Western Kisses – Old West Christmas Romances (Boxed Set)

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Western Kisses – Old West Christmas Romances (Boxed Set) Page 26

by Carré White

  A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts, and a soft voice called out, "I've come to set up your dinner, Mrs. Cushings." She quickly dried her face, and made sure her emotions hadn't ravaged her face, and unlocked the door. She stepped behind the dressing screen for a little privacy, and called out for the maid to enter. The woman bustled about and quickly left.

  Heloise stepped out, and her stomach rumbled at the delectable scents filling the air. She was past due for a meal, and it would be nice to have someone else responsible for the meal. She frowned when she saw all the dishes, it was far more than she was expecting.

  "Don't frown at that feast, it cost me a pretty penny."

  Heloise gasped and turned, as Jonathan stepped out from where he'd been hidden. She stiffened and turned a cold face towards him.

  He moved towards her, and ran a finger down her face, and said, "Please, don't turn cold."

  "Why shouldn't I?"

  "Because you're my wife." As soon as the words slipped out of his mouth, her spine went rigid, and she snapped away from him. He said, "Wait, because you're my wife, and I'm your husband and I've been a bear. A rotten, mean bear, who should have taken his sour disposition and hibernated."

  She relaxed some, he lead her to the meal, and said, "I...it's just. This is my first winter here too. And with the storms and the cold, I worry."

  Her eyebrows shot up, and she said, "You...worry?"

  "About you." The words jumbled out of him. "I just realized, you could be hurt! While we were out, and you were alone, you could be hurt and I wouldn't know, and getting you to a doctor, I can't be there to protect you and do the work Elijah needs."

  Heloise looked into Jonathan's tense eyes. She'd hoped he would spill his heart, but she'd take fear and worry, those she understood. She said, "I worry too. When you have to go tend the animals in a storm. I know there's the line up, but it could break."

  He smiled at her. "I have to do it."

  "I know, of course you do. We all have work to do, but, so do I. I can't stay in the house all winter. Besides, I just.." She broke off, looked away and picked at her food.

  "Today, you just wanted to do something nice for your mean bear of a husband. You had dinner simmering away. Coffee hot and ready. And you'd started decorating for Christmas." She looked down at her hands and nodded. "I can't take it back," he reached over and lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes, "all I can say is I am so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you and I'm so very sorry. I can't even promise I'll never do it again. But what I can promise you is that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and happy. And I hope when I fail, well, I hope you'll let me know and let me make it up to you."

  A tear fell down her cheek, she abandoned her meal and flung herself into Jonathan's arms, sobbing. "I just don't want to be a burden. I've never really fit anywhere, and I'd hoped I was at the very least a helpmate for you." He rocked her in his arms and let her talk. "When Albert left me for Lavinia, it hurt, but it was all pride. He wanted me for my land. And when he thought Lavinia would get it for him, he dropped me without looking back. He never needed me for anything but a stupid piece of dirt." She felt Jonathan's arms tighten around her. "Lavinia lorded it over me, that I was going to be a spinster taking up room in her home, that she was going to be kind to me though, I'd never be hungry. I gave up everything for her, to make sure she had everything Momma and Poppa had wanted us to have."

  Jonathan gently pulled Heloise's hair back from her face, and said, "What happened then?"

  "I'm not especially proud of it, but the land was mine, not hers. I wasn't willing to fight Lavinia for Albert, but I wasn't going to let them steal my land. So, I leased it to a neighbor. Lovely family, and they needed a bigger house, and Albert's family just hates them. I sent her off to be fussed over for her wedding, signed everything over with the Judge and, instead of joining her in the church, I got on a train to come here."

  She felt Jonathan shaking, and thought he might be angry at her until he started whooping with laughter, and said, "Heloise, you are a dream. I promise to never, ever make you do something like that to me."

  He guided her over to the vanity, sat her down, picked up the brush and said, "Please, may I?" and met her eyes in the mirror. She smiled, blushed and nodded as he slowly stroked the brush through her hair.

