Her Accidental Engagement (Harlequin Special Edition)

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Her Accidental Engagement (Harlequin Special Edition) Page 2

by Major, Michelle

  “It was indigestion, Dad. Not a real heart attack. Remember?”

  “Doesn’t matter. The change to my heart was real. The effect on my life was real.” He readjusted his glasses. “I want the same change for you. I want you to be happy.”

  “I’m fine.” Sam gulped a mouthful of ice and crunched. “Happy as a clam.”

  “Are you seeing anyone?”

  Alarm bells went off in Sam’s head. “I...sure...am actually. She’s great.” He looked away from his father’s expectant face, unable to lie to him directly. He glanced around the crowded restaurant and his gaze landed on Julia at a booth in the back. He hadn’t noticed her when he’d first walked in, but now he couldn’t pull his eyes away.

  This must be the meeting with her ex-boyfriend’s family she’d told him about. The faces of the two women seated across from her were blocked, but Julia’s cheeks flamed pink. Her palm smacked the table as if she was about to lose control.

  Easy there, sweetheart, he counseled silently.

  As if she’d heard him, her eyes met his and held for several moments. His pulse hammered against his throat. Then she squared her shoulders and folded her hands in her lap.

  He turned back to his father. “You’d like her. She’s a real spitfire.”

  Joe smiled. “Like your mother.”

  Sam forced himself not to look at Julia again. “I was ten when she died. I don’t remember that much.”

  “This one’s different than your other girls?”

  Sam caught the waitress’s attention and signaled for the check.

  “Because I think you need a new perspective. After what happened with...”

  “I don’t want to rehash my relationship history.”

  Joe reached across the table and clasped Sam’s hand in his. “I know you want to find love and settle down.”

  Sam heard a loud cough behind him and found the young waitress staring. Her look could only be described as predatory. Fantastic. Sam had dated some when he’d first come to town but had kept to himself recently, finding it easier and less complicated to be alone. The way gossip went viral in Brevia, he’d have a fresh line of eligible women in front of his office by morning.

  “I told you,” Sam said, loud enough for the waitress to hear. “I’ve got a girlfriend. We’re very happy.”

  The waitress dropped the check on the table with a humph and stalked away.

  “It’s serious?” Joe asked.

  Sam’s gaze wandered to Julia again. “Very,” he muttered as she jabbed a finger across the table. This time his mental warning to not lose control didn’t reach her. Her voice grew so loud that people at surrounding tables turned.

  “I want to meet her,” his dad said, rubbing his palms together, oblivious to the commotion behind him. “Why don’t you give her a call and see if she can meet us for dessert? If she’s so wonderful, I can help make sure you don’t blow it.”

  At the moment, Sam wasn’t worried about screwing up anything himself or producing a nonexistent girlfriend for his dad to fawn over. Instead he felt the need to avert someone else’s disaster. “I’ll be right back.”

  Joe grabbed his arm as he started past. “Don’t be sore, Sammy. I was joking. You’re a great catch.”

  Sam shrugged out of his father’s grasp. “I need a minute. Stay here.”

  He darted around a passing waiter as he made his way to Julia, who now stood in front of the booth.

  “You have no idea what I’m capable of,” she shouted. All eyes on this side of the restaurant were glued to her.

  Just as he reached her, Julia picked up a glass of water from the table. Sam leaned in and wrapped his fingers around hers before she could hurl it at anyone.

  “Hey there, sugar,” he said as he pulled her tense body tight to his side. “I didn’t realize your meeting was at Carl’s tonight. You doing okay?”

  “Let go of me,” she said on a hiss of breath. “This is none of your concern.”

  “Well, I am concerned,” he whispered then plastered on a wide smile. “I haven’t met your new friends yet.”

  She squirmed against him. “They aren’t my—”

  “Howdy, folks,” Sam interrupted, turning his attention to the two strangers staring at him. “I’m Sam Callahan. A...uh...friend of Julia’s.”

