The Blackstone Dragon Heir

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The Blackstone Dragon Heir Page 9

by Alicia Montgomery

  "I guess I do feel lonely sometimes." He paused as they reached the staircase, then he led her down. "And, as for my siblings, they're always welcome here. But it's like … it's difficult to explain, but let me try. There's always been a Lennox dragon living in Blackstone castle," he said. "I suppose as the oldest of my siblings, I've always felt responsible for taking care of it. Jason and Sybil don't mind. Sybil's always been independent, and she loves her job as a social worker. And Jason's happy with his life the way it is and has never wanted to be CEO. He prefers the easy life, working in the mines and at the foundation."

  “So you’re inheriting all the responsibilities, along with this castle.”

  “Something like that.” They stopped when they reached the bottom of the stairs. “And the castle won’t be empty all my life. I suppose someday it’s going to have my children in it.”

  The tightness in her stomach grew and spread to her chest. Of course Matthew would have children someday. He needed someone to continue the line and pass all this on to.

  “Anyway,” Matthew said, clearing his throat. “I want to show you the older parts of the castle first. My mother supervised all the renovations, though my Aunt Laura, that’s Ben’s mom, helped a lot. They kept most of the original interiors …”

  Catherine pushed all thoughts of Matthew and his future children aside and listened to him as he guided her through the castle. It was actually quite interesting, and Matthew added a few stories about his childhood and growing up.

  “Ready for dessert?” he asked as he led her into what she assumed was the library.


  The library, as Matthew said, was one of the few rooms that wasn’t renovated. They had reupholstered the furniture and cleaned the carpets, but that was it. And Catherine could guess why. It was beautiful. Three walls were filled from top to bottom with rows and rows of leather-bound books, while a cozy reading area with comfortable-looking wingback chairs and a couch were set up in one end. A roaring fire was burning in the fireplace, bathing the room in a warm glow.

  “Would you like dessert, coffee, or a drink?” Matthew asked.

  She felt her mouth go dry. The glow of the firelight hit the angles of his face in just the right way, making him seem even more handsome. He had discarded his jacket long ago and the shirt he wore stretched deliciously over the muscles of his chest. His silvery eyes had that unearthly glow, and he looked at her with heat that sent desire straight to her core.

  “Uhm, maybe one drink,” she said.

  Matthew gestured to the couch, and she sat down. "Is bourbon okay?" She nodded, and he poured some liquid from a decanter into a glass and handed it to her.

  Catherine accepted it and took a sip. The amber liquid tasted smoky and left a warm path from her throat to her stomach when she swallowed. “Smooth,” she said.

  Matthew sat down next to her, his own glass in hand. “How are you feeling?” he asked, his voice serious. “I’m sorry about today.”

  “I suppose I should thank you.” She shook her head. “No, I mean, thank you.” She took another sip of the bourbon. For courage. "I don't mean to be ungrateful. And your home is beautiful."

  "I'm glad you think so." He took a sip of his drink, then put the glass on the table. "Are you going to tell me who that man was? Why they think you had something to do with his murder?"

  Her fingers gripped the glass so hard, her knuckles went white. "I … can't." She didn't want to lie to Matthew. At this point, there were just too many lies and she feared she would drown in them.

  “If someone’s out to get you, just tell me. I can protect you,” he said, his voice sincere.

  He couldn't mean that. Sure, he was rich and powerful. Plus, a dragon. But this wasn't his fight. The consequences … they would be too much, and the price to pay was too high. "Matthew … please." Please stop. Don’t ask me to lie to you anymore.

  Matthew took her hands in his. "Catherine … tell me you feel this, too." He placed her hands on his chest, and she could feel the beating of his heart. "I don't know how to say it because this must feel so fast for you, but for me it's been so slow."

  “What are you saying? I don’t understand.” But you can feel it too, a voice said. Her hands shook slightly.

  “I promise to protect you,” he said, lifting her palm to his lips and kissing her pulse. “Whatever it is.”

