Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3)

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Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3) Page 4

by Hayley Faiman

  Hattie’s strong and I’d fuck all that up.

  I shake my head as I speed back toward Bonners Ferry. No, I have to stay away from her. I have to stay away from her big, green eyes, her soft, light brown hair, and her chubby girl cheeks. I have to stay away from her little, perky tits that beg to be sucked and bitten. I definitely have to stay away from that hot, tight, little cunt. And fuck me, I have to stay away from what I know is that tight, virgin ass of hers.

  It takes everything inside of me not to turn around and test every part of her body out.

  I don’t.

  I won’t.

  If the opportunity presents itself again, I might not be as strong.

  Once I arrive back at Bonners Ferry, I see the new girl from earlier, the one that was waiting naked for me in my bedroom with Serina. She’s sitting at the bar alone, the rest of the people are either fucking or already passed out around her, and I slide up next to her. It feels all wrong, but I push that feeling aside. I need to fuck someone, and since the one I want isn’t here, this girl will have to do.

  “You wanna finish what we didn’t get a chance to start?” I ask, looking down at her.

  “You’re a real member, aren’t you?” she asks in a whisper as her eyes travel my cut, looking at my patches.

  “Yeah. You ever fuck a Devil?” I ask with a chuckle.

  “No, tonight was a bust,” she lifts her shoulder in a shrug and I wrap my hand around her wrist and pull her from her seat.

  “Not yet it’s not. C’mon, babe,” I grunt as I drag her behind me and into my room.

  I don’t bother asking her name as she quickly undresses once my bedroom door is locked. She’s younger than I originally thought.

  Looks like life’s been rough, as it is for most of the girls that join us here.

  Her hair is short and blonde, and her makeup heavy. When she’s completely naked, I bite my bottom lip at the sight of her killer body. Great naturally big tits and curvy, flared hips. I’m going to fuck her hard tonight. She can take it.

  Though, she won’t know I’ll be imagining Hattie the entire time.

  I wake up with an arm curled around my waist, and I look over to see the nameless girl from early this morning sleeping next to me. She’s sweaty and stuck to my side. I shake her a bit to get her off of me, and she rolls over with a moan. Once I’ve disengaged myself, I grab my boxers off the floor and head to the can to take a long, overdue piss.

  The hall and bathrooms are quiet, which means it must still be pretty early in the morning. I quickly make my way back to my room, ready to kick the girl out. I step inside and close the door behind me, but when I look toward my bed, my footing falters. There she is, her legs spread and her hand working between her thighs, her eyes focused on me.

  “Umm,” I murmur, not knowing what to call her.

  “Don’t you want me again?” she whispers as she pouts.

  Alarm bells start to ring.


  A clingy girl.

  I don’t bother answering her. I walk up to the side of the bed and grab her by the back of the hair and drag her to my dick. She thinks she’s going to entice me with her pussy, she’s wrong. She can suck my cock, though.

  “Suck,” I growl.

  The nameless girl opens her mouth, and I drop my boxers so she can suck me. She’s not very good, but she’s giving it her all, licking and slurping, trying everything she can to get me off. Little does she know that the way she’s working me, I could do this for hours.

  I yawn and that’s when I know that I need to hurry this along. I grab the sides of her head and hold her still before I fuck her mouth. I don’t bother gauging how she’s doing; she’ll take what I give her.

  I fuck her until I feel myself building toward my release, and then I thrust myself completely down her throat and come. I could have come on her face or her bare tits, but I didn’t want to mark her.

  “Wow,” she breathes once I remove my cock from her throat.

  “You got a way to get home?” I ask, grabbing a towel from my closet.

  “Uh, no. I was hoping I could stay here for a while,” she murmurs.

  “You can talk to Serina about being a whore,” I offer in return.

  “What if we were together? You could have me anytime you wanted,” she suggests. I try not to laugh, but it bubbles out anyway.

  “Bitch, I could have you anytime I wanted to regardless. I don’t know you, I’m not makin’ anyone my Old Lady.”

