Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3)

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Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3) Page 7

by Hayley Faiman

  “Breathe through your nose,” he mumbles, his eyes focused on mine.

  I try to relax, calm myself, and do as he instructs—breathe through my nose. Johnny slips further down, and I can take him. I relax as much as I can. With his eyes on mine, his chocolate irises focused completely on me, soft and gentle, I feel like I can take on the world.

  “Put your hands behind your back, princess,” he gently orders. I do it, happily.

  “Oh, fuck, you’re so fuckin’ pretty right now,” he groans as he thrusts his hips a little faster in and out of my mouth, careful not to go any further than I can take.

  I feel his dick harden even more and then he pulls himself out of my mouth and uses his hand to stroke himself before I feel the first spurt of his cum hit my cheek. I flinch every time a stream lands on my face, but when I open my eyes, I see the way Johnny is looking down on me. It’s with that same softness from moments ago, yet there’s heat mixed in there, and a little awe.

  I don’t move, or even speak, waiting to see what he’s going to do next. Then he lifts his hand and trails his fingers from the top of his cum, down to my chin. Repeating the move until my entire face is covered in his release.

  “Gorgeous,” he finally murmurs. “Now come up here and I’ll reward you.”

  I watch as he lies down on my hot pink sheets. I smile at the sight of him and all of his black tattoos against my extremely feminine bedding. He shouldn’t look as good as he does there, he shouldn’t look like he fits, but he does. I climb onto the bed and kneel next to his hips, unsure of what he wants next, and honestly wanting to clean my face off.

  “Straddle my face,” he orders.

  My eyes widen and I shake my head slightly. I can’t do that. No way.

  “Now,” he growls.

  I quickly scramble up his body and place each of my knees beside his face and hover above him. I’m afraid to actually sit down. It’s such an odd thing, and I’ve never done anything like it. I’m afraid I’ll suffocate him, or at least hurt him somehow.

  “Let me taste this pussy, my pussy,” he murmurs. His fingers wrap around my thighs and he pulls me down against his mouth.

  He licks my center with one long stroke before he wraps his lips around my clit and flicks his tongue quickly back and forth, I melt. I completely forget about the cum staining my face, the fact that I could smother him with my pussy, and all my insecurities. Instead, I grip his hair with my fingers and I grind against him, enjoying the feeling of his mouth, his tongue, and his perfect scruffy, short beard against all of me.

  “Oh, my god,” I breathe as his hands grab hold of the cheeks of my ass and guide me faster and harder against him.

  Johnny moans and I feel it throughout my entire body. Then, I feel his finger press against my ass, and I freeze.

  “You’ll like it,” he murmurs beneath me. I start to protest, but before I can get a word out, he begins to massage me there.

  My eyes widen and I look down at him. I can’t see anything but his brown eyes between my legs, and they’re fascinating. I suck in a breath as his tongue slides inside of my pussy at the same time his finger gently slides into my ass. I can’t hold the groan in at the feeling. It’s more than I’ve ever felt. More intimate, more intense—more everything.

  My thighs start to shake around Johnny’s ears, and then I come. I cry out as I pinch my eyes closed tightly and wrench my head backward, coming long and hard while he continues to eat me and slide his finger in and out of my ass.

  It’s all so much, and yet, it feels so good that I wish it could go on forever. When my body is spent, I slump over and Johnny pushes me down to his waist as I lie my head against his chest.

  “You’re exactly what I want, Hattie,” he murmurs against my head. I don’t understand it, but I don’t ask any questions.

  “Let’s take a shower, eat, then I’m finally going to fuck you,” he suggests. I nod against his chest before I slide off of him.

  We walk together to the bathroom and I shriek when I see my face. What little makeup I wear has smeared, and my face is flushed and covered in his cum. My hair is knotted, matted, and crazy looking to top it all off. I start to turn from my reflection when I feel Johnny behind me, his hand going to my neck and holding me still, forcing me to look into the mirror.

  “You look so fuckin’ gorgeous right now, Hattie,” he murmurs against my ear.

  “I look terrible,” I whisper as my eyes water.

