Reality's Plaything 5: The Infinity Annihilator

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Reality's Plaything 5: The Infinity Annihilator Page 88

by Will Greenway

  telepathy — The ability to project / communicate via mental energies. See telepathic.

  See Also: mindspeak, telepathic

  teleport — The act of teleporting. See teleportation.

  See Also: teleportation

  teleportation — Magical teleportation was originally developed by Mandrimin (c.f.). The simple explanation is that it is a magical process which allows instantaneous transport between two locations. For the technical mage, teleportation involves two phases, the first being the extraction a simulcraic derivation of the source matter from chaotic space, then a fractal compression of the interpolated particulate helices is performed. The corresponding magical data is then compact enough to do matter / energy exchange with the target locale where the simulcra are reconstructed into their approximations. Note that the source and destination are no longer the same, but extremely accurate approximations created out of the templates located in mathematical space. [Complicated isn’t it? That’s why it takes special training to be a mage! ]

  See Also: energy, magic, teleport

  temporal — Of or pertaining to Time.

  Terranath, Damrosil — Damrosil is a 2nd generation member of the Band of the Crescent Moon. She has freebooted across many planets and participated in numerous adventures. Damrosil was a longtime companion of Tiernia Nirvanae and the two of them had numerous encounters with the Dream Merchants and their operatives. Damrosil and Tiernia grew apart in their later years as Tiernia settled down to build a bard school. Damrosil went on to fight in the Arcturan Death Spectacles and made the acquaintance of Beia Targallae.

  Damrosil escaped the arena and shortly thereafter assumed leadership of the Jhandris’Kul clan of Myrigynes. Several years later, Beia also escaped the spectacles and returned to her home among the clans. Itching to begin adventuring again, Damrosil willingly stepped down from her seat as queen and gave the position to Beia. It was shortly after this period that the Eternal Yi began the reformation of the Protectorate with the help of Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri Felspar. By that time, Damrosil had already found the Shaladen blade Cybersong. Since Damrosil had bonded with the weapon, and few better warriors existed, the protectorate asked her to join their ranks. Damrosil accepted. Damrosil has the distinction of being the first of the indoctrinated warriors of the Shael Dal.

  Tournament details: All-World’s Tournament of 1089, winner 14th circle, All-World’s Tournament of 1093, winner 15th circle, placed in top 10 of unlimited play in 5 entered tournaments. Damrosil is a veteran tournament warrior with over 312 victories at various ranks. She spent some years in the Arcturan Death Spectacles and has trained extensively with Beia Targallae. Beia and Damrosil often compete in tag-team unlimited class tournament play. When together they have never failed to place below the top 10.

  See Also: Eternity, eternals, shaladen

  thane — Engineer grade rank in the Kriar military equal to an ensign. See also Kriar Ranks.

  See Also: kriar

  timequake — The reaction caused by altering an event in time. The storm of changes which occur after the event changes.

  Titaan — One of the core worlds of the Ring Realms, the planet from which the Band of the Crescent Moon hails (among others).

  transvectoral — Transvectoral is related in concept to intervectoral time/space. Where intervectoral deals with relativism in subspace, transvectoral reflects the pseudo-temporality while undergoing transphase. Time divers who spend a lot of time moving through parallel times and spaces begin to pick up a ‘transvectoral charge’. Their bodies and equipment sublimate the unique transphase energies. Once these energies build up to a certain point, time diving becomes difficult and anomaly compensation begins to break down. Worse, if the transvectoral charge is allowed to build up, the actual molecular structure of the diver’s body and equipment begins to disintegrate.

  Tunespinner, Arabella — See Arabella. Arabella’s surname is little known as she keeps it hidden from the general public for many and various reasons. Many surmise that ‘tunespinner’ is also an alias. Why she keeps it secret is another mystery.

  Tymoril — Dragon that traveled with Kegari. She accompanies Bannor extensively while he is in Gladshiem. See also Kegari.

