.”

  “Do you have children you have to ship off or something?” She challenges.

  “You truly think the worst of me, don’t you?” She wants to fight this attraction which is a foolish and futile event. Never in my life have I wanted anything more and the mention of children only makes my balls fill with more baby making need. I will breed my Gloria as soon as heavenly possible.

  “I’m not sure what to think, but let’s just say I need to remember not to be so naïve.”

  One of my servers approaches, but hesitates when she sees Gloria, and I summon her to the table and place our order. I never have a woman with me for my own reasons and haven’t been with a woman in my life. Teenagers are horny things, and I was no exception to the rule, but I had discipline unlike my brother. Instead of chasing pussy I chased paper, using my mind and strength to one day help rule my father’s illegal empire. Now that I have my queen at my side, I’m never letting her go.

  Once the waitress leaves, I continue where we left off, brushing a tendril of hair off her face and tucking it behind her ear because any excuse to touch her is a treasure I want to savor. “Your naivety is a treat. That innocence hidden under your sultry and strong exterior is something I long for.”

  “Wow. You’re trying to seduce me.” It’s not a question but rather a statement of fact.

  “I’d be lying to say I’m not, but I’m not looking for a one-night stand. The second you give your body to me, it’s mine to keep until they lay us down for the last time.”

  “What if I don’t want forever? What if I do find you extremely sexy and wonder if you could do wicked things to me?” I’m going to pretend that it’s the booze making her say something so foolish.

  “Like I said, sweet lass. The second I put my dick inside you, you will never be with anyone else ever again.”

  “So it’s all or nothing then?”

  I chuckle because nothing isn’t an option. “It’s all… just a matter of tonight or another night.”

  “Wow.” Our waitress returns to our table, setting down our plates and effectively stopping whatever retort she was working on.

  “Please eat,” I urge her before she becomes unwell.

  She takes a knife to her beef, and it slices like butter. “It smells good.”

  “You sound surprised.”

  “Let’s just say I live in the best city for food in the world. Nothing tops it. I’ve been to Italy once and even then it didn’t compare to the variety of flavors and types of cuisine.”

  “Ah, makes sense. The food in Chicago is delicious.”

  “So you’ve been there before?” she asks after swallowing another bite.

  “Many times. Although, if I knew you were there, hiding from me, I would have found you and stolen you away.”

  “You’re laying it on thicker than the cheese on a Beggar’s pizza.”

  “I’ll do whatever I have to do to get you to realize that you’re mine.”

  “Are you mine? Or will you be dipping out to get a variety platter when you get the taste for it?” she questions, pointing her fork at me with intent.

  “Never. I’ve never been with a woma
n before.”

  “Bullshit. I’m supposed to believe that?” she says with a laugh, setting her fork down on her plate.

  “Whether you believe it or not, it’s the truth.” I continue to eat while she gawks at me. The server returns to offer us more to drink. I nod. She brings me another whiskey and Gloria another glass of wine. Gloria doesn’t touch the wine; instead, she steals my whiskey and takes one large gulp; her face immediately twisting with disgust. Fuck, she’s going to be wasted in a matter of minutes.

  “Wow, how do you drink that with a straight face?” She sets it down with a look of absolute revulsion.

  “Years of practice. It’s a family whiskey.”

  “Oh. Well. I’ll pass on that, but I could use some water.” I snap my fingers and the barkeep comes over with a bottle of water, clearly having witnessed her bold act.

  “Thank you.”

  “Eat. It will help dilute the alcohol. I don’t want you to get sick on our first date.”

  “Fine,” she mutters, daintily eating her meal.

  Once we’re finished, I stand up and pay for our meal even though technically I eat for free. I call for my car and take Gloria’s hand, leading her out of the pub with my men looking out for any signs of trouble.

  “Where are you staying?” I ask as I assist her into her seat.

  “The Westbury Hotel.”

  “Take us to Ms. Grasso’s hotel.” My driver takes us to the hotel, which is almost in walking distance, making it almost silly to take the car.

  “Did you walk to the pub, love?”

  From the guilty look on her face, I have my suspicions confirmed. “I did. I’d been sightseeing and stumbled on this place.” My driver opens the door and I help Gloria out. We walk into the lobby where she expects me to leave her, but I decide I can’t let her go just yet. Thankfully she doesn’t protest.

  When we reach her door, I cup her face with both hands, staring into her beautiful chocolate eyes and say, “No more walking around alone. Do you understand me? I have to go out of town and will be back in two days. I need to be sure you’re safe.”


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