  “Fuck no, you don’t. First, you could never look terrible. Second, you’re covered in my cum and your hair is a mess from being with your man. You look like my naughty angel. My princess. All mine, every single piece of you is mine. This is just the beginning for us. I’m not a gentle man, and sometimes I may want to paint your whole body with my cum. To me, you’ll look the most beautiful accepting that, accepting all of me,” he rasps.

  I don’t say another word, and neither does Johnny. Silently, we step into the shower together. It’s quiet but fun as we take time to wash each other’s bodies. I like that he lets me explore him, he doesn’t laugh at me or roll his eyes, he watches. He watches the way I touch him and encourages me to feel all of him. Then, he cleans me thoroughly, including my face. He even washes my hair.

  Once we’ve dried off, I change into cotton shorts and a tank top as he orders us dinner. Pizza. Not my favorite meal, but Johnny said he was starving and I haven’t had it in a while. Plus, it’s the fastest delivery place in my small town. A few minutes later, there’s a knock on the door and he runs to the bedroom to get his wallet.

  I don’t think, I don’t look in the peephole. I just answer the door.

  I pull my jeans on, grabbing my wallet as I do, to pay for the pizza. Damn, those fuckers were fast. I walk out of the bedroom to a man’s raised voice, followed by Hattie’s sweet voice sounding irritated. I put an unlit cigarette between my lips, with the intentions of having a quick smoke before I eat, when I look up at see a cop in her doorway. Not just any cop, either. Her brother.

  “So you’re fucking him? Willa was right, then?” he says, looking down at Hattie.

  “That’s none of your business, Andy,” she says. I wish there was more fight to her, but she’s not the type.

  “There a problem?” I ask, walking up behind Hattie and placing my hand on her hip.

  “Yeah, you’re here at my extremely young, little sister’s place, using her. It’s a big fucking problem,” he announces.

  “She’s over eighteen, and I’m not using her,” I scoff.

  “How old are you?” he asks, narrowing his eyes.

  I roll my eyes and think about ignoring him, but it wouldn’t take much for him to find out everything about me, if he doesn’t already know. I’m in the database. I’ve been popped a few times doing shit for the club. I’m no fuckin’ choir boy.

  “I’m thirty,” I announce and watch the color drain from his prick face.

  “He’s eleven years older than you, Hattie. That’s fucking disgusting. He’s using you, fucking using you just so he can fuck a tight bodied nineteen-year-old, and then he’s gonna be fucking gone, you watch,” he shouts.

  I move Hattie to the side and step in front of her, unable to watch this asshole scream in her face for another second. Spewing his shit. I could fuck nineteen year olds all day long if I wanted to. I want Hattie because she’s Hattie. Her age doesn’t have anything to do with it.

  “Get the fuck out,” I grind out.

  “I don’t have to do dick. Did you forget I’m the one in a uniform and you’re the one in a thug ass gang?” he laughs in my face and my fist curls.

  “Yes, but this is my residence, and I’d like it if you’d please leave, Andy,” Hattie says softly from behind me.

  “I came over here to help you. Willa was genuinely concerned about you, and I am, too. I bet this guy has a record, Hattie, and you’re letting him use you,” he says, spewing more shit at her.

  “Andy, Willa only cares about herself. Please, don’t do this. I’
m an adult and it’s really none of your concern who I spend my time with,” she all but sighs, as if the conversation is tedious and annoying. It is, and her awareness of it makes me chuckle.

  “He’s going to fuck you up, and you’ll be all alone when he does,” Andy roars. I can’t listen to another word.

  I choose that moment to slam the door in his face. I turn around to face Hattie and see that she has tears falling from her eyes. I don’t do crying women. Not over outside shit. Crying from me fucking her, yeah, sure, love that. Crying because her brother’s a prick? No. I don’t understand compassion and sympathy.

  Hattie looks up at me as tears fall from her face, but I don’t know how to help her; and frankly, I don’t really understand her reason for crying. Feelings and emotions don’t affect me like they might other people. I can’t even remember the last time I cried. Maybe when I was three?