  The woman in the corner practically screamed “old money,” from her sophisticated haircut to her tailored suit. A thick strand of pearls hung around her neck and a massive diamond sparkled on her left hand. The way her gaze narrowed, she must be Charlie’s paternal grandmother. Next to her was a younger woman, tiny and bookish. Her big owl eyes blinked from behind retro glasses. Faint streaks of color stole up her neck from the collar of her starched oxford shirt as she watched the two of them.

  “Friend?” The older woman scoffed. “Latest conquest, no doubt.” She nudged the woman beside her. “Are you taking notes on this? She’s now flaunting her boy toy in front of us.”

  Boy toy? Sam’s smile vanished and he worked to keep his voice pleasant. “Excuse me, ma’am, you have the wrong idea—”

  She continued as if he hadn’t spoken. “Can you imagine what my grandson’s been subjected to when his mother is obviously a tramp? When the judge hears—”

  Sam held up a hand. “Wait just one minute, lady. If you think you can waltz in here—”

  Julia’s fingernails dug into his arm. “I don’t need your help. Walk away.”

  He glanced down at her and saw embarrassment shimmering along with anger in her expression. And fear. At the mention of the word judge, he’d felt some of the fight go out of her. He wished he hadn’t interrupted, that he’d let her handle her own problems, the way she’d wanted to in the first place. But a part of Sam needed to be the hero just so he could feel something. It was what he was used to, one of the few things he could count on. That part of him couldn’t walk away.

  He released Julia and leveled his best law-enforcement stare at the grandmother. As he expected, she shrank back and darted a nervous glance at her companion. “I’m Sam Callahan, Brevia’s police chief.” Hands on hips, he held her gaze. “To be clear, I am no one’s boy toy and would appreciate if you’d conduct yourself in a more civilized manner in my town. We don’t take kindly to strangers spreading malicious rumors about our own. Do I make myself clear?”

  Several beats passed before the studious-looking woman cleared her throat. “Mr. Callahan—”

  Sam squared his shoulders. “You can call me Chief.”

  The attorney swallowed. “Chief Callahan, I’m Lexi Preston. I represent the interests of Charlie Morgan’s father, Jeff Johnson, and grandparents, Dennis and Maria Johnson. My father is the Johnsons’ family attorney and he asked me—”

  “Get to the point.”

  “Yes, well...” Lexi mumbled as she shuffled papers around the table. “I was simply explaining to Ms. Morgan the facts of her case, or lack thereof, when she became hostile and confrontational. My client is not to blame for this unfortunate disturbance. We have statements from a number of Ms. Morgan’s former acquaintances as to her character, so Dr. Johnson’s assertion, while ill-advised, is not without foundation.”

  He heard Julia suck in a breath but kept his attention on the two women. “I don’t care what your so-called statements allege. You’re not going to drag Julia’s name through the mud.”

  Preston collected the rest of the papers. “Why is Ms. Morgan’s reputation your business? Is she under investigation by local law enforcement?”

  “This can’t get any worse,” Julia whispered so low only he could here. “Go away, Sam. Now.”

  From the corner of his eye, Sam saw his father standing a few feet away, watching him intently. Sam was a good cop and he played things by the book, having learned the hard way not to bite off more than he could chew.r />
  But some lessons didn’t stick.

  He peeled Julia’s hand from its death grip around his upper arm and laced her fingers with his. “It’s my business, Counselor, because I’m not going to let you or anyone hurt the woman I intend to marry.”

  Chapter Two

  Julia thought things couldn’t get worse.

  Until they did.

  She glanced around the restaurant, as dumbfounded as the people who stared at her from the surrounding tables. She recognized a lot of them; Carl’s was a popular spot for Brevia locals.

  Yanking Sam away from the table a few steps, she smiled up into his face, well aware of their audience. It took all her willpower to resist the urge to slap him silly. “Have you lost your mind?” she said, keeping her voice low.

  The corners of his mouth were tight as he returned her smile. “Apparently.”

  “Fix this. You have to fix this.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to do.” He smoothed a stray hair from her cheek. “Trust me.”

