The Hot Billionaires Box Set

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The Hot Billionaires Box Set Page 51

by Nella Tyler

  “I think the same goes for Ashlee and Beni. They can’t stop talking about them,” Meg said. “I hope things work out for them.”

  “They would have to work out some logistics seeing that they are separated by over five thousand miles.”

  “They could figure it out.”

  “As could we,” he said softly.

  Meg looked at him in surprise.

  “How goes the investigation?”

  They both turned to see Peleke walking behind them.

  “Peleke!” Meg cried.

  “Aloha!” Peleke smiled broadly. “It is a beautiful night for a walk on the ocean shore.”

  “It is,” Meg said. “We hoped we would see you again.”

  “And here I am. The wind told me you wanted to see me.” Peleke waved his hand indicating the night breeze.

  Meg didn’t know if she should believe Peleke or not. There was something so very strange about this man. Was he really man or something else? She refrained from thinking what that something else could be.

  Drake ignored Peleke’s strange comment. He glanced at Meg and could tell that she had taken in Peleke’s comment. He groaned inwardly.

  “What do you know about our search?” Drake asked.

  “I know many things that would make no sense to you at the moment. But it is fate’s hand that has led you to the drawing and the map,” Peleke said in low tones.

  “Fate?” Meg queried. “I don’t understand.”

  “Yes. Everything that happens to you is supposed to. There is no such thing as coincidence. You, dear Meg, understand this,” Peleke responded.

  “I do believe in the concept but how would you know that about me?” Meg asked warily. She wasn’t sure if she should trust this peculiar man.

  He shrugged and waved his arms above his head to indicate the wind.

  “The wind told you,” Meg mumbled under her breath.

  “Stop it, Peleke. There are enough strange things happening to us without you adding to them,” Drake snapped. “Tell us what you know about the cave drawing and the map.”

  “Follow the map. Your friend Kai will be able to help you. Enjoy your evening.” At that he turned and started walking down the beach.

  “Wait!” Drake called.

  “Come back, Peleke! We have more questions,” Meg cried out.

  “But I have no more answers at this time,” Peleke answered without turning around.

  Then suddenly he was gone. It was as though he had disappeared.

  “He did it again. Disappeared right before our eyes. Remember? It happened when we were in the gardens. And again when I was out shopping with the girls. How does he do that?” Meg asked in wonder.

  “I don’t know,” Drake muttered. “But at least he told us about Kai.”

  “I wonder if Kai knows him.”

  “Maybe. It never occurred to me to ask him or Noah about Peleke,” Drake said.

  “Because we didn’t think that Peleke was somehow involved with this mystery.”

  “I should have known that he was.”


  “Because he was the one who told us about the hotel restaurant being built on burial grounds. In a strange way, it makes sense that he would be connected to the mystery,” Drake answered.

  “In a strange way it does. And his disappearing acts seem geared to draw us deeper into the mystery.”

  “And it’s working, because I don’t want to stop until I solve it.”

  “Neither do I,” Meg mumbled.

  “Let’s go back to the hotel and wait for Kai. He has to bring Ashlee back at some point,” Drake proposed.

  “All right.”

  Kai and Ashlee were seated on the sofa and Drake and Meg sat on the floor on the other side of the cocktail table. The map was spread on the table and Kai looked at it closely.

  “This is a map to Shadow Island,” Kai said quietly. “Where did you get this?”

  “We found it tucked in a wooden box a hotel storage room,” Drake said. “We were told by Peleke to follow the map and that you would be able to help us.”

  Kai’s head snapped up at the mention of Peleke’s name.

  “Peleke told you that?”

  “Yes. Do you know Peleke? Are you and he friends,” Drake asked.

  “I know him.” Kai did not seem inclined to say more about their relationship.

  Meg wondered why Kai did not elaborate but did not press him.

  “Can you take us there?” Drake questioned.

  Kai nodded slowly.