  I reach in my wallet and give her twenty bucks for pizza and tell her that I’ll be out on her back patio smoking my cigarette. I walk away without looking back at her tearstained cheeks. I’m never gonna be that guy that holds his chick while she cries about… well… anything. It’s just not something I have in me.

  I walk outside and look out at the shitty parking lot. It’s cooler, and soon, it’ll be snowing. I think about how Hattie doesn’t have a car, and my Chevelle isn’t really made for the snowy roads that lead me to her.

  “Johnny,” I hear her sniffle a few minutes later.

  “Yeah?” I ask not looking back at her, but focused on the shitty parking lot.

  “Pizza’s here,” she murmurs before I hear the sliding glass door close behind her.

  I snub out my smoke on her banister and follow her inside a few minutes later. She’s getting plates and drinks out. No beer, but cokes instead.

  “Is coke okay?” she asks.

  I nod, taking a plate and putting a few slices of pizza on it before I grab the drinks she’s made and set them down on the table. I don’t sit down, though. I walk back over to where she is in the kitchen and grab her arm, spinning her to face me.

  She looks up at me, but her wide eyes aren’t full of innocence, like usual. Now, they’re full of fear. I back her up and pick her up off her feet before I set her ass on the counter top and wrap my hands around her bare thighs, fitting my hips between them.

  “I’m not good at emotional shit,” I admit. I sound angry and pissed, but I don’t know how to do this.

  “I noticed,” she remarks, like a smartass.

  “Smartass,” I mutter. She smiles at me before I feel her hands wrap around my cheeks. I look up and into her mossy, green colored eyes. I could get lost in these eyes of hers, completely and totally fuckin’ lost.

  “You don’t do feelings and tears. It’s okay. I didn’t really think that you did, anyway,” she shrugs.

  I trail my finger from her thigh to the center of her little shorts, touching her warm pussy before I slip it underneath the fabric.

  “I can’t do emotions. I’ve never really had sympathy, or empathy, or whatever it is. It’s just not in me. I have anger and I feel pleasure, but beyond that, there’s not much going on,” I explain the best I can while my finger trails the warm slit of her cunt.

  Fuck, I can’t wait to bury my dick inside of her. She’s going to be so goddamn tight. I bet she strangles me. I lick my lips in anticipation.

  “I think you have more going on than you want to admit,” she says before she moans and drops her head back to hit the cabinet behind her. “One day, maybe I’ll get to see it all, too,” she whispers.

  “I need to eat before I show you more of me, and tonight, princess, you’re gonna see and feel a fuck’ve a lot more. I’ve waited long enough,” I inform her as I pull my hand away from her pussy and place her back on the floor.

  We eat in silence and I grin as I watch her quickly chew her food, bouncing slightly in her chair. I don’t take my eyes off of her. I can’t. She’s too fuckin’ cute, and pretty, and mine. I stand up and take her hand. The anticipation is killing us both as I pull her toward the bedroom.

  I was serious when I said I was burying my cock inside of her tonight, and I’m doing it bare. She’s my woman and, apparently, I’ve decided that I’m going to be her man. I’ve never been in a relationship, and I’ve never been faithful to one woman, for any length of time; but with Hattie, the sacrifice of easy pussy seems like a non-issue. She’s everything I never thought I’d have.

  My princess.

  I think about what she would look like fat with my kid. If that was something I could have with her. She’d be a good woman to be the mom to my kids. A good, clean, girl to raise and care for the family I want.

  I grin thinking about it.

  The thought is nothing more than fleeting at this exact moment, but maybe in a couple years I could breed her. She’s mine, and she ain’t goin’ nowhere.

  Johnny quietly leads me into my bedroom and then pushes his jeans off of his hips and is completely naked again. I’m getting more and more used to seeing his nude body. I like what I see. He’s lean and fit and beautiful. He continues his silence as he strips me of my cotton sleep set. My wet hair slaps my back once he’s pulled the shirt off and thrown it behind me somewhere.

  “Are you going to let me inside tonight, princess?” he asks. His voice is so low and husky, so soft; and when he calls me princess, I melt.

  “Yeah,” I breathe, unable to speak more than the one word.

