Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3)

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Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3) Page 10

by Hayley Faiman

  “That she sucked your cock this morning, and for me not to get comfortable with you to myself because you like to share,” I say looking into his eyes.

  “Okay,” he says.

  Johnny’s lack of response makes me angry. He’s said he was my man, that we were in a relationship, and now he’s just saying okay?

  “Okay?” I ask trying to stay calm.

  I don’t get angry easily, and I’m a doormat—I know that I am—but when provoked, my temper can get the best of me from time-to-time.

  “I didn’t invite her into my room. I didn’t ask her to do anything. I woke up as I was coming. I thought it was a dream, I thought it was you,” he says, offering his lame excuse.

  “Why did I find out from her?” I ask.

  “Because I knew it’d piss you off. I didn’t want drama; I didn’t want this. I wanted to have a nice night with my woman, followed by some hot as fuck sex, then repeat that shit for tomorrow,” he grins.

  There it is again; the reason he really wants me here—sex. I can’t handle it. I thought I could, but I can’t. Not if he’s going to be doing whatever he wants with whoever he wants. I’m not that girl. I can’t blindly go on pretending he’s not with other people while I wait for him.

  I want more.

  I deserve more. I pinch my eyes closed before I ask him for his phone.

  “Why do you want my phone?” he asks, furrowing his brows.

  “I’m calling Andy to come and pick me up. I shouldn’t have come,” I murmur, holding my hand out.

  Johnny doesn’t place his phone in my hand. He bats it away and wraps his hand around my ass, pulling me into his chest. He lowers his head so that our noses touch, and with a deep rumbled voice, he speaks.

  “You ain’t callin’ your asshole brother. You can’t leave me; you’re mine, Hattie. That bitch shouldn’t have said anything to you. I warned her. I don’t want her. I want you.”

  I place my hands flat on his chest and push, but he’s too strong and his grip on me is too tight.

  “I don’t want to be yours. Not if this is the way it’s going to be. Maybe other women don’t care, but I do. I care,” I sob, unable to hold my tears in another minute longer.

  Between Steve, Willa, Andy, my job, the skank, and Johnny, I can’t hold it back anymore. I’ve officially had one of the worst days of my life.

  “You don’t have a choice. You’re mine. Like it or not, there’s nothing you can do about it. I’ve had a taste of you and I’m never letting you go. I didn’t fuck her. I wouldn’t. And I didn’t do anything wrong. You’re going to have to open your eyes and see that it isn’t black and white. I won’t apologize because I didn’t do anything wrong,” he announces. It makes my stomach turn, because he’s not wrong. He’s not right, but he’s not wrong.

  I press my lips together as my tears fall. I don’t want to argue, but I don’t want to give in and be a complete pushover—no matter how badly I want to. He’s close, he’s touching me, and I can smell him. I want him already.

  “These bitches are fuckin’ crazy, princess. They’ll try to do everything to run you off because they want to be where you are. You have to be strong enough and smart enough to see through their bullshit,” he tries to explain.

  “Where’s that?” I ask.

  “My woman. In my bed and not kicked out on your ass after we fuck. They want me to look at them the way I look at you, like I might fuckin’ fall apart if you walked out on me. They want me to ache when they cry, like I’m achin’ right now as these tears fall from your eyes,” he whispers running his nose along mine before he presses his lips against my own.

  “I’m still hurt,” I murmur against his lips.

  “Let me kiss it all better,” he moans as he squeezes my ass.

  I don’t say another word. He invades my mouth, and I let him. I open for him, just like I know I shouldn’t, just like I probably always will. I slide my hands from his chest, lifting my arms around his shoulders and reaching up to gently tug on the hair at the nape of his neck. His hands slide to the tops of my thighs as he picks me up and carries me to his bed. I brace for him to throw me onto the mattress, but he doesn’t. Instead, he gently lowers me down and then follows to nestle his hips between my thighs, never breaking our kiss.

  “I need you, Hattie,” he murmurs against my lips before he gently nips my bottom lip and starts to kiss down my neck.

  “I should leave right now,” I sigh as he pulls my tank down and gently bites the swell of my breast.

