
Home > Romance > Need > Page 11
Need Page 11

by Becca Jameson

  Rider finally spoke. “There are positions in BDSM. Everyone does them a little different, but I’ll teach you some basics. The first one is kneeling.” He circled her and sat on the loveseat. “Lower yourself to your knees in front of me.”

  Emily faced him and stepped onto the soft rug. She kneeled inches from his legs.

  “Good. Now spread your knees about shoulder width apart. Keep your back straight and pull your shoulders back.”

  She followed his instructions, hyper aware of the air in the room hitting her exposed arousal between her legs.

  “Now, clasp your hands behind your back.”

  She breathed harder as she completed the task.

  Rider stood and circled her body. He caressed her shoulders as he stepped behind her. He straddled her legs so his thighs almost touched her back. And then his hands were in her hair. “I love your curls, baby. But when you’re submitting, I want to see your face.” He pulled them back and wrapped a band around them. Did he carry hair bands in his pocket? Apparently. Several wild pieces dangled in front of her, but the majority was indeed contained.

  “This material is fantastic. Danielle did a great job selecting this dress.” He traced a line down her spine to the crack of her ass, letting his finger linger there long enough to make her squirm. “Stay still.”

  She fought to follow his directions, but her mind was on high alert, firing too many messages to her at once. Her instincts were at war with her desire to please this man.

  She wanted to buck into his touch and plead for more. She also wanted to pull away and run from the room, leaving behind the strange sensation consuming her—the part of her that wanted more, not less. And that part of her was winning. The more demands he made of her, the more she wanted him with her entire being. Needed him.

  She shivered. Wetness escaped her pussy and trickled down her leg.

  Rider finally removed his finger from the sensitive end of her crack, leaving her both relieved and disappointed. And confused by her reactions.

  He rounded her other side and sat once again on the couch. “Look at me.”

  She lifted her face to meet his, knowing she was a deep red from the flush extending up her face and down her chest.

  “I know you’re shocked. It’s hard at first when a woman, or a man for that matter, realizes how much they love submission. You want to fight it. You want to disown it.” He set one finger under her chin. “But know that all those feelings are normal. Most are caused by what society has deemed as appropriate behavior. We’ve all been brainwashed since birth to think submission is wrong, dirty.

  “It’s not. You’re realizing it. It isn’t about the sub being of lesser value. It’s about how it makes you feel to temporarily give up your power to another person. In reality, the power is all held by the submissive. I can only do what you allow me to do. I’m at your mercy to accept my demands or reject them. Does that make sense?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “All your synapses are firing at once, aren’t they?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He released her chin, and she lowered her face again automatically. Her gaze landed on his crotch. She licked her lips at the bulge forcing an unnatural dent in his jeans. She wanted to see it. Now.

  Rider must have seen the direction of her gaze because he lowered one hand and stroked himself.

  Emily flinched at his boldness.

  “Ask for what you want, Emily.”

  She swayed forward against her will.

  He continued to grasp his cock through the jeans. “Tell me.”

  She licked her lips. “I want to see you, Sir. You’ve seen all of me.”

  “You want me to lower my jeans?”

  “Yes. Please, Sir.” What dimension had she slipped into where she begged a man to show her his dick and craved knowing the taste of him?

  Rider leaned back and straightened his body enough to pop the button at the top of his jeans and lower his zipper. The noise resounded so loudly in the quiet of the room, she shivered.

  Like a prized Christmas package she already knew the contents of, she held her breath in anticipation. Finally, he shimmied his jeans and underwear together down to his thighs and scooted forward on the loveseat.

  His cock bobbed freely away from his body as it sprang out of his underwear, as though pleased to have been released from the confines.

  Both thick and long, it matched the rest of his physique. She shouldn’t have been surprised. She leaned closer, her body drawn to him like a magnet.

  Rider took his length in his palm and caressed up from the base to the tip. “You’re killing me, Emily.”

  She jerked her gaze to his. How? Immediately she looked back at his crotch. It was safer.

  He smiled. “I’ve never seen a woman so wanton. It’s making me crazy. I want you to know this isn’t the way the average trainee spends her days learning about submission. Sex isn’t necessarily involved, especially with her trainer. Just because I agreed to teach you about this world, doesn’t mean you’re obligated to fuck me, or suck me off. Hell, you aren’t required to do anything to me. I’m the teacher. You being naked and exposed is usually necessary. Not the same for me.”

  While he spoke, she never took her gaze of his lazy strokes up and down his cock. The tip beaded with his precome. Her heart pounded. Her nipples felt huge against the leather circles barely concealing them from view. Her pussy had its own heartbeat, pulsing with need.

  And still he stroked, as though he was waiting on her to respond to his little speech.

  She swallowed and found some deep courage she’d never known existed. “Please, Sir. I’d like to taste you. I want to return the favor.”

  “This isn’t about favors.”

  “I want to suck you, Sir.” Her boldness surprised her. She lowered her voice. “I…need to…Sir.”

  Rider released his length, inched forward to the edge of the seat, and took both her shoulders in his hands. “Okay. I’d like that. More than you can imagine.”

