Echoes of the Heart

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Echoes of the Heart Page 31

by Webb, Carole

  She always felt for the couple knowing how much they really cared for each other and had been thinking for some time how she might interfere in the lives of two people she knew destined to be together, whether they realized it or not.

  “She’s doing just fine, lucrative contracts coming in regularly, even planning a trip to Paris in a couple of weeks. Raeden has always wanted to go to Paris. She might even live there if she finds it to her liking.” A crooked grin teased her lips.

  Cash’s eyes spread wide, his brow lifted, and he paused a moment before speaking again. His tone stayed level while his eyes slanted. A flicker flashed across dark embers waiting to ignite. “That’s great. She must be excited. Rae has worked hard to achieve success.”

  “Let me get you the address in New York… in case you would like to write and to say good-bye.”

  Diane casually walked into her office and took her time writing the note. When she walked in with the address, he snatched the paper out of her hand, stuffing it into his left shirt pocket then replaced his hat pulling it forward to exit. “I’ll see you later. Tell Mike,” his face steeled as he turned. “I said hello.”

  Diane called after the hastily retreating figure. “Sure thing.”

  His boots hit hard as he picked up speed. Diane smiled and spun to return to her office with a spring in her step.


  Cash sped to the depot and purchased a ticket for the following day knowing if he did not get to Raeden soon, he could possibly lose her forever. He couldn’t just let her slip away without trying. She was loved by everyone who knew her, and was a prize any man would cherish with pride.

  She had been instrumental in his realization he could at last become the man he had wanted to be. For such awareness, he would always be indebted to Raeden however; his life would never be complete without her.

  More than he ever thought possible, he craved—no required—that woman. Damn his pride. He would go after her and convince her they had to work out their differences.

  What if she did not love him after all? Could he accept such a blow?

  An ache began to rage in his temples, pounding metal to metal, rasping across nerves undermining his reason by the time he arrived home to busy himself repairing the roof on the barn. At dusk, he sank into a tub of steamy hot water to bathe and relieve the tension before climbing into the new bed he had purchased to lay wide-awake most of the night dwelling on the situation facing him.

  After a few restless hours of sleep, he packed his leather Gladstone with the essentials required for the train ride to New York City then ate breakfast before riding to the station dressed in blue jeans and a crisp white linen shirt.


  The trip to New York seemed like torture, cooped up with thoughts of his wife. He had brought the legal papers along to sign if one last attempt at a resolution failed. She had been out of his life for months but in his mind constantly. He had come to realize his overbearing demands and pride had driven her from him. Knowing the risk of taking the first step, but it would be the only way to rekindle the spark of love they had shared at one time.

  The ride did not take forever but he felt it had, going over in his mind what he could say to not make her defensive and lash out. With no real conclusions, he entered Central Station ready to make peace.

  He recalled the discussion of plans for a Grand Central Station to replace the depot now standing and he would make an investment in city bonds when the time came to build.

  Standing straight and tall, he exited the stateroom with the Gladstone hefted over one shoulder and stepped onto the platform in clean western attire looking at the New York City skyline through a clear spring day.

  He had been to the city on many occasions while attending Yale in New Haven at his parents’ insistence. A lot had changed since his last visit but the Georgian Architecture and French Renaissance structure of City Hall still looked familiar as he passed Union Station and the new Metro line, which he had invested in as well.

  Cherry blossoms fell like snowflakes along the scented streets while he rode Rabbit into the Fashion District to locate Raeden’s building. His heart rate increased, looking up at her sign. Pride rose in his chest at the realization of what his friend—the love of his life— had accomplished in such a short time.

  When he strode inside, his eyes flared open in amazement watching the women work in the midst of colorful fabrics and dozens of garments hanging from black lacquered racks. Artistic sketches of gowns surrounded by bright painted frames and signed by Raeden decorated the walls. She had sure been busy and was such a gifted artist.

  His heart sank in his chest believing after such a commitment to her life’s dream, she would never be willing to leave all this behind.

  A nice looking woman strolled toward him appearing confident and professional in a well-tailored dress. “I am Sally Wentworth, the manager, may I help you?”

  He pulled off his black Stetson, giving her a charming smile. “I’m Cash Rydell. I’ve come to see Raeden.”

  “Mrs. Newell is not in at the moment but I am expecting her any minute. If you would like to wait in her office, I will bring you some tea.”

  Rae is using her maiden name but why Misses? He noticed the gold band on Sally’s finger. “No thanks, Mrs. Wentworth. I’ll just wait outside. This is quite an operation you have going.”

  Sally folded her hands in front of her skirt. “Yes, we keep very busy. If there is nothing else, I’ll return to my duties.” Her eyes squinted and her brow drew together as she looked him over suspiciously then she walked toward the small office in the corner pausing at each machine inspecting the laborer’s work.

  Cash stepped out front to wait for Raeden, placed his hat cocking forward to shade his eyes and lit a cigar. As his hopes of reconciliation diminished, he pulled the annulment papers from his pocket to re-read them before he signed, giving her the freedom she so obviously craved.