  “Take this jacket off,” he orders softly as his warm fingers caress my stomach.

  I quickly pull my jacket from my arms as his hands push my tank up and over my head, both pieces of material land somewhere across the room on the floor, his own t-shirt quickly following. Then I hear the thump of each of his boots as they hit the floor.

  “Johnny,” I sigh as he kisses down my stomach to the top of my pants.

  “You can’t leave me, princess. I’m gonna fuck up, but you can’t go,” he murmurs against my skin before he starts to peel my pants down.

  I don’t say another word, because seconds later, his warm mouth is on my center. I bring my knees up and drape my legs over his shoulders—opening myself even more for him. I’m still shy, but when Johnny is between my thighs, any part of him, I feel gorgeous.

  “Don’t hurt me,” I whisper shakily.

  “Never on purpose, Hattie,” he murmurs as he lifts his face, then he sucks my clit between his lips and I moan shamelessly loud.

  I roll my hips closer to him, to the scratchy scruff on his cheeks, his teeth, and his glorious tongue. I come with a scream, an uncontrollable scream. My thighs tighten around Johnny’s ears and I squeeze, pushing against his tongue as it flicks my clit.

  Once I regain my faculties, I slowly will myself to relax, and I drop my legs from his shoulders.

  “Roll over, princess,” he orders.

  I do what he asks without hesitation. I’m boneless and satisfied, happy, and feeling high from his touch.

  Johnny’s hands wrap around my hips and he wrenches my lower half up. I’ve never had anything but missionary sex, so my heart starts to race as I finally realize what’s going to be happening between us, this new foreign position. Johnny must sense it, because I feel his hand travel up my spine to the back of my head. He tangles his fingers in my hair before he gently pulls my head back.

  “Relax, Hattie, relax. I won’t hurt you, but you’re going to take me, yeah?”

  His eyes are such a dark chocolate, almost black, and he’s staring straight at me, as if he’s looking through my soul. I nod as my answer. Then I feel him enter me, slowly. I can feel his cock stretching me as he agonizingly slowly enters my body until he’s completely seated inside of me.

  He doesn’t move; much like the night before, he stays still, rooted deep inside. My legs shake, wanting to push back against him, needing some friction, some movement—something.

  Then the hand that’s tangled in my hair pulls, wrenching my head back and my body up. I cry out in shock and slight pain.

  “Ssshhh, relax, Hattie. Remember how good I make you feel when you relax?” he murmurs against my ear.

  I close my eyes as his other hand wraps around my throat. I will my body to relax, trying not to think about the pain in my scalp or the urge to move back against him.

  “You are so pretty right now, princess, and you make me so fuckin’ happy,” he coos in my ear.

  Then, finally, finally, I feel his dick glide slightly out of me before its slams back inside. I yelp in surprise but try to relax myself again.

  I whimper when he pulls my head back even more, arching my neck. Then his face is in front of mine, hovering over me, and his lips are touching my own.

  “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, Hattie. You’re mine, your body is mine, and so is your heart. I’m claiming all of you. There’s nothing you can do about it now, just accept it—accept me,” he murmurs as he continues to glide in and out of my bo
dy. I can’t say a word. Nothing comes out but my own panting.

  “Johnny,” I choke as I feel my body rising again toward another climax.

  “Put your hand between those thighs and make yourself come on my cock, Hattie,” he grunts as he continues to slam inside of me, his lips on mine, one hand in my hair and the other on my throat. He’s surrounding all of me.

  I shove my hand between my body and the bed, then I quickly start to rub circles against my clit. I feel the buildup, it’s an excruciating feeling, and I don’t know what to do. I want to stop, but it all feels so good that I can’t. So, again, tears well up in my eyes and fall down the sides on my temples.

  “Keep going, don’t stop, I want you to come all over me,” he murmurs. The pressure starts to build and him being inside hurts too damn much. I practically launch myself forward as I come. It’s long and hard and wet. Too wet.

  “Oh, shit,” I cry out.

  “Fuck,” Johnny groans from behind me. I feel his release spill onto my lower back. He then completely collapses on top of me, his front pressed against half of my back.