  “We just fucked all night long,” she points out.

  “Yeah, and?”

  “Seriously?” she asks with wide-eyes.

  “I’m takin’ a shower. You be gone by the time I get back,” I murmur before I leave the room.

  When I’m finished with my shower, I’m thankful that my bedroom is empty upon my return. I dress for the day, knowing that I’ll need to leave for a run.

  Thankfully, we aren’t working for The Cartel anymore. Doing their runs made me nervous as fuck. About a year ago, all hell broke loose when our new partners, the Russian Bratva, asked for help crippling The Cartel’s drug business in the states.

  Our club voted and unanimously decided to get The Cartel off of our backs. They, like the Aryans we worked with before them, were too fucking unstable. With the Russians, at least we know what they want and how they want it. They seem to be upfront and forward, proven in the past year we’ve been working together.

  We’ve also gotten back into running guns, which I prefer over drugs, anyway. Instead of running them to Canada, which we’ve done in the past, we’re going in the opposite direction.

  The Canadian club is passing them down to us to deliver in the states. That’s also a plus, not trafficking guns over the border. Let them deal with the fallback for a while, in case something happens.

  The now cleaned up Canadian club was a fuckin’ mess for a while. They were using more product than they were selling and were becoming a hazard, not only with The Cartel, but with our club as well.

  Last year, we went with the original charter and cleaned their shit up. Snake is their new president, and he’s got their shit on lockdown now. No more coked out whores and wired brothers.

  It feels like shit is finally settling a bit and getting back to a normal pace, which probably means something’s going to go down soon to shake it all up again.

  “You headed out?” Fury asks as I walk into the common room.

  “Yeah,” I mumble, making sure I have everything I need for the run.

  “You got that girl taken care of?” Fury asks. I look up at him confused, then realize he’s talking about Hattie.

  “Yeah. I took her home last night. She’s safe.”

  “Pretty little young thing,” he remarks.

  “Yeah,” I agree.

  “We gonna see more of her around here?” he asks. I wonder if it’s him, or if it’s Kentlee who is so curious.

  “Doubtful,” I say.

  “Too bad,” he mumbles before he stands up and walks away from me.

  My mind drifts back to Hattie. I picture her standing in the middle of the parking lot with her douchebag brother as I sped away. She looked fucking heartbroken. She would have looked a lot worse had I fucked her. She just doesn’t understand; she can’t understand. She’s too innocent and sweet to want me. I’d ruin her, everything about her would be completely destroyed.

  If I didn’t do it immediately—eventually, I’d break her.

  I get on my bike and I take off toward Canada. When the snow comes in the next few weeks, this run will have to be made with my car. For now, I can make it with my bike. I nod to Grizz as I pass him; he’s been waiting by the gate and falls behind me immediately. Nobody makes these runs alone, but we also don’t go as an army. Three riders at most, usually two. Low profile. I let out a heavy sigh as visions of Hattie fill my head again.

  I want her.

  Fuck, I want her.

  The memory of that hot, little bitch is going to haunt me unti
l I have her. I’ll have no choice but to take her. She’ll hate me, and I’ll hate myself, but we’ll both get it out of our system. Decision made. Shitty decision, but a decision nonetheless.

  I have to taste her at least once.

  Maybe I can resist going back for seconds.

  It’s Monday morning, after my Saturday run-in with Johnny, and I have to brave work. I work as a bank teller. More accurately, I’m the vault teller, which gives me more responsibilities around the branch. I order cash and I have to balance the vault every night, among other extra duties. Unfortunately, Willa works with me and I’ll have to see her today, after ignoring her calls and texts all day yesterday.

  My apartment is near the bank, which is the way I planned it, since I don’t have a car of my own. I decided to forego college and move into my own place, so my parents don’t help me at all financially. It isn’t that they’re being mean. They aren’t.

  They’d pay for my schooling, if I knew what I wanted to study. I don’t. So instead of wasting time and money, I’m waiting. I like my job. For now, it satisfies me.