  Perhaps he should just leave them in her office and return home. He didn’t think he could trust himself not to make an unpleasant scene. In addition, hadn’t he already angered and embarrassed Raeden enough by his reckless behavior in spite of his good intentions otherwise?


  Attired in a yellow silk dressing gown, Raeden sat at the desk in her apartment unable to concentrate on the business accounting journals. She had mailed the letter to Cash the previous day deciding to take the humiliation of rejection rather than not be honest with herself and with Cash.

  Regardless, whether or not he still loved her, he would be aware of her true feelings, at least. In the event she truly had lost him, her decision to move to Paris would remain fast.

  Pleased with the outfits she had made for herself in pastel spring colors of various broadcloths, the shop had been hard at work assembling the samples of her latest brainstorm. At Jenkins’s suggestion, this would be a small production line, not originals but assembled in different hues and fabrics adding variety and priced for variable incomes to cater to a large market base.

  Her enthusiasm curtailed for the moment, she forced herself to get dressed and drop by the warehouse before calling on the textile manufacturers to purchase additional supplies for the new line in progress.

  Attired in a white gown with miniature pale green and yellow rose buds embroidered in the fabric, princessé neckline and elbow length lace sleeves, she made her way to the workshop.

  A voluminous white hat with wide green silk tied in a bow under her chin blocked the sun from her face. The perfume of blossoms carried to her nostrils bringing on spring fever. She had the urge to take Arte out in the park and the image of ducklings waddling close behind their mother at a small pond along the roadside made Raeden smile.

  On approaching the warehouse, Raeden eyed a horse along the boardwalk and her heart skipped a beat. The unique markings meant it had to be Little Rabbit. It’s Cash. He had come to see her. Cash could not have received the letter. He had come on his own. He still cares. It’s no
t just duty or pity.

  A heavy pulse beat through her veins at the thought of a possible reconciliation.

  She spotted the tall dark-haired man leaning casually against the building, one knee bent with his foot flat on the wall and his hat tilted forward shading his face. She tossed off her hat and jumped from the carriage to walk toward him, tears tumbling over her lids onto warm cheeks.

  Glancing her direction, he tilted his hat back, flicked the cigar in the dirt while he stood to face her, a genuine smile curved across his face. She must take the risk and destroy the barrier between them or lose him forever. Lifting her skirts, she ran to him aching to leap into his arms.

  Jolted by the flash of white paper clasped in his hand she stopped dead in her tracks. Oh God, he came with the annulment agreement. She spun around to wipe her cheeks. She would never let him see her cry.

  Turning to face him, her knees nearly buckled. With a false smile on quivering lips endeavoring for elusive control, she crept forward while panic told her to retreat.

  Cash stood paralyzed observing the diminutive smiling figure dashing toward him, skirts billowing to expose slim ankles. He exhaled with relief, maybe a truce after all.

  Puzzled at first by the sudden variation in Raeden’s pace and the disparaging droop to her shoulders, the notion dawned. Viewing the documents held in his hand, he realized they must have raised her defenses to guard from further injury he had caused in the past.

  Raeden halted stiffly, a good length between them, chin held up in defiance, standing erect and hands shaking at her sides. “I see you received them. Why didn’t you send them by mail?”

  The sight of damp lashes fanning enormous green eyes rimmed in red from tears drove him closer, flinging the papers to the pavement while removing the distance between them. He cupped her face in his hands. His thumbs gently swept away the moisture. “I brought them just in case but hoped for a happy reunion.”

  The scowl Raeden wore turned into a bright smile when she rose on her toes to fold her arms around his neck. He bent down seeking her mouth, she nearly swooned during the deep passionate kiss. Ignoring glances from the on looking public, they kissed again reveling in the forgotten taste of each other while he pulled her close.

  Molded together Cash felt the swollen hardness of her abdomen against him. He released his grip on her waist to hold her at arms length and saw the unmistakable love reflected in her seductive eyes. “Well sweetheart, it appears an annulment is out of the question. Why didn’t you tell me? I could have at least offered my support.”

  He could think of nothing more pleasing than sharing a child with this woman he loved more than life.

  Sobs racked her body. “I thought you might accuse me of being with another man or attempt to force me into submission, so I decided to raise it on my own.”

  His face lined with tension. “Of course it is mine. What are you thinking?” His voice deepened. “Look, Rae, I made that mistake once and I have no intention of repeating it. I trust you and have no doubts you are carrying my child. In addition, as to forcing you, it’s over. I know I can’t make you do anything without causing you to hate me and I could not bear it. How could you think so little of me? I love you so much it hurts. The only way it stops is when I’m with you.”

  “I love you too, Cash, and I want us to be happy when we are together, no more of the useless bickering driving us apart. I just wanted you to know I have always been faithful.”

  While he held her in his arms stroking her long silky hair, he knew they must have complete honesty between them. “I have to admit, I had a couple of close calls, honey, but I swear to you from now on as long as we are married, it won’t happen again.”

  He lowered his mouth over hers. The kiss deep, seeking, wet and energy sparked, ignited while he grew hard against her. He gave her rump a quick gentle squeeze. “I haven’t found a room yet. Do you live nearby? If we stay here much longer we might get arrested for indecency.”