  See Also: dragon

  — U —

  — V —

  Vale, Corim Erik — Corim Vale is a well-known tournament competitor, scholar, and treasure hunter. He is also a devotee in the ways of Mataya, following the lore-knight’s code of ethics. In 1094 at the Blackstar Tournament he was overall winner in three events. He has an exceptional tournament record spanning 253 bouts, 211 victories, 31 draws, with only 12 losses.

  For several cycles Corim toured the tournament circuit, using his winnings to further his studies and finance his treasure hunting. In the various tournament towns he would tell stories, pass along information, and teach on various subjects making him known as a kind of pseudo-bard.

  As a solo adventurer he was moderately successful, not easily able to penetrate deeply into the wild lands without the support of an entire exploration group. All of the magic items in his personal arsenal are the result of those explorations. Corim’s solo treks in the wilderness were sharply curtailed when he ran afoul of a large and rather irritable green dragon. The creature did it’s best to eat him but soon found his sharp sword and tournament honed strength made him a rather unpalatable meal. The encounter left scars on the fighter that will not be soon forgotten.

  One of Corim’s unusual abilities is his unusually strong metapathic talent. Metapaths, like empaths, can sense the emotions of others, however metapaths actually manipulate the emotions and mental states of others around them. Corim comes into this ability unusually late in life, and the first manifestations of the talent are raw and uncontrolled. When unfocused, this talent can evoke an instinctive hostile reaction in the creatures it touches. This caused Corim quite some trouble until Cassin Kel’Ishtauri Felspar and Annawen Kel’Ishtauri Felspar help him get the ability under control.

  Not long after the dragon incident, Corim decided to take root and formalize his scholarly studies. He heard that the Falorian academy for warriors paid its instructors well and decided that it would make a good substitute for constantly wandering from kingdom to kingdom pursuing the various tournaments. With his tournament record in hand he set out to qualify for the coveted 7th circle teaching position.

  It was in the school that he made the acquaintance of Ceraph, Talorian Falor’s Elf talent scout. Due to the effects of Corim’s metapathic ability, Ceraph becomes infatuated with him. It is also around this time that Corim has an encounter with Beia Targallae. It is shortly thereafter that Corim becomes involved with Meridian Arcturan and the Death Spectacles.

  A combination of good looks, gentlemanly propriety, and metapathic talent makes Corim an unintentional lady’s man. He becomes involved with Ceraph, catches the eye of Annawen Felspar, and even gets the ancient Belkirin Dulcere to notice him. It is Dulcere who Corim falls in love with, other entanglements aside. The young man’s troubles do not end there. In the pursuit of Meridian, and his attempt to avenge the “death” of his friends that Corim chases down Rakaar Steelsheen. On the Baronian’s starship Corim encounters and frees the warmage’s battle-nurse Senalloy. After the combat which takes Rakaar’s life, but seriously injures Corim, Senalloy sets her eyes and Desires on him. Eventually, the Baronian’s forward and lascivious behavior becomes a wedge between Corim and Dulcere.

  By the end of the events in Shaladen Chronicles: A Knot In Time Corim has been indoctrinated into the ranks of the Shael Dal, and has been temporarily given protectorate enforcer beta status in the wake of Aarlen Frielos’ breakdown. Aarlen’s mental patterns have taken residence in Corim’s body, and the Shaladen Stellaraac now answers his call…

  See Also: Corresont, Senalloy Moirae, dragon, Eternity, eternals, Frielos, Aarlen, magic, shaladen

  valkur — The race of winged creatures to which the valkyries belong.

  valkyrie — W
inged warrior women who serve both the Aesir and Vanir. They have many immortal qualities but are not truly immortal like their masters. These winged women come in all shapes, sizes, skin, and hair colors. There are three major recognized sects of Valkyrie which comprise the Valkurum, the ‘Chosen’ who serve Odin, and the ‘Ascendants’ who serve Ukko. The third group, the ‘Bloodguard’ also serve Odin, but they are not ‘true’ Valkyrie in the sense that they ‘earned their wings’ as the other two sects did but are instead magical creations that did not ‘ascend to heaven’ as did the other two groups. Both the Chosen and the Ascendants revile the Bloodguard, especially since they receive favored status without having earned it. This situation was only worsened when Ukko began using them as well.

  valkyries — Plural of Valkyrie. See Valkyrie.

  varkath — Combat and engineer grade rank in the Kriar military equal to a vice admiral. See also Kriar Ranks.