  Chapter Five

  Christmas Eve

  Heloise stood in shock in front of the stagecoach. Jonathan looked at her, puzzled. A good looking, blond man stepped down and straightened his coat with a flourish. He looked up and saw her, and bowed.

  "Why Heloise, I had no idea you would meet me!"

  Heloise felt Jonathan stiffen next to her.

  "How did you find me?" Heloise was horrified, they had just reconciled, and Albert could ruin everything.

  "You told Anna, who is a delight, but not very sneaky. It was fairly easy to acquire your address." Heloise leaned toward Jonathan, gaining strength.

  "So, trickery. Why on earth have you come? And where is Lavinia?"

  "You must have gotten my telegram, why else would you be here, waiting?"

  "Absolutely not. My husband and I were in town, coincidentally."

  "Your husband?" Albert's face stiffened and he said, "clearly you did not receive my telegram, which should have beaten you here."

  "As I said, I had no idea you were coming. Now, where is Lavinia? Have you abandoned your bride already?"

  "Why on earth would I know where she is? Luckily for both of you, the Judge clued me into your little plan. Leasing that property out from under me? If I couldn't have the property, why would I have your sister?"

  Heloise gasped and said, "You didn't marry Lavinia?"

  "No you silly woman, I didn't." He put his smooth face on, the one he'd used to court her initially. Heloise had never noticed the cruel cast to his features before. "I was sacrificing love for the family, you know how my father is about the land. But if I couldn't have the land, then I had to have you, not that sister of yours."

  Heloise sniffed at the ridiculousness of the situation. Apparently her previous passive behavior made him think her daft or perhaps he just thought her stupid. She drew herself up and looked down her nose at him, instead of the passive mask he was expecting, she put as thick a regal air as she dare.

  "Albert, I am very happily married. This is my husband, Jonathan Cushings. Jonathan, this is Albert Stampton, who I told you about." The men eyed each other warily, like bantam roosters, when Heloise said, "I'm afraid you have come a very long way for nothing." She nodded to him, and took Jonathan's arm. "Even if I were not married, I would not be available for courting. You should take this coach, there won't be another one for some time." She started walking away, but saw the coldness in Albert's eyes.

  "Oh, I think I'll be staying."


  Jonathan helped Heloise up onto the wagon, and they drove away, while Albert watched them, it wasn't until they were out of sight and he let his anger ooze out and said, "Did you get a telegram from him? Is that why you came to town?"

  Heloise snapped around to him, grabbed his arm, and said, "Don't be ridiculous. Did you see his smarmy face? I can't believe I ever believed him. Besides, don't you trust me?"

  Jonathan hung his head, his heart pounding. "I just got you back, I guess I'm a little jealous." He tucked his unspoken fears down and said, "I just didn't like the way he looked at you."

  Heloise gave a very unladylike snort. "He's looking at my land. He doesn't care a toss about anything but himself. Oh my god, he didn't marry Lavinia. And I leased the land and the house, expecting him to take care of her. Why didn't Anna write me!"

  Jonathan turned down a different path than usual and said, "I think I'll let the sheriff know he's in town and to keep an eye out." He looked at the sky and sighed. "I'm not sure we're lucky, but the weather is starting to look rather wicked. Maybe you'll get a nice white Christmas."

  "Oh, that would be so divine. I haven't had a real holiday celebration
in so long."


  They pulled up to the house, Jonathan helped Heloise down off the wagon and he said, "Oh, I have a little surprise for you. I wasn't going to take no for an answer, when I came to bring you back home." He tied off the horses and made her wait at the top of the stairs. He covered her eyes and took a breath as he opened the door and guided her into the parlor.

  Heloise opened her eyes and gasped in delight. He'd brought in a beautiful tree. She turned to him and gave him a big hug. "Oh Jonathan, it's wonderful."

  "I know there still isn't much furniture, but I thought we could decorate together."

  "But you already have a tree up?"

  He grinned at her and brought her into the kitchen. There were bowls of shiny red berries and popcorn. She laughed and pulled him into a kiss. Before it could deepen and distract them, she heard Elijah noisily come into the room. They broke their embrace and he grinned at her pretty blushes.

