Her Secret Envelope (Book Four)

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Her Secret Envelope (Book Four) Page 1

by Amanda Martinez

  Her Secret Envelope

  By Amanda Martinez

  © Copyright 2015 by Amanda Martinez- All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  This E-Book contains sexually explicit material and is intended for mature audiences. All characters are 18 years or older and all sex in this story is consensual.

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  Chapter 1

  In Deborah’s dream, she was back in the California king bed at The Blue Room, with Bob and Sam. Their tongues traced up and down her body, circling her nipples, flicking between the lips of her pussy. With every tantalizing touch, Deborah moved closer and closer to orgasm. Sam mounted her, pushing his long cock deep inside her. The connection drove Deborah over the edge in just a few strokes. In the middle of her climax, her cunt squeezed Sam’s dick so hard that he came in defense.

  “Ahhhh! Fuck! So strong!” Sam yelled out. Deborah’s inner walls finally let go of him, and Sam pulled out and collapsed on the bed beside her.

  Bob quickly took his place, sliding home in one solid thrust. He filled her like no one else could. Deborah looked into his eyes and saw the perfect mix of love, lust, and excitement. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a deep kiss, sending her tongue into his mouth for a little light exploration. She loved the taste of her husband above all others.

  “Bob, I love you! Please never stop making love to me!” Deborah said as she broke the kiss.

  “As you command, my love, my Debs,” Bob answered. His hips moved back and forth, driving his dick in and out, seeking to bring her all the pleasure she desired. Deborah could feel herself surging towards another orgasm. She wrapped her arms around her husband’s back and her legs around his ass, so she could assist in each thrust. Together they raced towards the finish line, neither one trying to get their first.

  “Yes! Yes! Bob! Just like that! Unnnnnnnhhh!” Deborah grunted as the most delicious sensation flowed from her pussy to the rest of her body. The climax was so strong, she felt it in her toenails and her eyebrows. Bob moaned through his own orgasm, and then fell off of her in exhaustion.

  Deborah lifted up on her elbows, and for the first time noticed that she wasn’t in The Blue Room bedroom anymore. Instead, the bed was in a stark white room that seemed to go one forever. At the foot of the bed, Ruth stood naked, a smile on her lips and desire in her eyes. Behind her, Mark and Shana shared the same look and the same lack of dress. They weren’t alone though. The line of naked, lustful people extended as far as the eye could see. It seemed to include every person who had ever given Deborah an appreciative look.

  In a small corner of Deborah’s mind, a voice called out, We can’t take them all on, can we? There has to be a limit to the number of people we can make love to. We can’t satisfy everyone’s lust, can we?

  “Yes we can,” Deborah said as she settled back in the bed and opened her arms in welcome, “we can love them all.”

  “Love who?” Bob’s voice asked, and suddenly Deborah was once again awake.

  Deborah shook her head, letting the dream fall away, “It was just a dream.”

  “One filled with love?” Bob asked,

  Deborah kissed him on the lips as she sat up, “Of, course. My life is full of love, so why shouldn’t my dreams be the same.” She got out of bed, found a comfortable robe and draped it over her naked body. Bob couldn’t help but stare. He and Deborah had been married for eight years, and they’d dated for several years before that starting in college. Despite all of that time, Bob still got a thrill whenever he saw her naked. He loved the way her breasts sat on her chest, the classic lines of her neck, even how her hips spread after she gave birth to their son Alex. Some signs of age were appearing on her body, and Bob loved each one.

  Deborah caught him staring, “What are you thinking about, Mr. Campbell?”

  Bob gave her a lecherous smile, “I’m thinking I should rip that robe off of you and take you back to bed.”