  See Also: kriar

  Vilesilencer, The — Loric Felspar’s sobriquet is “The Vilesilencer” a reference to his days trying to destroy the evil of the pantheon lords when their influence was stronger in the mortal worlds.

  See Also: Felspar, Loric

  Vinax, Koass — The prime commander eternal of the Universal Protectorate. Koass has a wife named Megan, and two step-daughters Ralani and Silvia.

  See Also: Eternity, eternals

  Vinax, Megan — Active member of the Shael Dal wielding the Shaladen blade Sharonsheen, wife of Supreme Commander Vinax. After the revival of the Eternals, Megan was the first mortal to become part of the Alpha rank Protectorate by marriage.

  Megan was once the personal second of the pantheon lord Ukko. As an air-maiden she upheld the Valkur law and represented the ranks of the ‘ascendants’ sect of Valkyries (the ‘chosen’ serve the pantheon lord Odin, Ukko’s brother). However, during a period of time when Dorian Degaba Felspar and Thamara Narrimar Tarrantil were doing duties for Ukko at the behest of Bertram Tarrantil they became aware of certain “abuses” going on between Ukko and the Ascendants—particularly in the case of Megan and also her close friend and colleague Adwena.

  Due to the abuses she witnessed, Dorian tried to convince Megan and Adwena to leave Ukko. Megan having served the lord for millennia was of course loyal to him. Ukko got wind of Dorian’s attempts to persuade the two Ascendants away from him and in truly arrogant fashion made statements to the effect of ‘owning’ the Ascendants, and Megan and Adwena in particular. His behavior worsened, and more and more light was shown on how little freedom the air-maiden’s truly had even though lip-service had been given to them being a part of Vanir pantheon.

  Because of the pressure of these new happenings, and some truly brutal fallout as a result of the spectres that Dorian had uncovered, Megan was eventually persuaded to leave. For some time, she and Dorian were very close, especially in the inconsolable times shortly after she chose to break from Ukko. The two of them gradually grew apart because Megan wanted a monogamous relationship, and a more committed partner.

  Megan finally got her wish when Koass Vinax proposed to her in 1087. They are finally married in 1089. Megan has two children with Dorian, Ralani who Dorian foathrad, and Silvia who Megan foathrad. Megan remains close to the Felspar clan, and her children school with the other clan children. Her daughter Ralani is particularly regarded amongst the children for her leadership qualities.

  See Also: Eternity, eternals, Ishtarvariku, Dorian Degaba, shaladen

  void — Of or pertaining to space.

  — W —

  warmage — A mage specializing in warfare and battle magic. Often warmage’s are trained in the martial arts and in weapons mastery. They are typically trained tacticians and strategists as well. When employed by a Kingdom or territory, warmages often act as generals and lead the troops into battle, devastating the enemy ranks with their magic.

  See Also: magic

  Warstar — Name of the shaladen blade first wielded by Tal Falor and shared with Dominique Ariok. Due to some friction between Algernon D’Tarin and his eternal master, Nethra. With the agreement of their boss eternals, Tal and Algernon agreed to switch blades and responsibilities (Tal didn’t have any problems taking orders from a woman). The blade Warstar confers immense physical strength to the wielder allowing them to perform truly Herculean feats of muscle. The blade also has the ability to stasis (freeze in time) any creature it comes in contact with. See shaladen.

  See Also: eternals, shaladen

  Wysteri — Level 8 mecha healer (cybermed) who escaped the Karanganoi Baronian’s with her subnet. She and her fellows end up in the employ of the T’Evagduran family.