  “Something happened,” I whisper.

  “Fuck yeah, something happened; the best sex of my life just happened,” he murmurs as he kisses the side of my neck.

  “No, I think I peed or something. I want to die right now,” I mutter, trying to wiggle out of the way.

  “You didn’t pee, princess. You squirted; fucking hell, I wish I could have seen more, too,” he murmurs as he presses his hips into my ass a bit more, pushing his semi-soft dick further inside of me.

  “I did what?” I cry out, completely and totally embarrassed.

  Johnny slides out of me and then sits up in the bed, his back against the headboard. He drags me between his thighs, so that my back is pressed against his chest, then his fingers begin to trail over my breasts and down my stomach to my center, stopping at my core where he plays with me. There’s no other way to describe it. His fingers gently pet, sliding up and down, dipping inside and swirling around my clit. The touches are light and soft. I wrap my arm around his neck and press my lips to his skin.

  “You ejaculated, Hattie. I hit your g-spot and you came. I don’t think many bitches can do that from regular sex. Fuck, the fact that you can… I want to watch next time,” he murmurs.

  “Regular sex? It looks and felt like pee,” I sigh closing my eyes as I lightly roll my hips with his ministrations. “I don’t want you to watch, I don’t want to do it again.”

  “Mostly it happens during anal. Fuck that shit, though. You’re doing it as many fuckin’ times as I can get you to. It’s so damn sexy,” he whispers against my ear as he slides two fingers deep inside of me.

  “I can’t come again,” I say pleadingly.

  “Yeah, you can. Come for me, Hattie. Show me what a good girl you are for me,” he growls. My thighs shake as he presses his palm against my clit while his fingers fuck me.

  “Johnny,” I cry out. I’m too sensitive, and this is too much.

  “Fucking come on my hand,” he demands.

  I twist my fingers in his hair as his other hand grabs ahold of my breast. His fingers pinch my nipple as I scream with my release.

  It hurts, it hurts and yet it feels so good all at the same time.

  I’m so tender, and I know I’m going to be extremely sore tomorrow, but I don’t care. Not right now. My body shakes in his arms and I gasp when he slides his fingers out of me.

  “Ssshhh, Hattie, you were so good. You did a great job,” he murmurs against my ear as he wraps his arms around me.

  I look down at Hattie, who is passed the fuck out next to me in bed. She’s exhausted and it’s because of me. I feel like a fuckin’ peacock, I’m so proud. She’ll definitely be walking funny tomorrow, and I’ll know with each grimace it was me who made her feel that way.

  We’re in this weird place of limbo. I want her as mine, completely and totally. I’ve told her as much, but she doesn’t believe it. So, I can’t ask her to be branded with my name quite yet. She wouldn’t understand.

  I wanted to ease her into the club life, then once she understood a little bit, met some of the Old Ladies, then I could brand her and keep her away, except for family social events. I don’t think that could happen now, at least not for a while. She’s going to need to trust me, and because of Serina, she can’t—not yet.

  I smile widely as I remember the way I fucked her, brutally; the way she took it without hesitation, and the way she squirted everywhere. Fuck, I feel like a goddamn king. I’ve never made another woman do that before from fuckin’ her pussy. To know I can make my woman do that, it’s the best feeling in the world.


  I want it every time now.

  A knock on my door interrupts my self-gloating and I scramble out of bed, grabbing my jeans quickly. I don’t want whoever it is to wake Hattie up. She needs her sleep; tonight, she’s going to work my dick some more. I need all I can get from her before I have to send her back home to Sagle.

  Yeah, this one-hour distance between us isn’t going to work. Not at all.

  “What?” I ask as I pull the door open.

  Grizz is standing on the other side, looking like a pissed off bear.

  “Your girl’s brother is here, in uniform, making threats,” he grunts. I close my eyes before I curse.

  “Let me grab my boots,” I mutter as I turn away and grab my socks and boots from their discarded place on the floor. Once they’re on, I take my cut from the chair and slide it on, sans shirt.

  “I would ask if she was worth it, but I see that she is,” Grizz chuckles and I look at the bed.