  She moved her hands up to his face, touching him as if she were memorizing his features. She'd been running away for so long and denying herself. She was still determined to go once she was cleared. Surely, by tomorrow, Meacham would have found the real murderer or at least removed her from his suspect list. But, after everything she'd been through, why couldn't she throw caution to the wind for once? Just for tonight.

  She closed her eyes and leaned forward. He met her halfway, and as their lips met in a fiery kiss, her heart threatened to burst from her chest.

  His long, elegant fingers dug into her hair, scraping her scalp. When he tugged at her hair, she let out an involuntary moan, opening up her mouth and allowing him to slip his tongue inside. He tasted delicious, like the smoky bourbon plus something else. Hot and wet. Fierce and sweet at the same time.

  "Matthew …" she whispered as she pulled away. "Take me upstairs." He nodded and then swept her up into his arms.

  It seemed ridiculous, being carried up to a tower in his castle, but somehow it made sense. She lay her head on his chest, listening to the beating of his heart. At first, she thought he would take her to the guest room, but she was surprised when they turned a different corner, and she realized they would be going to his room.

  Catherine looked up at him as he placed her on top of his king-sized bed and brought his head down for another kiss. The duvet felt soft and silky underneath her, a contrast to the warm, hard planes of his body. She moved her hands up to his chest, feeling the muscles and reaching for the buttons on his shirt. Despite her nervousness, she somehow was able to get the buttons opened and ease down his shirt. His bare skin felt hot to the touch, like he was running a fever, and she wondered if that was because of his dragon.

  Matthew’s lips never left hers as he continued to suck and nibble and sip at her. His hands, however, roamed her body freely, cupping her breasts through her sweater and slipping underneath her to knead her buttocks and push her closer to him. She felt that hard press of his erect cock between her legs and found herself rubbing against him and mewling like a cat in heat.

  “I need to feel you,” he whispered as his hands dropped to the bottom of her sweater. Quickly, he slipped it over her head, revealing her thin, white bra. His silvery eyes burned with desire as he stared at her, his hands moving down to the front of her jeans as he popped the buttons and yanked them off. “You’re so beautiful like this,” he said, a hand slipping between her thighs.

  "Matt—" She bit her lip as his fingers skimmed over her panties, the front of her pussy growing damp with each stroke. She squirmed, moving her hips in rhythm with his hand. Fingers pushed the white fabric aside, and he slid one digit into her wetness, making her clench around him.

  “Come for me, Catherine,” he urged as he bent his head lower, his lips capturing a nipple through her bra. The rough scratching of the fabric, now getting wet as it was enveloped by his mouth, felt deliciously wicked against her hardening nipples.

  “I … I …”

  “Just come, sweetheart. I’ll be here.”

  He slipped another finger inside her and continued that maddening rhythm. She wasn't even sure how he did it, but the ripping of fabric told her he had torn her panties away. His thumb found her clit, and he stroked it until she arched her back and her hand fisted around sheets as she came.

  He withdrew his fingers from her, and Catherine watched from under lowered lashes as he slipped his fingers into his mouth. “You’re delicious. I need more,” he growled as he pushed her legs apart.

  "Matthew!" The touch of his lips and tongue on her was exquisite and even better than hi
s fingers. He licked, suckled, and ate her like he was dying of hunger. His tongue … oh God, his tongue. She thought it was amazing on her mouth, but down there …

  She let out a cry as another orgasm built in her. Matthew was relentless as he brought her over the edge once more. Her breathing was ragged as she came down from her orgasm. It had never been like this, not for her.

  Matthew moved away from her, standing up over the bed as he discarded his trousers and underwear in one motion. Even in the low light of his room, she could see his cock. It was thick, long, and stood erect and proud. For a moment, she thought about all those groupies who came to Blackstone just to sleep with shifters, and she lost all her judgment. That thing between his legs was definitely threatening her with a good fucking. Because this was all this was, right? Just one night of fucking.