  I’m more excited about being on my own, living out from under their thumb. Although, I’m still under their and Andy’s watchful eye. At least I have a little more freedom than I did under their roof.

  “So, you’re pissed still?” Willa asks challengingly as I walk behind the teller station to log into my computer and clock in.

  “I’m not pissed, I’m disappointed,” I say, typing in my login and password information.

  “Please, you got home. What’s the big deal?” she asks.

  Anger flows through my body as I turn to face her, then I yank down the scarf I’m forced to wear, showing her my bruised neck.

  “The big deal is, I was almost raped,” I say, my voice low but stern.

  “What?” she screeches.

  “Yeah, if it wasn’t for Johnny, I would have been. He stopped it,” I murmur.

  “Johnny?” she asks, furrowing her brows.

  “Remember in high school when you ditched me in Bonners Ferry because you decided Brandon was flirting with me and it pissed you off?” I ask, arching a brow.

  I carry my drawer of money to my station and start to count it as I enter my starting balance into the computer.

  “Why are you bringing up old shit, Hatt? I thought we were over all of that?” she asks, scowling.

  “Johnny was the guy who helped me back then. He helped me again Saturday night,” I inform her. She nods.

  “Oh, he’s a Devil, isn’t he?” she asks with wide eyes and an even wider smile.

  “Yeah,” I sigh.

  “Did you suck his dick?” she asks, licking her lips.

  “No. Andy was waiting for me at my apartment,” I mutter.

  “Fuck, Andy’s the biggest cockblock ever,” she grumbles. “I had the best night, by the way. I had a threesome,” she whispers.

  “What?” I ask with wide eyes.

  “I always wanted to try being with a woman,” she shifts her eyes to the side and waits for my reaction. I don’t give one. Instead, I wait. “Anyway, it was so good; I want to do it again, except without a man getting in the way.”

  Just like that, she thinks everything’s just fine between us. Usually, I’m a pushover and let everything go back to normal. Normal being: Willa’s in charge, what she says goes, and she ditches me for whatever man is currently in her life. Then, when she’s single, she’s the best BFF ever.

  Not anymore. I’m so done. I’ll be cordial, but we’re not best friends anymore. I’m tired of being used, being ditched in scary situations, and being at her beck and call.

  “Hope you find someone to help you out with that,” I deadpan.

  “I know exactly who I want,” she whispers.

  I don’t say anything else. I don’t care who it is. I just want to get away from her. I’m not just going to lie down and let her continue to walk all over me. Last night was terrifying, and all she wants to talk about is how some girl licked her cookie. Gross.

  The bank is slammed the entire day, so we don’t have a chance to socialize, for which I’m grateful. I don’t want to deal with her. She waves at me as she leaves after her shift, and I give her a half smile. She and the rest of the tellers leave early, while I have to stay with the manager and assistant manager to help close the branch down.

  “She’s not a good friend,” Julia, the assistant manager, says.

  “I know,” I agree.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to be done with her. You’re a smart girl. You deserve better women in your life,” she advises.

  “Thanks, Julia. I agree. Willa is, well, she was comfortable. I’ve known her since I was five years old,” I admit as we close and lock the vault door.

  “Just stay strong and don’t let her manipulate you,” Julia whispers as I leave.

  “I’ll try my hardest,” I smile, closing and locking the front door behind me.

  I wrap my sweater around my body as I walk the few blocks home. The weather is changing and I can feel winter on the heels of fall, which means I’ll be walking to work in the snow soon. The wind blows and I dip my head and keep my eyes plastered on the sidewalk in front of me. It’s dark already, and though I know this town is safe, I don’t care for walking around in the dark at all. My heels click against the wooden stairs as I climb them toward my apartment door.

  “You don’t have a car?” a deep voice asks.

  My head snaps up and my step falters at the man leaning against my front door.


  “I don’t,” I murmur as I reach around him and unlock my unit with shaky hands.

  Neither of us speaks as I open the door and he follows me inside. I hear it close behind him, then he locks it. I turn around to face him and inhale a shaky breath, trying to calm my nerves. He’s so sexy standing in front of my closed door. Snug jeans hang low on his hips, a tight shirt showcasing his lean muscle, and an unlit cigarette hanging from his lips.