  Chest still rising rapidly she laid her arms to her sides. “My apartment is not far. The hansom is still waiting.”

  They walked toward the cab one arm around each other and Cash lifted her petite frame into the seat then secured his filly before resting beside her. He enfolded her in his arms, taking in the scent of roses lingering in the thick curling tresses fanning across his chest. Her breasts pressed against him when she moved in closer tucking her head under his chin.

  The aching throb in his loins became excruciating by the time they reached their destination and the fast rhythm of her breathing let him know her excitement, making him fight for restraint.

  She ran to unlock the door while Cash paid the driver and lead his cowpony to the post outside. He flung the bag over his shoulder, paced the few steps to the entrance, tossing it inside as she stood trembling inside the door. He slammed the door shut and whirled her against the wall to the left, pressing against it. He covered her mouth with an urgent kiss, hungry and probing and began shedding his clothes, hoping he could hold back long enough to get her to the bed.

  Fumbling fingers worked the buttons on her dress while he stood naked staring with fierce feral eyes. His hand swept up to her bodice and ripped the dress off tossing the shredded garment off to the side.

  He dropped to one knee and his hands covered her breasts, kneading while drawing the pink pearls into his mouth and his breath came in quick gasps.

  She twined her fingers through his hair drawing him in while her skin burned with fever. Then he stood to sweep her into his arms and with long strides carried her to the bed dropping beside her, both panting when their lips welded and hands roamed free.

  When his fingers pressed into her, she opened her knees inviting him in. “Cash, please, I can’t stand it. I need you.”

  He moved in placing his weight on his elbows and slowly slid inside her moistness, biting his lip and holding his breath. She came to the crest almost immediately and when he filled her, she fell over the edge plunging into the magic dream of fulfillment, crying out his name.

  He groaned and flexed with his head thrown back and spasms came one after another until he dropped to his side pulling her into his arms to hold her close while they both caught their breath.

  They lay silent in rapture engulfed in a daze as their bodies cooled. Cash gently rolled over, lifting his head in his hand, propped on one elbow. “It appears we both needed that.”

  Raeden lay molded against him with her eyes closed. “I have dreamt about you every night.”

  His hand glided down her torso resting on the bulge under her naval and lowered to kiss her belly then laid his head on her chest and feathered his finger tips over the roundness where the life they created grew.

  He relished the thought of having a child with this woman, beautiful inside and out. The way she returned his love gave him more pleasure than he had ever imagined. The picture of her in his mind cradling his child in her arms almost brought tears to his eyes.

  They rested in the afterglow of their lovemaking folded in each other’s arms. “I’m so happy about the baby, Rae. I never thought it possible, but you’re even more beautiful.”

  She exhaled a laugh. “Hah, you should have seen us last month. I still haven’t gained back the weight I lost.”

  “I am sorry I wasn’t around to see you through the rough times but I’m here now.” Cash eased from her, stood and walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of water for Rae and laid back beside her.

  “This place suits you. It looks very appealing.”

  “Thank you. You are the first person to see it.”

  When she had her fill, he finished the water in a few gulps and placed the glass on the table by her bed. He noticed the picture from the newspaper with Estelle neatly carved out. It felt good to know she had been thinking about him all this time. They would need to get real photographs taken.

  He draped a sheet over their cool damp bodies, placed a leg over hers and played with her rumpled curls. “I can hardly believe
what you have accomplished. Your venture is thriving. I knew you had talent, but this is amazing.” She beamed as a smile crossed her lips.

  They would have to broach the subject of their marriage at some point. He had to know where they stood. He knew he would need to go sometime but the thought of leaving her here alone and pregnant with his child made him feel worthless. He had to know what she wanted to do.

  He tried to sound light. “By the way, what do you suggest we do about our situation?” Hesitating for a moment not wanting to disrupt their reunion, he charged forward. “I want to be married to you, Rae. Our separation is unbearable. There must be some way we can work this out.”

  Her face remained stoic as he spoke. “I have the ranch and the new position in Washington and you have your thriving business here. What do you suggest, a long distance relationship?” He held his breath waiting for her reply.

  She sat up suddenly, and their eyes locked. “No, it’s not enough!”

  The alien knife of panic stabbed into his chest, despair spreading like a malignant cancer through his body at the sound of the all too familiar rebellion. He groped for another solution before she continued.

  “I just want to be with you, Cash. None of this seems important when we consider our child.” She took in a breath while he sat, astounded. “Sally can be my partner and take care of the office and warehouse here in New York. She can go to Paris.” She drew her knees up to her chest and folded her arms around her knees. “I will hire a governess and she can take the children. It will be a nice holiday. I can do my design sketches wherever I am. I want us to raise our baby together.”

  His brow wrinkled, eyes spread in surprise. He could not believe his good fortune. “Your idea sounds perfect for me, but are you sure you would be happy at the ranch and spending time in Washington?”

  “I would be happy anywhere as long as you love me and we are together.” Her eyes dropped slowly, lashes shadowing the sparkle as she reached her arms out to him.


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