Roses & Thorns

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Roses & Thorns Page 2

by Roses

  I'd never really had a serious relationship since becoming a vampire. I fed out of necessity and never hurt anyone while doing it. Vampires have a sedative that flows from their fangs to make feeding pleasurable, but more importantly...forgettable. It's how we can exist in the human world; we have the means to make them forget. And yes, I'd dated before, but nothing serious or relationship worthy.

  But ever since seeing Rose leaning out of that limo, the thought of a relationship was exactly what I had in mind. I couldn't explain why I was so drawn to this particular woman, but I knew from the moment that I caught her scent there was something special about her. The way it had taken every ounce of strength I had not to dart over to her car and crush my lips to hers that first night was something that had caught me off guard. She smelled like innocence and sweetness: like fresh cotton and sweet tarts, and sunshine and rain, all mixed together. I felt as if I was already in love with her. I knew that sounded dramatic, but after being alive for six hundred and two years, I knew when I'd found someone special.

  I left the mirror and walked back towards my closet, discarding yet another shirt on the bed. For some reason even the simplest things like choosing my clothes and what cologne I would wear suddenly seemed like daunting tasks. I'd essentially dressed the same for centuries, always making it a point to adapt to the current styles. And since there was literally nothing I could do to change my appearance as I would look the same for all of eternity, picking the right clothes seemed oddly important. But...not as important as the need to attend to my drifting.

  Drifting was something that happened to vampires when they experienced any kind of strong emotion. If they were hungry, angry, or aroused, their physical appearance actually drifted darker and then back to normal once the emotions had passed. It was something that made it easy to tell who was experiencing heightened emotions in the vampire community, but obviously it was something that we had to hide from the humans. How would anyone explain their hair and eyes changing colors? You simply couldn't.

  If I fed and kept my emotions tightly reigned in, I should be able to avoid drifting in front of Rose. So after dressing in dark navy jeans, a light blue cotton button-up shirt, and a nice pair of hiking boots, I headed out to quench my thirst and prepare to meet the girl of my dreams. Hopefully, she would call.

  * * * * *


  High School Sweethearts


  After finishing breakfast, Mom and I headed to Kohl's to look for her swimsuits and an outfit for my date tonight. Well, hopefully I would have a date tonight. I wasn't sure what my plans were going to include since I hadn't actually made the call yet. But I was confident that Christian and I would be seeing each other soon, even if it wasn't actually tonight.

  "What kind of outfit are you looking for?" Mom asked.

  "I'm not really sure. A dress, I guess. Something casual, but not too boring. But nothing too over-the-top either." I didn't want to come off as a desperate slut, but I wanted to show off my curves at the same time.

  I watched as she slid dress after dress to the side of the rack, flinging the hangers like they had personally offended her. Finally her perusing stopped and she held up a calf-length, strapless sundress. "How about this one?"

  It was light turquoise blue with a simple print on it. The material was a rayon blend and should flow just right, hanging perfectly along my curves. This was the one. I had the perfect pair of tan wedges that would go great with it, and I could wear the choker that I'd bought recently as well. "Absolutely. It's perfect." Wow, that was easy!

  Once we'd paid for our things, Mom and I headed to the pool. She was a swim instructor and worked at the local training facility. I knew that Mom wanted to give her new suits a test run, and since it wasn't time for the sun to go down yet, I actually welcomed the distraction. Anything to keep my mind off making the call that would hopefully be the beginning of something wonderful.

  When we entered the large square foyer, Mom waved to the attendant who stood behind the counter. This area of the complex was surrounded by glass and full of light. "Hi, Andrew. We're gonna take a few laps in the indoor pool today, if that's alright. We'll be out before the next open swim session starts."

  "Sure thing, Ms. Reynolds. Open swim doesn't start until six p.m., so you're good to go," he replied.

