Zombies on the Rock_Book 1_Outbreak

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Zombies on the Rock_Book 1_Outbreak Page 8

by Paul Carberry


  Nick was pushing the pedal as far down as it could go. He wanted this night to end. Nick was glad Henry had done most of the dirty work back at the cabin. He was even glad that Henry let him drive, he didn’t want to sit in the passenger seat. If something happened, Henry would be the one who would head to the back of the ambulance with that corpse. Driving occupied Nick’s mind.

  Something demonic had happened back at the cabin and the less Nick had to do with it, the better.

  Nick looked over at Henry, who appeared to be sleeping. Nick quivered as he recalled the sound that he heard when they put the stretcher in the back of the ambulance. The contents of the man’s stomach made a sickening noise as it sloshed around inside the body bag. With every bump in the road, and every turn the sickening noise would return as the body rocked around inside the body bag.


  The noise startled Nick. He looked over at Henry to see if he made the noise.


  The noise was louder this time, and it had startled Henry out of his sleep.

  “What the fuck is that noise?” Nick tried to look behind him, but could not see much of anything except Henry’s backside as he made his way into the back of the ambulance.

  “Holy fuck Nick, stop! The man is moving! He’s alive!”

  Nick slammed on the brakes without thinking. The stretcher crashed into Henry, knocking him to the floor and the body jolted off the stretcher, landing on top of Henry with a hard thud. The two bodies were in a heap in the back of the ambulance. Henry was pinned underneath the man they had once thought was dead. The person had somehow managed to claw his way out of the body bag, his mangled upper torso pulling itself out. Blood stained arms seemed to be reaching for Henry. Nick jumped out of the passenger seat and ran towards the back of the ambulance.

  Just as Nick got to the back he heard Henry let out a shrill scream.


  Nick was just in time to see the man sink his teeth into Henry’s shoulder, tearing at the flesh, pulling strands of muscles fibres in his mouth as the creature jerked his head back, severing a hunk of flesh. Blood flowed from the wound on Henry’s shoulder as the man thrust his teeth back into the mangled flesh. The cold, glossy eyes staring wildly at Nick as the blood ran down the monster’s face.

  Chapter 9

  A Single Shot

  Amanda felt her stomach urging. After what she had seen out in the forest the other night, she thought that would have been the worst thing she would ever encounter. What she saw in that cabin was absolutely revolting. The man’s guts had been shredded, and now she was examining a piece of his intestine.

  “You alright over there?” Albert called out.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Amanda didn’t even believe her own voice. The words sounded fake as they left her mouth.

  “Me too!” Albert’s voice sounded the same. They were both rattled by what they had seen.

  Amanda believed that she had a piece of the small intestine in front of her. It’s diameter was only about an inch, and the piece she was looking at was about eight inches long. Both ends had giant lacerations from whatever cleaved the organ apart. As Amanda washed the soft piece of flesh, she could swear she was looking at teeth marks.

  “Albert, come here!”

  Albert made his way over from his computer desk. “What is it?”

  “What does this look like to you?” Amanda pointed towards what she believed were the bite marks.

  “I don’t know? If I had to guess... bite marks?” Albert struggled to say the last part.

  “That’s what I see too!”

  “It’s been a long night, our imaginations are running wild.” Albert tried to sound reassuring, but Amanda could see several wounds in the soft tissue that appeared to be left behind by mastication.

  The computer beeped, indicating that whatever test Albert had been running was complete. Albert headed back over to his desk and looked at the screen. “Amanda, come look at this!” Albert’s voice trembled.

  Amanda looked at the computer screen. “No matches found”

  “Apparently… this man’s DNA is not human!” Albert ran his fingers through his hair. “That virus that you found at the other crime scene, it has almost completely taken over this man’s healthy cells. Somehow... it has mutated.” Albert pointed to the microscope. “Have a look.”