  She reached for him, and he let out a soft grunt as her fingers wrapped around his thick cock. The skin was velvety soft, but the shaft was hard. She gave a tentative squeeze and he twitched in her hand.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart … you have to stop … or else …”

  She let go, and he moved to the bed, kneeling beside her as he helped her take her bra off. His hands cupped her breasts, squeezing gently and rolling the nipples until she was moaning.

  “Please, Matthew. Fuck me now.”

  He nodded and reached for the nightstand, withdrawing a silver packet. He tore the corner off with his teeth and then slipped the condom on his cock. Moving between her legs, he positioned his hips between her thighs and guided himself into her.

  Catherine held her breath as he nudged into her. Slow, deliberate. He filled up every inch of her, and with each movement, she took more of him in, until he was all the way inside.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded.

  He gave a short grunt, grabbed onto her calves and wrapped them around his waist, bringing him deeper into her. Catherine bucked up, the sensation too much. Then, he began to move. Short, small thrusts as her body adjusted to his. As she began to moan, he slipped his hands under her to pull her forward. More and more.

  "Matthew!" Her hands grabbed onto his shoulders, and he pulled her up, so they were upright. He held onto her as he pushed back on his heels, her thighs around his hips. She moved forward, meeting his thrusts enthusiastically as the pressure began to build within her.

  Matthew rolled them over until she was on top, straddling him as they clung together, face to face. His hand gripped the back of her head and pulled her down for a kiss as his hips continued to buck into her. She rode him, using the leverage of her knees to bounce up and down as his hands never left her head. They kept her in place as he continued to stare at her with those unearthly eyes. He watched her intently, moaning her name over and over again.

  Her back arched, and she grasped the sheets with her fists as her body began to convulse. He kept going and going, fucking into her. She cried as pleasure tore through her body before collapsing on top of him. He kept going, giving a few final thrusts as he let out a grunt, and she felt his cock twitch and spasm inside her.

  He groaned as he slowed down, then stopped. He gave her a slow kiss, his hands roaming over her sweat-slicked body. They lay still for a while, not saying a word. Finally, Matthew gently eased her off him as he rolled to his side and disposed of the condom.

  This was just sex, Catherine reminded herself. She was glad now he had chosen to bring her to his room. It would have been awkward to ask him to leave the guest room since he technically owned it. Now she could simply put her clothes on and say good night. But, when she tried to scoot away, a hand snaked around her waist and Matthew brought her close to him. He brushed her hair aside and kissed her shoulder, then buried his nose in her hair.

  “Matthew, I should—”

  The soft snores coming from Matthew made her stop short. When she tried to wiggle away, his grip on her tightened. She let out a sigh. Maybe she could slip out later. Might be a better idea to wait, as she didn't know if any of the staff might be lurking about. She didn't want to be caught doing the walk of shame.

  Catherine settled in, her body suddenly feeling tired. Her eyelids felt heavy, and she told herself she'd just close them for a short nap.


  Catherine woke up hours later, while it was still dark. Matthew was sleeping soundly, his breathing even. As she tried to slip out of bed, he stirred, so she patted his arm reassuringly. He snorted, then rolled over. She breathed a sigh of relief.

  She scrambled to the floor, feeling around for her jeans. When she found them, she took the small phone out of the pocket and began to type another coded message.

  The weather in the mountains has turned, and I'm in the mood for a change. Somewhere warm and airy?

  She pressed send and returned the phone to her pocket, then climbed back into bed. Matthew stirred again, then strong arms drew her in. He planted a sleepy kiss on her neck, then settled against her.

  The sun wasn’t out, so she probably still had a few hours. She could sneak in another quick nap before she had to go.

  Chapter Eleven

  Matthew couldn’t remember the last time he had slept so deeply. Frankly, he was disappointed that he didn’t wake up overnight. He wanted to make love to Catherine through the night and keep her up until she begged him to stop or passed out from an orgasm. However, he couldn’t complain, not when her sweet, warm body was pushed up against him, and her golden hair was spread across his pillow.