  “My word!” Deborah said, pretending to be shocked, “It is almost mid morning. We can’t entertain such lustful thoughts.” She walked out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen as Bob whined like a dog behind her. Deborah loved how Bob looked at her and lusted after her, but she needed coffee. She grabbed a cup from a shelf over the sink and then turned to the coffee maker. On the counter, in front of the Keurig, sat the white envelope. It had fallen out of her coat pocket when they returned home from The Blue Room the night before. On the front of the envelope someone had written her name with a gold pen. While it was written in calligraphy, Deborah had quickly ascertained that it was not the work of Theodore Jameson, the spokesperson for The Blue Room.

  Bob had wanted to open it right then and there, but Deborah had said no. She didn’t want to start another mystery after such a wonderful night. So they went up to their bedroom, took a steaming hot shower together, and then cuddled naked under the bed sheets. Now, Deborah faced the white envelope alone.

  “Two questions come to mind right away,” Deborah said to herself as she held the envelope, “who sent you and how did you get into my coat pocket?” She knew the only way to answer those questions was to open the envelope, so she did. The card inside was also white, and the sender had written a message with a black pen.

  Mrs. Campbell,

  You fill my fantasies every night. Your beauty fills my eyes, making me unable to see anyone else. Your voice makes me deaf to the laughter of anyone else. I long to touch you, but I fear your skin will make me numb to anyone else’s touch.

  I desperately want to be part of your life, but I know you love your husband. I have seen it for myself how well you two fit together. Still, I must ask for a chance to show you I can love you just as much as he does. I may not have his experience, but I have youth and a desire to learn what it takes to win the love of a real woman like you.

  If you think you can give a young man who adores you the chance to love you, please place the white envelope in your bedroom window that faces the street on Wednesday night. If I see it, I will knock on your front door Saturday morning at 10am. If I don’t see it, I won’t ever bother you again.

  Deborah closed the card and sighed, “This is getting ridiculous.”

  Bob walked in at that moment, “What’s ridiculous?” He then saw the envelope, “Oh, you opened it, huh? Who is it from?”

  Deborah gave him a death glare; “I’m going to say this once, and only once. If you ever give me another envelope from a pretend secret admirer, I will castrate you.”

  Bob laughed, and then gulped when he saw she was serious, “Debs, I have given up on writing mystery cards to you. There’s just too much competition. So I ask again, who is this one from?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, passing the card to her husband, “but he is young and has been watching the house.”

  Bob picked up the card and read it quickly. Deborah placed a cup in the Keurig. By the time it had done its magic trick of turning coffee grounds into coffee, Bob had finished the message.

  “Hmmm, you’re right, he’s young, but he has excellent taste. I wonder what he means when he wrote, I have seen for myself how well you two fit together?” Bob said.

  Deborah sipped her coffee, “I have an idea about that. Remember when we made love in front o
f the window a couple of weeks ago. I was trying to show off for whoever wrote the green envelope and I thought it was Matt Brown. That obviously turned out not to be true, but it appears someone was watching. Now that someone wants his turn.”

  Bob thought for a second, “So you think it could be someone from the neighborhood? How about that kid Blake that you knocked down last night as we were leaving?”

  “It could be him. He might have slipped the envelope in my coat pocket as I was helping him back up,” Deborah shrugged her shoulders, “but he would have needed to know exactly when we were leaving and been prepared with the envelope. His house isn’t exactly in direct line of sight with ours.”

  “Ok, who are the other prime suspects in the mystery of Deb’s latest secret admirer?” Bob joked.

  Deborah gave him a sour look, “Very funny, Mr. Campbell. Remember, there are plenty of people who are eager to take your place.” Bob held up his hands in surrender, so she continued, “I checked my coat at The Blue Room last night. There is always the chance someone slipped it in back there. There was at least one young man who was making eyes at me.”

  Bob said, “There were more than just one, and they weren’t all men, either. And anyone could have looked into the room while we were getting acquainted with Sam. The Blue Room sounds like the easiest place to start.”

  Deborah nodded, “I’ll make a call to Theo this afternoon. Right now, I need to get dressed and rescue Alex from Kevin’s family. Then I need to get his hair cut. He has his father‘s mess of curls.”