  No way. Julia didn’t trust men. She had a long line of heartbreak in her past. Mountains of collateral damage that made her sure she was the only person she could trust to take care of her and Charlie. “Don’t touch me,” she whispered through gritted teeth.

  His hand dropped from her face. “I’m going to help you. But you can’t fight me. Not here.”

  She glanced over his shoulder at the attorney and Charlie’s grandmother. For a fraction of a second, worry marred Maria Johnson’s perfect features. Julia didn’t understand the break in the ice queen’s armor, but it must have had something to do with Sam.

  “Fine.” She reached forward and clasped both of his rock-solid arms, as if she could make him understand the gravity of her situation through a simple squeeze. “You better make it count. Charlie’s future is on the line.”

  He searched her gaze for a long moment, then bent onto one knee. He took her fingers in his, tugging softly when she would have pulled away.

  “I didn’t mean...”

  “Julia Morgan,” he said, and his deep, clear voice rang out in the restaurant. “We’ve kept this quiet—no easy task in Brevia—but it’s long past time to make things official.” He cleared his throat, adjusting the collar of his starched uniform shirt. “Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Julia blinked back sudden tears. A marriage proposal was what she’d wanted, once upon a time. She’d wanted Jeff to see they could build a real life together. Foolishly sure he was the one, she’d been reckless and selfish. Then the universe had blessed her with a beautiful son. She was working day and night to make a good life for Charlie. Now that she wanted to do the right thing, she risked losing him.

  Not for the first time, she wondered if he’d be better off with the Johnsons and the privileged life filled with opportunities they could provide.

  She squeezed her eyes shut to clear her thoughts. She was Charlie’s mother, no matter what, and wouldn’t ever stop fighting for him.

  Sam ran his finger along the inside of her wrist. “Are you going to answer the question? My leg is cramping.”

  “Oh, no. Sorry.”

  “No?” he asked over the collective gasp.

  “I mean yes. Get up, you big oaf.” Heat flooded her face and her stomach churned. What was she doing? She’d learned not to rely on a man for anything and now she was putting her entire future in Sam’s hands. Impulsive as ever, she repeated, “Yes. My answer is yes.”

  He stood, rubbing one knee. “Cool it on the name-calling. We’re in love, remember.”

  “You betcha, honey-bunny.”

  That produced a genuine grin from him, and she was again caught off guard by her body’s reaction as tiny butterflies did a fast samba across her belly. Oblivious to his effect on her, Sam turned to the booth.

  Before he could speak, an older man wrapped them both in a tight hug. “This is amazing.”

  Amazing? Not quite.

  Sam caught her gaze, his eyes dark and unreadable. “I forgot to tell you earlier. My dad came to town today. Meet Joe Callahan, your future father-in-law.”


  Joe cupped her face between his large hands. “You’re just what he needed. I can already tell.” Tears shimmered in eyes the same color as Sam’s, only sweeter and looking at her with such kindness a lump formed in Julia’s throat. “You remind me of my Lorraine, rest her soul.”

  “Okay, Dad.” Sam tugged her out of Joe’s embrace. She took a step back but Sam pulled her against his side.

  Joe turned to the booth. “I’ll buy a round to celebrate. Any friends of...”

  “Julia,” Sam supplied with a sigh.

  “Any friends of my future daughter-in-law are friends of mine.”

  “We’re not friends,” Lexi Preston ground out. “As I said earlier, I represent her son’s biological father and his parents. They’re interested in exploring a more viable custody arrangement. The Johnsons want what’s best for the child. They can give him opportunities—”

  “They want to take my baby,” Julia mumbled. Sam’s arm tightened around her waist.

  If Joe was surprised to hear she had a child, he didn’t let on. His posture went rigid. “That’s ridiculous. She’s the boy’s mother.”

  “Dad, this isn’t the time or place—” Sam began.