  “I can. It’s a small island. Approximately 12 miles in length and four miles in width. It’s about four hours from here by boat,” Kai said as he surveyed the map again.

  “Can we fly in?” Drake asked.

  “No. There’s no air strip on the island,” Kai answered. “There’s only a dock for a boat and a three room shack.”

  “Does anyone live there?” Meg asked.

  “Supposedly not. But—”

  “But what?” Ashlee prompted suspiciously.

  “Just that there have been some wild stories about a man said to inhabit the island,” Kai said slowly.

  “What kind of wild stories?” Meg asked.

  “It’s said that he can make things happen. Unnatural things. Things that cannot be explained,” Kai mumbled.

  “That why it’s called Shadow Island,” Meg guessed.

  Kai nodded again.

  “Are you talking about supernatural stuff?” Ashlee asked in disbelief.

  “I am only repeating what’s been said,” Kai replied.

  “You said you could take us there. Does that mean you’ve been there before?” Drake enquired.

  “No. But I know where the island is. Most locals do,” Kai answered.

  “Why do I feel uneasy about this island?” Ashlee queried.

  “Are you superstitious?” Kai asked.


  “Maybe you should be more intune with your feelings,” Kai said.

  His comment left Ashlee feeling even more unsettled.

  “When can we leave?” Drake asked.

  “I will need a couple of days to take care of some things. I should be able to leave in two days,” Kai replied.

  “What about Beni and Noah? They aren’t here and know nothing about this,” Meg said.

  “I think it would be best if they did not accompany us. Someone should be here just in case,” Kai said.

  “In case of what?” Ashlee was alarmed.

  It’s always good to have a way to get help should you need it,” Kai responded. He picked up the map. “May I take this with me? I want to chart the fastest course.”

  “Of course,” Drake answered.

  “I’d better get out of here,” Kai said. He leaned over and kissed Ashlee’s cheek.

  “I’ll walk you out,” Ashlee said.

  “Goodnight, guys,” Kai smiled.

  “Goodnight, Kai,” Meg and Drake said simultaneously.

  Ashlee and Kai left the suite and Meg leaned against Drake. He put his arm about her shoulder.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure what to think about all of this,” she murmured.

  “Well, we’re making progress.”

  “Yes, we are. And that’s a good thing,” she smiled.

  He kissed her temple.

  “Indeed it is.”

  Beni stood in the middle of the living room floor and stared at her friends belligerently.

  “I want to go with you.” Beni felt like she was making a tired song out of this one phrase.

  Meg could only repeat what Kai had said the night before, which did not satisfy Beni.

  “I’m sorry, Beni. But I’m sure Kai has a good reason for thinking you should remain here,” Meg said wearily. She rested her head on the back of the sofa.

  “I’ve yet to hear it,” Beni retorted. “That decision should not have been made when I was not present. I am a part of this venture as well.”
br />   Everything that Beni was saying was true, but if truth were told, she was glad that Beni was staying behind. If they needed to call for help then Beni and Noah would be able to assist them. Otherwise they’d be up a creek with the proverbial lack of a paddle.

  “I know you’re feeling left out, but you may be the most important piece in this puzzle,” Ashlee said gently as she walked into the living room with a bowl of fruit. She offered some to Beni. “Would you like some?”

  “No!” Beni snapped.

  Meg looked at Ashlee in exasperation. Fruit was the last thing Beni wanted right now.

  “Ashlee has a point, Beni. I think it is prudent to have someone we can contact if things get dicey,” Meg said carefully.

  “Should you really be going there if the island is dangerous? Shadow Island doesn’t sound like an amusement park,” Beni muttered as she flopped into a white, wicker chair.

  “We have to follow the map and that’s where it leads,” Meg responded. “Your role is crucial in all of this, Beni. We need to be able to call you should we need to.”

  Beni allowed herself to be mollified.

  “Well, when you put it like that, I guess my role is significant in all of this,” she grumbled.

  “It certainly is. You may have to save our necks,” Ashlee exclaimed.