  “I thought you liked my curls?” Bob pouted.

  Deborah kissed his lips, “I do, I was just playing.”

  “Sure you were, but you‘ve hurt my feelings,“ Bob said, “and there is only one thing that will make me feel better.”

  “What’s that?” Deborah asked, even though she knew the answer.

  “Round of golf! That is what I‘ll do while my wife chats up the modern day Caligula,” Bob said as he left the kitchen and raced up the stairs.

  Chapter 2

  Deborah picked up Alex, and the two went to Cut Plus to tame the boy’s unruly brown curls. There wasn’t much of a line, so Alex got a seat pretty quickly. Deborah sat in a blue chair, facing the area were all of the hair stylists stood over their clients. Alex was talking animatedly to the pink haired woman behind him. She was laughing, but also trying to explain to him the importance of sitting still. The message seemed to get through to the four year old, and the haircut commenced. Deborah casually looked around the room, taking in the people seated near her. As her gaze hit each person, she noticed something strange. Each person would look away, almost as if they were embarrassed. The first was a teenage boy, sitting with his mother. Deborah could understand the boy’s awkwardness, but the mother had a similar reaction. Deborah reflexively ran her left hand down her blouse, checking to make sure all the buttons were done, and found she was not exposing herself. Her eyes swept across the room again, and saw a few more heads turn away at her gaze.

  Why am I getting so many stares, today? She thought to herself. A different voice, her husband’s, answered her, It’s not just today, Debs. It’s every day. You’re just noticing it for the first time. You’re a desirable woman, and people like looking at you.

  Deborah could not believe the revelation her mind was trying to make. She knew what she looked like, knew that some people found her attractive. Despite the activities of the last few weeks, Deborah still couldn’t understand how so many people could be interested in her. She pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind, and decided to focus on the magazine sitting in her lap. For the next fifteen minutes, Deborah fought the urge to look around the room, in hopes of catching more eyes staring at her. Finally, Alex appeared in front of her, a big smile on his face and two clumps of curly hair in his hand.

  “Mommy, look at my curls!” Alex said excitedly. “We can put these in my memory book!”

  Deborah smiled at her child, “Absolutely!” She got out of her chair, gave the stylist a twenty, and they headed for the door. Despite her best efforts, Deborah’s eyes darted around the room one last time. She picked up the fleeting glances of three young men and two women.

  Maybe I am a MILF, she thought to herself, but this is getting kinda out of control.

  When they got back home, Deborah sent Alex off to play, and she picked up the phone to call Theo for a conversation she really wasn’t excited about having. She didn’t want to come off as a vain woman thinking that everyone was out to have sex with her. Deborah also did not want Theo to think she was a nervous ninny who was afraid of a little intrigue and attraction.

  “Oh, get on with it,” she muttered, “he’s the spokesperson for a club where people go to fuck. Who cares what he thinks?”

  She punched the number into her cell phone and listened to the rings. After two, Theo picked up, “Deborah, so could of you to call. What can I do for you?”

  For a moment, Deborah was lost for words, unsure of how to go forward. Then she blurted out, “Someone at The Blue Room slipped a white envelope into my coat, asking me to have sex with him.”

  Silence met Deborah’s accusation. She could hear Theo’s soft breathing, and then he finally said, “That can’t be, Deborah. If one of our members wanted to have sex with you, he would have just approached you. It is why they are all there, obviously.”

  “I understand that, I really do,” Deborah said, “but I don’t think it was a member, I think it was one of the staff. In the card, the writer says he is a young man and intimates that he isn’t very experienced. My suspicion is the man who took my coat last night slipped the envelope into my coat. I met him the first time we came to The Blue Room.”