  He glanced toward the large bay windows and saw the light peeking from behind the trees and the mountains. He also couldn't remember the last time he had stayed in bed so late. Usually, by this time, he'd be up having his coffee and reading his emails. Of course, he'd never woken up in bed with his mate.


  His dragon snorted contentedly as he stared down at Catherine. Yes, she was finally his. However, other thoughts crept into this head. Jack Cunningham. She still refused to tell him how she knew the man, but he had seen the fear in her eyes. A million scenarios went through his head. He was a stalker. An ex-boyfriend. Or someone sent to find her. It had made sense. From what he has seen of her place and from what he could piece together, Catherine had rolled into town with nothing more than the clothes on her back. She was running away from something.

  But that was done now. She would be done with running because Blackstone would be her home from now on. He had meant it when he said he would protect her.

  “Wha …” Catherine stirred, her lids fluttering open. “I …” She let out a gasp, then sat up. “Oh my god. I overslept. I’m … my clothes!” She looked around, then scrambled up to her knees. She let out an indignant shriek when he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her against him. "Matthew!" The slender column of her neck lay exposed, and he couldn't help himself as he pressed his lips there, licking at the soft skin. She moaned and sank back against him.

  “Hmmm … that’s better,” he said as his lips moved higher. He turned her head back toward him and kissed her soundly on the mouth. “Where do you think you’re going and why would you need clothes?”

  "Matthew …" she began, "it's late. I really shouldn't have stayed here." She stopped again when he planted his lips on hers. She let him kiss her again but pushed him away after a few seconds. "Your staff … Meg … they'll know."

  “Know what?” That I have my mate in my bed?

  “You know.”

  “No, tell me,” he challenged. “Or maybe you could show me instead.”

  He didn't wait for her to say anything. Instead, he silenced her with a kiss and brought her hand down between his legs. His cock was already hard and throbbing, and while she hesitated for a moment, her warm fingers enveloped him again.

  He moaned as Catherine's eager fingers stroked him, his hips moving in time with her hand. Her eyes were lowered, watching as his cock grew even harder in her grasp. God, he wanted to go on, but if she didn't stop, he'd come all over her fingers.

  With a growl, he pulled away
from her. She gasped in surprise as he pushed her back, then rolled her onto her stomach. “Let me worship you, Catherine,” he said, covering her with his body.

  He pushed her hair aside, revealing the smooth expanse of her back. He kissed the back of her neck, making her squirm and moan. Making his way down, he licked, kissed and sucked a path down her spine, dropping a kiss on the small of her back and then giving her ass a playful nip.

  Matthew propped her up on her knees, exposing the full, pink lips of her pussy. She was already wet, the minx. Spreading her knees wider, he pressed his lips against her from behind.

  “Matthew!” she cried, her head jerking back.

  “You taste like heaven,” he said, then licked at her again. Wetness gushed from her, dribbling onto his lips. He couldn’t get enough. By the time he was done, she was writhing and squirming against the sheets.

  He positioned himself behind her, his hands grabbing the creamy flesh of her ass. God, he’d been dreaming about this for so long, taking her like this. To let his primal side take over. He wanted nothing more than to slip inside her, fill her with his cum and get her pregnant with his child. His instinct was screaming at him to do it, but his more rational side prevailed. Take it slow. Matthew grabbed another condom from the nightstand and quickly put it on.

  She let out one of her sexy little moans when he began to push inside her. He hoped it wasn’t too soon as she was still so tight around him. But he couldn’t stop now. He could only make sure she enjoyed this as much as he did.

  Placing a hand between her legs, he found her clit. He teased her, and he felt her tight passage get slicker with her juices. She whimpered and thrashed her fists on the mattress.

  Fuck, she was amazing. Tight and hot and so eager, her body clenching around him with each thrust. He held her tighter, pulling her up so her back was against his chest. He grabbed onto her tits from behind, drawing her body down as he drilled up into her.


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