  Meg looked at Ashlee in annoyance. Ashlee shrugged as she chomped on strawberries.

  “Well, it’s true,” Ashlee declared.

  “I would rather believe that we will come out of this in one piece. But knowing that you and Noah are here is very reassuring,” Meg responded.

  “It’s interesting that Kai knows Peleke,” Beni mused.

  “I wonder why he never said he knew Peleke,” Ashlee commented.

  “I don’t think that Peleke’s name ever came up when Kai was around,” Meg said. “But he was less than eager to speak of him. He only said that he knew him.”

  “I’ll him about Peleke when I see him tonight. We’re going to a luau. You guys should come with us,” Ashlee encouraged.

  “Sounds like fun,” Beni chirped. It seemed her mood had been restored. “What about you, Meggie?”

  “Probably for Drake and I. We could use some a break from trying to solve this mystery.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Meg. The answer will be some paltry thing that means absolutely nothing,” Ashlee predicted.

  “That actually will be a fabulous resolution,” Meg replied. But her heart was not in her response. Most likely because she didn’t believe it. The deeper they delved into the perplexing puzzle the more doubtful she was of a simple outcome. There just had been too many odd and disturbing occurrences.

  “I wonder if Peleke is a witch.” Beni speculated.

  Meg and Ashlee looked at her in shock.

  “Why would you contemplate that?”

  “Just thinking about the strange encounters you’ve had with him. You got to admit that they have been creepy,” Beni remarked.

  “Creepy does not mean he is a sorcerer,” Meg rejected.

  “Are you saying that the supernatural element has never crossed your mind during your investigation?” Beni challenged.

  Meg could not honestly say that it hadn’t. It had been Drake that has kept her mystical thoughts at bay.

  “Aha! Your silence speaks volumes. You have thought of it!” Beni cried.

  “I have. But Drake insists that we exhaust all normal rationale before considering the paranormal. And I agree,” Meg asserted.

  “It’s a possibility, Meggie,” Ashlee said slowly. “One that we cannot discard.”

  “We can if we are not transcendent,” Meg argued.

  “But we all know that every one of us are,” Beni concluded.

  “I should get dressed,” Meg muttered. She rose and quickly went into her room. Beni had brought thoughts to the surface that she had tried to suppress. She

  Chapter 8

  Meg and Drake, along with the two other couples, walked on the marina boardwalk toward Noah’s boat. Meg was amazed at the size of the boats bobbing in the water. They were huge and beautiful. It wasn’t surprising to learn that both Kai and Noah owned a boat since most people on the island did. But what was astonishing was the size of each boat. It was obvious that there was more to these men than they knew about.

  “It’s right there,” Kai called out. He pointed to his boat.

  Meg stared at the sleek, gleaming, white-and-blue trimmed vessel. It was gorgeous.

  “And mine is right next to it,” Noah said. He opened the gate and jogged down the slip walkway then boarded the boat.

  The two large yachts bobbed next to each other in the harbor, each flying the flag of their owners’ favorite basketball team.

  “Are you coming aboard?” Noah called out.

  Drake ushered the ladies to the boat and helped them board.

  “These yachts are incredible,” Meg exclaimed.

  “I think Noah’s electric and plumbing company is doing well from the looks of this boat. It’s stunning,” Ashlee smiled.

  Meg looked at the exquisite salon and galley. The boat was outfitted was tan Italian leather furnishings and blush colored cabinetry. The electronics were outstanding and the fixtures were top of the line. She could only imagine how incredible the staterooms and outer decks would appear.

  “Drake. Noah. Come up to the bridge,” Kai called from the upper deck.

  “On our way,” Noah returned.

  Drake and Noah climbed the stairs to the upper deck.

  “Have you been here before, Beni?” Meg asked.

  “No. This is my first time,” Beni replied. “But he and I will be here while you are gone.” She grinned at the thought.

  “Lucky you!” Ashlee chuckled.

