Reality's Plaything 5: The Infinity Annihilator

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Reality's Plaything 5: The Infinity Annihilator Page 75

by Will Greenway

  Celerus raised her hands. “Now, repeat after me. Accepting these bounties and this token I enter into this pact of my own free will…”

  Together they recited the words.

  “…to accept the Wood Way, defend the holy precincts, and honor the traditions and customs of the green alliance to the end of my days.”

  They finished.

  Celerus nodded. She brushed back her russet hair and smiled. Her dark eyes gleamed. “Now, by the power vested in me by the High Circle, I bless this union. May you live prosperous, bountiful lives in harmony and contentment.” She clapped her hands and a shower of gold glamour rained down over them, the motes making their skin, clothing, and hair give off a silvery glow.

  The King and Queen rose from their seats as the priestess bowed to them and the audience. The spectators murmured and applauded as she and her assistants filed out.

  Now came the Tier of Kindred where he would ask the King and Queen for their blessing. In turn, Sarai would ask his parents for the same boon. For symmetry in the ceremony, Gaea and Wren’s father Vanidaar would be his surrogate parents. He looked beyond to the highest stage and the pool of purification. They were almost done. Moons of planning, studying, and rehearsing would finally have been culminated. He was already through the hard part and he doubted the enemies of the T’Evagdurans would try anything now. He just needed to relax and avoid doing anything embarrassing.

  They climbed the stairs and at the summit stepped up onto a raised platform in the center of the stage. Maids and stewards swarmed in from the wings, switching, removing the vestments of nature and making adjustments to their clothing. As they were being prepared the King and Queen, Ryelle and Janai were taking position on one side of the stage. Laramis remained at the last step as guardian.

  Bannor saw some activity on the other side which would likely be Gaea and Vanidaar coming down from the gallery hidden in the rocks up on their right. Here on the second highest platform, the sheltered area where the wedding performers waited was just visible. Except for the earliest part of the ceremony, they really were the best seats to watch from. Closed off from direct sunlight and cooled by the spring water running down into the pool of purification. Knowing elf crafting and the significance of the ceremony, the seating would be exquisite. He could do with a comfortable chair right now…

  He looked to Sarai and squeezed her hand. She met his eyes and smiled. His throat tightened, it felt like his heart stopped. Damn, she was beautiful.

  Movement and a flash of green drew his attention to the steps leading down. Five maids escorted mother Gaea as she came gliding down the steps, her floor length space-black hair shining with stars. She wore a translucent smoke-gray gown with a violet bodice and white jewel highlights. With such a marvelous canvas to work with, the elf artistes had made the goddess truly stunning in aspect.

  When it was suggested that Gaea come out for him, he had wondered how that would be accepted. Kalindinai had explained that green skin was not that unusual in elves with dryad and naiad blood. Ironic that someone with green skin was more easily accepted than a human.

  The audience murmured as Gaea made her way across the stage. She looked huge compared to the tiny elf girls surrounding her. The people at the back of the glade were able to view what the front ranks were seeing because of the magicks that projected images from the stages onto the shade bubbles that hovered over the clearing.

  Sarai said in Bannor’s mind smiling.

  He rolled his eyes.

  Gaea tossed her hair and stopped opposite Kalindinai on the right half of the stage. She smiled at him and then Sarai.

  Where was Vanidaar? He had only an instant to form that thought when he saw more figures coming down from the gallery. Strange, there seemed to be more than one.

  He saw Sarai’s puzzled expression, so she obviously didn’t know what was going on. There were at least four coming down, but the shadows obscured who they were. Perhaps the rest of the Kergathas were coming out to show support.

  The first to step into the light from the wings was Vanidaar Kergatha, dressed in his black and silver court robes as the Baron of Cosmodarus. The powerful ascendant had altered his shape, choosing to simply appear as the Cosmodarian Lord and long-time friend of the T’Evagdurans.

  Bannor’s brow furrowed as an unfamiliar face appeared at the bottom of the stairs. She was a dark-haired woman of medium height, leading a young blonde girl of about four or five summers. She wore the deep-blue gown and shawl of noble-woman, but moved hesitantly as though unused to it. The child with her was staring around like a wide-eyed fawn.

  Another dark-haired lady, also dressed in blue, followed the first. She appeared taller and thinner with a hint of gray frosting her hair around the temples. She looked nervous and fussed with her clothing as she walked. Though like the first lady, she was wearing a gown and shawl, her sun-browned skin and seamed features instantly identified her as someone long familiar with outdoor toil. The woman’s eyes focused on him, and he realized her face was red like she had recently been crying.

  Gaea stepped back and drew the lady into the position where she had been standing opposite Kalindinai. The all-mother whispered something in the lady’s ear and it seemed to calm her. She swallowed and straightened. Gaea looked over the woman at him with an arch expression and smiled.

  Bannor felt an icy chill go through him. A shock that made his whole body tremble. He blinked and looked again as doubt receded and certainty set in.

  A look toward Kalindinai and the self-satisfied expression on her face confirmed it.