  “As I told you before,” Theo said, “our employees are well trained and well compensated . They know better than to interfere with the members. As for the young man you are talking about, I can assure you that he does not consider himself inexperienced. In fact, are you available to come to The Blue Room at 1:45 tomorrow afternoon? I can introduce you to Peter and you can ask for yourself.”

  Deborah swallowed, fear of confrontation rising inside her, “I don’t know. I don’t want to accuse him of something if you are sure it could not be him.”

  Theo gave a mild chuckle, “That’s okay. Come anyway, bring the white envelope and I will compare the handwritings. There is something I still want to show you. Please?”

  “Fine, I’ll be there. I won’t be able to bring Bob. Someone must stay with our son.” Deborah said.

  “That’s fine. This is something he doesn’t need to see, but I think it will help you. Good day, Deborah.” Theo said.

  “Good day,” she answered. Deborah couldn’t help but wonder what Theo meant by ‘something he doesn’t need to see..but it will help you.’

  Bob had the same question when Deborah told him about the conversation as they prepared for bed that night. “I think there is more to this club than Theo is telling us, Debs,” he said while brushing his teeth. Deborah stood next to him, running floss through her teeth. She nodded at her husband, fighting to keep a smile off of her lips. He was wearing light blue pajama pants that she had bought him before they had gotten married. She had washed them hundreds of times, making them practically see through. Deborah could see the heavy shadow of his disk swinging back and forth inside, unencumbered by underwear. The sight always turned her on, and tonight was no exception. It didn’t hurt that she was wearing the shirt of the same pajamas, which stopped about five inches above her knees. She also wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

  “There might be, but we won’t know until we get a little more into it,” Deborah said, putting the floss in a waste basket. She then moved behind Bob and ran her hands up and down his bare back. His sighs spurred her to move closer to his body and wrap her arms around his chest. Her hands moved up to his collar bone and then they slowly fell down his chest, teasing his nipples, running through his hair. Her fingers lightly tickled his stomach and then stopped
at the waistband of his pajamas. Deborah walked her hands to the tie in the center, letting her fingers play with the bow.

  “You untie that bow, Mrs. Campbell, and you unleash the animal underneath,” Bob said, placing his toothbrush down.

  “An animal, huh? And what do you feed this animal?” Deborah said as she untied the bow. Bob’s pajamas fell to the bathroom floor, revealing his nakedness.

  Bob turned around, shuffling his feet which were now tangled in the pajamas, “I feed it a juicy woman who looks almost exactly like you.”

  Deborah took Bob’s cock in her hands, enjoying its warmth and how it grew in her hands, “Almost like me? What is the difference?’

  Bob moaned as his wife slid her hands up and down his member, and then started undoing the buttons on her shirt, “Only one difference. She’s normally naked.” He finished the buttons and leaned down to kiss her while pushing the shirt off her shoulders and down her arms, “Ah there you are.” Bob picked up Deborah, who wrapped her arms and legs around him, and then he shuffled towards the bed. Once his feet came free of the bottoms, he took bigger steps and kissed his wife. He carefully placed Deborah on their bed, with her ass on the edge. Bob’s cock now stood at attention, and he allowed it to rub up and down on her pussy.

  “It wants in, Debs. It is hungry for you, but first, I need a taste,” Bob said and he kneeled in front of his wife and held up her legs. The sight of her wide open in front of him drove him wild with lust. He flicked his tongue over her sex, and received a light sigh in response. He repeated that move several times, teasing Deborah, and then he slowly inserted his tongue as far as he could.

  “Oooh,” Deborah said at the invasion. Bob’s arms still held her legs up, but Deborah forced them farther apart, giving him deeper access to her. His tongue filled her almost as well as his cock did. Deborah loved the way Bob moved it up and down and side to side. She loved the way his nose brushed against her clitoris when his tongue moved deep inside her. Bob kept up his explorations for a solid ten minutes, bringing his wife to the edge of climax, and then he pushed her over the edge by pulling out and sucking on her clit.


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