  “It’s so big! How large is it?” Meg grinned.

  “Noah says it’s eighty feet. Not a mega yacht, but gorgeous all the same. I think it’s perfect for us,” Beni said.

  “For us?” Ashlee questioned slyly.

  “Let’s just say that I have plans for us,” Beni said cagily.

  “And does Noah have those same plans?” Ashlee queried.

  Beni paused then started giggling as she hopped up and down.

  “Yes. We’ve been talking about a long-term relationship.”

  “That’s wonderful, Beni!” Meg exclaimed.

  “I knew the two of you would get together. I knew it!” Ashlee responded.

  Meg and Ashlee hugged Beni then pulled back.

  “I’m so glad things are going so well for the two of you,” Meg said happily.

  “So am I,” Beni chortled. “We just hit it off from day one. We like most of the same things and we see life in the same way. And that is what’s most important. It’s like we are kindred spirits.”

  “This is what we all are looking for. That one person who makes up our other half,” Ashlee sighed. “I think Meg has found the same thing.”

  “Let’s not put me in Beni’s euphoria. Drake and I are not there yet,” Meg disputed.

  “But you will be. Just drop your guard, Meggie. I know it’s hard after what happened to you with dumba—”

  “Ashlee!” Meg interrupted.

  “With Doug,” Ashlee continued. “But Drake is one of the good guys. I’d bet my one and only pair of Louboutins on it.”

  Meg smiled.

  “For your sake, I hope you’re right. I wouldn’t want you to lose your red-soled shoes.”

  They giggled.

  “Let’s tour the rest of the boat,” Ashlee suggested.

  The boat showcased luxury at every turn. Special attention had been given to every detail to provide comfort and ease. It was like living in magnificence on water. She never would have imagined a steady, sensible, and stable Noah having a yacht like this. The vessel seemed too flashy for him. But one could never tell about a person. Obviously he liked a considerable dose of flair in his life. Meg now understood why he liked Beni. She looked about the cabin and decided that she could get used t
o such a lifestyle. She turned to walk out of the cabin when she felt motion.

  “Guys! I think we’re moving,” she called out.

  Beni ran to the window.

  “We are. We’re moving out of the slip. I didn’t think we were going anywhere today.”

  “This is so cool!” Ashlee said gaily. “Let’s go up on deck.”

  “I’m going to the bridge to hang out with Noah,” Beni said.

  They hurried to the main deck and stood by the rail to watch Noah maneuver the yacht out of the slip. Meg looked back at the bridge and waved to Drake who stood next to Noah at the helm. He smiled and waved back. Soon they were out on the open sea and the boat was swiftly cutting through the rolling water. The girls’ hair was blowing wildly in the wind as the yacht was moving at a very fast clip. Meg loved the feel of the wind on her face.

  “This is fabulous,” Ashlee yelled.

  Meg nodded.

  “I love it!”

  Suddenly she felt strong arms slip about her waist. She looked up into Drake’s smiling face. He bent to kiss her neck. Ashlee smiled and moved away.

  “I feel so exhilarated,” she shouted.

  “Being on a fast moving boat does that to you,” Drake returned.

  “Where are we going?”

  He shrugged.

  “Noah didn’t say.”

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s just wonderful to be out here.”

  “So I take it you like boats. I’ll have to file that piece of information away for future use,” he said thoughtfully.

  “You do that,” she smiled.

  They stood at the rail and watched the waves crash against the hull of the boat as it slashed its way through the forceful mass. The water was so majestic and powerful, yet it could be frightfully deadly as well. She would hate to be at its mercy. Meg shivered at the thought.


  “No. I just had a thought that was better left forgotten.”

  “The sea can be a friend or foe. One should never underestimate her dominion over all living things,” he breathed in her ear.

  She looked at him in amazement.

  “Sometimes I think you can read my mind.”

  “It was only a logical guess to your thoughts. We’re out here in the midst of the ocean’s supremacy. You can’t help but be aware of it,” he replied.


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