  See Also: cybermed, mecha, Mercedes

  — X —

  Xersis — Honorary shaladen blade given to Bannor to assist him while his savant powers healed. Bannor proves to be a very good shaladen wielder. How long he will keep the blade is unknown.

  See Also: shaladen

  Xygon — Unfortunate avatar of Set who happened to come upon Wren and her friends after they had become ascendants. It didn’t go well…

  See Also: avatar, Kergatha, Liandra {Wren} Idun-daughter

  — Y —

  yamah — A Kriar combat healer (mecha) serving Quasar.

  See Also: kriar, mecha

  yggrasil — The great tree of life tended by Idun.

  — Z —

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  About The Author

  First published in 1983, Will Greenway started his creative career wanting to draw and script comics. After a number of years, he found writing better suited to his skills. Aside from writing and art, Will is a self-taught programmer, PC technician, and network troubleshooter. He enjoys skiing, racquetball, Frisbee golf, and is steadfast supporter of role-playing games. To date he has completed eighteen novels more than twenty short stories, and numerous articles on writing. He resides in the Spring Valley suburb of south San Diego.

  The Ring Realms, the shared universe his novels take place in, has an online presence at (which has a LOT of detailed information about the universe and its inhabitants).

  As Will’s “universe” is so complex the following is some information that may help with timelines:

  Wren Kergatha (whose story line starts earliest of the three series) interacts with many of the characters depicted in the Chronicles. She also is the savior savant who befriends and helps Bannor in the Reality’s Plaything series.

  So the chronological order to the events of the novels roughly follows the list below.

  (Numbers specify the summer cycle N.I.S [New Ivaneth Standard]):

  1100 Savant’s Blood: Shadow of the Avatar

  1102 Savant’s Blood: Hecate’s Bounty

  1103 Aesir’s Blood

  1108 Shaladen Chronicles: A Knot In Time

  1108 Shaladen Chronicles: Anvil of Sorrow

  1109 Reality’s Plaything

  1109 ‘Neath Odin’s Eye

  1110 Gaea’s Legacy: Eternal’s Agenda

  1110 Gaea’s Legacy: Savants Ascendant

  1110 Gaea’s Legacy: The Infinity Annihilator

  1111 Shaladen Chronicles: Who Mourns the Creator

  1111 Gaea’s Blood

  1123 War of the Genemar

  * N.I.S = New Ivaneth Standard.

  Since the initial conception, the idea for the War of the Genemar has been broken into a multi-book series. What I have in mind for that story will not fit into a standard novel length. There are simply too many characters and too many side plots.

  If you are more inclined to follow a particular character’s storyline and not care to read chronologically the series are:

  Reality’s Plaything Series—Tales following the adventures of Bannor Starfist:

  1. Reality’s Plaything (

  2. ‘Neath Odin’s Eye (

  3. Gaea’s Legacy: Eternal’s Agenda (ht

  4. Gaea’s Legacy: Savants Ascendant (

  5. Gaea’s Legacy: The Infinity Annihilator

  Savant’s Blood Series—Tales following the adventures of Wren Kergatha:

  1. Savant’s Blood: Shadows of the Avatar (

  2. Savant’s Blood: Hecate’s Bounty (

  3. Aesir’s Blood

  4. Gaea’s Blood

  Shaladen Chronicles Series—Tales following the adventures of Corim Vale.

  1. A Knot In Time (

  2. Anvil of Sorrow

  3. Who Mourns the Creator

  War of the Genemar Series—Tales following Vhina Starfist and the Children of Gaea:

  1. Child of Ascendants

  2. The Karanganoi Gambit

  3. The Chyrith Agenda

  4. Gaea’s Revenge

  5. The Infinite Child

  You can keep track of all Will’s books on his author page:

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  Table of Contents

  Reality’s Plaything Book 5:The Infinity Annihilator


  A Word (or two) About Mythology

  Other books in the chronicles of the Ring Realms

  What Has Gone Before


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


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