Draft 18 SMW

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Draft 18 SMW Page 6

by Dan Decker

  Jorad headed to the stable. “Adar’s in danger. Come if you want, but I’ve gotta find him.” Soret looked angrier than she had all day but she followed him to the barn.

  Chapter 9

  Tere examined the field and wondered if they were chasing Lous’ daydreams again. The rows of corn were shoulder high and unless he missed his guess, some would be ready to harvest soon. Men were working between the rows, a few of whom had stopped and were watching them. Tere guided his horse over to the path that led through the middle of the field to the farmhouse. He was torn between caution and wanting to verify Lous’ claim so they could get back to Neberan.

  Lous was adamant that Adar had passed by minutes before Tere had arrived. If Tarner had seen him as well, then Tere would have been a bit more trusting. He was beginning to regret his decision to come this way because Jorad had been staring at him. Had Jorad figured out who he was and what he was up to?

  Tere slowed when he saw a group of men chatting in front of a two story stone house. In the back was a stone corral and a large barn. Somewhere nearby a cow mooed and he caught a scent of the farm animals on the wind. It was more of a breeze really, and it felt good against the heat of the day. He zeroed in on the back of a man a short distance ahead.

  It that Adar? Tere asked himself. The height seemed right, but it was hard to tell since Tere sat on a horse. Adar’s build looked much the same that it had fifteen years ago. The sword on his back wasn’t Radim, but that wasn’t a surprise. People would ask questions; too many knew a Radim sword when they saw one.

  Adar took a hoe from another of the workers and Tere relaxed, he hadn’t recognized them and was preparing to join the other laborers in the field. The closer they got, the more convinced Tere became that it was Adar. He dismounted, motioning for Lous and Tarner to do the same.

  After all these years, Tere had found him.

  Something was wrong. The conversation among the group of men just ahead had stopped.

  He knows we’re here. Tere couldn’t explain what it was about the way that Adar stood or the casual way that he was holding the hoe, but he knew he was right. Tere wrapped his fingers around the hilt of his sword. The hoe, despite the blade intended for weeding, would not keep Adar from using it as a staff. How had Tere missed that?

  With a staff, Adar might have a chance of winning. Why hadn’t Tere brought more men? He’d thought to spare others the trouble of the trip, but now it turned out that they would have been useful indeed.

  The other men backed away as Adar turned to face them.

  “You’re as arrogant as before,” Tere said, he felt his breath quicken as he spoke. The fury that had been dead for so long, flared to new life in a way that was unlike anything he’d felt before. His frustration of years wasted searching for this man, watching his daughter grow from a distance, and feeling the distance widen between him and his wife reached a focal point. The cause of all that stood before him.

  Tarner and Lous were visible to either side but Tere didn’t take his eyes off Adar. Tere’s mind flashed back to the night when he’d found Adar bent over Nelion’s body and Tere felt his anger burn brighter wishing that at that moment he’d slain Adar. It would have been a simple thing to do and Adar would never have expected it. With a shake of his head, Tere returned to the present and focused on Adar who stood almost a full head over him.

  “How’ve you been?” Adar asked. “Hope the years have been kind.” He planted the hoe in the ground and used it for support. Pretending he wasn't threatened by Tere and the others as they advanced, ready to attack.

  “Adar you’re under arrest for the murder of Nelion and for kidnapping Jorad.” Tere’s voice quavered as he spoke and he felt a stab of remorse as he remembered the bond the two once had shared. The friendship was gone now and in its place ashes swirled.

  “You know I didn’t kill Nelion,” Adar said. “How can a man be charged with kidnapping his own child?”

  “If you don’t submit,” Lous said. “We’ll kill you and return with Jorad.”

  “You’ve come to kill me and take Jorad?” Adar asked softly. “What will Abel think of you killing his own son?”