  The man’s blood was curious, it was more of a thick, dark red sludge. The white cells were no longer present and the plasma had a strange yellow tint. “What is this?” As Amanda looked closer she could see tiny, green particles floating in the plasma.

  “It’s his blood, strange isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, it really is.” Amanda had never seen anything like it.

  “I already called Health Canada, they are going to send a scientist from Pharmakon to check it out. Apparently, she is an expert in blood pathology.” Albert walked over to his chair and slumped down. “Why don’t you take the rest of the night off. You must be exhausted.”

  “What about you?” Amanda felt the cold edge of the metal desk against the small of her back as she leaned back. “What about all of this evidence, we need to process it.”

  “We need this woman’s help. I think they said her name was Doctor Felicity Strode. Not much we can do until she gets here.” Albert leaned back as far as the chair would allow. “I’ll head home as soon as I check on one more thing. I will call you as soon as she arrives, she should be here tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Alright, I’ll see you then.” Amanda could hear Albert yawning as she headed out into the hallway. The door slowly closed behind her as she walked down the corridor. She was not sure how much sleep she was going to get, no matter how exhausted she felt.

  Ice cold rain fell in a drizzle against the windshield, and Ethan was worried it would turn to snow any moment.

  “Well, here we are!” The old man had directed them down an old dirt road outside of Millertown. “Just up that path there.” He pointed to an old beaten trail that wound up the mountain and disappeared into the trees.

  “Thanks! You stay here in the truck.” Ethan reached into his glove-box and retrieved his flashlight.

  “Will do.” The old man had just placed a fresh hunk of chewing tobacco into his mouth.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Ethan opened the door and was greeted by the frigid weather. The frosty mist was being illuminated by the car’s headlights, mimicking a wintery snow storm. As Ethan headed up the old groove, loose rocks slipped underneath his boots. Dark green boughs kept the path well hidden from the rain, the light drizzle unable to penetrate the branches.

  Suddenly, a decaying reek seemed to waft down the hillside. Rotten flesh seemed to be pouring into his nostrils. He fluttered the flashlight all around him, but was unable to find the source of the rancid smell. The path snaked around the trees and disappeared to the right, the potent stench suggested the source was just around the corner. Against Ethan’s better judgement, he decided to follow the trail around the bend.

  Ethan tripped in an old knotted tree root, nearly falling flat on his face as made his way around the turn. The flashlight fell from his hand and crashed on the rocky path below, the beam of light began to flicker from the hard jolt. The source of the foul stench was laid out on the path just ahead, the flickering light illuminating the offensive sight.

  Another desecrated moose carcass was on display just two feet away. This one was almost identical to the one he found earlier near the highway. Only this one had decayed more. The nauseating, stomach churning odour permeating from every pore of the cadaver. The animal’s limbs were ridged and protruded from its body at excruciating, awkward angles. A giant gash in its belly allowed all of the blood and organs to spill out, tarnishing the soil. Its giant, purple tongue hanging from its mouth. Ethan held his arm up to his nose trying to block out the stench.

  “Great! Coyotes!” Ethan shook his fist at the forest in protest. Tomo
rrow he would call his boss, get him to send someone out to Black Duck Siding. He had things that needed to be dealt with out here, a deadly predator was hunting in these woods.


  The drive to the police station was short, Frank barely spoke to Eric during the trip. The whole city had grown silent, the only sound was the wipers as they struggled to keep the windshield clear of the rain. Frank felt like he was all alone in the world, cut off from society.

  As they pulled into the parking lot of the police station Eric turned the ignition off. Frank lowered his head to the dashboard, searching for the words to say to Eric.

  “Listen Eric, we have a situation on our hands here. I can’t have you getting upset!” Frank turned his head to the side window, and watched as the rain drops fell into the puddles, sending ripples throughout the water. No matter how small they were, they all had an impact. It was mocking Frank. No matter what his next words to Eric would be, the ripple effect would have an impact on the entire world. “It’s about Mr. Purchase.”