  We both smiled and then made our way downstairs to the locker room. As I sat on one of the wooden benches that lined the room, I began to wonder what it would be like to meet the man I would end up marrying. Yes, I had high hopes for tonight. "So, exactly did you and Dad meet? I'm assuming it wasn't by him handing you a card outside a nightclub." I shrugged my shoulders, feeling a little shy about the topic as I continued to undress.

  "Well, no. No poems by the roadside, but he was pretty darn romantic. I was on the swim team for my high school, and he was at one of the meets. I remember after my first race, which I won," she said with a proud smile, "a friend said that she'd seen this guy checking me out and cheering me on, even though we were competing against his school." As Mom put her things in the locker, she continued the story. "I remember looking for him in the direction my friend had pointed, but didn't see anyone matching her description. Well...about an hour later when the meet had ended, I was heading to the bus when I saw a guy standing next to the sidewalk with a bouquet of fake flowers, and he was waving me over."

  "Wait–Dad brought you fake flowers?" I laughed as I pulled on one of her new suits. It was nice being able to share clothes with your mother.

  "Yes. Don't judge. It was the best he could do on short notice. Anyway....the closer I got, I realized he was really cute. When he told me that he'd run to the art room to try and make something creative but all he'd found were those fake flowers instead, my heart melted." She giggled as she finished getting dressed. "How sweet was it that he even tried to get me anything? At that time, most guys would have just flipped their collars and pulled a James Dean, trying to look all cool, assuming that I'd worship the ground they walk on. But your dad was different. He made an effort that got my attention, and that's what really impressed me."

  "Oh my god. That is so cheesy, but definitely thoughtful."

  "I know! I told you he was a romantic. We started dating that month, and have been together ever since. We were each other's high school sweethearts."

  I thought about Mom's story as I shuffled my feet along the damp, cold hall that led from the locker room out to the pool. I couldn't imagine being with someone for that long and still being in love, but suddenly it sounded like a pretty amazing goal to have. I didn't know what would happen with Christian, but in this moment, I actually felt like my heart was opening and I realized that I was truly ready to find love for the first time in my life.

  I'd had plenty of boyfriends in the past, but I could admit that I hadn't been particularly serious or very open in my relationships. I didn't have a sad story as to why, other than the fact that I'd always been highly motivated to succeed. Starting junior year of high school, I had signed up for AP classes, so when I went into college, I actually entered as a junior, having attained two years worth of college credits already. This meant that I would be graduating early. I had always been passionate about setting goals and meeting them, and was pretty proud that I had accomplished that. But it wasn't without long hours and hard work, and as you can imagine, that put the boys on the backburner.

  Mom's question brought me back to the present. "So, tell me more about Christian. What does he look like?"

  "Oh man. He's gorgeous. Tall, blonde-highlighted hair, toned but not overly muscular. Um...I'd say just about perfect." I stared out the skylight as I floated on my back in the pool. "His eyes are like caramel swirled with honey. And he has a really sweet, gentlemanly demeanor."

  "You got all that just from seeing him out the window?" She tried not to sound skeptical, but I could tell that she was probably worried that I'd get my hopes up and then be left disappointed.

s, I did. I can't explain it, but when I watched him help that girl it just made my heart melt. And Jill said that he was really sweet when he spoke to her."

  "Well, just keep it casual and don't talk about stuff that's too serious on the first date. And no messing around."

  "Really, Mom? You think I'd just jump in bed with some guy on the first date?" Actually, imagining how gorgeous Christian was, that didn't sound like a bad plan at all.

  * * * * *


  Good Time


  After heading up the spiral staircase that led from our secure lair below ground, up and out from under the moveable dance floor, and into the actual club, I was met with jeers and smiles. My vampire brothers and sisters had already started giving me crap about seeing this new girl.

  "So...where you gonna take Rose on your first date?" Bobby asked.

  Bobby was the DJ here at the club, and he also happened to be my best friend.

  "I'm not sure," I replied, "since she hasn't even called yet." I was getting nervous that she wasn't going to call at all. I'd thought about running into town to track her down, but I'd really rather not come off as the stalker-type right from the get-go.

