Western Kisses – Old West Christmas Romances (Boxed Set)

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Western Kisses – Old West Christmas Romances (Boxed Set) Page 33

by Carré White

  “I put out extra feed. I mucked out a bit of the old straw as well. They should be fine. Hopefully the weather will break soon. I’m not saying we won’t be able to get to them, but it is a possibility.”

  Rosalie fiddled with the trim on her dress. “I hope Audra is doing well. Do you think the baby’s come?”

  Garrett sighed. “I don’t know. Sometimes it takes a long while. She was with the midwife and I’m sure she’ll do all she can for Audra.”

  Holding out her palms, Rosalie moved closer to the warmth of the fire. “It’s a fearful thing … bringing a baby into the world. So many things can go wrong.” A year ago, an acquaintance of Rosalie's had died in childbirth, leaving her husband with a newborn. He’d remarried soon after, eschewing mourning conventions for the demands of his child. Many other women had children without incident. She didn’t know what made the difference.

  Garrett moved to stand beside her and brushed a stray bit of hair behind her ear. “Audra’s strong.”

  Rosalie trembled as he touched her. “Yes, she is.” Garrett’s nearness drove all thoughts of Audra from her mind. Her skin felt swollen and stretched tight.

  “Rosalie …” His voice softened like a caress.

  “Yes?” Her body swayed toward his.

  “You know we’re both going to have to bed down here in front of the fire.”

  “I … I hadn’t thought on it.” But she had. The bedroom was too cold for sleeping and she’d brought all the blankets into the living area. Her skin tingled at the thought of being so close to him.

  “Don’t worry. No one will think the less of you. It’s a bit more relaxed out here, things being as they are. Your reputation won’t be ruined. In fact, no one need know I was here.”

  Rosalie’s heart thumped wildly with anticipation. She knew she should be ashamed of her wanton impulses, but somehow she didn’t. How was it that this rough man with his strength and his wicked smile made her forget everything that had come before? She’d allowed Winslow a few stolen kisses, but they never stirred her as much as one glance from Garrett. Why did her foolish heart seek out men with a taste for scarlet women?

  That thought hardened her resolve. She was not going to make that mistake again.

  “Rosalie, what is it?” Garrett reached for her, but Rosalie stepped away, putting distance between them.

  “Nothing worth mentioning.” Rosalie found people more direct out on the frontier. There was benefit to that attitude, but Rosalie couldn’t shake her parlor manners. In Boston, so many topics were simply not discussed.

  Garrett frowned. “That’s not true. You look like you just swallowed a lemon.”

  And it was as if she had. The truth was bitter. “I don’t care to say.”

  “Rosalie, I thought we were friends of a sort. I’m asking you to be truthful with me.” His reassuring tone invited honesty.

  “Fine. You have requested plain speaking and you shall receive it.” Rosalie’s dinner turned to a hard, heavy ball in her stomach. “You are … you’re clearly brave, being a marshal and all. And you have no wife to answer to, so I suppose that is the way of things.”

  Garrett didn’t hide his confusion. “What in tarnation are you talking about?”

  Rosalie sniffed delicately. “If you recall, I saw you being tossed out of a bawdy house. I know men frequent that sort of establishment, but—”

  “Wait just one minute here. You’re mad because you think I was partaking—”

  Rosalie held up her hand. “Don’t say it! I don’t want to hear.”

  “Are you jealous?” He winked.

  Rosalie flushed with indignation. “Certainly not.” Her statement was a lie. She was jealous and with no right at all to feel that way.

  “I can’t say I’ve always been the most upstanding man. However, I wasn’t at Miss Belle’s for the usual reason,” he explained.

  “You weren’t?” Rosalie wished at once she could snatch back her question.

  “I wasn’t. One of the girls there is the daughter of someone in town. I was trying to bring her back home.”

  “You were?” Rosalie could not resist prompting him for more.

  “She didn’t want to come. I’ve spoken to her several times. That’s why I was there.” He smiled. “Now, I will admit I did have a drink while I was there. Have you any objection to liquor?”