  Face growing hot, he focused back on the two ladies with Gaea. “Mother?” It was hard to imagine his hard-working mother dressed in fine silk, her face powdered and hair up. Her calloused farmer’s hands scrubbed clean, the nails meticulously manicured and painted. He never imagined his mother like this. She was beautiful. He swallowed as another realization made his stomach twist. “Mother if you’re here then…”

  He looked back to the stairs, as a sandy-haired, thick-bodied man stepped off the stairs. Like his mother and Ravan, this guest was dressed in the finery of a noble. The man’s broad face, and stiff bearing showed his discomfort. The same man who had said in Bannor’s hearing said that he would sooner eat a boot than wear silk like an effeminate dandy. Yet here he was, embarrassed, uncomfortable, and out-of-place.

  Vanidaar put a hand behind Khendar Starfist’s back and urged him forward.

  Sarai squeezed his hand and sent him a private thought.

  Feeling dazed he nodded.

  Laramis stepped up and put a hand on Bannor’s shoulder. “Zounds, is that your real dam and sire?”

  Bannor looked back at his friend and nodded.

  “This is a bit unexpected,” the Justicar said.

  He was sure right about that. Sarai leaned out and looked toward her mother. The Queen raised her chin.

  she thought to him.

  He didn’t know how to feel. He lost a great deal of respect for his mother the day he left home, but never for an instant lost his love for her. Ravan… he simply hadn’t possessed the courage to scour Drenin-town to find her. She had a child now. He was an uncle.

  Urged by Vanidaar, Khendar Starfist stopped by his wife, looking across the stage toward proud King Jhaan.

  If there was anywhere in the universe Bannor’s Father would have last expected to be, it would be standing on a stage looking eye to eye with the King of one of the most powerful nations on Titaan. It must have come as a double surprise, because throughout Bannor’s childhood, his father admonished him not to be disappointed if he never amounted to anything. His becoming a ranger captain for the Baron of Tenax far exceeded the grandest of his father expectations. To exceed that and become a prince… he couldn’t imagine what his father might be thinking now. What had Gaea or Kalin
dinai done to make him trek two hundred leagues from southern Tenax? He never would have come on his own.

  Gaea was staring at Khendar. His father was trying not to look her direction. Bannor knew how daunting Gaea could be even for someone used to being around her incredible power. He noticed Kalindinai was also looking toward him.

  Both of them must have ganged up on him. Bannor remembered back to the meeting when Vera had accepted back her honor. Gaea had told Kalindinai that she had found something for her. The two of them had been planning this all along.

  Gaea was a goddess, and Kalindinai was a Queen of Malan and a Shael Dal. Odin himself couldn’t have resisted those two. Bannor couldn’t conjure a mental image of what that meeting must have been like. The fiercest thing his father had ever faced were a few forest orcs. To be confronted by those two…

  Sarai squeezed his hand.

  Startled out of his thoughts, he stared at her.


  He blinked at her. The thought was so preposterous.


  Served him right, damn him. Fitting that just by coming here he had been forced to eat every negative word he ever uttered about Bannor’s lack of a future. He even told him to set his expectations low and not get too hopeful about a wife. He glanced at his wife-to-be. Yvelle, the prettiest girl in Drenin-town, the one that father bragged Ramm would marry some day—was a dim light compared to Sarai.

  Yes, his father would have been reassessing a lot of things recently. Kalindinai was far too thoughtful to just throw his family into this. They had probably been in Malan for a few days. It begged another question. What and how much had they told his family about him?

  He drew a breath, he couldn’t think about that now. He needed to focus, he needed to keep his mind and heart on the goal. He didn’t know the details of what had brought his father here, but here he was. This ceremony was a celebration. His decade old bitterness had no place here. Just seeing his proud father’s intimidated expression made it hard to hate the man or even be angry with him. In fact, he actually had to admire him for having the courage to stand on that stage.

  Vanidaar leaned in and said something to Khendar. Bannor’s father composed himself and managed to force an almost-smile.


  she growled.

  He squeezed her hand.

  Sarai sighed, she was still smiling but it was forced. She nodded.

  Though the tableau had seemed long, barely a long breath had actually passed. The last of the maids and stewards were just leaving the stage.

  He drew a breath and collected himself. He glanced back to his mother and sister struggling to keep a brave faces in this massive production. He wanted to go to them and apologize for all this. It wasn’t that much longer now, he could make it up to them afterward.

  Sarai said tugging on his hand.

  They moved together toward the King and Queen. At their feet, Bannor dropped to one knee and bowed his head.

  Sarai put a hand on his back. “Mother and Father, I present to you Bannor Nalthane Starfist of Ivaneth, first captain of the Tenax rangers, and newly appointed Kul’praelor of the Nightslash Elite. I beg you hear his petition.”

  The King paused. It seemed to be forever. He could feel the elf Lord’s eyes drilling into his back. Bannor knew it was irrational but for a wild moment he imagined Jhaan turning him away—going through the whole giant exhibition to this point simply to make the embarrassment as monumental as possible.

  The silence went on for bells it seemed. Finally the King spoke. “Daughter, we will hear this petition.”

  Bannor let out a breath. His heart was beating fast and his palms felt clammy. That had scared him—worse even than his confrontation with Garfang.