  "Well, if she does call, where are you gonna take her?" He just wouldn't let it go.

  "I'll probably take her to dinner and then just walk around town. Is that acceptable enough for you?" No way was I going to tell him that I already had arranged everything, including reservations and a surprise after dinner.

  "No. That is not acceptable. You need to show her a good time, and by that I mean, a GOOD TIME!" Everyone started laughing as we watched Bobby gyrate his hips around and around.

  "Well, you can forget that. You know that I would never do that on a first date." I realized I sounded like an old stick-in-the-mud, but I didn't care. I would never expect a woman to "put out," as they say, on the first date or even on the twenty-first date. I was old-fashioned and refused to let myself fall into the modern way of "hooking-up" like Bobby had.

  Just as I was about to say these exact words to him, my cell phone rang. Everyone went quiet. The anticipation in the air was palpable. I felt like such a girl; butterflies flapping in my stomach and palms sweating, I opened the phone. "Hello?"

  * * * * *




  Once Mom and I finished our workout, we got dressed and headed back to the house. Dad had spent the day doing yard work, and was now ready for a late lunch. I left them to it and headed for my room, wanting some time alone before I started to get ready.

  I smiled as I hung my new dress from the hook on the back of my door, smoothing the material under my hands. After gathering all the accessories that I wanted to wear it with, I lay down on my bed and stared at the blank ceiling. I had to relax a little before I could process all of this. Here I was getting ready to call a complete stranger that I saw, not met, outside of a nightclub alongside the road. Suddenly my stomach was doing flip-flops. What if I was making a huge mistake?

  I must have fallen asleep while contemplating everything because I suddenly found myself being woken up by my mom. "Rose. Wake up, sleepy head. It's almost dark. Did I wear you out in the pool today?" She sat down on the edge of the bed and gave my shoulder a little shake to make sure I was waking up.

  "Yeah...I guess. I was just laying here staring at the ceiling and thinking about tonight, and I guess I dozed off." I pushed up on my elbows, and once my eyes finally adjusted to the changing light in my room, I found my mom staring at the ceiling. "What are you thinking about?" I asked her.

  "Well, I'm thinking that we should paint your ceiling black."

  "What? Why on earth would you want to do that?" I was giggling by the time I fully sat upright.

  "You'll see. But tomorrow, after you've debriefed me about how this date with Christian goes, we're starting a project." She winked as she casually strolled out of my room.

  Oh yes, my date with Christian. I was so excited. I slung the covers back, jumped out of bed, and bounced towards the bathroom. I was going to have to hurry to get ready in time, since I had fallen asleep. I wanted to be dressed when I called Christian, in case he did actually want to meet up tonight.

  Since I had already figured out everything I was going to wear, it really didn't take me too long to get dressed. I'd done my make up the same as usual, adding a little extra glittery eye-shadow on the upper arch of my eyelids, hoping to highlight their light blue color. I'd also decided to give my hair a slight curl on the ends, which was different from the straight style that I normally wore. Checking the full-length mirror on the back of my bathroom door one last time, I nodded. I was satisfied with my appearance. Now I just hoped Christian would be equally satisfied. Stop stalling, I thought to myself. It was time to make the call.

  I walked across the room, the soft carpet cushioning my still bare feet, and grabbed his business card from the top of my dresser. After making my way to the bed, I sat down and took a few deep breaths, then dialed. He answered after only two rings. "Hello?"

  "Hi, Christian. This is Rose. Rose Reynolds. You had asked my friend to have me call you tonight." Suddenly, I felt like a complete dumbass. What if he didn't remember seeing me or giving Jillian his business card? Oh my god. I was mortified.

  I was seriously on the verge of hanging up when he responded, "Hi, Rose. I'm so glad that you called. I wasn't sure if you would or not, seeing the unusual circumstances of our first encounter."