  "Well, I saw Jonathan getting the tree and I thought of something I would like to give you." Elijah brought out a good-sized box, set it on the table, and caressed the box before stepping back. He gestured at Jonathan, and said, "these were your aunt's, she loved them, came from her family." His voice got a little gruffer as the man fought back tears. "Her people were from Germany. They really know how to do up the holidays. Haven't put a tree since she's been gone." He pointed at the box. "I know if I don't make sure these are used, she'll give me the what for when I see her again. She'd like you, Heloise. She was a real firecracker, too."

  Heloise took the box and opened it, gasping in delight at the contents.

  "Oh Elijah, these are all so beautiful!"

  She eased the strand of silver tinsel out of the box, tarnished with age. Her eyes filled with tears, and she said, "Oh, Elijah, this is so wonderful. I'm so happy you shared these with us." She pulled out a long strand of glass beads and let them slip slowly through her fingers. She pulled out various ornaments, made by Elijah's wife, year after year. She pulled out the last item and unwrapped it, revealing a large tin angel, perfect for topping the tree. She put it down, delicately, and rushed over to Elijah, pulling him into her arms and giving him a hug.

  "Thank you for sharing this with us. I'm so honored."

  Elijah relaxed enough to return her hug, then pushed her away, gruffly. "Well then, let's get to stringing that popcorn, the tree isn't going to dress itself."

  Jonathan drug a bench into the parlor, abashed that he had never gotten around to getting more furniture. He and Elijah settled back on it, and enjoyed the soft candle light as Heloise bustled around the tree, gently rearranging items to her liking. He enjoyed watching her work, her skin glowing in the flickering light.

  He couldn't help but hope his father would finally summon him back, so that he could squire Heloise around town. He remembered her attacking the garden with a fierce zeal, determined to bring it to order, and as warmth flooded through him, he realized he loved her. Even if she was sent by his father, it didn't matter. She was determined to make the farm work, determined to make him happy, and his heart swelled, catching in his throat. Tonight. He'd tell her who he was tonight.

  Heloise was drifting between the parlor and the kitchen. She was trying one of the fancy recipes in her books, now that Elijah had drilled her on the basics, and Jonathan knew she'd have a backup, in case she ruined the dish. He smiled contentedly, sipping the hot cider she brought him. He'd never really felt the pull of a home life before, and had to realize that once more, his father was right, and he shook his head ruefully.

  Elijah said, "Whatcha thinking?"

  Jonathan looked over at him, for once not worrying if he was a spy for his father, reporting back his every move.

  "It's good that he's not here, otherwise I'd have to give him the best Christmas present ever." Elijah raised his eyebrows and Jonathan clarified, and said, "Father, I mean. Because as loathe as I am to admit it. He was right. Right about Georgy, right about soft living making me a wastrel, and right to send me here."

  Elijah chortled at the look on Jonathan's face and said, "I rekon you're right. He would have loved to be here, when you realized he was right. Course, more importantly, he'd love being here because you're finally happy."

  Jonathan smiled. "I am happy. I'm still a terrible farmer, but if I had to, I could make a life here."

  "With Heloise?"

  "For all that she was chosen by Father, she's no society princess, afraid to get her hands dirty. She's made as much of a go of it as I have." Elijah shifted uncomfortably in his seat, and Jonathan frowned at him. "What's wrong, you look like you sat on a hedgehog."

  Elijah was saved from answering by a ringing knock at the door. They all looked at each other in confusion, and Jonathan made for the door. He opened the door, and Albert came barreling in, knocking Jonathan over. Elijah jumped in front of Heloise, while Jonathan struggled to his feet. Albert pulled his guns out, holding them steady on Jonathan and Elijah.

  "I'm sorry to disturb your evening, but Heloise, I'm afraid you are going to have to come with me. I would rather not shoot these men, but it's up to you."

  Heloise made a quick decision, snaked her hand up to Elijah's shoulder, and said, "I understand. Elijah, please." The old man moved with great reluctance, and she whispered in his ear as she walked past, "I'll be ok."