  “We’re here at his direction,” Tarner replied, there was no emotion in his voice. That man could be cold. “The Rarbon Council stripped your title and accomplishments from you and you’ve been declared a murderer and traitor. We can bring you back alive or your head in a sack, the choice is yours.” Tarner’s voice reminded Tere that he needed to relax or he risked losing control. If he did, Adar would provoke him and take advantage. Tere spread his feet, took a breath and focused on the blade of his sword, and pictured it piercing Adar’s chest.

  Adar nodded and brought his hoe to a defensive position, which he had still been holding casually despite their advance. The fool was still cocky. The other workers were starting to gather around at a safe distance, but none of them looked like they intended to help Adar.

  “You’re out of practice. Fifteen years ago you might have taken us with a staff, but not today,” Tere said.

  Adar waited, looking as calm as a lake of undisturbed water.

  Tere charged forward with Tarner and Lous closing from either side.

  Adar ran to the right putting Tarner between himself and the others. Tere cursed. The movement was not that of a man in his mid forties, it reminded him of a much younger man. Feinting with the handle of the hoe, Adar brought the blade in between Tarner’s legs and then pulled Tarner down, who howled in pain. Tere rushed to get in front of Tarner to keep Adar from bringing the blade of the hoe crashing into Tarner’s head.

  “Get up!” Tere yelled. It was already going badly and they needed Tarner or this would be over to soon. Lous circled around as Adar attacked, the hoe swirling fast enough that Tere had a hard time following its movement.

  Tere wasn't sure how long it lasted. As the fighting continued, he became covered in sweat and his breathing labored. Adar hadn’t lost a step as he defended their attacks and brought his own. He too was covered in sweat but his breathing was normal.

  Tere knew he couldn't do this for much longer as he moved forward slashing with his sword. Adar was faster, dodging his attack and bringing the blade of the hoe around and into Tere’s feet. The blade hooked a foot and knocked Tere off balance. The next thing he knew he was flying forward right into Lous’ sword who just managed to move it out of the way so that the sword only sliced Tere's left side instead of skewering him. He felt a stabbing pain in his back and crashed to the ground with his breath knocked out of him.

  The sounds of the fight continued to play out behind him. He rolled until he was far enough away that he felt safe getting to his feet.

  As Tere moved forward towards the men, there was a cry from behind. He turned to see Jorad charging him. As he brought up his sword and prepared for the attack, he reminded himself to be careful. He wouldn’t be given a chance to explain if he killed Rahar Abel’s grandson.

  Jorad’s howl of outrage grew louder as he spun his sword while he charged, at the last moment Jorad slid to the ground. Out of instinct Tere jumped forward and over Jorad. By the time he scrambled up, Jorad was already on his feet charging again. Tere didn’t have a chance to prepare a defense and ducked to keep his head.

  He fought off Jorad’s next attacks but wasn’t able to get in any attacks of his own. From the beginning, he knew he was going to lose. Fighting Jorad was like fighting a younger version of Adar. Tere continued to parry the attacks blow after blow, but he knew he was getting too tired. Jorad had managed to score several hits. The cuts on Tere's arms were bleeding and he continued to collect more.

  Despite the fury of Jorad’s initial attack, it was clear that he spent a lot of time with his sword, and once the fight had commenced the anger was barely noticeable as Jorad went through the motions he’d done many times before when sparring with Adar.

  It was a strange feeling now as Tere realized that he was going to die. After many yea
rs of struggling to keep going, to do his duty to Rarbon and his family, he was going to find peace. He thought about his wife as he deflected Jorad’s next attack. It had been his actions that had pushed her into the arms of another man. He hadn’t paid enough attention to her on those infrequent trips home. Maybe his death would be a release for her as well.

  As he struggled to throw off the next attack, he thought about Sharu. She’d become a woman that he could be proud of, despite the fact that he hardly knew her. Pride filled him as he thought that although she was very different from him, she would carry on his legacy of service. The last time he had seen her she was in the Radim uniform of Korew army.

  He didn’t see how he tripped, but Jorad was already charging as he fell to his knees. With a scream, Jorad prepared for a final swing as Tere brought his sword up knowing that he could not block it and closed his eyes.

  Peace at last.