  Oh thank goodness. He remembered, and he was happy that I was calling. Woohoo! "Yes, I'm sorry that I was unable to get out and actually meet you that night, but I was thrilled to get your note. It was very sweet."

  "I'm glad you liked it. It was the best I could do on short notice." He laughed and then I heard a door close in the background. I could now hear the wind, so I assumed he had just left his house. "Speaking of short notice, I wondered if I would be able to actually see you tonight? No pressure though, I'll understand if you're unable."

  "Actually, I had hoped for the same thing. Did you want me to come down there or did you have other plans?" Yes! This was going exactly like I wanted.

  "I'd be more than happy to come pick you up, or you could just meet me at the restaurant. I thought we could have dinner at the steak house on the corner of Elm and 3rd. I've heard it's very good."

  "Yes, that sounds perfect. I'll meet you there in say...twenty minutes?"

  "Sounds great. I'll wait for you outside. And Rose...I really am thrilled you called."

  "Me too. I'll see you soon."

  * * * * *


  First Impression


  As soon as I hung up the phone, I tried to escape without seeing my vampire family again, but I wasn't so lucky. Bobby and Dominique had followed me outside when I had left the club to talk to Rose.

  "So, the steak house on Elm and 3rd, huh?" Dominique asked. I knew she was just teasing me, but I really didn't have time to deal with their shit.

  Answering dryly, I said, "Yes. The steak house on Elm and 3rd. I figured I could get a rare steak and force my way through dinner. I want a chance to really talk to this girl and thought dinner would be the best way to start. Do you have a different opinion?"

  Shaking his head and holding up his hands in a we-give-up sort of gesture, Bobby answered for her. "No, no...that sounds like a great plan. Just don't be surprised if you see all of us peeking in the window from across the street." He and Dominique both busted up as they headed back towards the club.

  Sighing heavily as I climbed in my '67 Mercury Comet Caliente, I could only hope that he was kidding. I heard the engine rumble to life and realized that I didn't drive this car as much as I would like to. There was just no need. My vampire speed could get me to most of the places I went to in a matter of seconds, but it sure felt nice–and normal, to actually be driving somewhere. And what was waiting for me at my destination made th
e trip even that much more enjoyable.

  I made my way up the interstate towards Seela, the little town where Rose lived. I couldn't wait to actually meet her. As a matter of fact, I was so caught up in thinking about how to make a good first impression that I almost missed my turn off. Screeching the tires, I made the adjustment just in time and headed towards the section of town that now seemed like the most important place on earth.

  As soon as I parked the car across from the restaurant, it took everything I had not to use my vampire speed to race across the street. Instead, I forced myself to calmly walk to our predetermined meeting place. The butterflies were an indication of how anxious and nervous I really was. It was glaringly obvious that it had been ages since I'd actually been out on a real date. Well, nothing like jumping in feet first, because here she came.

  She was just as gorgeous as I remembered. Her hair held a little more curve to it than last time, and my god, those legs were just as sexy as I'd imagined. I watched her lock her car and walk in my direction, and I suddenly realized that keeping my drifting in check tonight was going to be an exercise in sheer willpower.

  She was smiling as she hopped up onto the curb right in front of me. "Hi!"

  My first instinct was to grab her and race away to somewhere private and sink my fangs into her neck. She was so sexy and smelled so good.

  "Hello. It's nice to actually meet you, Rose." I held out my hand, hoping she'd take it. She did.

  "It's nice to meet you, too."

  Her smile was mesmerizing. So much so that I could barely think straight. "Um...are you ready to go in for dinner?" What a stupid question to ask outside of a restaurant. I mean, why else would we be here? I hoped I wasn't going to blow this.

  "Absolutely. Let's go."

  The confidence that she displayed as she led me into the restaurant immediately put me at ease. She was so sure of herself, and for a vampire who was six-hundred and two years old, I had been around some extremely confident people, but no one I had ever met could outshine this woman.


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