  “Well, you already mentioned that. I think he was involved with Phillip’s accident,” Eric said as he opened his door. “You said you wanted to talk in your office. Your office is this way Frank.” Eric closed the driver’s side door and stormed off towards the entrance.

  Frank retrieved his cell phone from the glove box. He took one last look at the text on the screen, his mind was already made up. He knew what he was about to do was wrong, but he had to do what was best for his family. He needed to keep them safe. Besides, it was already too late, there was no stopping this now.

  The rainfall felt like a cold rag resting against his face. At least the wind had stopped. As the rain fell on the back of his neck it ran down his shirt, sending a shiver down his spine. He had forgotten his jacket in his office in his hurry to get to the hospital. He ran to the door to avoid the rain and pushed his way inside. Kathy was sat behind the glass partition in the lobby. Frank expected to see Eric waiting for him, but he must have headed on to his office.

  “Where did Eric go?”

  “He went to your office. Is everything O.K Frank?” Kathy had a concerned look across her face, the crows feet around her eyes were much more defined after a long day’s work.

  “For now. Why don’t you call it a night Kathy? Go see your brother,” Frank said calmly. “Don’t worry about working tomorrow. Take a few days off, please!”

  “Thanks Frank. I’ve been worried sick all day about him.”

  Kathy hurried over to the coat rack and hauled her coat on in a hurry. She draped a scarf around her neck. Frank waited by the door for her, and held it open for her as she left. They waved goodbye to each other as Kathy made her way towards her car, and Frank watched her as she pulled out of the parking lot. It would probably be the last time they would see each other, Frank wanted to warn her about what was about to happen, but decided against it. His family’s life was at stake, and Frank couldn’t jeopardize their safety.

  Frank began to walk down the hallway towards his office, he was not looking forward to confronting Eric, but it had to be done. Frank had received his orders and needed to carry them out in order to keep his family safe. The radio in Frank’s office buzzed, and he heard Eric answer the call. He did not know what was going on but he heard Eric say “I’m on my way!” Frank’s office door flung open, and Eric stood in the door way. He was zipping up his jacket, preparing to head back outside.

  “Frank I gotta go. There was an attack on an ambulance driver. One of the drivers managed to lock the attacker outside the ambulance. Apparently he’s very dangerous and deranged.” Eric’s voice was agitated.

  “Eric be careful!” Frank knew exactly what awaited Eric. He wished he could tell Eric to make sure his gun was loaded, but for now he had to play the fool. “About Fox Island. Long story short, just keep your nose out of their business for christ sake! I don’t know what you think they’re doing out there, but it’s nothing you should be concerning yourself with. You’ll need a warrant to step back on that island, and you just are not going to get one!” Frank’s commanding tone boomed against the walls as he stood in Eric’s path. Frank watched as Eric’s face turn blood red and his upper lip curled into a snarl. A deep, purple vein erupted on his forehead like a volcano. Eric was about to blow a fuse. “Now get your ass to work. I will talk to you about this more as soon as you get back. You just count your lucky stars Mr. Purchase decided not to press charges against you!”

  “Fuck you Frank! Did they pay you off again?” Eric stormed past Frank, shoving him into the drywall. A shot of pain darted up Frank’s arm as his shoulder brought up solid in the wall. Eric slammed the door behind him so hard it rattled the very foundation of the building. Frank thought the glass windows in the front entrance would explode as Eric charged out of the building.


  The crazed man outside, who should have been dead, was unstoppable. Nick had managed to pull the lunatic off Henry and throw him out the back of the ambulance, but now they were trapped inside. The walking cadaver had somehow managed to get back to his feet and shambled back into the ambulance, and then got a grasp on Nick’s vest. The dead man’s grip was surprisingly powerful and Nick barely managed to escape his clutch. Nick kicked his attacker in the ribs, he felt his boot crack a few bones as his assailant tumbled backwards out of the vehicle and crashed hard against the pavement. The belligerent man found his way to his feet, and for a moment Nick was paralyzed by the cold, glossy eyes of his adversary. Nick scampered to slam the double doors shut.