  Hattie is naked and passed out on her stomach. Her legs are spread wide, and one is cocked to a bend. You can see her swollen pussy and gorgeous ass on display. Then at the side of the bed, near the bottom, is the evidence of her ejaculate from earlier. Fuck, she is worth it. No matter what shit storm her brother tries to bring to my door, she’s fuckin’ worth it all.

  “Stop being a pervert. She’s young enough to be your daughter,” I point out as I walk past him and out of my room. I wait for him to close the door then follow me.

  “Just lookin’, not touching,” he laughs. It’s loud and booming.

  Walking into the bar area, I look around and notice that there are still passed out bodies all over the place. I grin at what Andy must be thinking, especially since his baby sister was here all night.

  “Where’s Hattie?” he growls as soon as he sees me.

  I grab my pack of cigarettes out of my cut and take one out, lighting it before I give him an answer.

  “Asleep in my bed. What the fuck time is it, anyway?” I ask, running my hand through my messy hair.

  “Eight,” he shrugs.

  “In the morning?” I almost scream. My head protests the loud noise.

  “Yeah, it’s when normal members of society wake up, you asshole,” Andy points out. His cop buddies smile widely beside him, obviously trying to hold their laughter in.

  “Not when they’ve just gone to bed two hours ago,” I point out.

  “I want to talk to my sister,” he says, ignoring me.

  “She’s asleep, and I’m not waking her up. Not after she’s only been asleep for two hours,” I point out. He rolls his eyes.

  “Just go get her.”

  “No, you sent some fuckwad to her place last night to try and entice her or some shit. It didn’t work, by the way, man; she doesn’t want some pencil dicked teenager. Fuck, I never knew a brother that was so concerned with his sister’s pussy and who she dates. What’s your deal?”

  “You better shut the fuck up about my sister, right fucking now,” he growls. I watch as his friends hold him back.

  I wouldn’t care if he wanted to go to blows. Hitting him would be kind of fun at this point—therapeutic.

  “Why are you here? Hattie’s fine. She’s asleep. I’ll have her call you when she wakes up if you want her to; but she’s staying with me for the w
eekend, so don’t hold your breath waiting by the phone.”

  “She was laid off yesterday because of you, and I want to make sure she’s okay, see if she needs anything,” he says.

  I nod once, remembering the conversation she had with Kentlee last night about being let go from her job.

  “I didn’t do anything to hurt her job. I dropped her off before her shift yesterday,” I say, wondering why he would think I would have anything to do with her job.

  “Yeah, and her bank manager saw you with your gang affiliated cut and doesn’t want someone who is involved with trash like you working at her bank. So Hattie lost the job she’s had for over a year because of her involvement with your punk ass,” Andy says. He seems smug, very smug, which makes me think he had something to do with it.

  “So what, you called her manager and talked to her ahead of time or some shit? How would she even know Hattie was with me?” I ask. He pales slightly, which means I’ve hit the nail on the head. “You’re the fuckin’ asshole here, man. You got your sister fired because she’s fuckin’ some guy you don’t like. Get over yourself. You don’t make her life decisions for her. Hattie’s an adult woman. She can date who she pleases. It isn’t for you or anybody else to decide who she spends her time with. That was a bullshit move you pulled,” I announce. I watch as his buddies in blue look down at their boots, knowing this guy’s the asshole here, not me.

  “Watch your fuckin’ back, biker. I’ll get my sister away from you and I’ll get your ass locked up.” He spits at my feet and then turns to walks away, his fuck buddies following closely behind him.

  “That guy is a big brother pissed off and looking for trouble. You better keep a tight rein in on him,” Sniper says from behind me.

  “Would you be like that if I was dating Mary-Anne?” I ask, turning to him.

  “I would kill you, so it wouldn’t matter,” he says with almost no emotion.

  “I’m your brother,” I balk.

  “Yeah, and I know where your dick has been. If it ever went anywhere near my sweet baby sister, I’d kill you—slowly.”

  Sniper doesn’t offer anything else before he turns and leaves, walking back toward his bedroom, to his wife, who is probably just as passed out as Hattie is. Then I turn to leave as well, but Torch calls out to me before I make it even five steps.


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