  She crawled forward on her knees and released her hands from behind her to grab his thighs.

  Rider set his palms on top of her hands. He peeled them off. “Keep them behind you. Only your mouth this time.”

  She jerked them back and grasped one wrist with the other, holding too tight. She couldn’t imagine how she was going to keep her balance without her hands.

  Rider wove the fingers of one hand into the hair at the nape of her neck and pressed her forward gently. “God, baby. The thought of those lips wrapped around my cock makes me close to coming just looking at them.”

  Emily closed the distance, intending to lick the tip and learn his flavor first. But some part of her was in a hurry to know him better, and she nearly shocked herself when instead she sucked his cock deep into her mouth without preamble or warning.

  His hand tightened on the back of her head. Not pressuring her, but almost tugging her away instead, as though she’d gone too far too fast. But the groan he emitted at the same time told her she was doing something very right.

  His cock was huge, and very hard. His thighs stiffened against her shoulders where she brushed against him.

  She eased off slowly, learning his texture, the smoothness of his head as it reached her lips, and then she thrust back down deeper than the first time. She wanted this. She’d insisted, and she wasn’t kidding, but it was also true the man was a fantastic lover. She knew this from the way he got her off under the table, his gaze intent on her needs. That alone drove her in equal measures to reciprocate. And she intended to make it good.

  Rider more definitively tugged on her hair on her third thrust onto his cock. “Emily, baby… God. If you don’t stop, I’m going to come…hard…in your throat…”

  Wasn’t that the goal?

  She hollowed her cheeks and sucked as she lifted off until just the tip of his cock remained inside her.

  Rider still held her head with a tight grip, pulling more than pushing, but he lifted his h
ips as though physically pleading with her mouth not to leave him. She grinned around his cock at the power she held. And then she picked up the pace, drawing him in and out of her mouth rapidly, only peripherally aware of how much of a workout her thighs were getting as her main means of support.

  His salty flavor increased and finally he went rigid. He dropped her head and grabbed both her shoulders with his hands.

  She thrust down until he was as deep as she could endure, and his orgasm rushed out of the tip to coat her throat. She swallowed greedily to keep up with the pulses of his release.

  When he was spent, she eased off his semi-erect cock and tipped her head back to see his face.

  His eyes were closed. He heaved for oxygen, and his head was thrown back against the sofa. His hands still held her shoulders, but otherwise he was relaxed, like putty melting into the soft leather.

  When he had his breaths under control, he lifted his head as though it were a great struggle. The grin that spread across his lips made her flush renew. I did that to him.

  “Holy shit, baby.”

  She smiled, trying to avoid his gaze.

  But he wouldn’t allow it. He drew his hands up from her shoulders to her face, cupping her cheeks and forcing her to meet his eyes. “You’re a bundle of surprises. How will I ever be able to tear myself away from you when this training is done?”

  Don’t. Why do you need to? She didn’t speak out loud, partially because she knew deep down this couldn’t go on forever for her any more than he intended it to himself.

  He set his forehead on hers. “I don’t want to fuck you here at Extreme. Let’s go to your place.”

  She nodded against him. A thrill ran down her spine at the harsh word and the implication. Finally, he would take her.

  Finally? You’ve known him like two weeks. Sleeping with him is not prudent for so many reasons. None of which she could think of right then. Though she knew one of them was the threat to her heart…

  Chapter Ten

  Rider drove as carefully as possible back to Emily’s condo. He didn’t want her first few trips on his bike to be traumatizing and cause her to balk at another attempt. Plus he needed time to clear his head before they got back to her place.

  This was so out of character for him. Totally.

  Never had he been so engrossed in a woman and her needs. Sure, he was a gentleman, always had been. He always made sure his submissives were taken care of, even at his own expense. He knew well the responsibility toward someone who gave their power over to his keeping.

  But in the past, his efforts had been conscious choices he made to bring a woman to orgasm or keep her on edge. It was different with Emily. He wanted—no craved—the way she made him feel when she was crazed with lust. The way she made him feel. Like he held the world in his hands. Like this precious gift was brought to him and he should do everything in his power not to fuck it up.

  It unnerved him on so many levels, but he would have to ponder the implications more later. For now, he wanted to see that look on her face again. Sooner rather than later. The way her eyes rolled back and her mouth opened to form an O as her lust increased. The way she gripped him as her ardor rose. God he loved what he could do to her.

  Fuck driving cautiously. He hit the gas and sped up.

  He arrived at her place in record time and hauled her off the bike to set her on wobbly legs on the ground before he remembered how the ride would have affected her.

  She swayed, and he grabbed her around the waist as he unbuckled her helmet.

  He grinned down at her. “Did you come again on the bike?” He didn’t think so, but he’d been so preoccupied inside his head, he might have missed it.

  Her eyes widened. “No, Sir.” She shook her head. A little too vehemently.

  He lifted a brow. Was she lying? “I didn’t give you permission to come on the way home, did I?”

  “No, Sir.” Her voice was lower, smaller, guilty.

  “And yet?”

  “I couldn’t help it. My…”

  “Pussy?” he supplied.