  “Lie down, spread your legs for me,” he murmurs.

  I crawl into the center of the bed and spread my legs slightly. I’m so embarrassed. He’s standing at the side of the bed, just watching and waiting.

  “As wide as you can, show me what’s mine,” he murmurs.

  With a shaky breath, I pinch my eyes closed tightly and spread my legs as wide as I can. I gasp when I feel him slide one foot back so that my knee is bent and my foot is flat on the bed. Then he orders me to do the same with the other leg, leaving me even more exposed. I feel the bed dip and then Johnny demands that I open my eyes.

  When I gain enough courage to finally open my eyes, I am shocked at what I see. Johnny is between my legs, sitting back on his haunches, and he’s stroking his hard length as his eyes shift from mine to my center.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, Hattie. There is nothing at all to be embarrassed of. Your pussy is probably the most gorgeous pussy I have ever laid eyes on,” he murmurs as his eyes stay completely focused on my center.

  My belly clenches and I squirm slightly. I need him to touch me, to help make this ache go away like only he can. I wrap my fingers in my hot pink sheets and try to breathe. I gasp when his fingers trail my slick core.

  “You’re wet, my sweet Hattie,” he murmurs as his finger swirls around my clit.

  I whimper as my hips search out more contact.

  “Are you ready to take my cock?” he asks. I nod as my response, afraid I’ll scream if I try to open my mouth and speak.

  Without another word, I feel him line the head of his dick up with my pussy and push inside of me. Immediately, I scream and pinch my eyes shut as I try to breathe through the slight pain. He’s so much bigger than the other two guys I’ve been with, and it’s been almost a year since I’ve had sex, anyway.

  “Your pussy is fucking heaven,” he grunts as he pushes the rest of the way in. “Open your eyes and look at me.”

  I do as he demands and open my eyes, but a few tears slide down my temples.

  Johnny doesn’t move inside of me. He stays completely rooted and still as his thumbs swipe across my temples to rid my face of the wet tears.

  “I’m not a gentle man. I’ve never been gentle during sex,” he announces.

  “Okay,” I rasp.

  I feel his hands leave my face and wrap around the insides of my thighs. Then he pushes them down further, opening me up even more and making my legs scream in protest. Before I can say or do anything, he pulls out of me and then slams back inside on a groan. I gasp as he do
es it again, repeating the motion harder and faster each time.

  My thighs burn, and my pussy hurts, but when he grinds down against my clit, when he’s fully rooted inside of me, it’s worth all of the pain I’m feeling. I arch my back and relax the rest of my body, letting Johnny consume me—all of me. Letting him completely inside of me with no hesitation. It’s then that I feel my body climb toward its release. I moan as I start to shake slightly, climbing higher and higher.

  “Johnny,” I sigh.

  “Come all over my cock, Hattie. Come all over me,” he groans.

  My body starts to shake uncontrollably and my eyes roll in the back of my head as I explode. I climax, hard. Johnny doesn’t stop. In fact, he thrusts into me harder and faster until I feel him twitch and then fill me with his own release.

  “Fuck,” he roars before he releases my thighs and collapses on top of me, his mouth going straight to my neck.

  His tongue licks the side of my throat before his teeth bite down against my sensitive, tender skin.

  “Wow,” I breathe as I wrap my arms around his back. Gently, I start to stroke his damp skin with my short nails.

  “Fuck, yeah, wow. Pussy’s so good, Hattie, so fucking good,” he murmurs against my sweat soaked skin.

  My breath hitches when I feel him begin to move inside of me again.

  “Johnny?” I ask, unsure of how he could have come and is still inside of me. The other guys I dated came, got out, and that was it.

  “Ssshhh, just want to feel you some more. So fuckin’ good. So warm. So tight,” he mumbles, his face still buried in my neck, his scruff scratching me.

  Johnny continues for a few more strokes until he pulls out with a groan, placing a kiss on my nipple before he rolls onto his back next to me. I don’t know what to do, lying next to him, feeling his cum sliding down the crack of my ass.

  “You got work in the mornin’?” he asks as he stands and walks over to my bathroom.


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