  Tere felt the sword rushing toward his throat. There was the clank of metal hitting metal and then the sword slid into Tere’s neck.

  He felt a slight pain and then nothing.

  Why am I still breathing? Tere opened his eyes and looked up into the astonished eyes of Jorad. The blade of Adar’s hoe had snagged the sword when Jorad had made the final pounce for the kill.

  “You can’t kill him,” Adar said, sweat and blood running down his face.

  Despite the peace that Tere had felt as he embraced death, he gripped his sword. Does Adar want to kill me himself?

  There wasn’t time to figure it out because Tarner took advantage of the distraction to attack Adar, who wasn't able to completely dodge the strike. Tarner’s sword glanced off Adar’s head, leaving a small cut and taking with it the tip of Adar’s ear.

  Adar howled, yanking his hoe back while pulling Jorad’s sword away from Tere’s neck. Adar attacked Tarner with a ferocity that he had not yet displayed.

  Tere watched Jorad as he wiped his blade and sheathed it. There was no sense in encouraging Jorad to attack again. If his sword was put away, Jorad wouldn't attack him. He hoped.

  Tarner and Adar continued their dance of death, and it was clear that Adar was going to win. Lous was getting to his feet and held his sword at his side as he watched Tarner and Adar maneuver in and out looking for an opening against the other. The sun flashed off the metal of Tarner’s sword. The ringing of it hitting the hard wood of the hoe filled the afternoon air.

  “It’s over!” Tere called. Adar dodged a thrust from Tarner and stepped away as he watched for what Tarner would do. The frustration on Tarner’s face was evident as he stepped backward. It was the most emotion he’d shown today. Adar gave Tere an unreadable look.

  “Melyah, are you all mad?” a young woman asked, dismounting from a horse a safe away.

  Chapter 10

  Jorad could hear a chicken clucking as it searched for food and the squeal of a pig coming from somewhere, but other than that Koope farm had become rather silent. The men and women who'd been working had stopped to watch the fight. Many had kept their distance and gathered into groups. Several had approached as if intending to offer aid. Jorad was glad that they'd been smart enough to not get involved. The head of a young girl was peeking out the second story window of the farmhouse. Her mother had come to the front porch and stood with her hands on her hips, she wore an apron covered with flour.

  Most of the bystanders wore confused looks. Jorad could relate, he was stumped as well. These men had been trying to kill Adar and he’d spared their lives. Why? The others might have been surprised that Adar had been able to hold his own with these men using a hoe, but that’s what Jorad expected from Adar. In another circumstance, Jorad would have found it comical that Adar’s sword was strapped to his back and his weapon of choice had been a long handled hoe, but he wasn’t in a laughing mood.

  Jorad had survived the fight without a scratch. While Adar had blood dripping down his face from his injured ear, that was the worst he’d suffered. He had numerous cuts in other places but stood with vigor and energy. Of the Radim men, the only one that looked like he could continue fighting was the last one to stop. He was a very short man and looked like he was considering an attack even though he'd been ordered by their leader to stand down.

  The crunch of gravel from behind indicated that Soret was heading towards them. Her hair was in tangles from their frantic ride and there were streaks of dust on her face. Jorad turned and motioned for her to stop. She did, but she didn't look happy about it.

  Couldn’t she see the danger was far from over? The fighting could start again at a moment’s notice and Jorad didn't want to worry about something happening to her. He had just been fighting for his life and despite that, if her frown was any indication, she was still furious with him.

  “Tere, we can either come to an arrangement,” Adar said addressing the man that Jorad had almost killed, “or we'll kill you. Your choice.”

  Tere snorted and set his jaw. “Returning Jorad to make his claim is paramount to killing you. What are your terms?”

  Soret gasped. This wasn’t how Jorad wanted her to find out. He'd dodged Soret's question about what he would do after Zecarani and now he wished that he hadn't. Strangely, the anger had left her face. That wasn't the response he'd been expecting. Well, truth be told, he'd expected that she wouldn't have believed him.