  Joe wagged a finger at Lexi Preston and Maria Johnson. “Now listen here. I don’t know what all this nonsense is about, but I can tell you my son will take care of that child and Julia. He’s the law around here, for heaven’s sake.” He leaned closer and Lexi’s nervous swallow mimicked Julia’s. Joe Callahan might look like a teddy bear but he had a backbone of steel. “You’ll have to come through both of us if you try to hurt her. We protect our own.”

  “I’ve had quite enough of this town for tonight.” Maria pushed at the attorney, who stood quickly. “I don’t care who you’ve got in your backwater little corner of the world, we’re going to—”

  Lexi put a hand on Maria’s shoulder to silence her. “The less said tonight, the better. We have a court date next week.” She gave Julia a curt nod. “Ms. Morgan, we’ll see you then.”

  “Take care of the check, Lexi.” Maria Johnson barked the order at her attorney before stalking out of the restaurant.

  “Does that mean she’s leaving Brevia?” Julia asked.

  “For now. I’ll stay for the duration of the process. The Johnsons will fly back and forth.” Lexi leaned toward Julia. “I don’t want to get your hopes up, but a stable home environment could change the situation.” She clapped a hand over her mouth as if she’d said too much, then nodded to the group and scurried away.

  Julia reached forward to hug Joe. “Thank you, Mr. Callahan. For what you said.”

  “I meant it. Sam isn’t going to let anything happen to you.”


  Julia turned, but focused her attention on the badge pinned to Sam’s beige shirt, unable to make eye contact with him. Instead she looked out at the tables surrounding them. “Sorry for the commotion. Go back to dinner, and we’ll get out of your way.”

  “Wait a minute.” Sam’s voice cut through the quiet.

  Julia held her breath.

  “As most of you heard tonight, Julia and I have something to celebrate.” He grabbed her hand and drew her back to him. Her fingers spread across his broad chest of their own accord. “We need to make this believable for the gossip mill,” he whispered against her ear.

  A round of applause rang out in the restaurant followed by several clinks on glasses. “Kiss. Kiss. Kiss,” came the call from the bar.

  Julia froze as Sam gazed down at her, his expression heated. “Better give them what they want.”

  “It’s totally unbelievable and I had garlic for dinner,” she muttered, squirming i
n his arms.

  “I’ll take my chances,” he answered with a laugh.

  “Have it your way.” Cheeks burning, she raised her head and pressed her mouth to his, a chaste peck fit for the balcony at Buckingham Palace. When she would have ended the kiss, Sam caught hold of her neck and dipped her low. She let out a startled gasp and he slid his tongue against the seam of her lips. Ever so gently he molded his mouth to hers.

  A fire sparked low in her belly as she breathed in the scent of him, warm and woodsy and completely male. Lost in her reaction, her arms wound around his neck and her fingers played in the short hair along his collar. She heard his sharp intake of breath and suddenly he righted them both to a chorus of catcalls and stomping feet.

  “That’s what I’m talking about,” someone yelled.

  “Okay, folks.” Sam’s gaze swept across the restaurant and he smiled broadly. “Show’s over. I’m going to see my lovely bride-to-be home.”

  Julia pressed her fingers to her lips and looked at Sam. The smile didn’t reach his eyes.

  When she turned, Joe watched her. “You’re a breath of fresh air if I ever saw one,” he said and gave her trembling hand a squeeze.

  She led the group into the night but not before she noticed several members of the ladies’ auxiliary huddled in the corner. They’d have a field day with this one. The salon would be buzzing with the news by morning. Her chest tightened as she felt Sam behind her, frustration pouring off him like a late-winter rainstorm. Maybe he’d already come to regret his stupid proposal.

  This entire situation was his fault. She’d told him she didn’t need a hero, and that was the truth.

  Still, his announcement had rattled Maria Johnson and her attorney. She couldn’t figure out how a fake engagement would benefit Sam, but he wasn’t her problem.

  Charlie was Julia’s only priority. She’d do anything for her son.

  Right now she needed time to think, to figure out how to make this bizarre predicament work in her favor. “It’s been a long day, boys,” she said quickly. “Joe, it was nice to meet you. How long will you be—”


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