  The pounding was relentless. It was growing stronger and stronger. Nick screamed out for help, but no one answered. Nick was not sure how much longer he could hold off their attacker, something had to give.

  Nick tried to stop the bleeding from Henry’s shoulder but the bite was nasty. It was too deep and the blood flowed profusely from the jagged, torn flesh. Henry’s attacker must have ruptured an artery. Henry quickly passed out from the blood loss. Nick was left alone to keep pressure on the wound as he pressed his feet against the ambulance door in a desperate attempt to keep them shut. Nick was afraid if he let go of the door the maniac on the other side would get in. Henry needed to get to the hospital now. Henry was in grave danger, his life lay precariously in the balance as Nick prayed for salvation.


  The man outside was going to break through those doors any moment now. Nick could hear the sirens in the background. Finally someone had heard his urgent cry for help.



  Eric couldn’t believe his eyes. Some maniacal man, covered in bloody clothes, was pounding on the back of the ambulance.

  The irrational man was frantically banging his fists against the metal doors. This psychotic animal was deranged and relentless.

  Eric stepped out of the squad car and grabbed his service revolver out of its holster. He placed his arms over the car door and aimed the barrel of the gun at the demented person.

  “FREEEEZE!!!! Step away from the ambulance!”

  The unbalanced individual just kept pounding his clubbed fists into the cold steel of the ambulance. The relentless force was buckling the doors inward, about to bust them open at any moment. Bloody handprints smudged the glass. A mixture of smeared blood and filth stained the white doors of the ambulance, pools of red liquid had formed on the tailgate.

  “You need to step away from the ambulance NOW!” Eric ordered.

  The freak didn’t acknowledge, he just kept slamming his fists into the ambulance doors. Eric cringed as the doors buckled inwards, the paramedic had his feet pressed against the doors, desperately trying to keep them shut. The unhinged lunatic shoved his arms into the opening, and managed to curl his fingers around the fabric of the paramedics pants. The victim on the other side was no match for his attacker’s vice-like grip. The man pulled his victim’s leg closer to his face, his jaws were snapping at t
he ambulance driver’s legs, drool and blood spraying from his mouth as he tried to take a bite of flesh.

  Eric took a long stride towards the assailant with his gun raised and ready.


  The crazed man sank his teeth into the boot of the ambulance driver.

  Eric could hear the man’s teeth crack as he chomped down on the steel toed boots. Snapping his head back, the maniac pulled the leg closer to his mouth. Eric realized nothing was going to be able to stop this man. For the first time in Eric’s life, he pulled the trigger while pointing his gun at another human being.


  The shot ripped through the man’s knee cap, sending the man crashing into the asphalt face first. The ambulance driver yanked his leg free, and slammed the ambulance doors shut. Eric ran over to the man with his cuffs ready to subdue the attacker.

  As the man turned over, Eric froze in his tracks and looked in sheer terror. The man’s stomach was torn open, his intestines dangling from the gaping hole of his stomach cavity. The man’s neck was missing a large chunk, and the blackened blood covered his clothes in a gory mess.

  As Eric stood there in shock, the monstrosity reached out his arms and tried to grab hold of Eric’s leg.


  The man was hauling his body across the pavement. A mouth full of bloodied teeth, relentlessly snapping at his legs.

  Eric tried to step back but his body wasn’t cooperating with his brain, shock had destroyed the chain of command between them. Eric tripped backwards, and slammed hard against the pavement, his revolver scattered across the pavement out of reach as the hard smack loosened his grip.

  Eric quickly rolled onto his side and saw the man clawing at his boot with one hand, dragging himself closer with the other. Eric kicked at the man’s outstretched hand with his other leg, trying to free himself from the extraordinarily tight grip.


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