  Adar looked at Jorad. “Put your sword away.”

  “Not as long as they're trying to kill us.” Did Adar expect Jorad to go with them to Rarbon? He wouldn’t go at the point of a sword.

  “Not us, just me,” Adar said. “Do it.” Jorad did as Adar asked. Tere motioned to his men and they put away their swords as well.

  Without his sword in hand, the anger left Jorad as if he'd been plunged into cold water. He shivered as he realized how close he’d come to killing another person. What would that have been like? He knew that Adar sometimes had restless nights when memories of the men he killed tormented him. When Jorad joined the Radim and made his claim to become Ghar, it was inevitable that he would kill and be responsible for the deaths of many. Jorad wasn’t sure if he could live with that or not. One night, in a rare moment of openness, Adar had shared with him the visions that haunted him. It hadn't been a comfortable conversation.

  “I need to talk with my son.”

  Tere nodded. Adar tossed his hoe to the ground, motioning for Jorad to follow. He didn’t have any qualms about turning his back on the three men, or at least if he did, the concern didn’t show.

  “Stay on guard, but you have little to worry about,” Adar said when they were out of earshot. “They’d be executed for harming you.”

  “Could have fooled me.”

  “You attacked Tere and he defended himself. Don’t you think it odd that you fought one of Rarbon's best swordsmen and you survived without a nick?”

  “He was trying to kill you.” Jorad had been a little bit proud of the fact he hadn't suffered a scratch. He realized that Adar was correct. Tere had been fighting defensively. Jorad should have figured that out himself.

  “I appreciate your help. We should allow them to escort you back to Rarbon. You were already planning to return anyway. This will save time because you won’t have to convince the Council you're a Rahid. Tere and his men can vouch for your heritage. ”

  “Let's hope so.” Jorad didn't think he would ever trust Tere to do anything.

  “You'll go with them?”

  Jorad hated feeling roped into this. True, he'd made the decision already, but there was a big difference between going alone and being escorted by armed men to make sure he went through with it. Adar did have a point about not having to prove who he was. He hesitated. Timing was important and they needed any leg up they could get.

  “If it's clear I'm not their prisoner.” Jorad didn't like this decision and it was only because the Hunwei were breathing down their necks that he agreed.

  Adar nodded and they returned to where the others were waiting.<
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  “We travel together to Zecarani,” Adar said. “After that, we part ways and Jorad will go with you to Rarbon as your guest. He is free to leave at any time and we enter a truce that lasts until I say goodbye to Jorad and send him with you.”

  “Travel with you?” Tere asked, rubbing his face and muttering something that Jorad didn't hear.

  “Or we end the conflict.”

  Tere wasn't happy about the offer and the struggle was evident on his face. At length, he nodded and held out his hand. Adar took it. There was something exchanged between the two men that Jorad couldn't read and there were a few tense seconds while their eyes were locked on to one another. It looked like it would end in a tussle. Tere released his grip and Jorad found that he'd been holding his breath. He exhaled, glad that it hadn't come to blows again, and wondered how in Melyah's name they would make it to Zecarani without killing each other.

  Chapter 11

  Soret shifted one of her hands from Jorad's waist and touched his face. He turned and gave her a tight smile, before turning his attention back to the horse. Typical! Whenever a woman tried to reach out to a troubled man, he pushed her away. Soret squirmed, trying to find a more comfortable position, but it was cramped with both of them on the horse. Unable to find anything more comfortable, she sighed and resigned herself to the discomfort. The sun wasn't making things any better and she wished that she'd thought to bring a hat. They were in front of the others as they made their way back to Neberan and it was taking a special effort on her part to avoid looking back at the men from Rarbon.

  Soret was confused about the fight between Adar and the others. Adar wasn’t a trusting man and to enter into an agreement with men that had almost killed him—or rather tried to kill him—was unthinkable.

  Her anger with Jorad had become sheer terror when she saw how recklessly he'd thrown himself into the fight. Jorad could have died and an argument had been the last thing they’d done together.


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