  He composed himself, raised his head and met the eyes of his future parents. “Dom’Ista—Matradomma, I come to you humbled and enthralled. Your daughter Sarai has taken my heart and made it hers. I earnestly and abjectly request your permission to take the life-oath with your daughter.”

  The Queen took the hand of her husband. She smiled down at him and placed her other hand on Bannor’s head. “Petitioner Bannor, We feel the love you have for Our daughter and it pleases Us. You have Our permission.”

  The King glanced at his wife, then to his daughter. He smiled and placed a hand on Bannor’s head on top of his wife’s. “Petitioner Bannor,” he said in his ringing voice. “We feel your resolve, your strength, and your desire to protect Our daughter and it pleases Us. You have Our permission.”

  They took their hands away.

  “Betrothed of Our daughter, please rise,” Kalindinai said.

  He stood. His heart was still beating fast, he didn’t know why. He looked into Kalindinai’s eyes. The elf Queen smiled. She held her held her hand out.

  Bannor dipped his head and kissed her ring. “Mother-to-be, I thank your graciousness.”

  The King raised his chin and gripped the hilt of the sword at his side and pulled it half sheath. He fixed Bannor with a stare that fathers had been focusing on suitors since marriage existed.

  “Father-to-be, I thank your graciousness and will endeavor to protect your daughter as you would.”

  The King pushed the sword back into the sheath and nodded. Though it had only been part of the ceremony, the stare he had given him was genuine.

  “Daughter,” the Queen said. “We grant Our leave to petition the approval of the Sire and Dam of your betrothed.”

  Sarai bowed to her parents. “Mother, Father, We thank your courtesy.”

  Now, it was his turn. He had to face the parents he had not seen in more than twelve summers. The first words in their reunion would be to ask them to accept a woman that they had never seen before today.

  Sarai said she was nervous. How did she think he felt?! He started to turn, then realized his parents didn’t know elvish. What language was he supposed to address them in?!

  Sarai poked him.



  He winced.

  The Queen raised an eyebrow and nodded him toward the other side of the stage.

  He blew out his cheeks, turned and led Sarai toward his mother and father.

  As he moved toward them, he realized they both looked terrified. What did they think would happen?

  He smiled at his mother. The summers had been hard on her, but she still looked strong. His father’s jaw was working, body tensed, trying to stand firm for his wife.

  They stopped in front of his parents, he helped Sarai kneel in the cumbersome gown. Looking into his father’s dark eyes he drew a breath. He hoped this went okay. “Father—” He focused on his mother. “Mother—I present to you Sarai T’Evagduran of Malan, third princess of the realm and Kul’Praelor of the Hippogriff elite. I beg you hear her petition.”

  His father was pale. Bannor feared the proud farmer would faint right there in front of them. Baron Kergatha put a hand on Khendar’s shoulder.

  “S-s-s,” His father’s voice cracked. He swallowed and with obvious effort mastered himself. “S-son, we will hear her petition.”

  He put a hand on Sarai’s back. He felt his wife-to-be draw breath. Sarai raised her face and spoke. “Lady Starfist, Master Starfist, I come to you desiring your son’s
strength to make me complete. Your son Bannor has taken my heart and made it his, I earnestly and abjectly request your permission to take the life-oath with your son.”

  His mother swallowed. She took her husband’s hand. She raised a shaking hand, obviously reticent to even touch a royal. Mother Gaea put a hand on his mother’s shoulder and steadied her. Kiranna Starfist put her hand on Sarai’s head. “Petitioner T’Evagduran,” his mother said in a shaky voice. “W-w-we feel your love for our son. I-i-it pleases me, and I grant m-my permission.”

  Sarai looked up at Khendar Starfist with glowing violet eyes. Bannor saw perspiration trickle down the man’s face. He stared at Sarai the way he might some rare untouchable mythical beast. He drew a breath. “Petitioner T’Evagduran, your devotion, grace and b-beauty pleases me. I g-grant my permission.”

  His mother Kiranna drew their hands away. “Betrothed of our son, p-please rise.”

  Bannor helped his wife-to-be stand. Sarai looked down at his mother, obviously trying not to look too imposing, and smiled. Gaea nudged her and Kiranna opened her arms to his wife-to-be. Sarai hugged his mother.

  “It’s okay,” he heard Sarai whisper in his mother’s ear. “Really. We’ll talk after.”

  Bannor saw his mother’s eyes flutter. She seemed to seize on those words. She sighed and smiled the first genuine smile he had seen since they had come on the stage.

  Sarai leaned back. “Mother-to-be, thank you for your graciousness and the gift of your son.”

  Sarai turned to Khendar. The farmer was obviously lost, not knowing what to do with his hands. She leaned in took his head in her hands and kissed him on the cheek. “Father-to-be, thank you for your graciousness.”

  Khendar Starfist blushed to his ears.

  Bannor glanced to his sister. Ravan was standing with Gaea. Her daughter was holding the all-mother’s hand, which seemed to please the goddess immensely.

  The King, Queen, and princesses came forward.

  “Please,” T’Evagduran said, gesturing them toward the stairs leading to the final tier. “Join us.”


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