  Johnny’s chocolate eyes look down at me and I gasp when he throws the cigarette down and takes the few steps toward me, wrapping his hands around my hips before he pulls me toward his body.

  “You’re fuckin’ freezing,” he murmurs.

  “Weather’s changing,” I whisper, looking up at him.

  “Fucking hell,” he mutters before I feel his lips on mine.

  Johnny kisses me roughly—his mouth hard and unrelenting. I feel his tongue slide across my lips, and I moan, opening up for him. His tongue fills my mouth as I wrap my hands around his neck, pulling myself even closer against him. My breasts smash against his chest, my stomach pressing against his hard cock.

  “Room,” he grunts as he bends down and wraps his hands around my ass, picking me up.

  “Walk straight toward the hall, only door on the left,” I murmur, my eyes focused on his brown ones.

  He doesn’t speak again as he carries me into my bedroom.

  I’m thankful that I spent Sunday evening picking up and cleaning for the week so my room is clean. It looks far better than it did Saturday night, with clothes and shoes strung all over the place.

  Johnny sets me down on my feet before he takes a step back from me and looks around the room. He smirks when his eyes land on my leopard print comforter with hot pink and black decorative pillows.

  “You’re young,” he murmurs as his finger trails down from my temple to my lips.

  “I’m an adult,” I say stubbornly.

  “I’m not insulting you. I like it,” he grins.

  “Are you some kind of perv who really likes little girls?” I ask, suddenly feeling uncomfortable about this situation.

  Johnny’s hand slides to behind my head. He wraps it around the hair at the nape of my neck before he pulls my head back, forcing me to look into his eyes. He looks pensive, and seriously pissed off at my question. My belly quivers with nerves as I try to control my breathing.

  “I like you, I like the way you look. I like your young looking, inn
ocent face because it’s yours. I like the fact that you’re sweet and soft. Does it make me a sick fuck that I can’t wait to shatter that innocence? Fuck, yeah. Does it make me a pervert that I want to control you, to teach you? Probably. Do I want to fuck any other girl because she looks barely legal? Fuck, no. Just you, Hattie,” he murmurs before his lips devour mine.

  I feel his teeth scrape my bottom lip before he bites down and gently nibbles it. Then he abandons my lips as he kisses down my neck to the exposed part of my chest. I’m completely covered in my work clothes, so he doesn’t get far.

  His hands release my hair and he strips my cardigan down my arms before he pulls off my scarf. Then his fingers go to the button of my white shirt. I shiver when he quickly unbuttons the shirt and peels it down my arms to join the cardigan piled behind me. When one of his hands moves to my bra covered breast, I gasp as he wrenches the cup down and his lips wrap around my nipple, his mouth sucking me inside.

  I throw my head back with a moan when I feel his tongue flick against my hardened bud. His other hand fumbles with the zipper at the back of my skirt. He moans when it falls to the ground, and then he grabs a handful of my lace covered ass.

  “Johnny,” I breathe as I dig my fingernails into his shoulders.

  “I’ll try to be gentle, Hattie, but I don’t know if I can,” he murmurs against my breast before he blows cool air against my nipple.

  “Don’t be. Give me all of you,” I murmur shakily.

  “I’ll hurt you,” he rasps as he places his forehead against my chest.

  I can hear his heavy breathing, and I know he’s fighting with himself. I don’t want him to leave, I want him too badly. I’ve wanted him for far too long.

  “Please,” I murmur as I move my fingers to run through his hair.

  “Maybe it would be better if you just hated me,” he mutters before he wraps his hand around my shoulder and applies pressure to push me down to my knees.

  Once Hattie is on her knees, she looks up at me with those big, fuckin’, green, doe eyes and I swear to god, all I want to do is ram my dick down her throat. She’s so fuckin’ beautiful. One small tit on display, her hair mussed up, her lips even fuller from my kiss, and her cheeks so flushed.


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