  “I don’t drink myself, but I’ve not gone out of my way to promote temperance.”

  Garrett took her hand. “I’m sorry you had such a poor impression of me, Rosalie.”

  Rosalie tried to pull her hand free, but Garrett didn’t let go. “I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.”

  “I can hardly blame you in this instance, but I’m glad you told me.”

  Rosalie didn’t respond and the silence stretched out between them, heavy with unspoken thoughts.

  Garrett released her hand. He leaned over and added wood to the fire. “Perhaps we should bed down.”

  Rosalie nodded.

  Garrett took off his boots and flipped back the blankets. He slid in and held out his hand.

  Rosalie hesitated and then took his hand in hers. She situated herself on the blankets.

  Garrett pulled the blankets up over them both. “Goodnight, Rosalie.” His warm body was already heating the air trapped inside the bedding.

  “Goodnight, Garrett.”


  Garrett pushed his empty plate to the side. “Tell me why you left Boston.”

  “I …” Rosalie waited for the memories of humiliation and heartbreak to surface. When they did, they were faded and dim. Her heart didn’t thump. Her throat didn’t swell. Surprise held her silent a moment.

  Garrett raised his hand. “You don’t have to say. I’m sorry.”

  “No. It’s fine. I just … it actually isn’t that painful now. Not anymore.” Time had healed the wound, and perhaps the wound hadn’t been as bad as she’d thought. She was stronger now, in both mind and body. The changes wrought in her would never have occurred if she’d stayed in Boston. She liked this Rosalie. She was happy and more satisfied. The restlessness that had plagued her for so long was gone.

  “I’m glad.” Garrett looked at her directly, with a level of intent no one else had shown.

  Rosalie smiled. “I am as well. I guess it happened without my realizing.”

  Garrett returned her smile.

  “I was engaged. In Boston.” Lucas had probably told him that, but it felt good to be open with Garrett.

  “And now you’re not?” Garrett prompted.

  “I’m not. My fiancé was not the man I thought.” A shadow crossed her eyes. “I don’t know how I could have misjudged him so.”

  “I’m sorry, Rosalie, for your pain. I’m not sorry you came here.”

  “I was sorry, too, but I don’t think I am anymore. I don’t want to be married to him. Imagine if I’d found out his true character after the wedding. I was lucky. Fortunate.” As the words left her mouth, she realized they were true. She’d made a narrow escape from what would undoubtedly have been a painful marriage.

  “You deserve to be happy.” Garrett took a swig of his coffee.

  “Yes,” she agreed. “Yes, I do. I’m working on it.”

  “Are you happy here?” He waited while Rosalie considered his question.

  “It’s been hard. I won’t say it hasn’t. But I’ve so enjoyed strengthening my friendship with Audra. It’s very elemental here. I’ve never lived so dependent on my environment. My life in Boston was very different.”

  “I’m sure it was.”

  “I like it, though. It’s very beautiful here.” Rosalie looked forward to the spring. Audra had described the beauty of the budding trees and sprouting wildflowers.

  Garrett’s eyes took on a faraway look. “When I’m out riding, I look up and behold the mountains. The glory of nature is overwhelming.”

  Rosalie tucked his insight away into her memory. There was more to Garrett than she would have thought. Then ag
ain, she’d found there was more to her as well.

  Chapter Seven

  Rosalie woke suddenly and rolled over. Garrett was awake as well, his eyes intense in the firelight. She wanted to speak but it seemed wrong to break the silence.

  Garrett reached out and caressed her chin with his thumb. When she didn’t protest, he leaned in and kissed her lightly. His warm lips dissolved into hers and Rosalie trembled.

  “Rosalie, what am I going to do with you?” The flickering firelight cast a warm glow where they lay.

  “I don’t know.” Her slow, sensual smile was an unconscious invitation.

  Garrett chuckled. “You tempt me.”

  “I don’t mean to.” But that wasn’t true. Something inside her responded to Garrett—his sly humor and innate strength. She wanted him to kiss her and to hold her. He made her feel precious and desirable—something Winslow had never done.