  She nodded. “It was—”

  “Pussy,” he interrupted.

  She bit her lip and then took a deep breath. Her face turned red, and not from the exhilaration of the drive. “Pussy,” she whispered. “I couldn’t avoid…the vibrations…they…”

  He grinned. God she was so fucking sexy, and even better flustered. He was never more glad for a submissive to break a rule—and then lie about it. He turned toward her condo, grabbing the leather pouch attached to the side of his bike and the helmets, all of which he dangled from two fingers. He guided her gently with his other palm on the small of her back. She seemed steady enough to make the short distance to the house. That’s all he needed. As soon as the door was shut, he would enjoy the hell out of her for the next several hours. She wouldn’t need to walk one step farther than it took to get inside.

  His cock was so hard again; it was as though the shaft had completely forgotten the fantastic blowjob of only thirty minutes ago.

  Rider released Emily and pulled her keys and ID out of his pocket. He unlocked her door and set his pile of items on the table just inside as she followed him.

  A second later, he turned and flattened her against the wooden surface as the door snicked shut. He grabbed her wrists and lifted them over her head as his mouth descended toward hers. He couldn’t risk her touching him anywhere. He needed her to keep her hands to herself to avoid embarrassing himself so soon after an orgasm.

  It was rare for him to rebound so completely so quickly. But everything with Emily was rare and unprecedented.

  She moaned into his mouth as he pressed his tongue against hers and danced around every corner of her mouth. He was starving. He eased his grip on her wrists when she tugged against him, realizing he held her too tight. He flattened his palms against hers and threaded their fingers together, not relinquishing control.

  Tiny noises escaped Emily’s lips, driving his cock to swell more. And the imp bucked her torso toward him, pressing against his length.

  Rider stepped back to break the contact. The denim was enough. He didn’t need any help.

  Emily moaned louder. “Rider…”

  “Baby.” He lifted his head. “You…” He couldn’t fathom how to finish the thought. Anything he said would be a bad idea. He was sure he’d already destroyed every proclamation that this relationship was simply a mutual exchange of needs in the last hour. He didn’t need to make it worse by tossing out random words that cemented his intense desire to consume her.

  No matter how fucking turned on she made him. That didn’t change the facts. Sure, he wanted her like no other woman he’d ever met. Now. But what about tomorrow? Women were women. One day soon she would show her true colors and get all needy and drive him crazy suffocating him. He was only twenty-five. Not ready to be held down to a woman’s standards with her ball and chain. He wasn’t sure he ever would be.

  But for now. God, he needed this woman right now. He also needed to keep his lovey thoughts inside his head. He would show her with actions how bad he wanted her and not taint this beautiful night with sentences he couldn’t take back later.

  Women didn’t forget that shit.

  Nor will she forget your actions… But, he told himself it wasn’t the same.

  Rider stood away from her and grabbed one sleeve of her sweater to tug it off. As she spun, he pulled the other arm free also, leaving her in the sexy goddamn dress that made his hands sweat just looking at her.

  She stood still, lowering her gaze to the floor.

  “You learn fast,” he mumbled. He dropped the sweater, not caring the slightest where it landed.

  Emily paid it no mind either, so he knew she was totally under his spell.

  The responsibility was enormous. He needed to rein it in and get back on track before he hurt her. He took a deep breath and stepped toward the couch where he eased himself down to sit in the center, his palms on his thighs. His cock protest
ed the way it lost space in the new position, but it would have to simmer down and wait a bit. He had a submissive to deal with first.

  “Emily, you lied to me.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath and flinched. “Sorry, Sir.”

  “Come here.” He pointed to the space right in front of him.

  She rounded the chair between them and stood where he’d indicated.

  He warred with the decision to make her undress or pull the material off her himself. He decided he wanted his hands on her body, so he set his palms on her thighs in the end and grazed them up her legs, her waist, and then the sides of her breasts, dragging the soft dress with him. “Lift your arms, baby.”

  She obeyed, her hands shaking as she did so.

  He finished his task and slid the dress over her head. With a flick of his wrist, it landed on the floor behind her.

  His cock jerked. The dress had done little to conceal what lay beneath, but it was enough that he had to work hard to control his reaction to this second viewing of her completely naked.

  He reverently danced his fingers down her chest as she lowered her arms from over her head.

  Her nipples jumped to attention as he grazed over them, pebbling harder with each swipe of his fingers.

  “Did you get the clamps I asked for?”

  She shuddered and paused. “I did, Sir,” she whispered.

  “Did you try them on?”

  “No, Sir. Danielle said you wanted to be the first to use them on me.”

  “Good girl.” He lowered his hands to her tiny waist. “Step out farther, baby.”

  She did, her steps faltering.

  He stroked his fingers down the outside of her thighs and then back up the insides.

  She sucked in a sharp breath and lifted onto her tiptoes as he inched closer to her center.

  “You’re sensitive from coming when you shouldn’t have.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I’m going to punish you now.”

  She didn’t move.

  He removed his hands. “Lie over my lap, Emily.” He patted his thighs, knowing the second she lowered herself into position, her sweet sexy body would torture his cock.


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