  "Gentlemen, I'd be obliged if you would not follow us, because as much as I would not like to, I will shoot her." Albert held the gun on the men and backed out with her following him.

  "Pull the door closed," Albert ordered Heloise.

  She reached forward, her eyes meeting Jonathan's, as he watched her disappear from his view behind the hard door. Albert grabbed her braid, and drug her to his waiting horse. He hopped up, then pulled her in front of him. Heloise cowered, and realized that for all these years, she had underestimated him. He was no longer the genteel boy who courted her, but an angry, thwarted man, who would stop at nothing to get what he believed was his. He pressed her firmly against him and nuzzled her ear.

  "Oh, delightful Heloise, I should not have fallen for your sister's blandishments, then none of this would be necessary. I suppose I should have just left you a widow, but then I think you would not cooperate at all."

  She pulled as far away from him as possible, and said, "As if I plan on cooperating with whatever foolish scheme you've cooked up."

  He easily overcame her, and pulled her back.

  "Silly girl, it's all very simple. We are going to go back east, no one has to know you were ever married. We will marry, and the land will be deeded over to me. I know, you have that long lease, but it will easily be broken or not. The land will still come back to the family in the end."

  Heloise slumped, thoughts churning in her head, and said, "Albert, I'm married. You'll never get me on that coach to the train."

  "You little idiot, you think that man will chase after you? You're just another way for his father to control him, so he'll be a good little prince of Boston. He'll leave you to rot here, when he returns east. He doesn't need you now."

  "What the hell are you talking about?"

  "Oh, how very fun. You don't know? You've been slaving away in the muck for no other reason than Jonathan Cushings made his daddy very, very angry and got banished to this lump at the end of nowhere."

  Heloise sat, stunned into silence.

  "Nothing to say now? Well, Jonathan is the scion of the Cushings family, and after his last little scandal, Daddy sent him away to sulk and not sully the name any further."

  "Last scandal?"

  "Oh yes, he knocked up some little country bumpkin with a promise of a ring. Daddy threatened to disown him, paid her off and sent him to rusticate."

  "Why should I believe you?"

  "Why shouldn't you? Do you think I would spirit you away if I really thought I'd be making a bigamous marriage that would take away the rights to the land that you should have just sold my father?"

  "I was married. In the church. Pr
eacher and everything."

  "So you say. Did you get the license?"

  Heloise just sat. She remembered signing something, but it was all a bit of a blur.

  "You didn't did you. Did you even sign anything?"

  "I did! I just...I don't have the paper."

  "Then you can't prove anything. Do you think the richest man in Boston wants his only son shackled to a small town girl? You're perfect for my family, you will want for nothing. You will never have to ruin your hands again. You know, I almost just went back home, to take your sister. But then I saw your hands. Unacceptable."

  Heloise felt her eyes fill with tears. She was being pummeled by his words, Jonathan had never breathed a word that they wouldn't have a life filled with hardship. She felt a tear slip down her cheek, and smothered a sob. Albert felt it and chortled, slipping one hand up to capture a tear.

  "My dear, you don't have to cry, you know I'll take care of you. Better than you deserve, now that you are used goods. Remember that, when you think to leave me. As far as the rest of the town is concerned, you'll just be a used up whore."

  She stiffened against his cruel words and he laughed in her ear.

  "You know, you almost ruined everything, by running away. I thought it would be great fun to have you and your sister under one roof. We should have a bit of fun to make up for it, shouldn't we?"

  Heloise relaxed against him, hoping to throw him off guard, as he slipped a hand up the front of her dress, and relaxed his hand on the reins. He moaned into her ear as both hands grabbed at the front her dress. And Heloise used the strength gained from her toil on the farm, grabbed the reins, and forced the horse to rear. She managed to stay on, and Albert's distraction was his downfall, and he fell off the horse.

  She struggled to regain control of the horse, while Albert tried to get up and unloose one of his guns. She got herself seated as he raised the gun to her and fired. The shot went wild, but spooked the already terrified mount, and she ran him down. She didn't bother to look back, wanting to put as much distance between herself and Albert as possible.


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