  His fingertip traced with edge of her mouth. “You don’t have to try. It’s just you. Your sweet smile. Your soft lips.”

  Rosalie blushed. His simple, heartfelt words gladdened her. There was security in knowing she wasn’t alone in her feelings.

  “I’m not a poet. I don’t know how to say it.” He cupped her cheek in his hand and brushed her cheekbone with his thumb.

  “I think you did.” Rosalie turned her face in his hand and nuzzled his palm.

  “I’d like to kiss you again.” He had to know he didn’t have to ask, but was gentleman enough to give her the choice.

  Rosalie contemplated what she was agreeing to and then nodded. She didn’t know what would happen in the future, but she knew what she wanted right now. Garrett. His kisses and more.

  Garrett reached for her, pulling her closer. He adjusted the blankets until there was nothing between them but the fabric of their clothing.

  An ache pulsed through her, settling low in her belly. It was desire—hot and languid, eager and shy. Rosalie reached out her hand, touched her fingertips to the rough stubble on his jaw, and found it softer than she expected. Her hand moved to his hair, pushing the wayward strands off his face.

  Garrett gripped her shoulder and moved his arm around her back, caressing her gently. “I’d like to touch you, Rosalie. Do you want that?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. Her heart skipped a beat as her reticence fell away.

  Garrett unfastened the buttons of her dress and the bodice loosened. He pulled the fabric off her shoulders and Rosalie removed her arms from the sleeves. He pushed the cloth down, over her hips, and Rosalie lifted her legs slightly as he pulled the dress completely off and tossed it aside.

  He returned his attention to her face, nuzzling her before taking her lips again. This kiss wasn’t sweet and innocent. It was hot and deep and Rosalie twisted against him. His hand molded to her breast, burning her through the fabric of her chemise.

  Rosalie protested as Garrett released her and clutched his shoulders.

  There was no mistaking the smoldering desire in his eyes. “I’m going to undress. I want to feel your hands on me as well. Do you want that, Rosalie?”

  She nodded. “Yes. I want to touch you, too.”

  Garrett smiled as he got to his feet and quickly removed his clothing.

  Rosalie gasped as she caught sight of his aroused manhood.

  He took her hand as he rejoined her under the blankets. “Don’t worry yourself.” He smoothed his hand over her hip and around to her rear. He pulled the chemise up to her waist, exposing her drawers. His hands slipped up her bare stomach to cup her breasts, slowly circling her nipples.

  Garrett’s hands on her bare flesh released an unfamiliar longing within her. Pleasurable ripples traveled from her breasts to her privates as if a hot wire connected them. Her hand clasped his arms, her short nails biting into his skin, and her legs entwined with his.

  He kissed her neck, his lips grazing her skin. He nipped her shoulder and Rosalie jerked against him.

  Rosalie attempted to catch her breath as one new sensation after another raced through her body. “I … I want to touch you, too. Tell me what pleases you.”

  “Darlin’, I think just about anything you did would be pleasing,” he drawled.

  Rosalie lifted her hand and tentatively placed her palm against his chest. His skin was smooth but sparsely covered with coarse, tangled hair. His heart thumped right under her hand, beating in tandem with her own. Her body lay inches from his and the warmth radiating off him hit her like a fever. A yearning grew within her that she didn’t know how to satisfy.

  But Garrett did. His hands shifted to the waist of her drawers and pushed them down, over her buttocks and past her knees. The fabric caught on her ankles and then it was gone. His hands traveled the same path in reverse, touching and teasing the soft skin of her legs until he reached the apex of her thighs and his fingers tangled in the curled hair that hid her feminine mysteries.

  “Garrett?” The quaver in her voice contained both nervousness and arousal.

  “Don’t you worry. It will all be fine. I promise.”

  Rosalie managed a tentative smile and gave her attention to the hard muscles under her hands. She circled his nipple with her fingertip, so different from her own, and trailed down over his abdomen, which contracted at her touch. With boldness she didn’t know she possessed, she tentatively touched his male flesh and Garrett sucked in a breath. It was hard and hot, but the stretched skin was surprisingly soft.

  Garrett groaned. “Oh, Rosalie. Don’t stop.”

  She ran her fingertip to the base where his erection met his body and was surprised when she encountered his soft sack. Her fingers wrapped loosely around the shaft, and she stroked him up to the tip.

  Garrett’s hand covered hers. “You have no idea how good that feels, but I don’t want this to be over too soon.”

  Rosalie didn’t understand his meaning. Before she asked, his hands delved between her legs and all coherent thought left her as he touched a place that sent sparks shooting right through her.

  Garrett eased Rosalie onto her back and covered her with his body, levering himself on his arms. He settled between her legs and a frisson of excitement coursed through her. Leaning in, he nipped her bottom lip and settled his mouth on hers. His tongue explored along the seam of her lips, seeking entry.

  Rosalie parted her lips and Garrett’s tongue plunged inside. The intimacy stunned her, but after the initial shock, she moved her tongue against his and was rewarded by a low rumble in his chest. The powerful sensations he evoked dazzled her. Never in her wildest imaginings had she suspected such stormy passion existed. He probed the moist heat between her thighs and Rosalie instinctively raised her knees.

  His hot breath sent tingles down her spine. “Please tell me you want this, Rosalie.”

  “Yes … show me. Please!” Her eyes locked with his.

  Garrett needed no further urging and fit himself to her, entering slowly.

  Rosalie winced and her desire evaporated. The discomfort was an unwelcome surprise.

  “Don’t worry yourself. It’ll pass in a moment.” He buried himself completely and waited. When Rosalie squirmed against him, he withdrew and slid in deep again.

  Rosalie moaned as the blaze reignited within her. The frenzied friction of their bodies propelled her into a wild abyss where only sensation existed. A keening cry erupted from her as heated spasms consumed her and she lost control. She barely heard Garrett’s hoarse exclamation as he stiffened above her.

  As she came back to herself, Garrett rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around her. Contentment seeped into her bones—into her very soul.


  The day dawned clear. The bad weather had broken for now. Rosalie followed their established routine, cooking breakfast while Garrett tended to the animals. When he returned, Garrett warmed himself in front of the fire before taking his seat and downing his coffee.

  Garrett made appreciative sounds as he ate. “The temperature has risen quite a bit. It’s a good sign.

  “Can we go to town? I’m anxious about Audra.”

  “I think we can. We should go right after breakfast in case we have to make a hasty trip back. Sometimes the weather can be unpredictable.”

  Audra had never been far from Rosalie’s thoughts and she’d prayed for Audra’s safety and the baby’s health. A part of her was loathe to leave the cabin. She didn’t want to break the bubble of intimacy that had developed over the last few days between Garrett and herself. She was afraid—fearful that if they left the homestead, everything would change.

  “Garrett?” She wanted to voice her uncertainties.

  He looked up. “Yes?”

  Rosalie bit her lip.

  Garrett reached across the table, taking her hands in his. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Nothing.” Questions whirled through her but she didn’t ask. Until she sorted out her feelings, there seemed little point in bothering Garrett with her concerns.

  Rosalie cleared away the meal while Garrett went to prepare the wagon.

  Rosalie bundled herself as well as possible and stepped onto the porch just as Garrett came around. He jumped off the plank seat and assisted her up.

  He climbed back into place and picked up the reins. “Are you warm enough?”

  “I hope so. The wind seems to cut right through no matter what.” Rosalie flexed her hands inside her muff.

  They set off at a brisk pace. The snow was deep in spots but much of it had been blown into drifts against the trees. Snowflake crystals glittered like diamonds where the sun reached.

  By the time they reached town, Rosalie thought she might be frozen to the seat. Though she’d wanted to come, she wondered if perhaps it had been a poor idea. The return trip to the homestead was bound to be brutal.

  Garrett slowed the wagon. “Let me drop you at the midwife’s. I’ll walk back from the livery.”

  “No, no. That isn’t necessary.” Rosalie blew into her muff, trying to warm her hands.

  “Rosalie, you look frozen clean through.”


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